Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 4 (7)

Book 6: Chapter 4 (7)

Academic City (2nd)

Several minutes had passed since I left the cock theatre..

I managed to lose Drill-chan in the library and was now wandering around wondering if I should leave  or continue my research and risk being discovered by her. I decided that it would be best to quickly find books that might further my research and try to leave before she has the chance to find me.

But where should I start?

I was lost in thought for a few minutes when I heard a familiar voice nearby.

I was on the first floor and noticed a group of people who had pushed several desks together and were currently huddled up together. They all looked hard at work on their studies.

See, your mistake is right there.

Eh? I-It is?

Right there. Look, this part here. I pointed it out to you and you still cant see it?

Ah, r-right! Thank you so much!

It was Ester-chan.

There were others with her as well that I was familiar with. The fat, skinny, and ikemen students that were bullying the JC. They were all seated at the desks writing on paper spread out in front of them.

Is Ester-chan actually helping them with their reports?

Ah, look, this parts wrong too. It shouldnt say that but this.

I-Im so sorry!

The ikemen leader of the trio quickly bowed his head when Ester-chan pointed out his mistake.

She was closely watching the trio work and whenever she noticed a mistake, she was quick to point it out and show them the right answer. Her voice may be harsh and the three boys may take it hard, but shes sincerely trying to help them and that is her way of showing kindness.

Even that cocky ikemen bully is treating Ester-chan with respect.

And it isnt like hes responding that way because of her position as a nobleman but out of genuine fear of her.

Um, F-Fitzclarence-sama.

The skinny bespectacled boy spoke with clear terror coating each of his words.


Fitzclarence-sama, umm, where did you learn all of this?

Fufu~n, of course this much is expected of any student of the Royal Academy of the Penny Empire. Ill impart some of that knowledge onto you. Feel free to ask me anything and Ill have an answer for you.

The Royal Academy!? Thats incredible!

I-It is?

Its a school known throughout the world for its grand tradition and prestige where only the chosen are allowed to attend. There are many here in Academy City that dream of one day joining the ranks of the elite of the Royal Academy! The benefits there are said to be so good that many professors of Academy City wish to go there and teach as well!

Hou, really? I didnt know about all of that.

Umm, Im actually one of those students that wishes to learn there one day!

Oh no, this gullible megane has fallen for Ester-chan, hasnt he? I can tell just by the way hes looking at her. Hes constantly glancing at her thighs and chest. Its very reminiscent of me.

It sent a tingle through my chest.

I wish I still had my youth like him.

No, Ive already given up on the idea of ever becoming young again. Its pointless for me to keep thinking about it.

H-How much is the tuition?

Tuition? How much was it again? Maybe five hundred gold a year or so.

Eh? I-I-I-Its really that much?

Isnt that pretty standard for most schools? What does it cost here?


I could hear the sound of the gullible meganes heart snapping in two. The cost must be too much for his family to afford. Maybe he was hoping to do well in this class and earn a chance to study at the Royal Academy in the Penny Empire. Well, things never work out as youd hope. Its best he gets used to that while hes young.

The megane was left speechless, but the fat bully gave Ester-chan an answer.

Things are done differently here, FitzClarence-sama. Those that are admitted to the school receive different treatment based on their skills and experience. The highest rated students may even receive a stipend from the school while they are enrolled.

A stipend?

Yes, many of them begin working for the professors and have their futures secured. Typically, these students will start their own lab to perform experiments under the guidance of the professors. For ordinary students like us, its a dream come true.

Oh, really? I guess I should expect nothing else from Academy City. The way your school prepares its students for careers is far more advanced than the Royal Academy.

I-It sure is.

The fat bully had the light fade from his eyes just as the megane did. He must have had the same dream in mind. The only one of the three that seemed to remain calm was the ikemen. Ikemen are expected to be strong around women, after all.

Ester-chan continued with a casual tone.

If youre ever in the Penny Empire, you should pay me a visit.

Eh? W-We can?


B-But, the head of the FitzClarence family is a duke.

Each of them responded at once in the same panicked way.

However, she didnt seem to pay them any mind at all.

Its quite serendipitous that we all ended up working on this report together.

She stated this without much concern for the impact it would have on the bully trio.

The three boys took her words to heart.

T-Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you so much, FItzClarence-sama!

The fat and skinny bullies were ecstatic to have her show even a slight amount of enjoyment about working with them. The smiles that spread across their faces were filled with bliss. Does this loli bitch enjoy breaking the hearts of hopeless virgins? Im sure the two of them will stumble on her and Allen together in a room at some nameless inn.


Even so, she does seem to be enjoying this more than I thought.

In fact, if I look at her objectively, Ester-chan is a good woman. She cares for people other nobles would consider beneath her. Shes always been nice to Sophia-chan. When she was with Allen she even allowed him to take Sophie-chan as his second girl.

It was rude to EDita Sensei for the lolibitch to start shouting during her lecture, but the principles she spoke about were admirable. Considering the family she belongs to, its likely shell govern over people in the future and someone with that set of morals would make a good leader.

A strong lolibitch.

Her memories may be gone but the person she is has not changed.


Thinking about the good aspects of  the lolibitch made a twinge of sadness hit my heart.

The one person I actually hold love for is Sophia-chan.

Nothing will ever make that love waver.

However, seeing her interact with the three boys in such a casual manner made me want to make up with her so we could get back to talking like we used to.


I quickly turned away as I wasnt sure if my heart could take much more.

This is how a man slowly turns into a dandy.

Trust me.


The sun had set some time ago.

I had finished eating and my bath and now all that was left before going to sleep was to have my nightly talk with Goggoru-chan. Every night over the last few days, weve sat side-by-side on the edge of my bed talking about whatever she wants.

This position was decided by her because she thought that if we sat across from each other on the couches, my mind would be filled with dirty thoughts of her. Personally, I think sitting like this is more likely to lead to me fantasizing about her due to how close we are.

We sat next to each other on my bed and talked about whatever came to mind. But, it was as we were talking casually that Goggoru-chan said something that grabbed my attention.

Peacock-san lied to me?


She brought up Peacocks name.

I cant think of many occasions when the two of them would have a chance to interact. If there was ever a time when they met and she wouldve had a chance to read his mind, it would have been when we first arrived in Academy City or just the other day when we encountered him in the ruins. It seems most likely that this wouldve happened in the ruins.

be careful around him.

I see. Thanks for the warning.

This is the first time someone has warned me to be careful about someone since the Royal Academy with Sophie-chan. Its also strange for Goggoru-chan to say anything since shes typically tight-lipped about the stuff she reads.

There are bad things being kept in the ruins.

Bad things?

I cant say that doesnt sound ominous.

Are these bad things important to Peacock-san?


I knew something felt strange about our encounter there.

It was way too coincidental for us to stumble into each other in a place like that.

Turns out, my suspicions were correct.

Then it may be best if we forget about everything involving the ruins.


No matter how upstanding a person, everyone has at least one thing they wish to keep secret. Besides, I shouldnt be hearing this from you anyway based on the ground rules we set out for your ability. Our main priority should be fulfilling our role as ambassadors of our country.

The person in question is a top-ranked student that also happens to be having an affair with a powerful member of Academy City. It would be one thing to accuse a regular student, but throwing any unfounded accusations at Pi-chan is out of the question. It could even lead to an international incident that I alone wouldnt be able to handle. Those above me would be forced to get involved.

Im here as a representative of the FitzClarence family and Richard-san.

thats dangerous.

Thank you for your concern, but Im capable of protecting myself from many of the dangers of this world. I think its more important that we refrain from using your abilities in a way that can lead to you being shunned from society.

Its not like were on the Dark Continent anymore. This is an ordinary human city. As long as whatever Pi-chan is up to doesnt involve a horde of Red Dragons or some other apocalyptic event, I think everything will be fine.

Besides, I dont want Goggoru-chan to be exposed to the cock theatre.

If Professor Bus is involved with whatever Pi-chan is doing, me becoming involved could lead to the end of any friendly relations between Academy City and the Penny Empire. Depending on the severity, not only Richard-san but the King himself could become involved.

I just dont see the benefit of getting myself involved.

Remember: see, listen, and do nothing.

Which is why my focus is on talking with Goggoru-chan.

Fine by me. I can just go back to the Dark Continent when you die.

Even if it leads to my death, I at least want to make a place for you to call home before I leave.


How about that line? It was pretty fitting for a dandy.

I still need to win over the loligon to make that happen.

I want her to accept Goggoru-chan and allow her to live in Dragon City.

I dont know how long the goggorus live, but I doubt theyd outlive the loligon. If I could get them to be friends, I could die happily knowing that Goggoru-chan has someone else to spend her time with once Im gone.

I hope that youll be there for me should I need your help in the future.


Yes, really. Ive already had to rely on you plenty in the past, havent I?

Shes helped me more times than  can count, especially when we were in Kalis.

I understand.

Sorry that all I ever do is ask you for help. If you ever need help with anything, ask me and Ill do whatever I can to help. I know I might seem useless, but I know many ways to help that others might not think of.

Im indebted to Goggour-chan.

Its only fair that I do what I can to spoil her.

Its always been my dream to buy anything she wants for the girl I love.

I dont careas long as you keep talking to me like this. Thats the only thing that matters to me.

Oh, a girl with simple tastes.

Then again, for her, this may be the greatest luxury of all. Even so, I would have to say that Ive not done enough to repay everything shes done for me and I continue to use her for her ability. I could do more, but Im not. Which is why Im frustrated.

I just want to give her what she wants and spend all night with her.

Do you like alcohol, Rocoroco-san?

Ive never tried it.

I see. I enjoy a good drink from time to time and Id like it if we could share a drink. If youre okay with it.


Do you not like people that drink?

Ill consider it.

Thank you. I hope we can share one someday.

I really hope we can drink during one of our chats someday.

Aah, I should invite Edita Sensei too. That would be the best threesome I can imagine.

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