Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1248: 1220 Research Progress [Big Stomach King

Chapter 1248 1220. Research Progress [Big Eater Vitality]

Berengar always had the feeling of sneering and mocking others when he spoke.

This is not because he has malicious intentions and sprays "venom" with his words to others.

 It's more like his own speaking style.

Although this style is not very flattering, it is generally not malicious.

Lan discovered that all the guys from the Wolf School have this problem?

Geralt, Lambert, Berengar. These guys can always start at 0 frames and sting people with a set of sarcastic words mixed in a plain tone.

If it were the Magical Middle Ages, ordinary people would probably get angry quickly if they were around Berengar or other wolf sects.

 But this is the New World Survey Group, so.

The one-eyed man first stroked his steel-brush-like beard and thought for a while, then scratched his bald head and laughed: "Hahaha! Only now do I realize how dangerous it was back then!"

“So I am indeed very lucky! Isn’t that right, disciples?”

 “Oh! The master is indeed very lucky!”*N

There was a chorus of laughing laughter all around.

Neither the leader of the second phase nor his disciples seemed to have any feeling for Berengar's "Wolf School-style hidden agenda and sarcastic remarks".

Berengar's mouth suddenly dropped.

This is what a guy who is habitually yin and yang is like this. When the other party doesn't feel it at all, he feels uncomfortable himself.

Lan En was very happy to see it.

But Berengar just curled his lips and finally returned to business.

"That's roughly it." He raised his head and raised the draft drawing in his hand to Lan En, "I am in charge of the forging technology, and the shape is fine-tuned according to what you said. Are there any questions?"

 “No problem, I fully believe in your ability.”

Lan smiled and shrugged.

"But there is one more thing, I have to tell you in advance." Berengar, who received a positive answer, looked at the young demon hunter with serious and solemn eyes.

This solemn look made Lan En couldn't help but become serious.

"According to what you told Smaug, this armor is definitely not that easy to wear. It will be very evil. You have to be mentally prepared."

"Go ahead, Berengar." Lan En patted the other party's shoulder and smiled, "Even if Smaug is resurrected in front of him, I can kill him in front of him again."

The old demon hunter shook his head and put away the draft drawings: "Anyway, this is what you said, so I will just do the work."

 The communication with Lan En was just a simple inquiry between the two great craftsmen about the 'customers' of custom-made services.

 In the actual drawing creation and casting stages, Lan En, an outsider, has no way to get involved, and there is no need to consult with him.

 So the days in the Star Stronghold became temporarily regular.

The anatomy and research on [Mist Nest Lord] were proceeding in an orderly manner. On the first day, Lan En only took out all the internal organs, but its muscles, bones, nerves, glands, and more were still buried deep inside. In a huge body with a length of more than forty meters.

These relatively small organs require more precise knife skills and a more rigorous approach to surgery.

 Fortunately, Lan En is very confident on both points.

Tisaya goes to the arena every day to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the magic spell that blocks the magic of chaos.

 The next step was to borrow Lan En’s elf beacon, and according to her, ‘conduct theoretical research without such a convenient means as magic’.

Lan En met her recently. The sorceress no longer had the embarrassment or entanglement she had when replenishing her magic power on the first day. Instead, she looked immersed in academics and thinking.

Even when Weapon and Shanmao Ting were eating, they would suddenly stop and show a thoughtful expression.

As the most powerful and oldest sorceress among humans, she has achieved what she has today not only because of her seniority and age.

 Her own talent, as well as this concentration and obsession with research, are the foundation for her growth to this day.

It is precisely because of this that she is dissatisfied with the hedonism and power-seeking atmosphere that permeates the sorceress community today.

Tisaya's research in the theoretical field seems to be making good progress, and Lan is not bad in the research field.

 In the morning part of the day, he would be in charge of the [Mist Nest Master] dissection in the arena.

 In the afternoon, we will work with scholars from the Institute of Ecology to study the divided organs of the [Mist Nest Master].

 The main research objects are the stomach pouch and kidneys of [Mist Nest Master].

 Among them, the kidney, the organ corresponding to the enhanced surgery [pebble kidney], was quite easy for him to study.

 Benefiting from the semi-spiritual state of [Mist Nest Lord], even if its organs have been cut open for several days, they are still in better condition than those of other creatures in the same preserved state.

After joining the research of scholars, Lan En quickly understood the knowledge contained in this organ with the help of the biochemical brain in the brain.

 In Mentos's database, [Enhanced Organ Knowledge: The Kidneys of the Mist Nest Master's Tyrannosaurus Rex] is left.

Even the by-products during the research process have met expectations.

 Lan carefully studied the biochemical reactions of this kidney during the process of detoxification and filtration.

 And from it, we obtained a dark red liquid that can be prepared in vitro using the kidney grinding fluid of the Tyrannosaurus Rex as a basis. It looks a bit like beating the kidneys into plasma. It is equivalent to a powerful slow-release antidote and recovery potion. It targets a wide range of toxins. Basically, it can detoxify all the toxins that the Tyrannosaurus might have eaten.

 And after use, the user's demand for nutrients will greatly increase during the time the drug takes effect.

 The desire and persistence for food may have penetrated into every organ and cell of the Dino Tyrannosaurus.

  But as a benefit, users will get far better recovery than usual if they have adequate nutrition.

Judging from the human body standards of the Magical Middle Ages when Tissaya temporarily lost her magic, the recovery power can basically be tripled as usual.

 Because it is a "sustained release" medicine, the effect of the medicine can last for two days in the body of ordinary people.

Yes, ordinary people can also use it. Compared with the [White Honey] and [Swallow] potions of the Witcher, it is very universal.

 But the cost of its preparation ‘makes up for’ this.

If it weren't for the help of the Botany Research Institute next to the Institute of Ecology, many medicinal materials were temporarily planted on the "little ancient tree" grafted into the base. Then borrow the surging vitality of the 'little ancient tree' to mature day by day.

Lan En couldn’t even do it in such a short time. It takes three or four days just to prepare the materials.

 Still in the New World, a place where flowers can grow again the next morning after pruning them.

But no matter what, this antidote named [Big Eater Vitality] by the director of the Ecological Research Institute has indeed fulfilled the promise Lan En made to the Ember Knights before setting off.

The slow-release effect of this antidote is enough for the [Green Grass Trial] pharmaceutical team to suppress the toxicity to the point where it cannot kill people while maintaining the ability to transform the human body.

At the same time, it has the ability to "increase resilience by three times if the nutrient supply is sufficient", which can also greatly increase the possibility of Ember Knights enduring genetic mutations.

Even the New World Investigation Team praised the efficacy of this potion. The old lady Dou Ding'er of the Dragon tribe in charge of the alchemy cauldron has already prepared to include this potion in the list of preparation recipes.

  long-term resistance to toxins and greatly improved recovery, it is also a very useful medicine for hunters in the New World.

 Unfortunately, there is still a problem of scarcity of materials.

Just the [Tyrannosaurus Kidney Grinding Liquid] is very worrying. Lan En can still use the crystal cultivation technology to make it after returning to Arethusa. This place is purely for hunting the Tyrannosaurus.

But then again, the supply of various powerful medicinal materials in the New World was discontinued when Lan En returned to the Magical Middle Ages, but there is a continuous supply here.

  It can be considered that each has its own strengths and weaknesses to a certain extent.

 The anatomy and analysis of [Mist Nest Lord]'s kidneys came to an end, but Lan En was stuck on the organ called the stomach pouch.

 It's still because of the semi-spiritual form.

 The stomach pouch is the place where the cursed magic power is most concentrated on the [Mist Nest Lord], and the semi-spiritual transformation phenomenon is also the most severely eroded.

 At the beginning of the battle, [turbid current·annihilation] was cut in other parts, which could swallow flesh and blood and release dragon-type energy that was weaker than usual.

 But if it had been cut on the stomach pouch at that time, it would probably feel that its bite was empty.

Other scholars at the Institute of Ecology cannot get involved with this organ, and Lan En does not recommend that they get involved with this organ that has been severely eroded by magic power, even though the magic power is now sealed by a magic spell.

“It’s more like studying magic than studying biological organs, sir.”

 Lan En was fiddling with the huge stomach pouch in front of him intently while listening to Mentos in his head.

The biochemical intelligence brain is gathering various information about the organs in front of you and compiling it into a database, waiting for its final integration into new [enhanced organ knowledge].

 But the knowledge contained in this organ in front of us is clearly crossing over from biology to occultism.

 “That’s to be expected, Mentos.”

Lan En’s focused eyes were unmoved and he just muttered to himself.

He used a scalpel to cut off a thin slice of the stomach wall, and transferred the organ preservation solution to the microscope of the Institute of Ecology.

  His cat eyes were close to the eyepiece, and at the same time, the tweezers in his hands moved the sample accurately and steadily in a very small way, so that all angles of it were exposed in front of his eyes.

"It would be strange if an organ that is powerful enough to digest magic power is not linked to magic and alchemy." After muttering, Lan En's cat eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, "Record, this is what we found in its stomach. Thirty-three cell forms.”

 “Recording completed.” Mentos completed the task first, and then continued to express his opinions.

"But with all due respect, sir. If this organ is too involved in the occult, then even if we fully understand it, we may still need more to make it work in your body."

 The biochemical intelligence brain has not finished what it said, because it knows that the subject knows exactly what it is going to say.

 The unfinished words can also make the subject pay attention to it.

Lann does know.

 He calmly adjusted the objective lens of the microscope, but softly uttered a word in his mouth.

 A magical name.

 “[Arzu’s Double Cross].”

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