Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1247: 1219 Forging occult knowledge

Chapter 1247 1219. Forging occult knowledge

 In the opinion of Lan En and Berengar, the local armor shapes in the New World are "too exaggerated and visual."

But this is not because the craftsmen’s aesthetics are deliberately pursuing exaggeration, but the aesthetic tendency naturally cultivated in this environment.

 The goal of the New World Survey Team is to explore the secrets of the New World's ecology. They compete and cooperate with countless monsters on this continent.

 Monster materials are very important materials in this world, and are even one of the pillars of material science in this world.

 Just like the leader of the second phase of the regiment, his ability to control the properties of steel was slightly inferior, and Berengar could see it at a glance.

 But when it comes to how to properly handle and use biological materials, there is really no one more professional than him.

 As a craftsman of this world, you must be good at using monster materials.

 So of course, in the various armor sets of the investigation team, there are basically very obvious traces of biological materials.

 Scaly outer armor, gloves and boots made of monster minions, helmets and pauldrons made of monster hard shells, and knee pads.

 The armor patterns of monsters can be seen everywhere on the equipment. The carapace and claws of the monsters are basically slightly polished and put on after they become suitable.

The style is so rough and wild that basically, after a person has seen the monster itself, and then sees the armor made of the monster material, he can recognize it at a glance without being introduced by others.

 Because the armor retains too many biological characteristics of monsters.

As for the biological characteristics of monsters that have their own styles, but are basically wild and wild, appearing on human armor, the evaluation of "exaggerated" is almost inevitable.

Like a suit of ceratopsian armor, the shoulder armor is simply worn with the two iconic horns of the ceratopsian, and two thick, khaki-yellow horns over one meter long are placed on the shoulders.

“Is this still bad?” The leader of the second phase team shook his head and sighed, as if he was confused as to why his design was so ‘exaggerated’. "I'm obviously very restrained."

Berengar said beside him: "We have several versions of the design. Although I have revised it several times, this version is still the 'least eye-catching' one."

As he said that, the old demon hunter looked at the one-eyed man and shrugged helplessly.

 Compared to him, Berengar's previous career as a demon hunter allowed him to better understand Lan En's need for armor.

 But both parties are skilled craftsmen, how can it be so easy to compromise the styles of both parties?

 In the end, it took a lot of grinding and grinding to finally reach a compromise.

 Decided on the model Lan En is holding now.

However, in the process of running into each other, Berengar must have been influenced by the other party, so when this drawing was put in front of Lan En, he could still see the local style at a glance.

Lan En was comparing the force analysis provided by Mentos on his retina while deleting and adding additions to the armor's shape.

“You just added a helmet and a helmet, why is it this style!”

 Lan En complained feebly.

He could see it, although Berengar's original armor design style should be more simple, which is the conventional style in the magical Middle Ages.

 But after coming to this world to communicate with local craftsmen, and seeing such biological materials with great creative potential, he became a little "high".

And the evidence is - Lann thrust the drawing in his hand into Berengar's face, while his finger pointed at the helmet of the draft armor.

 It looks like a skull with a crown.

Lan En had an expression on his face that said, "So you are also a two-spined ape", which made Berengar turn his head unconsciously.

“This is the helmet I copied from [Wild Hunt], right?” The blueprint in Lan En’s hand got closer. "Why don't you leave it here to engage in folklore and art?"

The old demon hunter defended himself in a low voice.

“This, how can we say ‘copy’ about this craftsman? It’s a reference! This is a reference!”

“Didn’t you say that last time? [Wild Hunt] is not a magical phenomenon, it is a group of intelligent creatures with high technology. Then it is normal to borrow their armor design!”

 “I’ll learn from you as a hammer!”

Lan En complained expressionlessly.

Hello guy, I just said that the aesthetic style of local blacksmiths is too exaggerated, but why do you, a thick-eyed person like you, do this to me?

  The armors made by the blacksmiths in the New World are still as rough and wild as the monsters from which they are sourced. But after adding Berengar, they directly ran towards the image of the "Ghost Rider"!

 Lan is a demon hunter who often wanders between worlds, and basically starts the game as an unfamiliar demon hunter.

Wearing this armor?

  The villain is the villain at the beginning, right?

 Can this be played?

Lan En held his forehead and opened and closed his mouth.

 Generally when he first arrives in a new world, he doesn’t even dare to drink magic potion.

They are afraid that after drinking the potion, the demon hunter's physical reaction - that is, the toxins will accumulate in the blood vessels of the eyes, making the face pale and the eye sockets black - will make people feel evil.

Although one should not judge people by their appearance, it is undeniable that evil faces will definitely increase the alertness and even fear of strangers. And that leads to trouble.

 Lan looked at the draft drawing in his hand and then at Berengar, going back and forth several times. If you wear this outfit and run around with this helmet,

“Berengar, I remember that I didn’t feel sorry for you.”

"Hey? What are you talking about!" Berengar's long face turned red, and he quickly grabbed the draft drawing from Lan En's hand, "If you don't want the helmet, don't use it."

 The leader of the second phase group next to him opened his mouth to say something.

 In fact, this helmet was designed according to the conventional design of the craftsmen of the local survey team, and is an essential part of a set of equipment.

  But not for witchers.

“Anyway, these dragon scales and dragon skin are completely dead, inactive, and have no [monster essence] in your mouth. Your whole set of effects is useless. You still have to look at mine.”

Berengar showed his hands to the leader of the second phase of the team.

The craftsmen of the survey team all learned their skills in the Old Continent. The Hunters Guild has compiled a complete set of equipment standards over a long period of time and countless hunts.

 How many equipment parts can carry how much [Monster Essence], and how much [Monster Essence] can ultimately achieve what effect? ​​This has basically been figured out.

 This is the ‘set effect’ when the survey team makes equipment.

 That's why the craftsmen of the Survey Corps tend to maintain the integrity of a 'set' of armor when forging it.

Lan En's original master-level Bear School armor was all removed and placed aside.

The leader of the second phase team also finished measuring Lan En’s body data.

The three of them stood in front of the armor of the Witcher School that had been taken off and lined up in a row, looking at the draft drawing together.

 Because Smaug's body tissue is completely dead and cannot use the local [Monster Essence] technology, there is no doubt that Berengar will take the lead in technology this time.

 It can be said that he was angry that [Zhuoliu] was transformed without even saying hello.

The old demon hunter took a bunch of armor parts in front of him and began to learn more about how the mysterious power under the magic alchemy system worked on the armor with the one-eyed man beside him.

He briefly described the production process of these armor components to the leader of the second phase, as well as the alchemical significance of these production processes, and the final effect that can be achieved.

“Recycle the chaotic magic power that has been formed into the seal and emitted, and then the next step is the knowledge of the Bear School.”

Berengar took the bear skin collar on the master suit and pushed aside the thick and shiny bear fur on it, revealing the skin under the bear fur, which had rune patterns on it. Show it to the two people around you.

“The group of dwarves who designed the armor for the Bear School, Anahad must have given them his own knowledge as a reference.”

“Utilizing the knowledge of the Bear School, the dwarves designed the function of recirculating and utilizing the dispersed chaos magic power to form a spontaneous [Quen Sign].”

Berengar's narration progressed from simple to profound, making the leader of the second phase of the regiment nod his head as he accepted this knowledge for the first time.

 The opening of the occult course even attracted the apprentices from the entire processing house to come here, wanting to hear about the technology of the other world and the mysterious "magic and alchemy".

While describing the design ideas and origins of this set of armor, Berengar was habitually snarky, and did not forget to stab the one-eyed man next to him in a petty way.

The old demon hunter twisted his long face to the side and said jokingly.

"Don't look at you here. You have complete experience and knowledge in using monster materials with ridiculous vitality. But in the field of occultism, you are still laymen."

“You don’t know how to deal with the curse on the materials, you don’t know how to protect yourself when using materials containing alien energy, and you don’t know how to deal with the resentment or obsession on the weapons and armor.”

“You know nothing before, and yet you dare to use Yeluzi’s ritual to melt [turbidity] in that state, tsk tsk tsk.”

Berengar was speechless.

"That sword must have cut something terrible. According to the phenomenon you told me, it can disrupt your spirit and even affect your dreams even if the malice is not strong. This power is quite difficult to deal with. "

The old demon hunter looked at Lan En first half of the sentence, and saw that he remained silent as if he hadn't heard. He knew that this matter probably couldn't be discussed, so he restrained himself and stopped asking further questions.

 The second half of the sentence was addressed to the leader of the second phase of the group.

Although his career as a witcher was not successful, at least he had a lot of knowledge, which was instilled by Vesemir.

 Can't mention names or explicit curses or monsters, neither of which are easy to mess with.

 Since Lan En has already killed the opponent, it’s better to control unnecessary curiosity.

"You can complete the casting just by looking at the superficial Yeluzi ritual. I have to say that you are really lucky."

Berengar was teasing the leader of the Second Phase Regiment next to him, while the other leader was stroking his steel brush-like beard with a look on his face.

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