A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 195 Roars

The old woman looked at the fair-skinned boy and said, "100 gold coins, boy."

Archer retrieved a pouch filled with coins and handed it to the woman while collecting all the spellbooks from the stall.

After buying the books, Archer and Sera went to the nearest stall and got some meat skewers.

They started eating as they headed towards the northern gate. Upon reaching the gate, they noticed fewer guards stationed there.

Once they passed through the gate, they were greeted with beautiful expansive grasslands, with a large river flowing through them.

The road wasn't crowded, but they did encounter some fellow travelers who greeted them as they passed by.

Archer and Sera continued their journey, their footsteps carrying them through lush grasslands that stretched as far as the eye could see.

The vibrant green of the grass danced in the gentle breeze, creating a beautiful and peaceful landscape.

As they walked, the sound of nature surrounded them. The chirping of birds filled the air, accompanied by the soft rustling of leaves as a gentle wind swept through the dense forest that lay ahead.

The forest welcomed them with open arms, its ancient trees towering overhead, their branches reaching toward up to the heavens.

Sunlight filtered through the thick canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. They made their way along a winding path, following the murmurs of a nearby river.

The sound grew louder with each step until they reached a clearing that revealed a majestic river flowing swiftly between moss-covered rocks.

To continue their journey, they realized they would need to cross the river. Archer looked at Sera and spoke. ''We'll have to fly over the river,".

Archer whispered. ''Draconis.''

She nodded in agreement, her wings unfolding gracefully from her back. With a powerful beat of their wings, they lifted off the ground, soaring above the glistening waters below.

The river flowed through the landscape, reflecting the vibrant colors around it. Archer and Sera flew above the calm water, feeling the wind and nature's scent.

They encountered more rivers along the way, adjusting their flight to cross narrow ones with ease and navigating wider ones with longer flights.

Their wings moved in perfect harmony as they glided over the rippling waters.

They marveled at diverse landscapes—lush grasslands turning into dense forests where sunlight struggled to penetrate. Towering trees formed a canopy, sheltering the forest floor.

Flying over shimmering lakes and hearing the symphony of waterfalls, they embraced the thrill of their journey.

The rivers, forests, and grasslands created a living tapestry, adding to their adventure's beauty and wonder.

When they crossed the last river, they descended to the ground. As they landed, Sera turned to him and asked, "I can't believe you're 16 now. How old were you when you rescued me?"

Archer turned to her and replied, "I was 13 when we first met."

Sera smiled as she remembered the time she spotted him in the tree, that's when she remembered a question she wanted to ask. ''Arch, will you tell the other girls about your secret?''

He looked at the little redhead who had an innocent smile on her face as he answered. ''Yes, I will tell them when the time is right.''

Continuing their journey, they found a road and followed it for some time. Suddenly, Archer's Aura Detector alerted him with a ping, warning of an approaching horde.

The two stopped and prepared to fight as the creatures emerged from the underbrush. When Archer saw them, his eyes widened.

"Rat-lings!" he exclaimed.

He remembered reading an account on the Fall of Frostholm and these creatures were responsible for the tragedy.

More and more Rat-lings appeared before them. Their beady red eyes gleamed with malicious intent as they stared at the duo, their disheveled fur and hunched postures betraying their savage nature.

They wielded shoddy weapons, makeshift blades, and rusty daggers that spoke of their resourcefulness in the face of their dire circumstances.

Their ragged clothing, little more than tattered rags, barely provided any semblance of protection.

These foul creatures seemed to thrive in the shadows, their wiry bodies and long tails showcasing their agility.

With sharp, yellowed teeth exposed in menacing grins, they exuded an air of cunning and brutality.

Though individually small in stature, their sheer numbers created an imposing sight. As they locked eyes with Archer and Sera, a primal hunger burned within them, their malicious intentions clear.

The Rat-lings, driven by their instinctual survival and thirst for blood, stood ready to engage in a desperate battle against the duo.I think you should take a look at

Their shabby appearance and crude weapons belied the dangerous threat they posed. Archer and Sera got ready to fight.

Archer took a deep breath and shot a stream of fire in front of them causing a single pathway that the creatures can charge at them.

They stood their ground, surrounded by a horde of ferocious Rat-lings. The creatures, driven by their primal instincts, lunged forward with gnashing teeth and rusty blades in hand.

Archer quickly cast the Elemental Fury spell. Flames surrounded his fists, and his eyes glowed with excitement.

The intense heat radiated from his body, forming a protective wall of flames. Sera, her tail swaying with anticipation.

As the Rat-lings closed in, Archer unleashed a fiery onslaught. Fireballs shot from his hands, engulfing the Rat-lings in flames.

The creatures shrieked in pain as they were consumed by fire, unable to withstand its power.

Meanwhile, Sera moved with grace and agility, using her claws as deadly weapons. With precise strikes, she slashed through the Rat-lings, leaving trails of fire.

The combined attack overwhelmed the Rat-lings. Their numbers dwindled as Archer and Sera fought on, determined to prevail.

Empowered by elemental energies, every move they made was enhanced. When the last Rat-ling fell, Archer and Sera stood victorious, breathing heavily but unhurt.

Silence settled over the area, with only the crackling of flames and a lingering chill in the air as reminders of the intense battle.

They looked around at the giant Rat-ling bodies, they stood 4 feet tall and were dressed like they were homeless.

After looking around the two continued on with their journey but not before Archer noticed a pair of red eyes quickly vanish before he could do anything.

Archer shook his head and caught up with Sera, after walking for hours the sun started to set so both of them decided to climb into a tree and watch the stars.

They soon found a sturdy tree with branches reaching toward the sky. They looked at each other and, without a word, began their ascent.

Hand over hand, they climbed higher and higher, their movements fluid and synchronized. The branches rustled beneath their weight as they made their way toward the canopy.

Finally, they reached the highest branch, a perfect spot to marvel at the night sky. They settled side by side, their bodies pressed against the rough bark.

As they gazed upwards, a breathtaking sight awaited them. The vast expanse of the night sky was sprinkled with countless stars, twinkling like diamonds against the dark canvas.

Thrylos was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, illuminating the land below. The air was crisp and cool, carrying a sense of tranquility.

Archer reached into his Item Box and pulled out some food, offering it to Sera, who started nibbling on it.

Suddenly, a distant roar echoed through the air, accompanied by billowing black smoke. Archer was tempted to investigate but decided to wait until morning.

Fatigue began to weigh on Archer, so he retrieved a thick blanket from his Item Box and laid it down. Sera, seizing the opportunity, playfully punched him.

With a cheeky grin, Sera looked down at him, and Archer knew what was coming. He didn't mind as Sera surprised him with a shocking and passionate kiss.

Lost in the moment, the two dragons continued their embrace on the branch, oblivious to the chaos unfolding around them.

Beastly roars filled the air as the weather worsened, eventually unleashing a torrential rainstorm.

Their kiss deepened as the night progressed, their hearts intertwined amidst the storm's fury.

But as exhaustion took hold, the two dragons eventually came to a halt, finding solace in each other's arms. Sera clung to Archer like a koala, seeking warmth and comfort.

In that peaceful slumber, they found respite from the world's troubles, their bond unbreakable in the face of the chaos surrounding them.

Archer and Sera stirred from their peaceful slumber, their eyes fluttering open to a world transformed by the heavy rainfall.

The pitter-patter of raindrops echoed around them, creating a soothing melody that danced upon the leaves and branches above.

As they sat up, their senses heightened to the symphony of sounds that surrounded them.

The rain poured down, drumming on the forest floor and making everything wet. Archer and Sera looked at each other with worry. The air felt heavy and ominous, and distant roars echoed through the forest.

They were powerful and loud, like fierce creatures declaring their presence. They were unlike anything the dragons had heard before, sending chills down their spines.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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