Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 170 170: How To Increase Mental Space

"Amon, your talent is amazing," Teacher Kaia said, "By becoming an Innate, as I told you before, a point of mind space is created. However, the size of your mental space is several times larger than normal, as normally such spaces do not even reach 100 cubic cm."

Teacher Kaia created a square and a pair of eyes looking through a small window in the air.

"When someone tries to look at the mental personal point, they are only able to look with their eyes through a small window," she said, "This is possible with the manifestation of the user's eyes being used to observe the storage of mental power."

What she didn't say was that it was practically impossible for a level 1 Innate to get such a large storehouse of mind power. Even after training and expanding, it was still necessary to be at least a level 2 Innate.

"Now when it comes to you," Teacher Kaia said, "From the very first moment, you managed to fully enter as a mental elemental form inside the storehouse of your mental power. With that, it is much easier to create a 'bridge' that gives free access to the mental point of your mind, thus being able to cause a change of mental power to elemental mental power."

Teacher Kaia realized that Amon understood a good part of it but still looked doubtful, so she explained it in a better way. She created a white image of Amon, and then created a more translucent one vertically that reached one hand into the brain while the other hand went near the navel region.

"When you manage to control your mental manifestation, you will be able to have one of your hands inside the mental point while the other hand is at the 'core' of your genetic power." Teacher Kaia held a serious expression. "At this point, you have become the bridge that links the two directly, giving free access for your genetic power to successfully merge with mind power, thus creating elemental mind power. Understand?"

"I think so," Amon nodded thoughtfully, then he asked, "So, in the case of someone not being able to enter the space at the mental point, in that case would they still be able to cause change in their personal mental space?"

"Good question." Teacher Kaia calmly explained, "The answer is yes and no. It would be possible to some extent, however, it would be counterproductive. It would take months, even years to be able to cause even a small shift in elemental mind power."

"Is it possible to increase the space of the mental warehouse?" Amon asked.

"Of course it is." Teacher Kaia rolled her eyes at him and said, "Idiot, after hearing all that I said, you should know by now that it's possible."

"Okay, let me rephrase my question," Amon replied, "Is it possible to do this without having to create a Second Genetic Factor?"

"Heh... Now that's a good question." Teacher Kaia smiled for the first time, but it was only for an instant. She then explained, "The second known way is done by genetic sacrifice. That is, the user sacrifices a genetic point to expand their mental storage space, but in doing so, they are also sacrificing part of their talent, so I do not recommend this method."

She made an image of a small blinking dot going towards the part of the brain with the mental point and disappearing on contact, as if it had been absorbed. To the side, the anterior space that proved to be smaller than 100 cubic cm increased a little.

"The third way is through mental training." Teacher Kaia made the images before her disappear and created new images. In the white silhouettes created now, it was again a representation of Amon's personal mental space, and this time Amon was inside in his elemental mental form sitting with his legs crossed in the lotus position. Both of his hands were appearing to be holding onto something partially large and round. At the center of this 'ball', something began to be created, albeit very small.

Amon saw at first a small wave, then a horse, then a miniature building, etc. Different types of miniatures were made in the center of the empty space between the image's hands.

Teacher Kaia intentionally or not, made a miniature version of a sword which started to expand little by little. At this point, Amon noticed that his version of elemental mental manifestation was beginning to wane as the sword continued to grow.

"As you may have already noticed, by doing this, your elemental mind form will be reduced in size. However, don't worry; once you leave your personal space you can recover and return it to its original size. When the elemental mental form is created in the mental space, it will continue within the personal mental space," Teacher Kaia explained. She also made the sword expand to almost completely absorb almost all of Amon's elemental mental form.

After the elemental mental form came out, it caused the sword form to explode! In the next instant, the personal mental space began to have fluctuations of a different kind of mental power, while the mental warehouse itself expanded a bit as well.

"Of course, to do this," Teacher Kaia nonchalantly continued, "You need knowledge. This is true even when creating the manifestation form of elemental mental power to achieve creation in a personal mental space. If you create something without knowledge and the foundation is weak, it will explode before it expands, and you might even lose some elemental mental power, sacrificing something without a return."

This time she made a miniature spear, however, when trying to expand it, the elemental mental Amon representative form diminished, and the spear exploded in the center of his hands, 'injuring' and decreasing the mental power of the representative form. It also did not cause changes in the mental warehouse.

It was easy to guess that by doing that it would be wasting rather than making anything new. That meant, if Amon wanted his mental space to expand, it was necessary to create the form of something he had knowledge of from a solid foundation so as not to be destroyed ahead of time and waste elemental mental power. Even though Teacher Kaia said that it was possible to retrieve his elemental mind power 'soul' form, that didn't mean it would be quick or easy.

"You may have already noticed, and the answer is yes," Teacher Kaia explained, "while it is possible to regain the form of your elemental mental representation if it is damaged, it takes time and knowledge, as well as a lot of training. You'd also have to take into account several other factors in order to then be able to recover the original form of your representation of elemental mental power."



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Edited by: Azurtha

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