A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 186 Trouble

Hatshepsut walked over to her husband, placed her hand on his shoulder, and looked into his eyes as she asked, ''Amkhu, what's going on?''

He took a deep breath, his voice heavy with sorrow as he revealed the harrowing truth.

''Ramses is trapped in the city of Memphis to the north after losing a battle at Sekhmet's Chasm. The Luxor and Nubian soldiers relentlessly chased them to the city, slaughtering any Zenians they caught. After reaching the city, the enemy laid siege to it, and it's close to falling, according to the report.''

A gasp escaped Hatshepsut's lips, her eyes widening with terror. Panic gripped her heart as she realized the imminent danger threatening her firstborn.

Instinctively, she turned to Archer, the one person she believed possessed the strength and skills to aid them in this dire hour.

Amkhu addressed his family once more, his voice trembling yet resolute, urgency permeating his words.

''We not only face the impending fall of Memphis but also the declaration of war from the Nubia, and Luxor kingdoms. Our empire stands on the precipice of chaos and destruction.''

Her daughters exchanged anxious glances, worry etched across their faces. They understood the weight of their father's words and the gravity of the situation that loomed over them.

Archer and the girls listened but didn't say anything. Nefertiti walked over to her mother and gave her a hug.

They remained silent as the family composed themselves. Amkhu and Hatshepsut turned toward Archer, and he got a bad feeling before Hatshepsut spoke.

''Archer, I know we have no right to ask this, but could you help the Zenia Empire? We will reward you with whatever you wish.''

Upon hearing the woman's plea, he was going to reject it as he wanted to continue on his journey, but all four girls gave him the 'Go ahead and help' look.

He shook his head and spoke. ''I want a villa on the shore with a beautiful view and the enemy's kingdom's treasure after I help. I hope that isn't too much to ask for.''

The worried parents nodded their heads so fast that Archer thought they would fly off. Amkhu stepped forward and spoke, ''Thank you, Archer. We can never repay you.''

Then, Hatshepsut approached and hugged him tightly, while saying, ''Thank you. I know dragons have a reputation for greed. Here's a tip: The Nubia Kingdom is incredibly wealthy, and their king hoards treasures in his main castle. Now go and rescue your brother-in-law.''

The older woman released her grip on Archer and stepped back, noticing her eager daughter waiting to approach him.

Nefertiti observed her mother closely, causing her to laugh. Once Hatshepsut let go, Nefertiti rushed up to Archer and embraced him tightly.

She playfully nudged his head into her embrace, causing his ears to turn red and eliciting giggles from the girls.

Nefertiti then surprised him with a kiss, to which he quickly reciprocated. Pulling back, she leaned in close to his ear.

''Thank you, my love,'' she whispered. After expressing her gratitude, she stepped back, and Archer made up his mind to prepare for their departure.

Turning to the three girls behind him, he spoke, 'Girls, wait in the courtyard until I call for you. I'll be flying swiftly.'

They nodded in agreement as Archer opened a portal. The three of them stepped through, and moments later, the portal closed behind them.

He turned to Nefertiti with a warm smile, extending an invitation. "Would you like to walk with me to the garden, Nefi?"

She nodded and grabbed his arm, leading him toward the gardens after saying farewell to her family.

As they walked through the palace hallways, Nefertiti asked him a question. ''Why does trouble seem to follow you around, Archer?''

He turned his head to her with a smile and shrugged. ''I don't know, to be honest with you. Ever since I woke up from my coma, trouble seems to find me more often than not. It's becoming annoying now.''

Nefertiti laughed at his response and shared her thoughts. "I think it's because you're a white dragon. My father once told me a story about a mischievous dragon who would steal people's gold and then vanish. Maybe you're facing trouble as a form of karma. They say white dragons have their own unique characteristics, like being aloof, emotionless, or even angry."

Archer raised an eyebrow and asked, "Do you know anything else about them?"

Nefertiti smiled and nodded, sharing her knowledge. "I know that many empires and kingdoms seek out white dragons because they are powerful and greedy, leading to eras of peace. It's believed that their descendants still live today."

He nodded in gratitude for the information and realized why Lashure and Amkhu wanted him to marry their daughters.

Shortly after their conversation, they arrived at the gardens, where tall palm trees gracefully swayed in the gentle breeze.

The golden accents on their slender trunks glimmered, and delicate fronds rustled softly overhead.

He looked at the pink-haired girl and asked. ''Can you point in the direction of Memphis?''

Archer walked into an open area and turned to Nefertiti with a big smile. ''I will be back soon, and we will spend some time together.''I think you should take a look at

She nodded her head. He whispered to himself, ''Draco.''

A bright light blinded Nefertiti as she heard heavy thuds. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Archer, who stood 15m long and 10m tall.

Nefertiti's eyes widened in awe as she witnessed Archer's transformation into his dragon form. The majestic creature stood before her, towering with an aura of power.

She marveled at his sleek white scales, which glimmered in the sunlight, reflecting a radiant brilliance. His magnificent wings, spread wide, were a sight to behold, pristine and ethereal.

They showcased a remarkable span and were adorned with delicate patterns that added an elegant touch.

Nefertiti's gaze trailed to Archer's noble head, crowned with majestic horns that curved gracefully, adding a regal allure to his presence.

It was a breathtaking sight, witnessing the embodiment of a magnificent white dragon standing before her, radiating strength and grace.

Archer's glowing violet eyes looked at Nefertiti and nodded his big head while he started to flap his massive wings.

Nefertiti grabbed a hold of a tree to not get blown away by the gusts of wind, he quickly took off and flew north.

As Archer flew, he felt a surge of excitement with every beat of his powerful wings. The landscape below seemed to zoom past him in a blur, the desert turning into a vibrant grassland teeming with life.

The wind whipped through his scales, creating a harmonious symphony that echoed through the heavens.

With each passing moment, he felt a profound sense of freedom and strength as he soared higher, the azure sky stretching endlessly before him.

The sun's warm rays caressed his glistening white scales, accentuating his majestic form against the backdrop of an ever-changing canvas.

As he glided through the currents, Archer's acute vision allowed him to appreciate the details of the evolving landscape.

The grasslands below were a tapestry of colors, with wildflowers splashing the fields with vibrant hues.

After flying for a while, he noticed a massive army encircling the city in the distance, engaged in a fierce battle with arrows and spells creating explosions.

Archer inhaled deeply and released a thunderous roar, instantly halting the fighting.

[Ramses Sharifi POV]

Ramses, the first prince, stood on the city walls, unleashing potent arcane spells with unwavering focus.

Amidst the chaos of battle, a resounding roar pierced the air, forcing both sides to cease their fighting.

At that moment, a massive white dragon descended upon the Khemnu and Nubian forces, crashing into their ranks with sheer force.

The Zenian soldiers watched in awe as the dragon swiped its mighty claws, effortlessly taking down dozens of enemy soldiers.

Panic gripped the hearts of the opposing forces, as they realized the formidable power that now stood against them.

Ramses, standing atop the city walls, watched in awe as the majestic white dragon descended upon the enemy forces.

With unparalleled grace and power, the dragon swiftly tore through the soldiers, its claws cutting through armor as if it were mere paper.

Gasps of disbelief escaped Ramses' lips as he witnessed the dragon's relentless assault. Soldier after soldier fell before the dragon's might, unable to withstand its onslaught.

The air crackled with energy as the dragon unleashed a stream of violet fire, engulfing those unfortunate enough to stand in its path.

Awe turned to horror as Ramses observed the soldiers being consumed by the dragon's fiery breath. The flames licked at their bodies, reducing them to mere ashes in an instant.

The once-formidable enemy forces now stood as charred remnants, scattered amidst the battlefield.

Ramses couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and unease at the dragon's devastating power.

He watched as the dragon unleashed a barrage of spells, swiftly eliminating the remaining survivors.

It huffed, releasing a breath that swept over the battlefield, and then flew off towards the north, capturing everyone's attention.

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