Collide Gamer

Addendum – Stirwin Combinations

Addendum – Stirwin Combinations


Well, against my better knowledge I decided to do it anyway. It helped that I figured out something to lessen my workload tremendously. More details in the next chapter with three-kind combinations. For now, here are the remaining two-kinds - the Chompy combinations.

Appearance: A normal sized girl with gold-blonde hair that is bound into one braid at the side of her head, left or right being different every time she is summoned. Otherwise she looks rather plain, were it not for the bronze scales on her hands and feet, becoming more sparse towards her torso. She wears a yellow, heavily decorated dress.

Personality: As her title implies, Genna is kind and always tries her best to make everyone around her happy. To that end, she often doesn’t take care of herself as well as she could and is a bit of a ditz when not unleashed, stumbling over her skirt a lot of the time.

Unleashed: Siphons mana from her summoner, massively increasing all of her stats. The mana cost starts at 1 mana per second but doubles every five seconds.

Item Form: Weapon type. A silver shotgun with gold decorations that look like flowing hair and a grip like an oversized crocodile tooth. This weapon unloads a shrapnel of glowing stones. The inbound light magic deals a lot damage to magic based entities, while the stones themselves shred apart physical bodies.

Appearance: A man of giant stature, very muscular and overall imposing. His body is a mixture of androgynous features and a crocodile. Scales cover most of his body, creating an aesthetically pleasing frame to his abs and providing him with natural weapons in the shape of teeth, claws and a prehensile tail.

Personality: Low intelligence and being quick to anger make Staran an aggressive fellow that is not one for conversations that don’t end with someone getting his face burned off.

Unleashed: Combo Type. Every third consecutive hit he lands causes his next attack to be empowered with the fury of a thousand suns (metaphorically speaking).

Item Form: Weapon Type. Almost, but not quite a gauntlet, Staran turns into a ranged weapon that covers the whole hand halfway down the elbow. It has a grip inside, and when activated it starts firing needles of sun fire. If the red-gold weapon is pointed at anything, the needles will track the target. Needles explode either after thirty seconds or on impact.

Appearance: A serpent of about three metre length, Silara has no limbs and moves by wiggling through the air. Her scales come in gold, copper and silver while on the head different shades of green can be found, such as her emerald eyes and gemstone teeth.

Personality: Despite being pretty bright, Silara is not particularly bright. Her whole deal is to cozy up to someone and try to get snacks out of them. To that end she employs the majesty of a tiger, the big eyes of a puppy and the attitude of a common pigeon.

Unleashed: Once she has been feed enough, Silara may turn into a little sun. In that state she is extremely vulnerable, but if protected, she will eventually burst out again in a massive shockwave that damages all foes and buffs all allies.

Item Form: Décor Type. Silara turns into a statue of a smaller version of herself. This form is useless in battle.

Appearance: While small, the pliosaurus like creature can hurt everyone with the needle like teeth that protrude from its jaws. Whoever is caught in such a bite will then soon learn that there is a second row of teeth inside, set on a malleable jaw made from slime. Aside from that this murky bronze scaled creature has four fins that are sharp as blades at the front and a long tail. Undine’s scars run over the side like a bright warning.

Personality: Dendepthr is a monster. He has as much mercy or just general feeling as a shark. The only thing he will listen to are orders given by John, aside from that he is a hunter.

Unleashed: Growing type. For every second Dendepthr is in a body of water, his body size increases up to a length of his level divided by 2 in metres. The size increase can be limited, if the situation calls for it. Strength and Endurance rise with his body size up to a bonus of 250%.

Item Form: Weapon Type. Dendepthr turns into a long barrel that can be latched onto any surface through four claws that dig or wrap around whatever it is placed on. It fires a continuous laser beam that is perfect to melt through thick armour. While it does have a basic size that is perfect to be mounted on John’s arms, the power of its attack increases with its size, which directly correlates with the size of Dendepthr in his regular form.

Appearance: A girl with straight, long white hair, interwoven with greyish pink streaks, a face of snow white and lips of grey. Her dress is made from shifting black and white cloth and encapsulates her from neck to toe, only her black hands with white nails peeking out of the wide sleeves.

Personality: Arrogant and dismissive of most orders, Twilight is hard to get to do anything John wants. She much resembles Siena in her early stages of the contract. If her summoner is threatened, she will step in to save his life, but otherwise she will need to be promised certain things in order for her to agree to anything.

Unleashed: A surroundings dependant unleash, either of her powers grow depending on the time of day, becoming more adept at shadow magic (increasing her Wisdom and Agility) during the night and light magic (increasing her Intellect and Strength) during the day. These boosts peek during the highest point of the moon and the sun respectively. During a few minutes at sunrise and set, both of the boosts become active at full force. Artificial environments can not be abused for this unleash.

Item Form: Weapon Type. Twilight turns into a handgun that shoots either light or dark bullets, depending on her unleashed state. At twilight she turns into two guns instead.

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