Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 724 Shiwang Zhishen First Mentioned

Chapter 724  Shiwang Zhishen First Mentioned

Suddenly, Xia Tian raised his eyebrows and looked in the air, but he then asked the three women who had just arrived. "I thought you guys would spend the night in your hometown."

"At first, we wanted to spend the night in my mother's hometown, but we remembered that that bastard were still roaming freely out there, so we came straight back here again." Sheng Ling replied as she hugged Xia Tian's arm. "Moreover, I'm still not satisfied with our dual cultivation, and I want to do it again."

"Big Sis! You sure are shameless now!" Sheng Mei shouted at her big sister and ran to her room right after.

Sun Qingxue was also about to return to her room, but Xia Tian immediately grabbed her hand. He then brought her and Sheng Ling into the Dual Cultivation Space, which shocked her, especially after she saw the huge bed. "Why did you bring me here? Even though we had dual-cultivated once, I don't want to do it with you anymore, so- Ouch!"

Xia Tian flicked Sun Qingxue's forehead hard as he shook his head. "I didn't bring you here to dual cultivate with you."

"Then what do you want from me?" Sun Qingxue asked as she rubbed her forehead, especially since Xia Tian used his energy to do so.

Xia Tian sighed softly and asked her back. "Do you think you will feel relieved if you commit suicide? Don't you think about Ling'er and Sheng Mei's feelings?"

"What?" Sheng Ling exclaimed loudly and grabbed her mother's hand. "Mother! Do you really want to commit suicide? Do you really have the heart to leave me and Mei'er?"

"I-" Sun Qingxue didn't continue answering her questions and asked Xia Tian instead. "How did you know that I wanted to commit suicide?"

Xia Tian then snapped his fingers, and a table and three chairs instantly appeared in their midst, causing Sun Qingxue to stare at him dumbfoundedly.

"You don't need to be shocked; this place can turn into anything I want." Xia Tian said as he sat down, and the two women sat before him. "Although the current me is much younger than you, I am still much older than you, and I have met too many people like you in the past."

"People like me?" Sun Qingxue asked with a raised eyebrow; even Shen Ling was confused by her husband's words.

Xia Tian nodded to her. "People who give up so easily because of disappointment and suffering like you, which makes you think that committing suicide is the best way out for you. Your suffering is too small in my eyes, and some of the people closest to me have experienced things much worse than you."

"Who are they?"

"Ling Chen has a pretty bad past, and she also had thoughts of committing suicide before." The two women were shocked to hear that, but they were even more shocked when Xia Tian told them about Jian Wuqing's past.

"Is it true that Senior Wuqing has such a terrible past?"

Xia Tian nodded to her. "However, Wuqing never thought of committing suicide, and his suffering only spurred her to become strong. In the end, she achieved everything and became one of my strongest rivals, and she slaughtered them along with all their descendants. Even the King of the Five Holy Lands had to step in to stop her actions, especially since those people have quite a strong status there, but she actually made him seriously injured for quite a long time."

"Huh?" The two women gasped at that. Although they were aware that Jian Wuqing was very strong, they didn't expect that she was so much stronger than the King of the Five Holy Lands.

Xia Tian chuckled at their reactions. "Although that man is the King of that place, there are still some people who are much stronger than him, and Wuqing is one of them."

"However, you are the strongest among them, right?" Sheng Ling asked with a proud smile.

"Not really." Xia Tian shook his head at her. "In fact, our strengths don't differ that much, but each of us has our advantages over one another. As for me, I can outperform them because I have experienced many things and have also found many interesting things during my wanderings. If you think Wuqing is already very strong, you will definitely be shocked if you meet Shiwang Zhishen. Even though I won against him once, my victory wasn't exactly perfect, and I won against him out of luck."

The two women raised their eyebrows, and Sun Qingxue asked. "Who is Shiwang Zhishen?"

"People hail him as the Immortal of Death, and everyone feared his Death God Art, including that foolish King." Xia Tian replied as he smiled strangely, causing the two women to shudder, and he then asked Sun Qingxue. "After you heard the story about Wuqing's past, do you still think that your suffering was so great? Are you still thinking about committing suicide?"

Sun Qingxue sighed and shook her head at him, and she had to admit that her suffering was nothing compared to Jian Wuqing, which made Sheng Ling feel relieved.

Xia Tian then told them. "Currently, Wuqing is looking for Sheng Jiang, and she will definitely find him soon."

"Is that true?" Sun Qingxue asked in surprise. "If senior Wuqing manages to find and capture Sheng Jiang, please hand him over to me."

"All right." Xia Tian nodded to her. "However, the Ancestors of the Sheng Imperial Sect also want him, especially after they found out about Zheng Mo's fate. Moreover, your current status is still that of the Empress of this Continent, so it would be better if you revealed about him to the public, and you could also publicly execute him."

"Sigh, you're right." Sun Qingxue then said to him. "In that case, you can send me out of this place, and I will go see them to discuss Sheng Jiang's matter right away."

"I'll come with you, Mother!"

After that, Xia Tian directly took them out of the Dual Cultivation Space, and the two women went straight to the sect.

On the other hand, Xia Tian went to Tian Qilian's room to accompany her and their daughter, who had grown up a lot now, especially since she was almost three months old.

"Aren't you going to see Sister Qingyue? Ever since you brought her here, she's always locked herelf in her room."

"I'll go see her after I accompany Little Qilian." Xia Tian then asked him. "Where are the others? Why can't I feel their presence here?"

"Although the Mountain Beast Range isn't the same as it used to be after you destroyed it, there are still many strong beasts living in the area, so Zhixian and Xiao Mei asked Shiyun to take them there to train." Xia Tian was surprised to hear that, and Tian Qilian continued. "As for Sister Yuhe, Sister Xuan, and Sister Yunzi, they decided to return to the Fortress to train the other sisters, especially since you intend to leave this planet ahead of schedule."

Xia Tian nodded in understanding. "Then what about Qin Qing?"

"Qin Qing missed Brother Han, so she went with them to meet him." Tian Qilian then asked him. "So when are we going to enter seclusion? Estella seems to be looking forward to dual cultivating with you, especially since you've been keeping her aside for quite some time."

"Tch! That horny queen!" Xia Tian replied as he shook his head. "We will enter seclusion the day after tomorrow, but I don't know when we will come out, especially since I will give you all a new pill, and it's effect is quite strong and last longer."

"Hmm? What kind of pill is that?" Tian Qilian asked with a curious look, and he was certain that the pill was definitely not an ordinary pill.

Xia Tian laughed softly and showed him the Extreme Yin-Yang Pill, and Tian Qilian's expression became excited after hearing his explanation. "Are you impatient to swallow it?"

"Yes!" Tian Qilian nodded firmly. "After all, I am a Lightning Qilin, and my cultivation is much slower than your human women, and the energy on this planet is too thin for me, so I can't wait to swallow the pill."

"Don't worry, your cultivation will definitely increase faster after we go to the higher realms." Xia Tian replied as he gave the pill to his wife. "However, you can only swallow it when we are about to dual cultivate later, or your body won't be able to withstand its effects."

"I know."




After he had accompanied them for some time, Xia Tian went straight to Ye Qingyue, and he asked her. "Have you thought things through?"

"En." Ye Qingyue nodded to him. "I heard that you will be going into seclusion along with your wives, so I will join you all."

"That's good." Xia Tian nodded in satisfaction after hearing that. "Anyway, once we exit our seclusion, we'll probably leave this planet immediately."

"Eh?" Ye Qingyue was shocked to hear that. "In that case, we have to return to the southern continent first before we leave here, for I can't possibly just leave without informing Fan Youling and the others."

Xia Tian agreed with that. "Moreover, I also have to visit my grandparents first, so we will definitely return to the southern continent later."

"Xia Tian, do you think we can go to the Thousand Beast Realm after we leave this planet?" Ye Qingyue asked him.

- To Be Continued -

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