Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 725 Sheng Jiang Captured

Chapter 725  Sheng Jiang Captured

"Unfortunately, we are can't go there." Xia Tian replied as he embraced her. "Although Ye Nantian is in my hands now, your brother is still there, and Qian Du must have also placed his people in your realm, so we will die a ridiculous death if we go there."

Ye Qingyue sighed and laid her head on his shoulder. "Honestly, I believe they still keeping my father's corpse now, so I want to go back to look for it."

"Ye Hang is a Divine Kun Peng, and his cultivation is also close to that of Immortals, so his corpse must not have decayed yet." Xia Tian then lifted Ye Qingyue's chin. "However, you may never be able to find his corpse, and you may have to face a painful reality."

"What do you mean by that?" Ye Qingyue asked in confusion.

Xia Tian sighed before he told her. "Currently, those necromancers have appeared again, and they are on the side of that race."

"You mean." Ye Qingyue's body trembled, knowing the meaning behind Xia Tian's words. "Are they really going to do that to my father's corpse?"

"I can't give you a definite answer, but they most likely did that to his corpse." Xia Tian didn't want to give Ye Qingyue false hope, so he decided to tell her the truth. "Divine Kun Peng's physique is very strong, so I'm sure those necromancers definitely won't waste the opportunity in front of them."

"Why? Why did they have to use my father's corpse?" Ye Qingyue screamed as she hugged Xia Tian back, and her body shook violently.

Xia Tian rubbed Ye Qingyue's back and spoke to her again. "After all, their abilities are like that, and they can only fight that way. However, you don't need to think about that for now, and you only need to focus on your cultivation for now. After we go to the higher realms, I will help you to become stronger, and we will fight them in the future."

"Help me to be strong, and I will kill them with my own hands." Ye Qingyue said as she hugged him tighter.

Xia Tian nodded to her. "Don't worry, you can definitely do it later."



Meanwhile, Jian Wuqing was already standing midair above a small island a bit far from the Holy Central Continent, and her eyes kept looking at the cave in the center of the island. "A demon array, huh? No wonder the current Xia Tian couldn't find them; I didn't expect that Xie Yuwen would equip his subordinate with this array, but it's useless in front of my eyes."

Jian Wuqing immediately took out her sword and enveloped the entire island with her aura. She then raised her sword and swung it directly towards the cave.



Quickly, the Demon Array began to crack and fall apart, but Jian Wuqing's attack didn't stop there; it also split the cave and the island in two.

Soon, Sheng Jiang and Zheng Mo, who were still naked, appeared before her eyes, and Jian Wuqing frowned after she saw her pitiful state.

Sheng Jiang immediately shouted at her. "Who are you? Why did you destroy my place and disturb me?"

[Idiot! This woman is a monster! Even my master wouldn't dare face her.] The demon inside Sheng Jiang's body screamed at him, shocking him.

'Who is she? Is she that much stronger than the master?' Sheng Jiang asked as he kept looking at Jian Wuqing.

[What a fool!] The demon cursed at him. [This woman is one of the strongest immortals! And she is also very vicious! I'm sure she won't spare us!]

'What?' Sheng Jiang was completely shocked to hear that. He looked around his surroundings and looked for a way to escape Jian Wuqing.

However, the demon spoke to him again. [Useless! We're already trapped within her aura, and we won't be able to escape from her!]

'So what should we do now? I don't want to die at the hands of this woman.' However, Sheng Jiang was shocked as soon as Zheng Mo disappeared from his hands, and she was already in Jian Wuqing's hands. 'What the fuck! I didn't even see her move!'

[Even if you beg her, she will definitely kill you anyway, especially after what you did to Zheng Mo, for she has also experienced something similar in the past!]

'No! I don't want to die in her hands! You have to do something so we can escape from her!' Sheng Jiang shouted at the demon as his body broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of his fate.

Without answering Sheng Jiang, the demon immediately carried out his last move, but he himself wasn't sure that it would work.

On the other hand, Jian Wuqing looked indifferent towards them, and her eyes looked at Zheng Mo with sympathy and pity.

Jian Wuqing then touched her forehead and channeled her energy into her body, and soon Zheng Mo opened her eyes, but her expression was truly miserable, for she still clearly remembered everything she had experienced.

"Do you want to live or die?" Jian Wuqing asked quietly.

"I don't know." Zheng Mo replied as she shook her head, but her expression clearly showed that she had no will to live anymore.

Jian Wuqing was not surprised by Zheng Mo's answer, for she had also been in similar circumstances before. "If you want to live, I will take you with me to another place. I can help you forget everything, or you can turn your suffering into strength. However, if you want to die, I will end your life myself."

"Can you really help me forget everything?" Jian Wuqing nodded at her, Zheng Mo then turned to Sheng Jiang. "I'll come with you, but I want to kill him first."

"I know you want to kill him, but I can't let you do it." Jian Wuqing replied as she shook her head, and Zheng Mo frowned at him. "He has massacred Sun Qingxue's family, so I will bring him to her."

Zheng Mo nodded in understanding after hearing that, for she had also listened to Sheng Jiang's confession to Sun Qingxue before. "All right, you can hand him over to Empress Sun. Whether I kill him or not, he will still die, and I am satisfied with that."

"That's good." Jian Wuqing then looked at Sheng Jiang, who was trembling even more after he listened to their conversation, but she suddenly frowned when she felt something from deep within his body. "You do realize that's useless, right? Even if Xie Yuwen's avatar descends to this planet, he wouldn't be able to save you guys from me."

'Hey! Demon! What was he saying?' Sheng Jiang asked worriedly.

However, the demon did not answer Sheng Jiang's question, and the sky in the Seven Star World suddenly blackened, throwing all the cultivators in the world into a state of confusion.

Before long, a gigantic black figure with two huge horns on his head descended from the dark sky and landed in that area, but his bloodshot eyes instantly trembled when he saw Jian Wuqing. "Emotionless Sword Immortal!"

"It seems your subordinate is an idiot, Xie Yuwen." Jian Wuqing spoke as she pointed her sword at him. "He already knew that you wouldn't be able to fight me, but he still decided to summon your avatar here."

Hearing that, Xie Yuwen's avatar turned to Sheng Jiang, but just as he was about to grab him, Jian Wuqing immediately swung her sword, and her sword energy directly slashed his hand. "Argh!"

"Even though you won't die, you certainly understand the consequences if I destroy your avatar, right?" Jian Wuqing asked as she swung her sword again, and some of her sword energy shot straight towards Xie Yuwen's avatar.

"Gah!" As Jian Wuqing's sword energies severed his other limbs, Xie Yuwen's avatar screamed in agony.

However, Jian Wuqing once again swung her sword toward him, and her next attack directly sliced Xie Yuwen's avatar in half. Instantly, he disappeared, and the sky in the Seven Star World brightened again. She then encircled Sheng Jiang with her aura and carried him away.




"Cough… Cough…" Xie Yuwen fell from his seat and spat out a large amount of blood from his mouth; even his face turned deathly pale, which was the result of his avatar being crushed by Jian Wuqing. "Fuck! Why do I have such a stupid minion like him? He knew that I was no match for that damn woman, but he still summoned me to that planet!"

Xie Yuwen then lay down on the floor and stared up at the ceiling of his room. "What exactly happened? Why is that woman on that planet?"

Suddenly, Xie Yuwen remembered something, and his expression turned even paler. "Shit! I remember that Ye Nantian went to that planet to capture his niece, and he must have arrived there by now! Since that woman was on that planet, he must have noticed her arrival!"

After that, Xie Yuwen tried to contact Ye Nantian, but he definitely did not get a response from him, especially since he was locked up by Xia Tian in his dual cultivation space. "Crap! If he really fell at that woman's hands, he would definitely tell her everything."

Xie Yuwen then rose to his feet with great difficulty and staggered out. "I have to go see Lord Qian Du right away, or things will get complicated if that woman and the other Immortals find out about everything."

- To Be Continued -

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