A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 177 Round Two

Archer soared through the sky, carrying Teuila and Ella on his back, while Sera circled him, emitting adorable little roars.

In his majestic dragon form, he marveled at the breathtaking beauty of the grassland desert below.

The swaying grasses dazzled with vibrant colors, shimmering under the afternoon sunlight, stretching out endlessly before him.

With each mighty stroke of his wings, he ascended higher, granting himself a breathtaking view of the expansive landscape. This sight filled him with a profound sense of awe.

From this elevated perspective, he witnessed the intricate patterns woven by the winds across the golden landscape, creating a mesmerizing tapestry that seemed to stretch to the horizon.

In the distance, Archer's keen dragon eyes caught sight of a cluster of pyramids rising from the sandy dunes.

Ignoring them for the moment, he continued his flight north. Suddenly, his Aura Detector alerted him to incoming attacks.

He swiftly spun his body, grabbed hold of the girls, and dove toward the ground. As he approached, he cast Blink and quickly reappeared on the ground.

A dozen magic attacks flew over his head. He looked in the direction the attack came from and saw men in silver armor appearing all around them.

One held an artifact that emitted a pulse, causing Archer to revert to his humanoid form. Ella and Teuila landed on him.

Sera also reverted and appeared confused as Archer stood up and looked at the man who approached him.

The man spoke, "Archer Ashguard, you will come with us to answer for your crimes of killing our brothers and sisters."

Archer felt confused but then remembered the first time he met Teuila, and it all came back to him.

With a big smile, he replied to the man, "Oh, I remember them. They attacked me before, and my beautiful lady here saved me." Archer motioned to Teuila, who smiled in response.

The four of them got ready to fight. Archer attempted to activate his Draconic form but couldn't.

Instead, he cast Cosmic Sword, causing his Dragon Slayer sword to appear in his hands. Ella readied her bow, Teuila took out her gleaming sword, and Sera hopped around, ready to fight.

The four of them found themselves surrounded by 50 dragon slayers. Determined to protect themselves and fight back, they prepared for the battle.

Archer's eyes blazed as he charged at Galen, the leader of the dragon slayers, swinging his massive sword with all his might.

However, the leader swiftly raised his weapon, skillfully blocking Archer's attack, their weapons clashing with a resounding clash of metal.

Meanwhile, Ella took a deep breath, channeling her mana into her bow. She focused her energy and released a powerful arrow imbued with the essence of the earth.

It flew through the air, finding its mark and hitting several slayers, causing the ground beneath them to tremble and knock them off balance.

Sera and Teuila engaged in close combat with the dragon slayers, their skills complementing each other perfectly.

Teuila's gleaming sword danced through the air as she swiftly struck down her opponents with precise and deadly slashes.

Sera, with her agile movements, leaped and darted between the slayers, using her sharp claws and teeth to incapacitate them.

As the battle raged on, Archer, hell-bent on not being outdone, intensified his assault on the leader.

He unleashed a flurry of powerful strikes, each swing infused with his strength. Galen skillfully parried and countered his attacks, the clash of their weapons echoing through the battleground.

Ella continued to support them, her arrows finding their targets with unnerving accuracy.

Drawing from the elemental forces of nature, she unleashed a barrage of mana-infused arrows, causing pillars of the earth to rise and ensnare the dragon slayers, further limiting their movements.

Teuila and Sera fought valiantly, their skills and teamwork proving formidable. Teuila's swordplay was swift and precise.

Sera's agility and ferocity swiftly disabled their opponents. They fought together, wearing smiles on their faces, bonded by their encounter with Archer.

The clash of weapons, the sound of arrows, and the grunts of exertion filled the air as they fought against the overwhelming number of dragon slayers.

Archer engaged in a fierce duel with Galen, a seasoned warrior brandishing a similar sword to Archer. It quickly became evident that Galen held the advantage.

His mastery of the large sword allowed him to deftly deflect the majority of Archer's attacks.

Archer fought valiantly, his strikes powerful and precise, but Galen's experience and strength proved to be formidable obstacles.

The clash of their swords reverberated through the air, each clash intensifying the struggle.

Galen's mastery of his weapon allowed him to anticipate and block Archer's strikes, leaving him momentarily vulnerable.

Despite his best efforts, he found himself at a disadvantage, struggling to get the upper hand against the experienced slayer.

The tension in the air grew as the battle reached its peak. Archer's determination burned within him, refusing to back down.

With every swing of his sword, he aimed to find a weakness in Galen's defenses, seeking an opportunity to turn the tide in his favor.

However, Galen's prowess and the weight of his strikes began to wear down Archer. Each deflection and counterattack pushed him further on the defensive.

He knew he had to dig deep, drawing upon his resolve and skill to match Galen's strength.

As Archer fought Galen, the three girls fought their own battles. Teuila managed to get the upper hand in every encounter, while Sera watched over Ella and took out any slayer who got close to her.

Teuila's skill shone brilliantly as she confronted the two slayer knights on the battlefield. With her gleaming sword in hand, she moved with precision, parrying their heavy strikes and countering with calculated slashes of her own.

She fought valiantly, while her focus never wavered. Teuila analyzed her opponents, seeking their weaknesses and finding openings to exploit.

The knights pressed their advantage, launching relentless attacks, but her agility and speed allowed her to evade their strikes with nimble footwork.

Sensing the danger Teuila faced, Sera darted across the battlefield. With every bound, she unleashed a flurry of sharp claws and teeth, spilling the blood of any slayer who tried to approach Ella.

Her presence provided a sense of security for Ella, who watched the battle unfold from a safe distance.

She drew her bow and supported Teuila from afar, releasing arrows with remarkable accuracy.

Her shots found their targets, causing the knights to momentarily falter and creating openings for Teuila to exploit.

Despite being outnumbered, Teuila refused to yield. With an unwavering determination to help Archer, she turned her defense into offense.

She parried a heavy blow from one of the knights, swiftly sidestepped a lunge, and countered with a series of lightning-fast slashes that found their mark.

The knights were taken aback by her sudden attack, causing them to stumble backward. Seeing the opening, she swiftly launched a devastating series of strikes, each one hitting its mark with deadly precision.

The two knights struggled to regain their footing, their armor showing signs of wear from the Teuila's relentless assault.

Amid the chaos, Sera's watchful eyes never strayed from Ella. With her sharp senses and swift movements.

She intercepted any slayer who ventured too close, her feline agility ensuring the half-elf was protected.

The battle reached a critical point as Teuila unleashed a final, decisive strike. With a swift and precise movement, she disarmed one of the knights, causing his weapon to clatter to the ground.

Sensing victory within her grasp, she capitalized on her opponent's vulnerability and swiftly cast Deep Sea Blast into him.

The blast tore through his body, he dropped to the floor lifeless. The second knight was shocked at what happened to his friend.

Now facing a single knight, Teuila channeled her remaining strength. She charged at him and parried his panicked swing.

As she was about to finish him off he kicked sand into her eyes blinding her momentarily which he took advantage of and swung at her.

But before he could land a hit on her, Archer suddenly appeared, blocked the attack with his left arm, swung his massive blade at the knight, and cleaved the knight in half.

The knight died with wide eyes at the boy who appeared out of nowhere, Archer turned his attention to the girls and saw that they were doing fine.

He was hit by a Slayer Blast cast by Galen which sent him crashing backward, when he came to a stop he flopped down like a dead fish.

Archer felt his body aching, he open a portal and called out to General Mohamet. ''Need your help general.''

The girls rushed over to him and started asking if he was ok. Ella was the first to talk ''Are you okay Arch?''

He nodded and stood up, brushing off the dirt. The remaining slayers formed a circle around them, but what unfolded next left them in shock.

The portal expanded, revealing a towering dragon-kin man stepping through accompanied by ten heavily armored warriors.

After they appeared, a stunning dark-skinned girl emerged with a confident stride, twirling a spear with a wide smile on her face. Clad in leather armor, she stopped beside her father.

Archer recognized her instantly. It was Sarina, Mohmat's daughter. When she spotted him, she winked with a mischievous grin on her face.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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