A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 208 Sia's Journey (2) (Bonus)

As the Dawnbreakers continued their journey along the road, Sia gazed into the distance, holding onto the slumbering Archer tightly.

The sun began to set, prompting the group to search for a suitable place to make camp. During this time, Archer awoke, rubbing his eyes and letting out a yawn.

Sia noticed his awakening and embraced him, speaking warmly, "Did you have a good sleep, Arch? We'll be setting up camp soon, and you'll be sharing my tent with me, as a good husband should."

Archer felt the urge to protest, but when he turned to see her radiant smile and her captivating blue eyes that sparkled like diamonds, he couldn't bring himself to refuse her.

Instead, he simply nodded his head, which filled Sia with joy, prompting her to plant a gentle kiss on his forehead, causing him to blush.

Upon seeing his reaction, she chuckled and thought to herself, 'He looks so handsome when he's shy.'

As the Dawnbreakers continued their journey along the winding road, their hooves creating a rhythmic echo in the serene surroundings, they finally arrived at a picturesque river.

The tranquil flow of the crystal-clear water beckoned them to pause and find solace amidst their travels.

It was then that Sia, their commander, called out, "We will camp here for the night!"

The soldiers acknowledged her command and veered off towards the grassy banks that bordered the river.

They began setting up the camp, while Archer, finding a comfortable spot near the mounts, settled down to read.

Sia, filled with eager anticipation, started preparing the tent that she would be sharing with Archer.

She looked forward to the moments they would spend together, cherishing the time as they built their connection.

It was at this moment that Valeria, Sia's second-in-command, approached her and questioned, "Commander, why are you sharing a tent with the boy? We have spare tents available."

Sia gazed at Valeria, her brown-haired friend, and confidently responded, "He is my future husband, therefore he shares a tent with me."

Valeria shook her head, unable to comprehend Sia's unwavering devotion to her own nephew.

She had heard tales of noble women in the capital marrying younger men and forming their own harems.

With a sigh, Valeria relinquished her attempt to understand, realizing that Sia had always had a soft spot for her nephew.

Inwardly, Valeria pitied the boy, fearing he may not fully grasp the complexities of the situation as he grew older.

Little did she know that the attention he received from Sia was something he cherished and reciprocated in the future, appreciating the unique bond they shared.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the campsite, Archer gently closed his book, marking his place for another time.

He had been engrossed in the pages, immersing himself in a different world, but Sia's voice called him back to the present.

"Archer, come join us by the campfire," Sia beckoned, her voice filled with a mixture of warmth and anticipation.

Intrigued, Archer followed her voice and made his way toward the flickering flames that danced in the gathering darkness.

The soldiers, sitting around the crackling fire, were engaged in lively conversations and shared laughter.

The aroma of a savory meal wafted through the air, enticing his senses.

Sia made room for Archer beside her, and he gratefully settled down, feeling the comforting warmth of the fire against his skin.

The soldiers, recognizing his presence, greeted him warmly, offering him a place among them.

One soldier, whose name was Alexios, leaned over with a friendly smile and handed Archer a plate filled with food.

"Join in, Archer," he said warmly. "We have prepared a hearty meal to replenish our energy after a long day's journey."

They gathered around the crackling fire, enjoying their meal and the camaraderie it fostered. Satiated, Sia's grip on Archer tightened, leading him toward her tent.

Inside the cozy space, Sia busied herself with organizing their sleeping arrangements. She retrieved a comfortable bed, ensuring their rest would be peaceful.

Unfazed by her surroundings, Sia began removing her uniform, revealing her red underwear underneath.

Archer's eyes were drawn to her every movement as she gracefully slipped into a nightgown.I think you should take a look at

Noticing his gaze, Sia handed him a set of clothes to change into. Eager to comply, Archer swiftly changed, silently grateful for the opportunity to divert his attention.

As Archer finished dressing, Sia approached him and enveloped him in a warm embrace. Her voice, filled with tenderness, resonated in the air.

"I know how they treat you, Arch. I wish I could take you away with me, but my duty keeps me on the road. However, as you grow older, I promise to care for you as a wife should."

Confusion and self-doubt filled Archer's expression as he looked up at her. "Why would you want to marry someone like me? I'm useless now and will be in the future."

Sia's eyes glimmered with a mix of anger and love as she met his gaze.

Her words carried a resolute tone, laden with emotion. "You are not useless, Arch. Never speak those words. Your potential will bloom when the time is right."

Sia's conviction permeated the tent, enveloping them in hope and reassurance. As he listened, a flicker of belief ignited within him.

At that moment, he realized that Sia saw something in him, a hidden potential he had yet to discover.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, he tightened his embrace, bringing a smile to her face.

They settled into bed, finding comfort in each other's presence. Sia nestled close, her fingers gently caressing his hair as she shared one of her cherished memories.

"I remember the day you were born. You were so precious, but Larka could never see that. She was blinded by her own ambitions, only seeking personal gain. And your father... All he cared about was strength. He may be a skilled warrior, but he fell short as a father."

She lovingly stroked his head, leaning down to shower his face with affectionate kisses. She spoke softly, her words filled with warmth.

"But now, you have me. Even if I'm away for a while, please know that you're always in my thoughts."

As the night grew deeper and the camp fell into a serene silence, Sia held Archer close, their bodies entwined in a warm embrace.

She tightened her grip, offering him a sense of security and comfort.

Just as they settled into their peaceful moment, Valeria peeked into the tent to deliver news of a recent beast attack that had been swiftly dealt with by the Dawnbreaker Mounts.

However, what Valeria witnessed left her shaking her head in disbelief. Sia, with a serene smile on her face, was tenderly cuddling up to the boy.

She muttered under her breath as she retreated from the tent, "She's definitely a nephew-con, she truly loves the boy. I hope he can bring her happiness when he's older."

Valeria left the tent and went back to guard duty along with the other soldiers, hours passed as the two slept.

In the early hours, Archer woke up to have a pair of massive boobs in his face he looked at them and they were perfection, he then looked up and saw a sleeping Sia and started watching her.

He couldn't help but be entranced by Sia's beauty as he lay beside her. Her long, flowing black hair gracefully cascaded down her back, enhancing her captivating allure.

His eyes delicately traced the elegant contours of her face, savoring every exquisite detail.

Inevitably, his gaze was drawn to the pair of black horns that adorned her head, adding an alluring touch of exoticism to her appearance.

The striking contrast they created against her smooth skin fascinated him, evoking a sense of intrigue and enchantment.

His gaze slowly descended, and he found himself irresistibly drawn to her full, inviting lips. A gentle smile graced her face as her eyes fluttered open.

Their diamond-blue depths met his gaze, intensifying the connection between them. Her smile broadened, and she showered him with affectionate kisses, filling him with warmth and tenderness.

Her fingers lovingly played with his black hair, lulling him into a peaceful sleep, wrapped in a cocoon of security and love.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the tent, gently illuminating the space, Archer stirred from his peaceful slumber. He blinked his eyes open, adjusting to the soft morning light.

Beside him, Sia also began to wake, her eyelids fluttering as she slowly became aware of her surroundings. A contented smile graced her lips as she turned to face Archer, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she greeted him, her voice filled with warmth. "It's time to rise and prepare for the journey ahead."

Archer stretched his limbs and sat up, the events of the previous day flooding back to him. He felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Together, they began to dress, putting on their travel attire. Archer carefully selected his gear, ensuring he had everything he needed for the road ahead.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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