Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 169 169: Teacher Kaia

The next morning…

As Amon prepared to go to class, a white flashing arrow appeared near the ground, suspended in mid-air. It was really weird. This isn't to say there had never been something similar he had witnessed before, however, he felt that something or someone wanted him to follow that arrow. It appeared the instant he walked out of his room. The arrow kept appearing in front of him, indicating a path.

'Follow or not?' Amon pondered.

It could be a teacher doing this, though he didn't understand why they would not just call him directly instead of doing something like that. But thinking it was safe while at university, he decided to stick with it for now. The class he was going to attend was related to lightning. The girls had other classes to attend.

Eventually he pulled out his wristwatch and sent a message in the Partners in Crime group chat. It had been 5 minutes since Amon started following the arrow. As he walked, he noticed something strange; it seemed that only he saw these arrows.

'Isn't this a hologram?' Amon had that doubt. As the arrow continued to lead him through the university compound, Amon continued to follow. Little by little, he distanced himself from the places most frequented by students. Meanwhile, the arrow began to blink more often.

'Am I close?' he thought.

About 5 minutes later he arrived in front of [TN Lab]. The arrow was pointing to the door as if it wanted him to enter this place.

Before he opened the door, he heard a female voice. "Are you finally here? What are you waiting for? Come in!"

The female voice gave the feeling of belonging to an adult woman, possibly middle aged, however, there was a peculiar charm in her voice that attracted the listener's attention.

Amon opened the door, entered, walked a little, and saw the woman who belonged to the voice. She turned and looked at him. She was a tall, slender woman, wearing a long red dress. She had long white, straight shoulder-length curly hair trailing down to her waist. Her face was beautiful, as beautiful as autumn waves, and there was a small mole on the right corner of her eye which added a demonic charm.

"Hello, did you make me come here?" Amon asked calmly.

"What a stupid question. If not me, then who?" She rolled her eyes.

Upon noticing that there was no change in Amon's expression even as she said that, she added, "I'm Kaia, sort of a professor at the university. Someone asked me a favor to train you."

"Who asked you to do that?" Amon was still calm, but there was a slight hint of agitation in his voice.

"Stop trying to learn something you don't need to know," Teacher Kaia nonchalantly said, "I owed that person a favor and they asked me to train you in return. That's all you need to know, idiot."

"Someone who doesn't want me to know…" Amon murmured.

He didn't think it was Bianca. Although he believed she might have such sway here, he felt it wasn't her. Nor did he think it was Old Hazael. He thought of his grandparents...

Kaia put on a white lab coat that strangely suited her very well even though she was wearing a red dress, and said with the same nonchalance as before, "Stop daydreaming and follow me!"

She turned and started walking.

Amon still had his doubts, but as the other party didn't want to tell him, for the time being he decided to keep his doubts in his mind. For now, he followed her.

The place was quite large. They went through a long corridor until they finally stopped in front of a white door. Opening it, Teacher Kaia entered without looking back.

"Close the door after entering," she warned.

Amon walked in and closed the door. Different from what he thought, it was almost an empty room. As the place claimed to be a Laboratory, he thought it would have lots of experimental and research items, but the only things in the big white room were some computers and some equipment that appeared to be training equipment.

The teacher turned and looked at him indifferently. However, this time, she seemed to be analyzing him thoroughly as she scanned him up and down. Amon was silent as he stared back at her calmly.

"Amon, pay close attention to what I'm going to show you now, because it's what I'm going to be teaching you about." In a louder tone, Teacher Kaia said, "What I am going to show you is called a mental rune. It is the manifestation of mental power with the fusion of the user's elemental genetics."

One after another, white flames appeared in the air. The casting speed was very fast, and the response time was even faster than someone moving their own arm.

Amon lost his cool. His expression showed surprise and shock. Even though he didn't understand the concept behind Teacher Kaia's ability, he understood how powerful something that could be cast instantly might be. He, who already thought he was fast when using his genetic power, seeing this… it shook him, but not in a negative way. It was like a new world was expanding before his eyes.

It was understandable that at a teacher's level they should be powerful enough to be able to cast instant spells, however, what Teacher Kaia did was beyond what the eyes could follow. It was as if the white flames had been there all along, but Amon only saw it now.

What had happened was difficult to explain in words, but Amon felt the blood in his veins pumping faster as his whole body shuddered with excitement. He wanted to learn this!

"I see you understand a little bit how amazing a mental rune master is." Teacher Kaia made the white flames disappear as if they had never existed before. "But, it's too soon for you to be surprised. That was a level 1 mind rune, at master casting level, mind you. In total there are at least 9 levels…" She stopped talking for a moment.

Until the present day, human civilization only knew about the existence of level 9 mental rune masters, however, it was believed that this was not the limit...

Amon, realizing that she had stopped talking and asked a question when she returned to her usual calm. "Teacher Kaia, what level are you?"

"Level 9," She replied, but changed the subject, as she didn't seem to want to go on about it further, "First of all, you need to expand the limit of your mental power and imbue your genetics."

With her power, Teacher Kaia created a drawing of a white brain and in the bottom corner of the back of the brain, she made a dot flash red.

"That red dot is where the mental power storehouse is located," Teacher Kaia slowly explained, "At the time you become an Innate, your mental warehouse should have already been formed, however, each person's limit is based on the mental state and limit broken by creating their Genetic Factor."

"When I created my Genetic Factor, it was with 109 genes filled in." Amon didn't hide this fact from her.

"Oh? Not bad." Teacher Kaia sincerely praised him for the first time. "So your personal mental space should be bigger than that of normal people."

She went back to being nonchalant as she then spoke, "Let's get started. Sit cross-legged."

Amon did as he was told.

"Close your eyes," Teacher Kaia said. When she saw Amon's eyes were closed, she told him, "Do a mental visualization of the image of your brain. Visualize the mental point I showed you before and bring your mind to that point..."

Amon's mind wandered. He followed Teacher Kaia's instruction and got to the point where she said and managed to enter with his mind. When he entered, it felt like becoming a ghostly life form and Amon could float within this space like a ghost. His hands and feet were divided into two colors - the left side golden and the right dark, but at the same time translucent like a shadow.

'What is this?'

Amon had never felt anything like this before. He himself did not understand why he became semi-transparent with two different colors.

The space he was in wasn't very big, and it was almost impossible to move around inside. The area had at maximum 2 meters height and 1 meter width.

"Were you able to do it?" Teacher Kaia asked directly in Amon's mind, "If so, what size?"

"Err…" Amon replied upon hearing her voice in his mind, "I'm in now. There's almost no space, maximum 2 meters high and 1 meter wide.

"… Were you able to enter an elemental mental form the first time?!?" Teacher Kaia's voice echoed in his mind with a hint of surprise.

"Yes?" Amon answered doubtfully, since he himself didn't know if that was what had happened or not.

For a while, he had no answers from Teacher Kaia. Two minutes later, he heard her voice again. "Okay, get out of your mental spot first."

"How do I do that?" Ammon asked.

"Visualize an exit door opening in one of the walls." Teacher Kaia's voice was restored to her former indifference as she responded.

Amon did as she instructed and succeeded. He opened his eyes again. It was actually easier to get out than he thought it would be.

"... Monster." Teacher Kaia muttered very softly, quiet enough that even Amon wouldn't be able to hear it.



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Edited by: Azurtha

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