Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 4 (6)

Book 6: Chapter 4 (6)

Academic City (2nd)

I visited Professor Bus office, but he wasnt home.

I knocked on his door and waited for a few minutes before I was sure he wasnt in. I turned to leave and originally intended to return to my room when I remembered another mission of mine.

Ah, there it is.

I need to start looking into research on hair growth.

Previously, I ran into Ester-chan when I was going to the library and was forced to return to my room empty handed. However, this time there was no one in my way to stop me and I managed to reach the library unmolested. Even so, it still took me nearly a half hour of wandering the halls to find my destination.

I miss the info loli.

I hope shes doing well back in the capital.

Once I entered the library I asked the librarian for the location of all books related to alchemy and he told me where I could find them. The librarian was a man so I had no reason to talk to him and quickly made my way to the area he described.

He told me that potions that are used to affect the human body can be found near the back of the third floor.

I took in the beauty of the intricately designed interior of the library as I ascended the stairs.

It was as I was on my way to the area that I heard a voice coming from behind a nearby bookshelf.

Hnn, ahw-we shouldnt bedoing this here.

Why are you this wet if youre not into it.


It was a pair of voices clearly engaging in some lewd behaviour.


However, my son showed no sign of reacting.

I had never heard a man moan in such a girlish way. This naturally drew my attention and I tried to catch a glimpse of the pair through the books lined up on a nearby bookshelf. I was able to make out the duo and was surprised by what I saw.

are you kidding me?

It was Pi-chan and Professor Bus.

Hn, r-right there.

Here? This is your sweet spot?

Professor Bus was the one causing Pi-chan to moan.

To be more precise, Professor Bus is pressed up against Pi-chan from behind and taking advantage of their height difference to grab Pi-chan by the neck with one hand while his other is rubbing him in places I dont want to see.

For somebody who is either gay or into BL, this would be a scene theyd be willing to pay to watch. However, the sight was painful to witness for a straight virgin like myself thats only interested in girls. The pair of them showed me something I never wanted to see and a memory I will never be able to forget.

Its a memory that will appear at the most inopportune of times when Im trying to dream about girls.

Fufu, I cant believe how much of a little slut you are. I cant believe after all we did earlier that youre still craving more.

B-But, I cant help it. I just want it so badly.

How cute.

I can take solace in the fact that I encountered them while they were both still fully clothed. This is probably the foreplay before the main event. I dont know how I wouldve reacted if I walked in after anything had been inserted.

Professor, I cant wait anymore. That magnificent thing between your legs, please, hurry.

I swear youre never satisfied. I never thought a day would come when a man would make me feel this way.

ButI-I cant help it. Your penis is just too good.

I cant hear any more of this.

I turned on my heel to quickly make my escape.

As I was about to leave, I was met by a familiar face. I wasnt sure how long she had been standing beside me.

Hmm? Theyre really getting into it.

It was Drill-chan.

Drill-chan was intently staring at the BL pair.

The masochist demon was nowhere in sight.

W-When did you get here?

I saw you go into the library and was curious to see what you were doing so I followed you in.


I never even noticed her.

Or that I was being followed.

Is following people something you do for fun?

I suppose. Liz has been in such a bad mood and when I tried to strike up a conversation with her knight, she started yelling at me. I should have brought Sophia along with me. She has such a way with people. Would you mind if I made her mine?

Sophia-chan must have been the one in charge of handling Drill-chan while Ive been away from Dragon City. Its unfortunate that shes become friends with such a troublesome person. My cowardly maid must have been terrified being in the presence of a foreign noble.

I wont do anything to stop you if she wants to go with you, but if you do anything to forcefully take her, youll make an enemy out of me for life.

O-Okay, I get it. I was just joking!

Drill-chan immediately backed off after hearing my threat.

The memory of my fireball must be burned into her mind.

Ah, of course. You have such a great sense of humour, Doris-san.

O-Of course, ohohoho~! Im known for my funny jokes!

Im just curious, but is your servant not with you today?

Gerosu went off somewhere claiming he could sense vibrations or something.

I see.

I wonder what he meant by vibrations.

I remember in my previous life, my boss mentioned something similar before disappearing for the rest of the night in the nearby district filled with soaplands and pink salons.

I hope hes not planning on causing any problems. I know hes still upset about what happened on the Dark Continent and he could see my being here in Academy City as an opportunity to get revenge. Ill just believe that he wont do anything to cause me problems.

What? Dont tell me youre worried that Gerosu might be up to something?

I think its best if at least one person is always keeping his actions in mind.

Ara, I never took you as someone interested in men. Dont tell me, did I interrupt a private moment for you when you were watching them?

Her eyes darted over to Pi-chan and Professor Bus.

The two of them still had yet to notice us.

Theyre so deeply engrossed in their passionate love making that they havent noticed theyve garnered an audience.

Seriously? I was just checking because Id rather it just be the two of us. I cant speak to you calmly if hes nearby. Just the other day, I barely even got a word out before he was already staring daggers at me.

Just the two of us, huh? Maybe he thinks youre trying to seduce me.

Do you want me to seduce you?

Ohohohoho~, youll have to find a way to upgrade your face before you can act cocky like that!

As if Im the one thats cocky here.

Ill definitely have sex with her one day.

But this situation isnt going to lead to that. Just a few feet away, two men are currently entangled with each other and look like theyre seconds away from taking their clothes off. Theyve been kissing each other since I first stumbled onto them and now theyve advanced to tongue kissing. I can even see thick strands of saliva still connecting them when they pull apart. I think Ive reached my limit.

Dont you think its about time we left?

Ara, you dont want to watch til they finish?

What are you saying?

How weak.

even if I wanted to, Id still allow them their privacy.

Shes surprisingly calm given the situation.

If I had stumbled in on Ester-chan and Drill-chan in a similar position, I wouldve had no problem watching them for hours. But this is two men were talking about.

Even if Pi-chan is both feminine and cute, it doesnt matter.

Hmm? I guess we can go.


Im bored so Im going to keep following you.


This isnt going to work.

I dont want Drill-chan looking into what Im trying to research. I should be happy that a beautiful girl wants to accompany me, but I really cant have her with me. It goes without saying that the talkative big-breasted loli would be the last person Id want finding out about me balding.

Sorry, but I just remembered I have something else to do.

Something else? What could that be? Is it something I can help with?

No, no, I can manage on my own.

Why does she insist on getting in my way? This is making me think about my terrible LUC stat. I struggled to get into the library at first, then I finally make it into the library and stumbled on two men passionately embracing each other, and now Drill-chan wont leave me alone so I can find the books I need.

No, no, Im just overthinking things. It has to be my imagination. I have to believe that. I mean, back in Dragon City things were never this bad. I was able to survive Richards scheming and built an entire city without anything terrible happening. Id even consider myself fortunate.

Ill be taking my leave then.

Ah, wait astop this instant!

I left Drill-chan behind in the library as I took off down the hall in an attempt to escape her.

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