Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 151 Exercise Manuals

Exercise Manuals

[Ace POV],

Turning to face Anna and Chris, I was perplexed by their sudden action of granting me viewing access to their primordial chronicle.

Anna opened her mouth just as I was about to ask for an explanation, and she spoke before I could.

"Well, I heard your conversation with Emma and saw that I had something similar to what you were talking about, so there you have it," Anna shrugged as Chris nodded his head, implying that it was also for the same reason he made his primordial chronicle panel visible to me.

Now that I think about it, the quest reward appears to be similar to the stage one reward event in that they both felt like general rewards. In our case, it wasn't free tickets, but rather the yet-unknown exercises.

As I reflected on this, I turned back to Emma and asked her the same question I had asked before.

"Do you know what a magic exercise is?" I asked Emma but she didn't respond right away as she held her chin with one hand, as if she was thinking about something.

Seeing this, I did not attempt to speak again while waiting for Emma's response.

Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long seeing as Emma finally responded to my question as she turned to face me.

"In a sense, magic exercises are a type of technique we practice to allow our magic, or rather mana, to gain a unique trait," she explained.

"Unique trait?" I asked, perplexed since I could see where Emma was coming from and at the same time couldn't.

As I was thinking of this, Emma responded, and Anna and Chris just stood there looking at us and listening to our conversation, with no intention of participating.

"When I say they have unique characteristics, I don't mean they are truly unique. What I mean is that a person who is practicing a specific magic exercise will have traits of that exercise in his mana." Emma continued to speak to make it more clear for me to understand.

"For example, suppose a wind elemental user is practicing a frost magic exercise. When the wind elemental user reaches a certain level in his training, the frost trait will appear whenever he uses his element.

This means he doesn't have to be a water or ice elemental user to freeze someone, but keep in mind that not all magic exercises will make your element have a specific trait or a trait from another element." "Some magic exercises are for making the mana reserve pool larger, and some are for making the mana purer, so take note that there are a lot of magic exercises," she explained.

After listening to what Emma said, I could understand what she was saying more or less since she tried to make it simple to understand.

If I were to summarize everything she said about magic exercises, I would say that they are basically techniques used to affect the magical aspect of a species. It was as simple as that. At least, as simple as this, because that's how her definition came to me.

I was also curious if the magic exercise was related to the cultivation manual in the store. I was intrigued by this cultivation stuff because, aside from being in the store, it was also a term I heard from the oil puppeteer.

But all of this was for the future because I had something to do right now.

Although I didn't know exactly what this magic exercise was and had only recently learned about it, I was still unsure about the other reward. However, if I were to follow a simple reasoning, the physique exercise should be exactly the same as that of the magic exercise, but unlike the magic exercise, it was meant for the body rather than a person's mana.

As I considered this, I turned to look at the others and wondered what kind of reward they would choose. I was just curious, so I turned to ask Anna first.

"What reward will you choose, Anna?" I inquired as Anna turned to face me and replied.

"I'll choose the magic exercise because it fits better with my image of avoiding close combat," she said as I nodded and turned to Chris, who spoke without me having to say anything.

"I'll choose the physique exercise," Chris simply stated, as I had already deduced his intentions without him having to say anything else. He was a swordsman, and while he had two magical elements and was attempting to have a job that appeared to be related to magic, its main strength was that it was still a swordsman job that required close combat.

Overall, I thought it was a good decision, though I wasn't sure what effect both exercises had.

Thinking about this, I turned to Emma to see if she would reveal her decision, which she did without my asking.

"I'll go with the magic exercise," she said. Though I was curious about her choice, her response was expected, so I ignored her after satisfying my curiosity, but before I could tell the others what my choice was and return to what I was doing before, Anna said something that made me stop.

"How great would it be if we could have both rewards?" Anna said with a sign, adding, "Though I prefer one over the other, that doesn't mean I won't practice the other if I have it."

When I heard Anna say this, I had a flash of inspiration and turned to face her.

"Who said we couldn't have both exercises?"

"What do you mean?" she inquired.

Hearing this, I did not immediately respond to her question and asked a question of my own.

"How many of us here have the right to choose a reward?"

"Four," she replied, her face puzzled.

Seeing this, I finally responded to her earlier question and spoke.

"We have four people here with the same reward to choose from, so in a sense, everyone has four chances. In fact, if everyone collaborates, we can practice four exercises. Do you understand what I'm saying? ", I said and asked a question, and as expected, when I said my idea out loud for everyone in the room to hear, they all let out a collective sigh of realization as they recognized what I was saying.


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