A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 187 Sia's Journeys [Bonus]

Two days after meeting with the Emperor, Sia set out on a journey south with the Dawnbreaker Legion.

She attempted to secure a Manaship, but none were available, so she opted to ride her loyal steed instead.

As they embarked on their journey, the landscape underwent a transformation. Rolling hills stretched out before Sia and her soldiers as they traveled towards Sentinel's Reach in the Summerfield duchy.

The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming blossoms, mingling with the earthy aroma of freshly cut grass.

Their path wound through lush green meadows, where meandering streams glistened under the sun's golden rays.

Sia couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility wash over her as the sound of water soothed her mind.

She marveled at the sight of delicate dragonflies flitting about, their iridescent wings catching the light.

The journey continued, and the soldiers soon found themselves passing through a dense forest.

Towering trees reached towards the heavens, their leaves forming a canopy that filtered the sunlight, casting mesmerizing patterns of light and shadow on the ground below.

The air grew cooler, and the songs of birds filled their ears, harmonizing with the rustling leaves.

Emerging from the forest, a breathtaking sight greeted their eyes: a vast, crystal-clear lake spread out before them.

The soldiers paused for a moment, captivated by the sheer beauty of the scene. Sia couldn't help but smile as she watched her troops take in the view.

With renewed vigor, they pressed forward, ascending a winding mountain path. The higher they climbed, the more breathtaking the view became.

They could see the lush valleys below, with patchworks of farmlands and quaint villages nestled among the rolling hills.

Weeks passed as they continued their journey, and the landscape gradually changed. The grasslands gave way to rolling hills, their slopes covered in a carpet of lush green.

The air carried a refreshing scent, a mix of earth and wildflowers that invigorated their senses.

Anticipation grew within the hearts of the legion as they pressed on. Finally, on the horizon, the majestic Sunfire Mountain Range emerged in all its beauty.

Towering peaks kissed the heavens, their rugged beauty contrasting with the gentle slopes they had traversed.

The sunlight danced upon the snow-capped summits, casting a golden glow that seemed to ignite the air around them.

Sia and her soldiers paused to behold the magnificent sight before them, overwhelmed by the grandeur of nature's masterpiece.

With renewed determination, they resumed their march, fueled by the vision of the Sunfire Mountains.

The distant peaks became their guiding beacon, symbolizing the trials they had overcome and the triumphs that awaited them.

As they continued their trek, the sun dipped towards the horizon, casting a warm, orange hue across the land.

After traveling for a while, they arrived at the massive castle guarding the only southern passage.

Approaching the gate, it swung open, revealing a man with long black hair and green eyes stepping out.

He made his way toward Sia and her officers and spoke, "General Silverthrone, welcome to Sentinel's Reach. I am Commander Dorian Burnhame of the Shadowclaw Legion."

Sia recognized him instantly, knowing that members of the Sunfire Legion rode large, tamed Shadowclaws from the Beastlands.

She dismounted her loyal steed, Dawnbreaker, and walked beside the magnificent beast as they approached the castle, with the man following closely behind.

Sentinel's Reach stood proudly as an imposing stronghold guarding the southern passage. The sheer size of the structure and the solid stone walls spoke of centuries of protection.

As they drew closer, the intricately carved gate came into view, adorned with the emblem of the Sunfire Legion, symbolizing strength and unity.

With a creak, the gates swung open, revealing a bustling courtyard. Soldiers clad in gleaming armor went about their duties, their movements precise and synchronized.

The air buzzed with the sound of marching boots, clanking weapons, and distant commands.

Sia's gaze scanned the walls, marveling at the network of watchtowers, each manned by vigilant sentinels.

Banners fluttered in the wind, displaying the sigils of noble houses, pledging their allegiance to the Avalon Empire.

The castle reached towards the heavens, its towers offering a commanding view of the surrounding lands.

Roaming patrols of soldiers, their armor reflecting the sunlight, dotted the walls and grounds, exemplifying the castle's vigilance and readiness.I think you should take a look at

Sia's pride swelled as she realized the honor and responsibility that awaited her and her Dawnbreaker legion within the formidable walls of Sentinel's Reach.

She knew she had found not only a sanctuary but also a stronghold from which they could fight for their righteous cause.

After being shown to their quarters and resting for a few days, Field Marshal Isadora Ironfist ordered the Dawnbreaker and Sunfire Legions to investigate the Sunfire Jungle. Reports of Nubian soldiers had been received from merchants.

Accompanied by 200 light cavalry, Sia set out from Sentinel Reach alongside Dorian and his contingent of 300 Shadowclaw knights.

They traveled south until they reached Darkwater Gorge, a fast-moving river that separated the Summerfield Duchy from the Sunfire Jungle.

The Dawnbreakers crossed the stone bridge first, followed by the Shadowclaw Knights. However, as the last knights were crossing, something suddenly exploded out of the water, taking out the final 20 soldiers.

Sia witnessed a large River Behemoth lunging from the water, swallowing the soldiers in its path. The rest were left in shock as the beast swiftly submerged and disappeared into the depths.

The scene reminded her of a journey she took with her future husband Archer years ago when they traveled to Riversong City, a week's journey from Vassia City.

[Flashback to Sia's trip with Archer, five years prior to his banishment]

Sia dismounted her Dawnbreaker and patiently waited for Archer to join her with his belongings.

She had decided to take him on a journey to Riversong City, where a rare bookshop awaited, knowing it would be a place he would love.

Additionally, she needed to meet the city governor to arrange a training exercise for her commander. Lost in her thoughts, she saw Archer approaching.

A smile formed on Sia's face as she laid eyes on him, noticing his jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes that mirrored her own and those of her little sisters.

She couldn't understand why Larka rejected Archer just because he loved books and enjoyed being alone.

Sia also noticed a little half-elf-maid standing behind Archer, arousing her curiosity. With a happy smile on her face, she inquired, "My little husband, who might this lovely lady be?"

Little Ella stepped forward and respectfully bowed before addressing Sia. "Lady Sia, I am Ella, Archer's personal maid."

Looking down at the two children, Sia beamed warmly. "Well, it has been years since my last visit, and I only recently returned to Mistwood. I assume you were assigned to him during that time, am I correct?"

Ella smiled and nodded. "Yes, Lady Sia, that's right."

Returning the smile, Sia inquired further, "Little Ella, will you be coming along with us?"

She shook her head and responded, "No, Mother wants me to continue my training while you're on your journey."

She nodded and continued to converse with Archer and Ella as her second-in-command Valeria approached her urgently. "Captain, we should depart soon to ensure we hit the road before nightfall."

Sia acknowledged Valeria's words and turned around, noticing a tall woman with brown hair and yellow eyes standing nearby.

Though not as tall as Sia, who stood at 6 feet, the woman exuded a commanding presence, dressed in what appeared to be an adventurer's outfit.

Archer stood next to them and said goodbye to Ella as she quickly headed toward the maid's quarters, waving back at him with a smile on her face.

Sia watched her walk away, then turned to Archer and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Come now, we have to hit the road. You can ride with me on my Dawnbreaker. She loves you anyway."

She walked over to her steed, lifted Archer onto the saddle, and then hopped up after him. The two women then rode off to meet the others outside the eastern gate.

Sia was accompanied by 20 Dawnbreakers whom the General had assigned to her. As they trotted down the road, she reached out and held onto Archer, making sure he was okay. "Are you okay, Archer?"

His little blue eyes looked up at her and nodded as he answered, "I'm okay."

Sia smiled at the boy, knowing how much her sister's mistreatment had impacted him. He had to mature and act beyond his eight years to cope.

She held him close, Archer rested his head against her chest which didn't bother her as she played with his hair.

Valeria saw her commander/friend pampering the boy, ever since the boy could walk she would take every opportunity to visit him.

She knew Sia was the only family member to show him any love but it was far and few between because she became a Captian of the Dawnbreakers.

They soon met up with the others and carried on east, Archer soon fell asleep to the rhythm of the Dawnbreaker trotting along the peaceful road.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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