A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 176 Dragon Slayers & Uncharted Beastlands [Bonus]

A group of 150 heavily armed dragon slayers arrived at Memphis Bay, situated on the eastern coast of the Zenia Empire.

Their mission, assigned by the Sage Slayer, was to confront Archer Ashguard, the new white dragon.

These slayers possessed a unique and elusive magic known as Slayer Magic, enabling them to engage in combat with dragons on an equal footing.

This magic enhanced their bodies and weapons, granting them the ability to damage the formidable scales of dragons and fight them toe to toe in their humanoid forms.

To aid in their endeavor, the Church of Light provided them with magical artifacts capable of preventing Archer's transformation and facilitating his capture.

These artifacts were acquired through the church's cooperation with Archer's father, who had ceased his cooperation abruptly.

In response to this change, the Sage dispatched an Elite Slayer, accompanied by two knights, 27 Veterans, and 20 Journeyman Slayers.

Galen, the leader of the Slayer group, stood confidently before his comrades, wearing gleaming silver armor.

·ƈθm He addressed them, explaining their mission: to locate and capture the white dragon responsible for the tragic loss of their fellow members in the past.

Emphasizing their duty to protect the innocent rather than needlessly take lives, Galen asked his comrades if they were ready for the task ahead.

A loud chorus of agreement filled the air as the slayers tightened their grip on their weapons.

Each member of the group had honed their Slayer Magic skills over years of training, rendering them a formidable force capable of taking on any dragon.

Mounted on their powerful steeds, the slayers formed a disciplined line, their armor glinting under the sunlight.

Sir Galen raised his hand, signaling their departure. The horses snorted and trotted down the cobblestone streets as they trotted forward, their hooves creating a rhythmic beat that resonated in unison.

Leaving behind the streets of the port city, the slayers traversed the open grasslands as they continued their journey southward through the Zenia Empire.

The wind whistled through their helmets as they rode, accompanied by the warm glow of the sun casting its radiance over sprawling grasslands and dense woods.

Approaching the outskirts of Akhetemhat City, the group made the decision to dispatch scouts, tasked with gathering information on recent dragon sightings and activities.

Hours passed, and a sense of anticipation hung in the air as the rest of the slayers anxiously awaited the return of their scouts.

Finally, one by one, the scouts trickled back into the camp, their expressions grave, signifying the seriousness of their findings. Sensing the urgency, Sir Galen immediately called for a meeting to hear their reports.

The first scout stepped forward, urgency was evident in his voice as he delivered the news. "Sir, I bring good news. The white dragon we seek is heading towards the capital, Alexandria."

Sir Galen's eyes narrowed as he contemplated the situation, realization slowly dawning on him. "Tell us, how did you acquire this information?"

The scout replied, "It appears that, during a conversation, one of the guards at Akhetemhat City inadvertently revealed the dragon's journey, unaware of our mission."

Sir Galen's brow furrowed, acknowledging that the situation had become more complex than they had anticipated. The element of surprise had been lost, necessitating a swift adaptation of their strategy.

"Thank you for your report. We must re-evaluate our strategy. Let us consider setting up an ambush along the road."

The slayers arrived at a suitable location near the road, where they decided to set up their camp. They carefully positioned their tents and arranged a perimeter to ensure their safety.

As the day passed and night fell, some of the slayers were assigned a rotation of watch duties to keep a vigilant eye on their surroundings.

Several men took their positions at strategic points, keenly observing the road and the surrounding area for any signs of danger.

Under the moonlit sky, the camp was enveloped in an atmosphere of focused anticipation. The crackling of the campfire and the rustling of leaves served as the backdrop for the slayers' heightened senses.

Each watchman remained alert, their eyes scanning the darkness, ears tuned to the slightest sound.

They understood the importance of their duty—to protect their comrades and maintain the element of surprise in their mission.

Time passed slowly as the night wore on. The slayers on watch remained steadfast, their resolve unwavering.

They exchanged knowing glances, their unspoken communication a testament to their unity and dedication.

Days passed but they still didn't see anything until a scout in the south spotted a white dragon and a smaller red one approaching.

[Talila's trade caravan - Uncharted Beastlands]

After spending some time in the Negendra Kingdom, they continued their journey south and reached the Wilderness Passage.

This vast landmass served as a barrier between Elysia and Mediterra.

The inhabitants of Elysia commonly referred to it by that name, while other kingdoms recognized it as The Land of Plenty due to its abundant resources.

They just entered the Beastlands, traveling along the road known as Feralway, and three additional merchants had joined their ranks.

Talila rode her horse beside one of the carriages, keeping a vigilant eye out for any signs of beasts.

Although they had only encountered a few attacks thus far, they were always caught by surprise. As Talila pondered this, Cecelia rode up beside her and initiated a conversation.

"Hey Tali, have you heard the rumors about the new merchants? There have been sightings of a white dragon further south. Do you think it could be the same one from Avalon?" Cecelia asked.

Talila turned to her friend and nodded. "Yes, it appears to be the same dragon. Legends say there can only be one dragon at a time."

As they spoke, the caravan entered a dense forest, causing them to heighten their senses. However, they continued their conversation without stopping. Cecelia posed another question, "Is it true that they have multiple wives?"

Talila nodded once again and explained, "According to the tomes, they are seen as symbols of power and often unite kingdoms. The last dragon king had 22 wives, many of which were arranged marriages. It didn't seem to bother him as he was a greedy being."

Cecelia chuckled when she heard Talila's explanation, then silence took over their journey.

As the caravan ventured deeper into the dense forest, an unsettling feeling permeated the air.

Suddenly, a thundering sound reverberated through the trees, shaking the ground beneath them.

Emerging from the depths of the forest, a horde of monstrous Razorclaws charged toward the caravan, their presence menacing and ferocious.

Talila, renowned for her extraordinary archery skills, swiftly dismounted from her horse and sprang into action.

Her movements were swift and fluid as she conjured a potent mana arrow, deftly fitting it onto her bowstring.

With a focused aim, she drew back the bowstring and released the arrow, its flight guided by her unwavering precision. The arrow found its mark, piercing the chest of the lead Razorclaw, causing it to crash to the ground.

Undeterred by the loss of their comrade, more Razorclaws surged forward, their furious shrieks filling the air.

Talila's narrowed eyes locked onto her targets as she unleashed a barrage of mana arrows, striking down the charging beasts one by one. Their formidable presence diminished as lifeless bodies littered the ground.

However, the onslaught showed no signs of abating. Talila's heart raced as she surveyed her surroundings, witnessing more Razorclaws emerging from the shadows.

Drawing upon her inner strength, she stood her ground, continuing to unleash arrows with unwavering determination.

The adventurers and guards of the caravan rallied around the carriage, brandishing their weapons in defense.

United, they formed an indomitable line of defense against the relentless onslaught. The clash of steel against beak and claw filled the air as the Razorclaws closed in.

The caravan fought with unwavering resolve, driven by the desire to protect one another and survive.

Talila's bow sang with every arrow released, her skill never faltering. Each successful shot brought down another beast, but the waves of attackers seemed endless.

Sweat trickled down her brow, and fatigue threatened to overtake her, yet she persevered, her determination unyielding.

Finally, as the last of the beasts fell, the onslaught ceased. The once-serene forest now bore the scars of the intense battle that had transpired.

Breathless and wounded, the members of the caravan exchanged glances of relief and gratitude.

Some of the guards began to gather and store the fallen creatures, while Feyra and Radyn, using their magical abilities, stored them within their rings.

Cecelia and Darius approached Talila, who calmly put away her bow and mounted her horse. Darius spoke, "I'm glad you're okay, Tali."

Talila chose to ignore him, riding off to the front of the caravan. Darius's shoulders sagged, and he overheard Cecelia's words from behind him.

"You ruined your chances years ago. It's time to move on and let go."

They continued on with the long journey through the Uncharted Beastlands, which will take at least a month to cross if nothing bad happens.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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