Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 152 Exercises


[Ace POV],

"So, what are your thoughts on this?" As everyone in the room turned to face me, I inquired.

I knew they had already figured out what I was getting at because I explained it in simple terms that even Chris could easily understand.

And if they thought clearly, they would see that my idea was extremely beneficial to everyone.

For one thing, because the primordial chronicle stated that both rewards were manuals rather than knowledge, there was a good chance that the reward would be materialistic rather than knowledge that would be inputted directly into our heads.

If I'm correct and this is the case, everyone will have access to each other's exercise manual.

Then there was the fact that the exercises we were going to be given by the primordial chronicle were completely random, which meant that even if we all chose magic exercises, we could all end up with completely different types. As a result, if they cooperate, we'll be able to practice four different exercises.

The main point of this idea of mine was that in the end, no one will lose anything if the exercise manual simply happens to be the kind that will be inputted into our heads because the reward they all chose was what they all wanted in the first place.

The only person who would undergo a loss is me because I had intended to choose the magic exercise in the first place, but after hearing Anna's words, my plans changed.

Because Emma and Anna both wanted the magic exercise and Chris was the only one who wanted the physique exercise, I was going to balance it out by choosing the physique exercise as well, so that the team would have two magic exercises and two physique exercises in total, and unlike the others, if I was wrong and the exercise manual wasn't a material object, I would be the only one who lost because I chose something opposite my choice.

It didn't take long for me to get a response, and it was exactly what I expected: they could see the benefits because they all agreed to share their rewards with others.

Apart from some traits, my teammates all have because of their goals, I should say that everyone was rather united and was not actively thinking against another teammate.

But I didn't know how long this state would last.

As I reflected on this, I returned my attention to my primordial chronicle panel, and the other three that had been hovering in front of me vanished.

I ignored this and continued reading the text on the panel.

[Choose the reward of your choice],

*Physique Exercise Manual

*Magic Exercise Manual

[Manuel received from both choices are set at random],

Since I had already made a decision, I did not hesitate any longer and willed my thoughts to select the first option on the panel in front of me, which was the physique exercise manual, and as soon as my choice was made, the text on the panel changed as a new one appeared.

[Reward Received],

After reading this on the panel, it suddenly vanished as a white light flashed before my eyes, revealing an item slowly materializing in front of me.

This scene wasn't just happening to me; it was also happening to the others because, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed an item slowly materializing in front of them, but since I had my own to bother about, I ignored them and focused solely on mine.

At the very least, I was able to confirm that the reward would be material rather than knowledge that would be inputted into our heads.

This ensures that I will not suffer a loss; this was beneficial to me.

I was finally able to fully see the appearance of the physique exercise manual as it hovered in the air in front of me as I thought about these things while waiting for the item in front of me to materialize.

It was a book-like item, or should I say book given its appearance.

This was not surprising given that the word "manual" appeared in the title. One of the main reasons I was willing to believe that the exercise manual would not be knowledge inputted into our brains was because of this.

I had already finished taking in the appearance of the exercise manual as I reached out my hand to grab it from mid-air as these thoughts flashed through my mind.

With the book's cover made of black leather, the size of the exercise manual didn't lose out to the size of a textbook except for being a tad smaller.

Aside from that, the surface of the book cover was unusual, giving the book a slightly mysterious feel.

In the center of the cover was an image of a human sitting cross-legged with his arms spread across his lap, surrounded by a strange-looking unstable fire that coated the cross-legged figure.

Aside from this image, there were strange letters underneath it that appeared to be in another language.

The strange and unexpected thing was that the letters written could be recognized.

This reminded me that I had brought the Basic universal language in the dungeon to speak to the natives there, and after comparing the words the latter formed and how they sounded in my head, I realized they were not the same language.

This appeared to be another language recorded in the universal language.

There were a few other languages recorded in the universal language, and despite its name, the basic universal language was not a general language like English, but rather a combination of different universal languages.

It's similar to how English, French, and Arabic are universal languages, with English being designated as the most general. This was the universal language, and among the few languages recorded, some were, to say the least, intriguing.

The basic elven language, for example, was recorded. Elven must be related to elves, and I've heard of elves. Though they were not real, they were very popular among the majority of people in my world who had access to the internet.

Something that distinguished this language and a few others from the majority of the languages recorded in the basic universal language was that the number of words provided and recorded was far too small in comparison to the majority of the other recorded languages.

It was obvious that the primary goal of universal language was to eliminate language barriers and allow communication. This could be why the primordial chronicle labeled it as basic because there must be a rank higher than basic.

What piqued my interest further was whether the existence of an Elven language meant that the legendary creatures thought to be myths were real. It's possible.

In this new world, I've compelled myself to learn that anything is possible.

As these thoughts raced through my mind, I returned my attention to the cover of the manual in front of me, reading the strange-looking letters that had formed a word in my head.


The word formed by the letters was Aura, but since I wouldn't get any more information from just the word, I decided to use the primordial chronicle to check the manual information to see if I could learn anything else.

The others were probably doing the same because the room was silent and the only sound that could be heard loudly was Mia's soft sores.

[Rank 1 Low Rare Grade Physique Exercise Manual-Aura],

The practice exercise teaches how to use the available energies to create a new energy known as Aura.


Eh? Rank 1?

Wait a rank 1 treasure?!

My mind wasn't even focused on the primordial chronicle's information, which was so sparse that it almost meant nothing, because my mind was preoccupied with something else.

The reward I received was a rank 1 treasure.

Regardless of rank, the number of gold coins required to purchase a treasure of this grade from a store was at least a few thousand gold coins.

This treasure was distinct from inferior grade treasures, normal grade treasures, and rare grade treasures that lacked ranks.

Items with ranks evolved in the same way that species do because they could not be compared to ordinary things.

I wasn't referring to items like rank 1 health potions. I'm referring to items such as swords, shields, and so on.

This much I discovered while screen shopping in the store.

'To think I got a rank 1 treasure,'

'I wonder what reward the primordial chronicle would have given if I defeated the guardian,' I thought although I knew it was not possible since I believe the current me still wouldn't be able to fight the guardian.

Someone who can do that without a job must be some kind of monster.

'Hmmm, I wonder if it's just me who got a treasure of this grade,' as I thought of this, I turned to look at my teammates, who were all smiling.

Seeing this, I spoke up and addressed them.

"What did everyone get?" I inquired.


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