Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 737 Reunion Before Departure

Chapter 737  Reunion Before Departure

"Hmm?" Xia Tian raised his eyebrows after he heard that, and he immediately explained it to his wife. "I previously returned to the sect to replant the vitality root there and also to look for Xia Wu, but I didn't go to see them. Moreover, Yao Mei is different from Liu Meng; she is attached to her daughter, and she still harbors feelings for her husband. As for Yao Yin, I'm quite interested in her, but she can't accept my relationship with all of you and prefers to deny her own feelings, so I never thought about bringing them with us."

"That's true." Bai Yinyue agreed with that. "Back then, I already talked to Yao Yin, but she indeed preferred her cultivation over her feelings. At first, I thought that it would change after she was intimate with you and tasted your Yang energy once, but my thoughts about her turned out to be wrong."

"Even so, I will talk to them later, especially since Yunzhi and Xian'er want to return to the sect one last time before we leave this planet." Xia Tian then sighed softly and looked far away. "Moreover, I also still have to meet some other people, but I don't know if they want to come with us."

Bai Yinyue nodded in understanding after hearing that, for she knew the identities of those people, but she doubted if they would be willing to come with them. She then took her husband's hand and led him to his room. "Let's rest first; I still want to discuss some things with you."

After they left, Han Shuo then took out several items from his storage ring and handed them over to Tian Longma and Shi Weishou. "I know that your combined strength is very strong, but you can keep them in case Qian Du uses any underhanded methods against the two of you, so that you have a chance to escape from him, and we will meet again in the higher realms."

"Thank you." The two beasts gladly accepted them, especially since all the items Han Shuo had forged were not ordinary items and were extremely valuable.



The next day, Xia Tian immediately brought Bai Yinyue and Han Shuo to the Fortress, and he immediately shrank it after he summoned out several women from within it.

As for Tian Longma and Shi Weishou, they decided to stay on the Holy Central Continent and wait for Qian Du and Xie Yuwen's arrival there.

After that, Han Shuo took them all away to the Southern Continent, especially since the women wanted to meet their old friends first.




Situ Meiqi was really surprised by the sudden arrival of three women, but she immediately ran over and hugged them one by one. "Hey, Qin Qing! Where have you been? You suddenly disappeared without telling us first!"

"Haha." Qin Qing laughed as she scratched her head. "My master suddenly came to this planet to meet me, and he took me away to the Holy Central Continent, so I lived there for some time."

"Even so, you could at least leave us a message." Situ Meiqi replied as she shook her head; she then turned to Yu Yunzhi. "Have you found the answers to all your questions?"

"Yes." Yu Yunzhi nodded to her. "However, I still didn't expect that they would choose you to replace Liu Tao, especially since you are always too lazy to take care of anything other than those books."

"What can I do?" Situ Meiqi asked with a helpless sigh. "Yao Mei is the most senior among us, but she prefers to focus on the Medical Hall, and none of them are willing to replace Liu Tao."

"Hehe." Yu Yunzhi chuckled while listening to Situ Meiqi's complaints. "No matter what, you really deserve to be the sect master of this sect, and I'm sure you can develop this sect further in the future."

Feng Xian'er suddenly said to her. "Meiqi, this will probably be our last meeting because we will be leaving this planet tomorrow, so we will stay here today to reminisce about the past with you and the others."

"Huh?" Situ Meiqi looked at Feng Xian'er in shock after she heard that. "Are you guys really going to leave this planet forever? Are you all never going to come back here again?"

Qin Qing was the first to answer her. "I've decided to follow my master to travel throughout the universe to improve my blacksmithing skills, but I might return to this planet again in the future. After all, this planet is my birthplace, so I will definitely miss it."

"Then what about you two?" Situ Meiqi asked Yu Yunzhi and Feng Xian'er.

The two women exchanged glances for a moment before Yu Yunzhi answered her. "We are now Xia Tian's wives, so we will continue to stay by his side. Whether we will return to this planet again or not, I cannot give you a definite answer for now, and I will follow his plan."

"That's true." Feng Xian'er answered her afterwards. "This universe is very vast, and there are many mysteries that pique my interest out there, so I will go with Xia Tian to study and solve all those mysteries. Even if I want to return to this planet again, I will probably return after a very long time."

After hearing their words, Situ Meiqi couldn't help but sigh, and she then grabbed their hands. "Even though I'm sad that I can't see you guys anymore, I will continue to pray for you both, and I hope that you will continue to be happy together with Xia Tian. Speaking of him, where is he now? Has he also come to this sect?"

Both women nodded to her, and Feng Xian'er told her. "I thought Xia Tian was with Yao Mei now."

"Will he also take Yao Mei away with you?" Situ Meiqi asked with a frown.

"We don't know Yao Me's decision yet." Yu Yunzhi replied with a shake of her head. "Even though she has dual-cultivated with Xia Tian several times, we all know that she still loves Han Lin very much, and she still harbors hopes of getting back together with him."

Situ Meiqi nodded in agreement. "After you guys left, Han Lin actually came here several times, but Yao Yin kept stopping him from seeing Yao Mei."

"We shouldn't be surprised by Yao Yin's attitude towards Han Lin, right?" Feng Xian'er replied with a soft sigh. "After all, he treated her and Yao Mei badly since she was little, so she really hates her father even now."

Situ Meiqi suddenly remembered something. "Speaking of Yao Yin, that girl's temperament has changed drastically since Xia Tian went to the Holy Central Continent. She has become cold and emotionless now, just like Ling Chen before, and she always shut herself up in seclusion to cultivate and train, but her swordsmanship increased rapidly because of that."

"Huh?" The two women were shocked after hearing that, but Yu Yunzhi then sighed and spoke to them. "Yao Yin has always been stubborn, and she has always prioritized her cultivation over anything else, but I didn't expect that she would let go of her emotions."

"You were right about her." Feng Xian'er replied with a nod. "Sigh, I don't know about Yao Yin anymore, and let Xia Tian talk to her later."

After that, Situ Meiqi took the two women to meet the other elders, and she talked and reminisced about the past they had shared together.




Meanwhile, Xia Tian was sitting opposite Yao Mei, and he was informing her about their departure plans, which made her expression a little complicated.

Xia Tian then asked her. "So what about your decision? Do you want to come with me or stay here?"

Yao Mei sighed softly after hearing his questions, and she spoke. "After you went to the Holy Central Continent, my daughter kept shutting herself in seclusion, and her character has changed a lot now. I was sure that she would not be willing to come with you, so I decided to stay with her."

"Hmm?" Xia Tian immediately spread his senses towards Yao Yin's seclusion room, but he was really surprised to see that there was no emotion on her face. 'What happened to her? How could she throw away her emotions like that?'

"After you left the sect, Yin'er kept thinking about you, and her father also came here several times." Xia Tian looked at Yao Mei with raised eyebrows. "She felt disturbed by your figure that kept popping up in her mind, and her father's presence also added to the problems for her. In the end, she decided to lock herself up for a whole month, and she didn't even eat at all. I don't know how she did it, but she became like that after coming out of seclusion, and I don't know what to do to get her back to normal."

"Sigh, it was my fault, and I should have been more aggressive towards Yao Yin from the start." Xia Tian answered as he let out a heavy sigh. "If I had done it back then, she definitely wouldn't be like that now."

"It's not your fault that Yin'er became like that." Yao Mei shook her head at him. "I know that she has fallen for you, but she is too stubborn to accept her feelings. Even though I have advised her many times, she was never willing to listen to my words, and she ended up like that now."

- To Be Continued -

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