A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 196 You Haven't Picked Up Any More Girls?

Archer's instincts kicked in upon hearing the familiar roars, reminiscent of the giants he had encountered before.

Before taking any action, he quickly checked his status. 'Status.'

[Exp: 10500/15000]

[Level up: 173>174]

[SP: 0>2]

[Magic Learned: Arcane]

[Elemental Fury: 0>1]

[Chain Lightning: 0>1]

After confirming his status, he turned to Sera and said, "There might be giants around here Sera. If there are, stick close to me, and we will fight together."

She nodded, her smile radiant, and replied, "Yes, of course."

They stood up while spreading their wings, and leaped off the branch, flying toward the roars.

Flying faster, driven by the sight of rising black smoke, they closed in on the scene.

People were fleeing in their direction, carriages hurried past and distressed individuals walked with fear etched on their faces.

Archer briefly observed them, then swiftly beat his wings, hastening their flight. Soaring ahead, he soon spotted a city encircled by giants, though not as massive as the one he had fought before.

Rat-lings chased the fleeing people. Recognizing an opportunity for valuable experience, he landed between the creatures and the panicked crowd.

As Archer faced the horde of Rat-lings, they halted before him.

He cast thunder and fire-infused Element Bolts, hundreds of them hovering above him. They directed into the horde, causing explosions all around.

The Rat-lings scattered in every direction, struggling to recover, while Archer and Sera rushed forward with claws and tails ready.

Igniting his claws with violet flames, Archer tore through Rat's bodies, while his strong tail acted as a whip, beheading many of the creatures.

Sera bounded around, slashing with her claws and unleashing a stream of red flames into the horde.

They continued their relentless slaughter, mowing down hundreds of Rat-lings. When attacked, they used their wings to block the assaults.

Taking a deep breath, he unleashed a stream of fire that decimated most of the horde. 

While he fought the Rat-lings, he cast Thunderwave. A violet wave shot out from him killing many of the creatures.

Dozens fell lifelessly to the ground. Suddenly, Archer cast Solar Flare Barrage. Three bright balls appeared above him, emitting scorching rays that disintegrated dozens of rats.

Together, the two dragons fought until the horde was wiped out. Once they finished off the rat horde they heard a noise from behind them.

Archer spun around to see the same eerie creatures rushing toward them. He unleashed a breath attack, followed by Sera, reducing the incoming creatures to ashes.

As silence fell and the crackling of flames filled the air, Archer brushed himself off and pressed onward.

The people who had been chased by the Rat-lings were nowhere to be seen, having escaped.

With a flap of their wings, Archer and Sera took to the sky. Flying over the landscape and heading to the nearest city,

They soon witnessed scared elves and soldiers making their way to the capital. These individuals sought refuge from the creature's ambush.

The duo helped out a few caravans, but with too many rats to make a significant difference, they continued their journey to the capital.

However, their path took an unexpected turn when explosions erupted from deep within the forest.

Halting in the air, Archer's Dragon Sense kicked in as a foul smell reached his nostrils as a giant appeared in front of them.

His blood boiled as he whispered, "Draco." Instantly, he transformed into his dragon form and charged at the giant, simultaneously unleashing Earth Element Bolts that struck its legs with force.

Sera, with her scales radiating a vibrant red hue, transformed into her dragon form and boldly confronted the giant on the ground.

Skillfully evading its massive fists with agility, she unleashed slashing attacks upon its legs, inflicting deep gashes.

Simultaneously, Archer lunged at the colossal creature, fiercely clawing at its body as his claws pierced its skin.

He sank his teeth into its shoulder, forcefully shaking his head and ripping off a chunk of the giant's skin, causing it to scream in pain.

Despite the giant's thrashing and attempts to shake him off, Archer held on tightly, tearing at its flesh and infusing each bite with fiery dragon breath, searing the giant's wounds.

With her vibrant red scales shimmering, Sera focused on the giant's legs, lunging forward with calculated precision.I think you should take a look at

Her claws slashed through tendons and muscles, weakening the giant and causing it to stumble and lose balance.

Sensing the perfect moment, he let out a powerful roar and unleashed a blazing dragon breath, scorching flames aimed at the giant's face.

The intense heat engulfed the giant, eliciting a roar of agony. As the flames died down, the giant crashed to the ground, defeated by Archer's biting and Sera's leg attacks.

Breathing heavily, Archer released his grip on the lifeless giant and transformed back into his human form.

His triumphant expression mirrored the exhilaration he felt, and Sera joined him, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

The giant's corpse was burning from his flames and its legs were sliced up thanks to the redhead.

They started continued on with their journey west wanting to reach the Solari capital to see what is going on.

As Archer and Sera continued their westward journey through the dense forest, their steps were met with resistance.

Rat-lings and the eerie creatures lurked in the shadows, their red eyes gleaming with malice as they ambushed the duo regularly.

With each encounter, Archer and Sera fought with them at every instance. Claws clashed, fire and lightning crackled through the air, and the forest echoed with the sounds of their battle.

They moved in perfect harmony, each anticipating the other's movements, their unity unbreakable.

The Rat-lings lunged at them with savage fury, their sharp teeth, and claws poised for attack.

But Archer's swift spell casting and Sera's agile grace allowed them to swiftly dispatch the creatures with claw, flames, and thunder.

Flames engulfed the Rat-lings, and thunderbolts cracked the earth beneath their feet. The eerie creatures, with their sinister gazes and twisted forms were equally relentless.

Archer's violet flames licked through the air, leaving trails of destruction in their wake, while Sera's claws tore through their ranks.

The clash of their powers against the creatures' dark magic reverberated through the forest.

Step by step, they pushed forward, leaving a trail of dead rats and creepy creatures in their wake.

The forest thinned, and the sound of rushing water reached their ears. 

As they emerged from the dense trees, a vast expanse of grasslands stretched out before them, bathed in the golden light of the sun.

A river, glistening like a ribbon of silver, wound its way through the grasslands, its gentle currents inviting them to soar above.

Without hesitation, they unfurled their wings, embracing the rushing wind against their majestic scales.

With a mighty stroke of their wings, they soared higher and higher, ascending into the boundless sky, leaving the forest behind.

Days passed in this manner as they drew nearer to the capital, spending their last few nights in the domain.

One by one, the other girls made their appearances, Ella was the first the appear as she walked through the treehouse's front door.

When she noticed their expressions she approached them and asked about their troubles. "What's wrong, Arch? You look as if someone has stolen your gold."

Archer lifted his head, a smile gracing his face. "Nothing is wrong. It's just these wretched Rat-lings that keep ambushing us. We had hoped to leave them behind in the forest, but they seem to be everywhere now."

Ella let out a giggle, while Teuila emerged from a portal from her family's palace and strode towards them, nudging the half-elf aside.

She then planted a kiss on Archer's lips, the embrace lasting for a few minutes before she leaned back, leaving him with a goofy grin on his face.

After a moment, she spoke. "Mother and Father send their greetings. Triton also wishes to see you soon."

Archer gazed at her, curiosity evident in his eyes, prompting Teuila to inquire, "He wishes to spar with you."

He nodded his head as Nefertiti appeared out of nowhere, instantly lunging at him and wrapping him in a tight hug.

She pressed his head against her chest, and he was immediately entranced by the captivating scent of lotus that filled his senses.

He relished the sensation of softness against his face, a moment of bliss that quickly escalated as he raised his head to meet her.

Their lips locked in a passionate embrace, an intimate connection that ignited a fiery spark between them.

The taste of her red lips lingered on him as her tongue invaded his mouth in a dance of desire and longing.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing, she gently stepped back, her shining pink eyes fixed upon him.

Her voice, filled with affection and a hint of possessiveness, resonated in the air. "It's wonderful to see you, my love. How have your travels been? You haven't picked up any more girls?''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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