Collide Gamer

Chapter 507 – Daily Abyss, Nightly Son 5 – Dipping

Chapter 507 – Daily Abyss, Nightly Son 5 – Dipping


John was doubly thankful for the white table in the middle of the jacuzzi. Reaching just far enough out of the rather chunky electrical bathtub to not be bothered by the bubbling waters, the smooth plastic surface served two purpose. Naturally, it was the place where they were placing the beers between drinking. The thing the Gamer was much happier about was that it served as a protective barrier between his eyes and his father’s junk. Even if the ever-moving water surface would have made spying it near-impossible.

“You really don’t need to be this awkward about this, ya know?” Rave whispered into his ear as John, who was anything but a regular drinker, finished his second bottle. “It’s just your naked parents.”

“Look, some people are just afraid of spiders for no reason and I am just…” John sighed, loud enough for everyone to hear. “Look, it’s like with people who get weirded out when they see two dudes kissing in public. Its unlikely they are actual homophobes but that doesn’t mean they will magically not mind it.” He waved his empty beer at Aclysia, who took it and climbed out of the jacuzzi. “That’s the last I ever want to talk about this. I am done, things are the way they are, I accept it.”

“Alrighty,” that was good enough for his girlfriend, who planted a quick kiss on his cheek and then rested her head on his right shoulder for a bit.

On his other side, there was a nice, meticulous piece of ass busy bending down to the crates of alcoholic beverages resting at the base of the jacuzzi. “Do you have any particular request, Master?” Aclysia asked over her shoulder after putting the empty bottle where it belonged.

“Just that SOME people should keep their eyes to themselves,” an already tipsy Gamer growled at Maximillian, who was staring at his maid’s ass without any shame. John gave the butt a nice clap, “Mine!” he declared. “Tread carefully, buddy!” The king had the wisdom to follow that very clear warning and only cleared his throat before taking a sip from his own beverage. “Thank you, Aclysia,” John said in a much nicer tone when the thusly slapped handed him an already opened beer and then snuggled up against him herself.

“Don’t be too harsh with Max,” Benjamin said, currently sitting opposite of John and in a very similar position. “He is the only one with nobody to cuddle.” His wife was under his right arm and, although not quite as touchy, Hex was definitely in easy ass-grabbing distance. The undercover guard had appeared at some point, helping Brenda carry out the beer, and joined them without many words.

The grey hexagons on her black swimwear made John wonder if her codename hadn’t actually been chosen because she was in the business of hexing people but because she simply liked that shape (or if it had something to do with her powers). Anyhow, she was there and drinking non-alcoholic stuff.

“It’s fine,” Maximillian waved off. “I’ll recharge by sleeping with all my girls back in Hollywood.”

“Boasting with your own harem, huh? Classy,” John drily commented. The alcohol made him more sarcastic than usual, and with the warm environment he was in, the cold substance bubbled to his head pretty quickly.

“Hey, you claim all the young girls with ass, I claim all the mature ladies with tits, I say we are evening out the scales,” the former king’s opinion was met with chuckles by Benjamin.

“What does this make me?” the oldest man in the round asked.

Maximillian had an answer at the ready, “A very charitable person. John is not in a habit of sharing his girls…”

“He means I don’t do it,” the Gamer clarified putting his beer on the table and then his arms around the surrounding girls’ waists.

“…Yes,” Maximillian continued on, “and honestly, neither am I.”

“Well, when you get older you learn that sharing can net you some positives… such as a very happy wife,” the woman in question did give a very satisfied hum as she scratched Benjamin under the chin, “also the presence of another man isn’t as bad as I initially feared. As they say, it’s not gay if the balls don’t touch.”

“It really isn’t that bad,” Maximillian agreed, “was pretty surprised after the first time.”

Now John could have confirmed or denied this, but either way his only experiences in that regard were artificial cocks on his girls or tentacles. Instead of saying anything, he opted to silence that topic. A change quickly came about anyhow.

“Who is rubbing my feet, by the way?” Maximillian asked and saw a hand rise up. The person it belonged to needed to be down to her ears in the waters in order to reach out that far. Her lengthy black hair, rarely if ever seeing a comb, soaked in the water, swimming atop the bubbles.

“That’d be me, fuckface,” Eliza giggled unnervingly, “finally managed to notice?”

By the time she finished asking the question, Maximillian had already moved away as if he suddenly realized he was holding a rod or uranium rather than just some regular metal. To his credit, he remained in the jacuzzi and relatively calm. Not calm enough that John’s mother didn’t notice.

“Something the matter between you two?” Brenda asked somewhat confused. Nothing so far had indicated this to her, as Maximillian seemed to have reduced the distance he needed to be comfortable around Eliza by quite a bit. Without knowing what to look for, the king’s very justified trauma was basically invisible.

“Just… not great experiences with crazies and she reminds of a particular nasty one,” Maximillian spun together a lie that was close enough to the truth to be used consistently.

“How bad?” Brenda asked with a concerned face.

“You know my bad leg? Causing that bad,” Maximillian turned to get another beer but Beatrice did him the favour of getting it for him.

“What?!” the big-breasted MILF was outraged. “I hope she is behind locked bars!”

Everyone in the know glanced at Eliza. “She is,” Maximillian assured, as that too was close enough to the truth.

“That is good then…” Brenda relaxed visibly, slumping back against her husband. “Well, I think Eliza here didn’t want to do anything bad to you.”

“No, from one fucked fuckhead with fucking problems in their fucking head to another, I was just making him face his demons,” showing off her flexibility, the blood mage sat back in the seat of the jacuzzi and then stretched the offending foot straight into the air, without any help of her hands. “Just a normal fucking foot.”

Now that Eliza was the centre of attention, Brenda had a question for her as well. “Why are you still wearing that choker?” Despite being in the nude from the moment that was offered to her, the pretty little psycho had kept on the illusion weaving cloth around her neck. The reasons for that were shrouded only to the two mundane hosts, as with so many things.

“’Cause daddy likes it,” Eliza answered in the most innocent, sweet voice possible. Her tone and body language were that of a perfectly behaved nun, while the giant, insane grin that bloomed on her face, accompanying her widely opened eyes, belonged more to someone that wanted to be fucked on the altar before an ongoing mass.

John would have majorly appreciated it, hadn’t she used the forbidden word. “Bad Eliza!” he basically barked at her and got a cheekily stuck out tongue in response.

“He hates being called daddy,” Rave let his parents know.

“I get that,” Benjamin stated, and that seemed to be the first thing him and Maximillian disagreed on, as the king made a gesture that could only be interpreted as ‘the fuck is wrong with you people’. “Look, I am as much a fetishist as the next swinger,” way too much info, “but incest, even as a roleplay, not my thing.”

“That’s not what the word ‘daddy’ is about,” the gravity king shook his head. “It’s a deep sign of submission. They accept you as the provider and respect you. Way better than ‘master’, that’s just all about submissiveness.”

Aclysia narrowed her eyes, “You take that back right now.”

“Why? I am not wrong,” Maximillian challenged.

“Master is a word used for the person you are devoted to. At times this means being submissive to his desires, at others it may mean you have to tell them what they least want to hear. To my master I will be whatever he needs, not whatever he desires. Either way, it is all about the well-being of your chosen,” Aclysia gave John’s earlobe a tiny bite that sent shivers down his spine and threatened his current state of non-erect tranquillity. “That word is not a simple statement of the person’s dominance of oneself. It is a way of life!”

“…Huh,” Benjamin was the first to break the silence that impassioned series of statements left. “Brenda, we should try to pick up some Jewish women when we have the chance.”

“I do like that idea, honey,” she agreed then suddenly straightened up. “We haven’t taken our vitamins yet today!” After that, surprisingly shocked sounding, announcement, Brenda quickly left the jacuzzi and tapped nakedly into the house, only stopping to slip into some houseshoes.

Left behind, Benjamin rolled his eyes. “Your mother insist we take vitamins once a day,” he conspiratorially whispered, loud enough for his returning wife to hear. “She thinks it’s going to help us stay healthy or some humbug like that.”

“If it didn’t do something, they wouldn’t keep selling them,” Brenda insisted in a tone that made it clear they had had this discussion a number of times and nothing was going to change unless they had a serious fight over it. Something that Benjamin obviously didn’t want to, especially not over something as silly as drinking a fizzy liquid that tasted like cheap Fanta once a day.

He let out the breath held during drinking and gave his glass back to his wife, who left the premises again to put those two into the dishwasher. “Worst case, it does nothing, best case she is right. Whatever it is, she insists, so I play along,” he told the two men around. While Maximillian nodded, John had to admit that he was forced into situations like that pretty seldom.

Sure, there was an ample amount of situations he had to solve in regards to his girls’ personal life and problems, as well as some inner-harem conflicts, but for the most part things were running perfectly smooth and demands were a very rare thing. ‘Now that I think about it, that’s probably thanks to Aclysia,’ John thought.

All problems of food and hygiene, menial chores that could put quite the strain on a relationship, were resolved by the diligent maid and her passive assistant. Everything else was quite easily resolved by John’s Charisma or took the shape of girls wanting to go out for a date, which he obliged almost every time. Basically, his harem was running as smooth as it possibly could at its size due to the numerous decisions he had made along the way.

Felt good to be shown he had made the right ones.

The day from there was simple and clean. They left the jacuzzi and played cards for a bit. John’s drunkenness eventually topped off at him stripping out of his swimwear after all. It was true what they said about alcohol immensely lowering inhibitions. At that point, all of the girls (even Lydia, who had compensated for the ‘weakness’ of American beer by consuming loads of it) followed suit.

A couple harder drinks and John may have been unable to hold himself back from fucking Beatrice while watching Metra and Rave having a friendly competition in the pool about who could swim faster turning mildly sexual. Instead, he clawed his common sense together and got her into the earlier used guest room.

When he returned from the tumble, Benjamin and Hex were gone. When Maximillian went to look for them, he also disappeared. Then the game repeated with Brenda. At that point, no host remained.

After sending Aclysia to make sure they were well, and from the report it sounded like John wasn’t the only one whose loins were affected by the alcohol, the group decided to call it a night and returned to the yacht to cool down in more privacy.


It had been a pretty nice day, all things considered.

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