A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 207 I Know You Will Make It

Nefertiti grew even angrier, leaning forward to plant a sweet kiss on Archer before swiftly turning on her heels and rushing out of the hall.

Teuila noticed her departure and approached, questioning, "Where are you going, Nefertiti? You should stay here with him."

Nefertiti halted her steps, turning towards her with a menacing expression, and responded, "Don't interfere, Teuila. Those despicable creatures harmed MY husband. They will face the consequences."

After speaking she walked out of the palace while being watched by the weary guards. Teuila watched her walk away and turned to Mohemat. ''What happened out there?''

The General recounted what had happened, much to the shock and horror of everyone listening, particularly the girls who were paying close attention.

After speaking he went off to check up on the Dragon-kin and take them back to the domain to recover.

At that moment, Eudora spoke up, "The boy needs as much rest as possible. But in the meantime, let's go to the Royal Alchemist and see if he knows where we can find Starfire Lily."

The group nodded in agreement and followed her out of the hall, leaving Archer behind to rest.

The dining hall grew quiet as the girls and Hemera's family departed, leaving it empty with only Archer laying in the corner.

Meanwhile, his condition worsened at an alarming pace. He thrashed in pain, convulsions seizing his body, and his moans echoed through the hall.

Unexpectedly, a portal materialized in the center of the hall, emerging from the portal was a captivating Elf woman, her graceful steps exuding enchantment.

Her eyes gleamed in vibrant violet, radiating wisdom, while her platinum blonde hair flowed in elegant waves.

With a slender and curvaceous figure,  Her attire boasted intricate designs, enhancing the ethereal beauty that emanated from her very presence.

The Elf glanced around the unfamiliar room, momentarily wondering about her whereabouts. However, she quickly shrugged off her curiosity, realizing it wasn't important.

Without wasting any time, she noticed Archer convulsing and rushed to his side, consumed by panic.

Closely examining him, she muttered to herself, "He has been poisoned. It's devouring his life force at a fast pace. Mother once mentioned encountering this type of poison."

Her eyes widened in shock as she recollected the evil creatures responsible for such a deadly toxin. "So the swarm is already here."

With her hands placed on him, she unleashed an unknown spell, harnessing her spirit magic to try to eliminate the poison but to her annoyance it wasn't working.

Several tense minutes passed, filled with mounting frustration as the spell continued to fail. Yet, she persisted, her touch was gentle as she caressed his cheek, her voice a mixture of concern and familiarity.

"Why must you always get in such trouble, my husband? I'm thankful for that strange woman who informed me about your condition, or we might never have encountered each other in the future."

The woman diligently cast various healing spells, exhausting her efforts until a vivid memory struck her.

An ancient spell taught by her mother years ago. With the memory firmly in her grasp, she began chanting the incantation:

"Gwennin hîr glawen, Aearon vîr anuir, Linnon an annon an elin, Arwen veleth a mîr. Edraith a nin a lûn, Aenar nin hîr ninui, Galadhren hûn dîn boe, Arth vae, arth vae. Amme aear, amme thalion, Ara rûthad, ara i aníron, Istatha i ven an rínen, Arth vae, arth vae!"

Suddenly, a radiant light enveloped the dining room as the potent spirit magic consumed the poison, burning it away.

Archer's turmoil subsided, and the healing process began. The woman ceased her chant, wiping the sweat from her brow, while a portal materialized behind her.

Stepping through the portal, a maid bowed respectfully to the woman, addressing her. ''Princess Ayrenn. Your Father has summoned you.''

Ayrenn acknowledged the maid with a nod, her attention then returning to the still-unconscious Archer. Leaning in, she tenderly kissed him.

The maid stood in shock, witnessing a side of the Princess she had never seen before.

Her gaze shifted to the injured young man lying on the table, his body ravaged by missing limbs, wounds covering him.

Yet, she couldn't help but notice the broken wings, beautiful white horns, and white scales running up and day his body.

Ayrenn whispered to the sleeping boy before entering the portal. ''I'll see you in a few years husband. I know you will make it to the tournament.''

She stood up and made her way through the portal, leaving the dining hall just as it was before she arrived. 

As Archer remained unconscious, his battered body initiated its own healing process. The slices, cuts, and bruises that marred him slowly began to mend.

With each passing moment, the damaged skin regenerated, restoring his once-wounded flesh.

Time continued to pass, and his lost limbs showed signs of regeneration. Starting with small buds, they grew steadily, gradually becoming whole once more.I think you should take a look at

Just when it seemed like Archer's healing was near completion, the group that had returned was accompanied by even more people.

Teuila entered the room and immediately noticed that Archer's limbs had grown back. Her eyes widened, and she hurried over to him.

The other girls followed Teuila into the room and stood beside Archer. Seeing that he was healed but still asleep, they felt immense joy and relief.

Eudora joined them, when she arrived in front of him she placed her hand on his chest and started scanning him.

She meticulously scanned Archer's body, her senses attuned to the mana within his body.

As she delved deeper, a sense of relief washed over her. The poison that had once ravaged his body was nowhere to be found.

Instead, she sensed a remarkable self-healing process occurring within his insides.

Turning to the girls with a smile, Eudora assured them, "He will be fine. The poison is gone, and his body is healing itself. He is on the path to recovery."

Happiness filled the room, and the weight of worry lifted from their hearts. Each of them expressed their joy, grateful for the positive turn of events.

Considering Archer's need for rest, Hemera stepped forward and suggested, "Let's find a comfortable bed for him to rest on. He needs a peaceful place to recover."

Agreeing wholeheartedly, the group carefully relocated Archer to a cozy bed, ensuring he would find solace and comfort as his body continued its healing journey.

While he was sleeping he started dreaming, first of his life on Earth but soon changed to a journey that the old Archer went on with his Aunt Sia to Riversong City.

[Nefertiti's POV] 

When Nefertiti left the palace, she cast her newly acquired spell Arcane Flight. She took off and soared through the air, she swiftly began dispatching the creatures with her lethal precision.

As she flew through the streets, she unleashed powerful Arcane Blasts at the Rat-lings that crossed her path.

Her eyes caught sight of a large group gathered in the city square, engaged in a fierce battle against some soldiers.

Nefertiti's anger overtook her when she saw them, she sped up and crashed into the group while casting Fireballs and Arcane Blasts.

Her anger took over as she cast spell after spell, each aimed at the creatures that stood in her way.

The power of her magic struck with precision, swiftly taking them down one by one.

As the battle raged on, she reached into her ring and retrieved a mana potion, swiftly downing it to replenish her waning energy.

Undeterred by fatigue, Nefertiti pressed on, relentless in her pursuit. She continued to unleash her Arcane magic, decimating the creatures that dared to hurt Archer.

Hours passed as the sun started to set, Nefertiti was tired and made her way back to the palace to check up on Archer.

As Nefertiti approached the entrance, the guards, recognizing her, stepped aside without hesitation, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Ignoring their questioning looks, she swiftly navigated through the corridors, her footsteps echoing with a sense of desperation.

With each turn, her anticipation grew, her mind consumed by the singular goal of finding Archer.

Upon reaching the dining hall, where he had been brought, Nefertiti's heart sank as she surveyed the empty table.

Panic surged through her veins, realizing he was no longer there. Just as she was about to turn away, a voice broke the silence.

"My lady, the Empress asked me to guide you to your fiancé's room upon your arrival," an older woman wearing a simple chiton said, motioning for Nefertiti to follow.

They walked through the corridors, eventually reaching a large brown door that the maid opened. As they entered the room, all the girls were gathered inside.

Ella turned towards Nefertiti and greeted her, "Welcome back, Nefertiti."

However, Nefertiti ignored her and instead made her way over to where Archer lay sleeping. To her astonishment, she discovered him restored to his former self.

A wave of happiness washed over her, and she leaned in to place a tender kiss on his forehead.

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