Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 199 Little Brat

"Mommy, I'm ready!"

"I'm ready too!"

Sarah looked at her two children who were running towards her looking excited with big smiles on their faces while carrying their bags in their favorite clothes.

"Have you guys brought your passports yet? We can't leave without the passports," Sarah warned them.

The two then looked at each other and seemed to realize that they had not brought it and immediately went back into their room.

Sarah then checked once again the contents of her bag to see if she had brought all her things and not forget something.

After her meeting with Michael that time, Sarah had finally made her decision to return to London and see Mr. Collins.

It wasn't an easy decision, but Sarah didn't want to get involved in such a war for inheritance. Especially if her children were involved.

Her decision was certainly welcomed by Michael, the man even eagerly wanted to ask her to come back that day.

However, Sarah refused, she had to take care of things before she left. Closed the clinic, notified the twins, informed the twins' kindergarten, and most importantly, taking care of the twins' passports.

Sarah doesn't know how long she is going to be in London, and she couldn't just leave her two kids with their nanny.

So after thinking about it, Sarah decided to take the two of them along. Luckily the twins weren't in elementary school yet, so it didn't really matter.

Sarah thought that their departure for London would take a little longer since she knew how long it would take to make a passport, but apparently Michael helped her speed things up and also offered to go with him since he was boarding his private jet.

At first Sarah wanted to refuse, as much as possible she did not want any interaction between Michael and the twins. However, Michael insisted and said about the cost. Sarah would also be more comfortable taking her private plane than the public plane, even if it was a high class ticket.

Sarah finally couldn't help but accept it. She had to think logically at this point. Besides being able to save her money, it would also make her more comfortable.

The flight took about 21 hours, and Sarah had no idea what difficulties she would face on the plane with the twins. They can be a bit independent and less fussy, but after all, they're still kids!

After feeling everything was ready, Sarah immediately walked out carrying a suitcase and a handbag, one hand holding Gabriel's hand.

"Raphael! Let's hold Gabriel's hand!" Sarah shouted when she saw her eldest child walking alone.

One of the difficulties of having twins is that she only has two hands! If possible, Sarah would like to have three hands so that she can hold both their hands when her one hand is busy carrying something.

"Give me your hand, Rapa. Before Mommy gets mad!" Gabriel warned his brother and then stretched out his hand.

Raphael, who wanted to walk first to get to the elevator, immediately obeyed when he heard his brother's words.

Mommy is very scary when she is angry, he should immediately obey.

When the elevator finally opened and they exited the apartment building, the faces of the twins who had looked happy before, immediately changed when they saw a man waiting for them below.

Raphael immediately let go of his brother's hand and stepped forward with a fierce expression.

"Why are you here, old man?!" asked Raphael fiercely.

Michael flinched a little at the behavior of the dark brown haired little boy, he thought he wouldn't experience this again because Sarah had explained it to her children. But he had no idea the puppy would once again bark at him not to come near his mommy.

"Raphael!" Sarah scolded when she saw her son's attitude, she had previously explained that seduce is not a word like that, and Michael wasn't seducing her.

"That old man is just mommy's friend, right?" asked Gabriel who was still holding Sarah's hand and turned to his mother.

Sarah turned to her youngest child and nodded, reassuring him once again that the man in front of them would not take their mother.

Actually Sarah was a little touched by the attitude of her children, she did not expect her two children to "protect" her like that. But she knew she had to correct their attitude.

Seeing that Sarah seemed to have explained about him to the twins, so that one of the puppies didn't bark at him like before, Michael worked up the courage to approach the puppy who was still barking.

"Hello," said Michael, crouching down to equalize their height.

"I'm your mommy's… friend, you can call me Uncle Michael."

Michael cursed himself inwardly when he heard what he just said. It was really awkward. Even in his wildest dreams Michael never expected that one day he would greet his ex-wife's son and introduce himself as Uncle Michael.

"Old man!" replied Raphael who was still showing his fangs. He really didn't like this man in front of him.

"Mommy, is that an old man's car?" Gabriel pointed suddenly to the car behind Michael.

His brother called the man an old man, so for the sake of their solidarity, he would also call him old man!

Michael opened his mouth in disbelief when he heard the words of the two children, it seems they are not as cute as he thought, they are both little brat!

Sarah nodded her head then turned to Michael, giving him the look that they should just leave.

Michael sighed then stood up and started walking towards his car to open the trunk, he then immediately went over to Sarah to help her get her suitcase.

Sarah looked at Michael when she saw the outstretched hand.

"Let me help you," said Michael, still holding out his hand but not holding the suitcase, trying not to force Sarah.

Sarah finally chose to hand over her suitcase to Michael, she didn't know why Michael was suddenly being this nice to her after what had happened to them in the past.

Was he trying to act like nothing happened?

After loading Sarah's suitcase in the trunk, Michael immediately went to the passenger seat, to open the door for Sarah, but he had to sigh when he saw Sarah getting into the back seat, along with the twins.

Looks like today he will be the driver for the three people in the back seat.

"Are you all ready?" Michael asked after he got into the driver's seat and looked back to see if the passenger was ready.

"Mommy… it's crowded here!" said Raphael who was sitting near the door and seemed to be in a pinch..

"Yeah, I'm stuck too! Mommy just sits in the front," complained Gabriel who sat in the middle of his brother and mother.

Sarah's expression looked like she couldn't believe what she just heard. The seat was a little tight because the three of them were sitting in the back, but she thought the twins could still sit comfortably.

"Riel is right, Mommy just sits in the front. It's crowded," complained Raphael who started to whine.

Michael, who watched the scene from the driver's seat, couldn't help but smile inwardly. He took back his words earlier saying these two little kids are little brat, they are cute kids who do their job well!

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