Canon Fodder



“This is not going to be good,” I whispered as we entered the building. It was a rather large dome shaped structure. To prevent any risks of fighting we were expected to enter at different intervals. Only 2 aides per Kage, Kakashi and I were chosen to accompany the Hokage. 

“What’s wrong?” Kakashi asked.

“My last mission was targeting the Mizukage,” I whispered. “She might try to kill me.”

“Well a transformation jutsu is out,” Kakashi said. One of the rules prior to entering was to be scanned for any chakra fluctuations to ensure you were who you said you were. “Just take it as it comes. There is bad blood between all of the villages. I’ve killed more than my fair share of loved ones of these people.” 

“True,” I admitted. More than once on our travels if people saw Kakashi they tended to go the other way. The man was a legend from the last war for a reason. “How do you deal with it?” 

“I remind myself it was all for the village. My own comfort is irrelevant,” he said. “And if I was too scared to defend myself, I would have died a long time ago.” 

“I really don’t want to have to kill anyone here,” I mumbled. My ultimate punch was strong, but I was having trouble gauging how strong these people actually were. They were strong, and knew a ton of cool jutsus. I was only confident against Akatsuki because they were the best fights, so I paid attention. In the large war I’d mostly glanced over what these people could actually do. 

“That’s why you have Genjutsu. Calm down. If the Mizukage wishes to start something, she will most likely wait until this is over. It’s not like she will admit to having a spy in her midst,” Tsunade hissed. I nodded, forcing myself to relax. We walked through the wide halls of the building. 

Passing armored individuals they had traditional Japanese samurai gear. The Land of Iron didn’t call their fighters ninjas. Instead they opted for samurai. The major difference was they were more likely to attack head on, and all had multiple swords at their side. I believed they used chakra as well, but couldn’t remember. We passed by more than a few and were led into a large room with a circular table at the building’s center. 

Inside was the Raikage. A big black man he had slicked back white hair. Wearing a white robe with the chest open to show off his thick muscles he was an imposing man. Next to him was the Tsuchikage. He was a short older man with gray hair and a bulbous nose. I seemed to remember that he acted old but was still very strong. 

They were both facing an older man with bandages wrapped around the top of his head. A long goatee he was the man that led the Land of Iron. I couldn’t remember what his title was, but I could tell all 3 were strong. Their Spiritual Energy was quite high, especially the Raikage’s. 

The samurai leader directed Tsunade to sit at the furthest point from him, next to the Tsuchikage. The Raikage and Tsuchikage’s assistants stood behind them on either side. Kakashi and I mirrored them. Kakashi on Tsunade’s right, and me on her left. 

“Watanabe,” the Raikage growled. “You have some explaining to do.” 

I looked to the Hokage. She nodded slightly. “And that is…?”

“Your friend kidnapped my brother!” He said, the large metal gauntlets at his wrist slammed against the table. 

“Yes, I was told yesterday that happened,” I said, keeping my cool as I stared him in the eyes. “By a ninja looking for Killer B. I will tell you the same I told her. If he was taken by Sasuke, then he should still be alive. I assume that is one of many things we are here to discuss.” 

“I want to get this business done quickly,” the Raikage admitted. 

“So we are not the only ones to lose a tailed beast,” the Tsuchikage whispered as he massaged his chin. 

How I understood it, his village lost the 4 and 5 tailed beast. The 4 tailed beast was a monkey and the 5 tailed beast was some weird white skinned horse-like beast. The Land of the Mist where the Mizukage hailed from lost the 6 tailed beast which was a slug. They had also lost the 3 tailed beast that was a giant turtle, but I was pretty sure that tailed beast wasn’t possessing anyone at the time. The 7 tailed beast was lost by the Hidden Waterfall. It was some kind of giant Mothra monster. The Land Hidden in the Clouds where the Raikage was from, had the 8 tailed beast that was a giant octopus/bull, and had possessed the Raikage’s brother. They also had the 2 tailed beast but we were able to save the Jinchuriki. I guessed that none of our warnings had been heeded all those weeks ago. 

I was about to ask about the 2 tailed Jinchuuriki when the woman that scared me the most walked in. Long red hair, she looked the same as the last time I had seen her. Wearing a blue kimono with a fishnet undershirt to hold in her bosom she looked around the room. Bored as ever. Behind her walked in her 2 guards. Ao was there of course. He had his right eye patched, and had his dark gray hair spiked up to a point. Beside him was a young boy wearing glasses. The boy had a large sword at his back. I seemed to remember him from the manga, but a part of me was angry that she had someone else with her. He had light blue hair and wore thick glasses. 

The Mizukage was directed to sit a space away from the Hokage. She nodded and headed over. That was when Ao noticed me. He visibly stiffened as his eyes met mine. I flashed my best smile but he frowned deeply. It was easy to see they already knew I was a spy. He signaled the Mizukage. She looked up quickly. Her eyes widened slightly, but she was better than Ao at controlling her anger. Pausing to study me for only a moment she turned her head and continued to her spot. 

I was met with an awkward silence in the room. I had expected this to happen over a year ago. I was the only person that knew how to handle Akatsuki. I had pushed the Hokage to call a summit that I knew would happen anyway, so that we could potentially direct the narrative. Be seen as benevolent as well as imply that we had a better spy network than these other Kages. 

I had seduced and made the Mizukage fall for me all for some minor information. Forced to fake my death I had decided to leave her a note. A note I had hoped would prevent her from hating me. But I was an outsider to her village. A spy sent to keep tabs on her. She probably had to do a deep dive into all of her other assistants to make sure they weren’t spies either. I had seduced and used what fragile semblance she had hoped to foster in a relationship. 

During all that I had come to the conclusion that being a spy wasn’t for me. I learned some cool techniques and practiced my acting skills, but I may have become too attached to the Mizukage during my time with her. I wanted to talk with her, but this wasn’t the time or place. I passed the time in silence as I stared at the table in front of me. 

Eventually the Kazekage, Gaara came. With Kankuro and Temari at his side they were a sight for sore eyes. 

“Weston,” Gaara said as they walked past to take the last seat. “I see that you are still alive. I heard that you helped kill a few more Akatsuki members.” 

“Just a couple,” I said. “I’m glad they didn’t go after you again.” 

“Yes, it has been rather quiet,” the red haired man admitted. He and I shook hands and he walked past. I was sure the handshake was some kind of symbolism of the relationship between the sand and the leaf, but I didn’t bother to understand it. 

Temari walked past and gave me a wink. I smiled wide at her, but then her eyes landed on the Mizukage. She let out a sneer and I felt the temperature in the room rise a little. Watching out of the corner of my eye I saw that the blonde and redhead locked eyes. Having some sort of mental conversation I forced myself to calm down. Temari knew of my relationship with the Mizukage. And I guessed with a simple wink, the Mizukage knew of my relationship with Temari, or at least suspected. 

Their stare down lasted for a long time, but was then ended as the samurai leader spoke. “Thank you all for making this trip on such short notice,” he said. Temari caught herself and moved to stand behind Gaara. “It has been a long time in the making, but I am glad we could all agree that this is a threat worth our time and effort.”

“Let’s get on with it,” the Raikage barked. “What are we going to do about Akatsuki? Konoha has been saying for a while now that they are a real problem. I want to know how you knew this issue was coming.” 

“We have many resources,” the Hokage said smoothly. “Our own Jinchuriki was attacked over 2 years ago by a rogue ninja from the Leaf, and one from the Mist,” she pointed to the Mizukage. “During that time we began our investigation into them.” 

“I heard Akatsuki started in the Land of Mist,” the Tsuchikage admitted. The old man giving the Mizukage a wide smile. 

“That is false,” the Hokage said. “Our sources had said the same thing. But we were able to confirm that wasn’t true.” I had hoped that she would mention me by name, perhaps implying to the Mizukage that there was a good reason I was under her employ. Alas, Tsunade wanted to keep information close to her ample chest for now. 

“Then where did they come from?” Gaara asked. 

“From all over,” the Hokage said. “They were made of rogue ninjas from each of our villages. We have learned that they have many leaders, all with different goals.”

“And what are those goals?” The Mizukage asked. I struggled to not look her way as she did. I didn’t want to distract or be distracted. My mind was on the ever closing in Sasuke. 

It was hard to not like the Search Quirk. Everyone I had ever met could be sensed around me. Just a simple name from them and they couldn’t sneak up on me anymore. I simply had to think of them and I knew where they were. 

In the original canon, Sasuke had crashed this summit to confront Danzo. Danzo was dead thanks to Tsunade, so I had hoped he would wisen up. But from how fast he was moving I guessed he was just as angry as before at the village. It didn’t bother me any. I’d promised to kick his ass years ago. It was time to make good on my words. 

The dark avenger ever approaching I followed him with my eyes as the Kages talked back and forth. He zigged and zagged this way and that. Like watching a fly, my eyes continued to follow him until he was upon us. Once he was I tapped the shoulder of the Hokage. She stopped talking and looked up. She gave me a confused look but I mouthed his name. 

“It seems we have some eavesdroppers!” Tsunade said loudly, cutting off the Raikage from yelling again. The other Kage’s soon stopped talking. “Come out Uchiha!” There was a long pause while nothing happened, then he disappeared from my sense. Confused, I looked around until the swirl in the air appeared at the center of the room. 

As if the air had turned into a cyclone, the space distorted and 2 men materialized from the eye of the cyclone. One man was tall with black hair that wore an orange mask. The mask was twisted and centered on one of his eyes. The boy next to him was the ever elusive Sauske.

The Raikage stood up, his face distorted in rage as he saw Sasuke, but I cut him off. “Well lookie here, the last 2 Uchihas. Father and son outing?” I asked. That caught Tobi off-guard. His 1 eye visible behind the mask glared at me. “What? You didn’t think we knew? Obito, right?” I was really hoping the gamble would work. Sasuke looked up at the man, waiting. I guessed he needed more of a push. 

“Crushed by a boulder? Saved by Madara himself? Forced the 9 tails to go berserk against Konoha all those years ago. Any of that ring a bell?” He still wasn’t budging. His mind working a mile a minute to come up with something to take back power. I couldn’t let that happen. “Obito Uchiha, quit playing with the mask. We know who you are. Unless that thing gives you plus 5 INT, I doubt it is worth keeping on anymore.”

The man stood their for a moment, and gloriously he took the bait. His hand lifting up he grabbed the mask and pulled it away. The right side of his face was scarred up, but there he was in all of his supposed glory. Obito Uchiha, and as I saw his face, my Search quirk kicked in and I was able to feel him. 

“Gotcha,” I mumbled. He would have a hell of a time hiding from me now.  

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