Canon Fodder



I followed the general direction Yamcha pointed in. Enough of planes I jumped on my ice disc and flew for all I was worth. I was eating away miles quickly as I gripped the Dragon Radar in my hand. I hadn’t succeeded in getting much more information from the lovers before leaving. Awful trusting of a stranger with their friend’s location…they were probably right not to care. If this Zuina was this world’s equivalent of Goku, she was the strongest person in the world. I doubted I would be able to hurt her. 

I found the small hut of a house easily enough. Far in the mountains the hut was smaller than I remembered. Then again, Goku only made it larger when he got married to Chichi. He didn’t care about the size of a house. 

Clicking the button on the top of the Dragon Radar the green screen flashed and showed a small yellow dot straight ahead. Walking toward the small hut the dot got closer to the center. I opened the wooden plank of a door to see the Dragon Ball inside. A red pillow on a pedestal the small glowing orb sat atop it. 

“Holy fuck,” I said ignoring my worries. I stepped in and had my hand upon the Dragon ball. 4 orange stars in the middle, it was as I remembered. “Like a dream come true,” I mumbled as I twirled the ball in my hand. “So glorious.”

Wiping a tear from my eye I couldn’t help it. Dragon Ball was my first manga. I was stuck in a hall of 11 of worlds, and this was the one that led me to the other 10 worlds. Who didn’t dream of holding a Dragon Ball? Able to collect 7 and make any 1 wish, it was everyone’s dream. 

I set the orb on the pillow reluctantly. Looking around the small shack was as I expected. Some small tools mounted on a shelf, there was a mattress rolled up on the floor. A portable gas stove on a shelf I really doubted that she had been there recently. But I wasn’t about to get caught with a Dragon Ball that didn’t belong to me. 

Walking out I looked around. Impossibly thick trees all around I headed off in a random direction. A small path of downtrodden grass at my feet I followed it through the forest. It was dark out, but I guessed this Zuina was like Goku, a wild person. 

Running through the forest I ran down a hill to find a river far ahead. A waterfall off in the distance I guessed she had gone fishing. Speeding up I used my Haki to try to find the strong energy I assumed she possessed. As the waterfall got closer I thought I felt it. A blip in my radar of Haki. Growing excited I moved faster. I hadn’t planned on meeting Goku. Just because I didn’t think I would stand a chance against him. But a woman…it was hard to say no to meeting one of those. I did have a thing for strength. 

The Spiritual Energy became stronger as I got closer. Slowing down as I moved through the trees I saw a glint of tan skin in black water. No reason to hide from her I walked out to see that she was swimming in a large pool at the base of the waterfall. The remnants of a fire and an impossibly large fish laid near the edge of the water. 

As I got closer my increased vision made her out as she swam. Luckily for me she used that moment to turn over. Backpedaling she stared up to the night sky as she lazily swam around the large pool. 

About 5 foot 8 inches tall she had short black hair down to her neck. While it was a little longer, it was just as unruly as any Saiyan. Spikes of it pointed every which way despite being wet. Her breasts were B-Cup. Each movement rippled with muscle as she swam. A wide smile on her lips, I pushed the thought of Goku out of my mind. This Zuina was someone else. Like if Superman and Supergirl had been mixed around at birth. 

“Hello!” I called out, my voice echoing over the water. She didn’t answer, hardly reacting to the noise. When she was done with whatever she was doing she looked over at me. 

“Beautiful isn’t it?” She asked, her eyes sparkling. I noticed there was no moon so I guessed that some of the canon had stuck. 

“The night? Yes it is,” I said. “I’m Weston!” 

“Oh yeah? What brings you here Weston?” She asked as she moved toward me slowly. 

“I need your Dragon Ball,” I admitted. 

“Why’s that?” She asked with a frown. 

“I uh I’m on a quest,” I said. “I need it to fix me.”

“You don’t appear broken to me,” she said, a smile on her lips. 

“That’s what I said. Master Roshi begs to differ,” I said. 

“Roshi?” She asked, perking up. Her smile growing wider. “How’s he doing?” 

“Good. I saw him this morning,” I said. “He gave me some bad news, and I’m hoping Shinron can fix it.” 

“What kind of news?” She asked getting out of the water. Unashamed of her nakedness she walked toward me. In all honesty I had expected pubes as thick and unruly as her hair. But to my surprise she barely had any hair below.  

“He said I can’t use Ki correctly,” I admitted. 

“What? Is that possible? I’ve never-” She stopped, looking me over. Intrigued, she stepped forward and put her hand on my shoulder. Her eyes closed as she focused. I felt her Spiritual Energy shift around as she studied me. 

“Woah, you uh have some defenses,” she admitted. I guessed she tried to psychically scan me or something. “But yeah, I felt it. Your Ki is out of whack.” 

“Always good to have a second opinion,” I said with a wry smile as I made sure to only look at her eyes. They were brown. I showed her the radar. “Bulma lent me this. And said you lived here. I was hoping to borrow your Dragon Ball.” 

“Looking for the Dragon Balls isn’t an easy task,” she admitted. “I’ve done it…3 or 4 times. With your broken Ki, are you sure you can?” 

“I have other powers,” I admitted. 

“Like what?” She asked, her smile mischievous. I let out a nervous sigh. 

“Care to find out?” I asked and the quest appeared.  

Dragon Ball Z Quest 1.1:

Impress Zuina



Bonus Slot Upgrade


“I’d love to,” she said. Stepping back she moved to the thin orange gi folded up by the fire. She put the top on but didn’t bother with tying the belt. The large shirt covered her tits and pussy, but not much else. Mostly skin showing I thought I might enjoy this fight. 

“Want to just fight in the nude?” I asked. “I can disrobe,” I offered. 

She smiled wider. “If you want. But I don’t mind kicking where boys are sensitive.” 

I barked a laugh. “Me either.” 

“Then I will consider that on the table,” she said, making me choke a little. I didn’t want a Saiyin kicking me in the nuts. I would have to bring my A-game. 

Zuina faced me. Her arms at her sides I doubted she thought I was a threat. This wasn't the time to start slow. I brought out my powers, focusing them in my arms. I leapt forward. She dodged underneath my fist and kicked the bottom of my chin. Grunting I absorbed the hit and directed myself to land on the water. Standing on it I did quick hand seals and poured chakra into the surface. 

A huge dragon shot out of the water behind me, going for Zuina. “So cool!” She said as she threw a Ki blast. The blue energy entered the dragon, but it simply passed through. The dragon kept going. Chasing after her I poured more chakra into the dragon as she jumped this way and that. Putting it on an automatic movement I did the strongest jutsu I had access to, Water Dragon Whip. 

Requiring a large amount of chakra I did the hand seals and pushed chakra into the water once more as Zuina destroyed the water dragon. A large ball raised up out of the pond as she headed for me. Floating in the air the water began to spin wildly. Heading for Zuina I poured heat into the water, making it boil as it soared in her direction. 

When it got close high pressure tendrils shot out of the ball of water. Zuina dodged them beautifully. Twisting this way and that she made it look easy. It wasn’t too long until the water had run out, but I felt proud of myself for using a different jutsu. 

“Interesting skills,” Zuina said as she landed on the bank. “Are you standing on the water?”

“I am,” I said. “Shall we continue?” 

“Please,” she said and leapt at me. 

I sent a wave of cold at her. Freezing her wet shirt instantly. Dodging from the wave of my hand she sped up more as I focused on her. Getting ever closer I continued to store the heat I was pulling in front of me as it built up. When she was only a few paces away I risked it. Clamping my hands together I pushed the built up energy out from my palms. A laser shot out at her. 

Zuina panicked, dodging down in the nick of time as the laser cut through the water. Forcing it to follow her she jumped back as the energy fizzled out. “That was hot,” she said, wiping her forehead. “You do have a lot of tricks.” 

“Only my best for you,” I announced.

“Time to get serious,” she said with a smile. I nodded, expecting this. I felt her Spiritual Energy spike and I forced my quirk to cover my body in my Armor. 

Zuina leapt for me, and even with Haki I almost wasn’t fast enough. My hand moving to meet hers I felt the blow lessen as my Armor reflected back half of the power. I wasn’t going to risk trying to absorb one of the hits. I could hurt myself. Lessening the damage was good enough. Zuina noticed something was off as she kicked me. Grabbing her leg I twisted her around and threw her to the shore. 

Jumping after her my Armor absorbed a hit to my gut. “What are you doing?” She asked, confused. “I can’t use all of my strength.” 

“I’ll tell you later,” I assured and threw my first punch at her. She grabbed my fist, but I sent a Tremor into her. Forcing her hand to let go. Caught off guard she didn’t see my other fist coming for her. It connected with her face hard. Sending her flying she barely caught herself on the branch of a tree. 

“Time to get more serious!” She announced. 

“This your best?” I asked. 

“There about,” she said. 

“Then I’ll bring out mine,” I said as I pushed my powers into my fist. Zuina smiled wide and was on me before I could react. 

Kicking down I barely caught myself before I ate a mouthful of dirt. Changing my movement into a flip, I kicked out. She grabbed my foot but I hit the ground, causing the Earth to shake. She was thrown off balance as I connected with her chest. 

Grunting she caught herself and it turned into a classic brawl. I would like to say that I got in more good hits, but she proved to be the stronger foe as I did my best to keep my footing. Even taking half of the blow I was getting hit hard. Sweating all over I used everything I had. Nen, Chakra, Haki, my Tremors, everything. 

I became too flustered to keep all of the moves in every punch, but enough of them went out as I started to see stars with every hit she sent my way. After 10 minutes of this she kicked me into the trunk of a tree. 

“Done now?” She asked as she breathed heavily. 

“Impressed yet?” I asked. 

“A little,” she admitted. 

“Not good enough,” I growled as I stood up. “I need you to be really impressed.” 

“Why?” She asked, confused. 

“Because…” I said. Letting out a breath I closed my eyes as I calmed myself down. “I am going to hit you as hard as I can. I would appreciate you doing the same to me.” 

“Okay,” Zuina said, growing excited from the fight.  

With a nod I dropped Nen, my Devil Fruit, and chakra. Letting out a breath I forced the first 2 gates open. Power flowed into me. I didn't bother to look toward Zuina as I began to open the 3rd gate. Chakra flowing out of me I felt my power double once more. My entire body breaking out into a sweat I let it happen as the 4th gate burst open. 

My eyes on Zuina. She was doing as I feared. Casting her Kamehameha. Speeding up my process I got the 5th gate open. Chakra appeared all around me as my skin turned red. Short hair sticking up I yelled out in pain as Zuina released the blue blast of the iconic technique. 

I flicked my toes and dodged in time. Sent 20 feet away I jumped back toward her and hit her with all I had in the chin. Her body hit the ground hard, bouncing up from the force of the blow. But she wasn’t down. Leaping up I kicked off a branch from a tree and piledrived into her. She spit up as I hit her gut. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head she was knocked out from it and I forced the gates closed. 

Breathing in and out heavily I felt the pain wash over me. Every part of my body aching I also felt a huge wave of relief. I had done it. I had beaten Zuina. Granted she hadn’t seen the move coming, but it didn’t matter, I had done the impossible. Knocked out the strongest woman in the world. That was the first step to my new goal in this world. There was no way Zuina would want to date someone that couldn’t do at least that. 

I passed out from the pain in my body soon enough. Next to the only Saiyan on the planet I slept soundly, content with the progress I had made that day. 

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