Collide Gamer

Chapter 506 – Daily Abyss, Nightly Son 4 – Skinny

Chapter 506 – Daily Abyss, Nightly Son 4 – Skinny


“Right, I keep forgetting to ask,” John asked across the table, his father perking up when he realized that he was the one being addressed, “but how do you afford this house anyway?”

Their house back in Springfield had been decent, but nowhere near this near-mansion of a residence. Combining that with the fact that a city in the middle of nowhere had considerably lower real estate costs than a wealthy suburb in the capital and one had to ask how an engineer could shoulder all of that.

“Like, did you take a loan or something?” the Gamer put some more details in his question as Benjamin chewed his meal, not wanting to answer with a full mouth. Ever the diligent host, Brenda had prepared a small buffet to be consumed over the day. As of now, her husband and Eliza were the only ones who really took up the offer, the latter looking saddened at the fact that she had to hold back.

“No,” Benjamin answered after having gulped. “No, I optimized a screw.”

Rave raised an eyebrow and then looked around. Even having grown up in the Abyss, she knew that what had just been said didn’t seem to quite match the estate they were inside off. “A screw?” she asked.

“Yes, I shaved 10 percent off the needed metal of the screw we use in most of our products while keeping the necessary robustness,” father Newman laid out. “In response, I got a bonus large enough to buy this house with and a promotion.”

“For 10 percent on a screw?” Rave was still confused.

“I get that,” John nodded and then tried to math it out for his girlfriend. “If they use 10000 screws per day and each one of them costs a dollar, then 10% is saving them 1000 dollars a day. It adds up.” It still sounded like his father was overcompensated.

In a secretive voice, Benjamin added, “Truth be told, my boss was quite insistent I buy this house – Turns out it was owned by his uncle and a previous buyer had just jumped off.”

“Ah… so money laundering as well,” John couldn’t hide all of his accusatory tone. Ultimately nobody had gotten hurt in that process. On the contrary, that money was probably better used buying a hard-working man a house than it was resting in the bonus of an already rich CEO. Just because that hard-working man was a stepping stone for that money to reach a member of the bonus-giver’s family didn’t mean that it was inherently wrong.

Still, the Gamer couldn’t quite help but feel that there was something bad about giving somebody a much higher bonus than they deserved on the promise they would spend that money in a way that served one’s own ends. It was all ambiguous.

‘It would be way easier if everyone and everything was just clearcut,’ John thought. If shitty people were the only ones doing shitty things and nice people were the only ones doing nice things, the whole world would be genuinely easy to wrap his head around. Instead, the Gamer got a charismatic president who seemed more like a dictator, a self-serving director who also indirectly bought his father a house and a good friend who was fucking his mother.

Quite a handful of conflicting emotions.

“I wouldn’t call it money laundering, but I don’t think you can have all the nice things in life without touching the bad ones every now and again,” Benjamin answered his son’s accusations in a perfectly balanced tone. Nevertheless, he gave John a stern look, looking at his suit of meticulous design and cleanliness, “You made quite a bit of money, right? Tell me you haven’t gotten the slightest bit dirty.”

To that, John had no retort. He had fooled the entire world that he was the defender in an unjust war. What was that against some money that took a curved path over a third bank account? Laughing, he admitted, “Look at me, trying to head my own business but still needing wisdom from my dad.”

Benjamin patted his son on the shoulder, “Hey, you have grown up fast while I didn’t see you, but you still aren’t that old. It’s fine to need advice.” After a few moments, he let out a surprisingly heavy sigh. “I have been meaning to say this but… I am sorry I wasn’t at home a lot the last few years. I just… really wanted you and your mother to have a nice home.”

Surprisingly, it was Rave who interjected on that one, “Nothing wrong with that… just don’t forget your kid’s birthday over your wishes.” The sour note in that one sentence pretty much killed the conversation. It must have been the first time that Rave was in a bad mood since they had started this series of visits.

Brenda was ready to fix the mood at a moment’s notice. “We shouldn’t stay inside all the time; you are leaving soon and we still haven’t used the pool.”

“Or the jacuzzi!” John was way more enthusiastic about that.

Maximillian cleared his throat, “We kind of… used it while you weren’t here.”

“That almost hurts me more than the fact that you are having a devil’s threesomes with my parents,” John stated in a quiet tone, as if somebody had just plunged a knife in his chest and he was choking out his last words. Truly, he felt like Caesar after Brutus betrayed him. At least he was used enough to that fact of life now to make jokes about it.

“What is it with you and jacuzzis anyway?” Maximillian asked, not for the first time. However, as he had never gotten a really great answer, he kept that question at the ready for whenever the opportunity arose.

This time, the Gamer had come to have an proper answer. “I once had a VERY, VERY… deep encounter with a redhead at a spa,” John remembered the tumble where he and his partner, in a half-drugged craze, had destroyed the whole room’s furniture in the process of fucking. “We relaxed afterwards in one – also fucked some more. I almost died of dehydration before that.” That was a hyperbole, but the point stood.

“Redhead? Which one?” Maximillian asked.

“Nathalia,” John answered without thinking.

Only as the king blinked and then slowly widened his eyes in surprise, did the Gamer realize that Maximillian had no actual idea that he was actually screwing the goddess of volcanoes. There had only ever been (heavily substantiated) rumours about that. “I actually didn’t believe you would stick your dick in THAT one until now.”

“Who is she?” Brenda asked, understandably curious.

“A crazy cougar,” Maximillian answered and was technically not lying in that description. “Why didn’t you bring her along by the way? That would have been a story I could write some friends about.”

“We are… I don’t want to call it on a break, but she wanted some space,” John also wasn’t lying when he said that. “I also don’t want to talk about it, very private affair,” he wiggled his way out of that conversation, and then they finally moved towards the pool.

Well, technically John and his girls moved upstairs first to change into their swimwear. They had, after all, deposited it there in advance on the day of their arrival. It took all of the removal of three articles of clothing for the sexual tension in the small guest room to boil up.

John was surrounded by stripping girls, and the resulting erection pushed his fly open like he was in some cheap hentai flick. At the same time, the girls made no secret out of the fact that they were watching each other’s curves in addition to the stripping harem lead. All eyes were on the stretched fabric of his underwear as his twenty-centimetre obelisk of a cock pointed ahead in all its might.

Between that and his toned body, akin to a glorious (if thin) Greek god, with a well-shaped ass, it was fair to say that they had just as much to leer at as John. Which stroked his ego immensely.

“This might pose a minimal problem,” Lydia commented, her nipples visibly growing harder despite the nice warmth in the room. John’s pants fell down to his ankles, while agreeing chuckles filled the room from all sides. Only Metra let out a mocking sound, even if she was wearing an expression of amusement herself.

“The problem is anything but minimal,” the tan muscle girl stated and took the initiative, stepping up to her contractor and shoving him back with one hand. Between her superior strength and the hindering position of John’s pants, he had no choice but to stumble back and land with his back on the bed. “I’ll take care of it,” she effectively called dibs and climbed atop John, his dick confined between her naked, smooth pussy and his own body.

The layer of cloth between them became immensely distracting in a few moments. Metra, in a dominating mood from the looks of it, slid his trunks down only as far as they needed to not be in the way. “So, my job is to just la-aaah,” he couldn’t withhold the moan when her wet pussy encapsulated the tip and then slid down as quickly as her tightness allowed her to, “lay here?”

Metra pulled the little cloth she wore over her chest away and gave view to her chocolate brown nipples. “And to tell me when you are about to cum,” she confirmed in the tone of a commanding officer not looking for any backtalk but with the lewd grin of a girl on her favourite ride.

They wasted no time and Metra rode him with an interchanging set of movements, mostly quick up and downs and gyrating of her hips. Her petite breasts jiggled, her halfway closed eyelids fluttered and her lips quivered between gasping breaths. Her face was flushed to a darker shade of brown, fully revealing her bliss, her ecstatic impression growing more erotic to behold as her lust grew. The berserker babe worked herself into a very different kind of frenzy, always keeping one hand on John’s chest to assert who was in control here. Even when she let out a loud cry from a shuddering orgasm she brought upon herself.

He had been in the dominating role so often recently, this little switch was rather enjoyable. The only thing that he felt somewhat awkward about was the place that this whole thing was happening at. But this was better than stepping in front of his mother with a raging boner.

“I am… close,” he groaned and found his cock exposed to the air for a moment. Compared to the heavenly warm embrace of a tight pussy, even the regulated temperature of the summer home felt cold. Quickly feeling the brownish pink lips of Metra’s mouth taking its place, however, John wasn’t bothered.

It only took a few moments of sucking for John to be pushed over the edge and come in her mouth. She gulped that all down willingly. Apparently, there was some sort of difference between cum and other biological components that allowed sufficiently advanced Artificial Spirits to break it down unlike regular meals. John had no idea how, but he was just thankful it was a thing.

She sucked his cock for a bit longer until it went from erect to semi and stayed at that level. While that was still cause for a bulge in his pool wear, a pair of simple black trunks, it was preferable to the unmissable alternative.

“Great, now the fucking rest of us have unscratched itches,” Eliza cussed.

“You’ll survive,” Metra flippantly answered and frowned at the micro-bikini she had to put on.

Now John had expected many things upon stepping into the backyard. His mother standing stark naked next to the jacuzzi and waiting for the water to fill up all the way wasn’t one of them. “There you are,” she turned with her massive breasts jiggling as if nothing was wrong. She gave him a purely platonically interested up and down. “Jane wasn’t kidding, you really did get muscles, like wow.”

“Seriously, whose genes did you get that from?” Benjamin asked, stepping into the picture in his own birthday suite. Aside from his mother in wet dreams, his father’s dick was the last thing John wanted to see. The man looked utterly plain, only the slightest bit of muscle on his unshaven chest with a small amount of natural hair. At least Maximillian had the decency of keeping his swimwear on.

“Why are you naked?” John asked in a purely tired way. He had no more energy to be ashamed of his parents behaving outside his expectations. Especially since he remained the only one who found this immensely uncomfortable.

Benjamin tested the water of the jacuzzi with his hand. “This is my property; I can be in whatever state of undress I want,” he decided.

“Yes,” Brenda agreed as if that answered the why, “nobody’s business,” she turned towards the westward neighbour, “ESPECIALLY NOT OF SOME MEDDLING NEIGHBOURS!” Only now John realized that one side of the fences around the backyard was much taller than the others. “You know, I do think the Bible and Christianity in general did great things for our nation,” his mother stemmed her hands into her wide hips and gave a serious glare in the direction she had shouted at, “but the meddling Christian housewife named Susan is a real endemic.”

“I would wager the theory,” Lydia stated, “that the Islamic patriarch would be a tad worse.”

“Mhm, I don’t want to get into that debate,” Brenda stated outright. “I don’t know about all of that nonsense and don’t care to either. I am a housewife with a loving husband and a son who can get me a whole bunch of grandchildren.” She looked over to the prime breeding estate, “Eliza, you don’t need to keep those on either if you don’t want to. Of course, that goes for the rest of you as well. Skinny dipping should be a human right as far as I am concerned.”

“Bitching,” Eliza smirked and immediately tossed off the clothes. In the first place, the blood mage was only wearing those to compromise with society’s expectations, with her supernatural physique she really didn’t need them. Unsurprisingly, Metra immediately followed suite. As did Beatrice.

“This modus operandi is more comfortable,” she answered John’s questioning look.

The rest of the girls were either good or playing with the thought only to dismiss it after a few moments. “Looks good now,” Benjamin said as the bubbles began to rise in the jacuzzi, embracing his naked form, the older man being the first one to get inside. “Ahhh… a really great gift son. Hop on in!”

The Gamer accepted his fate.

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