Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 198 Twin's Father

There was silence again between Michael and Sarah. Sarah's expression looked surprised with her mouth slightly open.

The arrival of the waiter bringing their drinks made Sarah immediately come to her senses, and without waiting any longer, Sarah took a sip of her drink.

"Are you sure your father would do such a thing?!" Sarah asked, looking at Michael intently.

Michael nodded his head.

"But why?" Sarah asked confusedly.

Why did Mr. Collins has to give her that much in his will? Ah no, why is her name even in his will?

"I don't know either. You know, the older you get, the more stubborn people become. Dad always treats you like his daughter-in-law," Michael explained.

"But I'm not his daughter-in-law!" said Sarah, raising her voice.

"Then what about his actual daughter-in-law?" Sarah continued, starting to feel bad for the woman. Mr Collins' actions this time really disappointed her, the old man shouldn't have done this. It would only put her in a difficult position.

"Eh?" Michael looked a little confused by Sarah's words. He was the only child in the Collins family. So what daughter-in-law is that woman talking about?

"I'm not remarrying," Michael replied.

"Ohh..." Sarah's expression immediately changed when she heard that. She wanted to ask why Michael didn't do that, but her mouth closed again.

It was absolutely none of her business and had nothing to do with her at all.

The atmosphere became quiet again between the two of them, until finally the waiter came to bring Michael's order.

"I know you've eaten, but eat the chocolate cake. It would look awkward if I was the only one eating alone," said Michael looking at Sarah and then starting to eat his food.

He knew it wasn't time to eat, but he was hungry!

Sarah just sighed when she saw Michael start to eat, she then started to take her spoon to enjoy the chocolate cake that Michael ordered.

The two then ate in silence and lost in their own thoughts.

"I hope you will come with me," said Michael suddenly when he had eaten half his meal.

"I refuse," Sarah replied calmly.

By now she could more or less guess why Michael had come to see her, it was because of inheritance. It made Sarah a little calm because the man didn't know what she had done.

"So you want to get that inheritance?" asked Michael with a slight snort. He thought at least Sarah would help him, but he didn't think Sarah would reject him outright.

"It's not like I asked your father to give it to me," Sarah said nonchalantly while eating her chocolate cake. She put the spoon into her mouth to clean the spoon from the chocolate that was stuck in there.

Michael snorted at Sarah's changed attitude, it seemed she had become a little bold over the past six years.

"You think you can take the risk?" asked Michael in a tone that sounded stern.

"You're threatening me?" Sarah asked coldly. She had even put the spoon back on the plate and she was staring intently at the man.

Michael sighed.

"No, it's not like that," Michael said in a softer tone.

"Dad owns the most shares in Collins. right now, if people know that all the shares are given to you, they will try to get it, and what I mean here is to use all means," Michael explained.

Sarah didn't say anything when she heard that.

"You have two sons, Sarah. It could harm your kids," Michael continued when Sarah didn't seem to understand what he was saying.

Sarah was still silent when she heard that, but a cold sweat started running down her back.

"I can sell it later," Sarah said, trying to look calm. took her drink and took a sip, to moisten her suddenly dry throat.

"Are you sure you can handle it? You know inheritance applies when dad has died, right? How long do you think people will know about dad's will? How long will it take people to search for information about you, and find you?" Michael asked back.

"I'm not here to scare you, Sarah. I'm just worried," continued Michael, looking at the woman gently.

"Don't bullshit me, Michael! You just want the shares and the money!" said Sarah gritting her teeth. She was really annoyed that Michael had managed to touch her weak point.

She knew Michael was just trying to persuade her, but Sarah admitted that what the man said had some truth in it.

"I do want the shares, but I'm not lying! I was really worried because I didn't expect you to have children, and it's twins!" Michael said, sounding like he was being wronged..

"After all, why are you stupidly raising those two kids alone? Does the man not want to take the responsibility? Or did you not tell him?" continued Michael, suddenly annoyed.

Seeing Sarah with the twins had bothered him so much. He couldn't imagine what she was going through. Why did she have to live like that after separating from him?

"Eh?" Sarah looked surprised and embarrassed. Did Michael find out?

"That blonde doctor! He is the twins's father, right? The blonde looks a lot like him!" said Michael explaining what he meant.

Sarah breathed a sigh of relief in her heart when she heard that. Actually what Michael had just said wasn't wrong at all because his family didn't have the twin genes, and neither did he have blond hair or blue eyes.

Sarah herself was confused as to why she could give birth to twins, or that her youngest son had blonde hair and blue eyes. It seems that this has something to do with her family because usually for fraternal twins, the odds are higher if it runs from the mother's family.

Maybe her family has the twin gene.

To be honest, Sarah didn't care. Her two sons are her children. Who they look like, she doesn't care. They are still her sons.

"That's none of your business, Michael!" Sarah said then took her drink back and drank it, trying to calm herself down so as not to look suspicious.

Michael just snorted at Sarah's attitude. He was just worried though. After all, she had filled his heart. Is it wrong if he's worried about her?

"I'll think about it again."

At this time the direction of their conversation began to lead to her sons, and she had better change the subject immediately, ah no, she better leave immediately.

Sarah then suddenly stood up and took her bag which was placed on the table.

"You want to go? Let me take you," said Michael who also stood up.

"I can take a taxi! I'll contact you later when I've made up my mind!" said Sarah looking indifferent.

"I will keep waiting till you say yes."


Once home, Sarah immediately thanked the nanny she hired to look after her sons, she then immediately walked to her son's room to see the two of them.

Her face involuntarily smiled when she saw the adorable face of her son who was fast asleep. She then kissed their foreheads in turn and pulled up their blankets.

As soon as she came out of their room, she immediately headed for the kitchen to get a can of beer. She needed alcohol right now and went back to her living room..

Sarah then sighed.

What should she do?

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