Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 185 Three Kills

Chapter 185 Three Kills

The reason why Qin An was stunned was because of the flying mutated beast circling above Guo Xiaomei's head!

What kind of monster was this? Was it a bird? Or a flying dragon?

Its body was six meters long, and its two enormous fleshly wings could reach ten meters!

The flying mutated beast had no feathers on its body, and its entire body was pitch black. Under the dim light, its skin reflected a metallic dim light.

There were two huge eyes on the monster's head. They were pitch black and had no white eyes. They looked deep and terrifying.

Its mouth was slightly open, and there were sharp fangs in its mouth, looking extremely ferocious! It looked like an alien from a pre-apocalyptic sci-fi movie!

At this moment, Gao Jun was riding on the flying mutated beast, holding a submachine gun. While controlling the mutated beast to fly, he used the gun to shoot at Guo Xiaomei on the ground!

As for Guo Xiaomei, she didn't seem to have any way to deal with the mutated beasts circling around her head at a height of ten meters.

She also shot up with a shotgun, but the flying mutated beast's movements were very agile, so Guo Xiaomei could not hit the target.

On the contrary, Gao Jun, who was at the commanding heights, could use his submachine gun to pose a greater threat to Guo Xiaomei!

Guo Xiaomei quickly rolled on the ground, dodging another row of bullets fired by Gao Jun from the flying monster. Then, she lifted the shotgun in her hand to retaliate. However, the flying monster had changed the direction of flight, causing Guo Xiaomei's bullets to miss.

"Damn it!"

Guo Xiaomei scolded angrily. Her body was already covered in dust because she was rolling around on the ground to dodge Gao Jun's bullets. She looked very miserable.

Seeing Qin An walk out of the stone house and stand there in a daze, Guo Xiaomei became even angrier and shouted, "That's the bat's first-grade mutated beast, the Soaring Dragon Bat! Its strength is not strong, but it can fly! Quickly think of a way, I can't kill them!"

When Qin An heard Guo Xiaomei's shout, he came back to his senses. That was actually a bat's level 1 mutated beast? How could a small bat become so big? Moreover, its appearance was like a giant flying dragon in an instance dungeon when it was playing World of Warcraft before the apocalypse! It looked terrifying and imposing!

Qin An frowned slightly and gradually calmed himself down.

Before this, he didn't have much impression of mutated beasts, but tonight, after he met Fu Jie's Tongue Python Monkey, Liu Zilu's Rapid Cat Tiger, and the handsome Soaring Dragon Bat in front of him, he finally imprinted the word mutated beast into his mind!

It turned out that the protagonists in the apocalypse didn't just have zombies! And these terrifying mutated beasts!

Raising his head, he looked at the enormous Sky Dragon Bat. Its altitude had always been around ten meters away from the ground, and with Qin An's ability, it could not jump that high.

After all, the concept of jumping ten meters high in situ and jumping ten meters away peacefully was far too different!

Even if Qin An had a fallen leaf movement technique that could temporarily escape the gravity of the earth, he still couldn't do it! The reason for that was because the Fallen Leaves Movement Technique would only activate in an instant when it reached its peak or when it landed on the ground.

Qin An looked at Guo Xiaomei again. He had always thought that Guo Xiaomei should be a Level 2 mutant. As a Level 2 mutant, since there was nothing she could do about the Soaring Dragon Bat flying at a height of ten meters, this meant that she could not jump that high!

So what should we do? It was impossible not to care about him! With him flying in the sky harassing them, even if they were able to escape Shanlan City, they would not be able to escape his pursuit! Therefore, Gao Jun and his parasitic mutated beast had to find a way to kill them!

Qin An's head started to spin rapidly.

At this time, the Soaring Dragon Bat that circled around returned. When it passed over Guo Xiaomei's head, Gao Jun fired another row of bullets. Then, he laughed and said, "Flying mutated beasts are very rare! Am I handsome?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew away with the Sky Dragon Bat.

Guo Xiaomei quickly rolled on the ground and dodged the bullet that Gao Jun shot at her, angrily widening her eyes.

Qin An thought for a long time, but he didn't have a good idea. In the end, he could only decide to adopt the simplest and most violent method!

He quickly walked to Guo Xiaomei's side, then placed the Profound Heaven Heavy Sword on the ground and said to Guo Xiaomei, "When he comes back later, I'll throw you up!"

Guo Xiaomei was slightly stunned and quickly said, "Can you throw me that high?"

Qin An shook his head and said, "It can't be thrown that high! However, after throwing you up, I will throw the Profound Heaven Heavy Sword up as well! At that time, you can see that if you can borrow the power of the Profound Heaven Heavy Sword, you might be able to reach a height of ten meters!"

Xuantian Heavy Sword? Guo Xiaomei glanced at the big sword on the ground beside Qin An and understood what Qin An was pointing at. Then she nodded. It seemed that she could only try this method for now!

At this moment, the Soaring Dragon Bat, which had circled around, flew back again.

Qin An quickly crossed his ten fingers and said to Guo Xiaomei, "Stand up!"

Without another word, Guo Xiaomei put the machete in her hand into her backpack and raised her feet to stand on Qin An's hand!

Qin An looked at the flying dragon bat in the sky that was about to fly to their heads. He immediately used both of his arms to lift Guo Xiaomei up and throw her into the sky!

Seeing Qin An and Guo Xiaomei's movements, Gao Jun, who was riding on the Soaring Dragon Bat, was shocked.

However, when he discovered that Guo Xiaomei had only been thrown six meters tall and her body seemed to have lost the strength to continue rising, his heart finally relaxed! He really thought that the brat standing on the ground had the strength to throw this ugly woman over!

At this moment, Qin An, who had already picked up the Xuantian Heavy Sword from the ground, quickly aimed it at Guo Xiaomei and threw it in circles. He shouted, "Come! Be careful!"

Guo Xiaomei, who was in mid-air, tried her best to control her body and let her feet down. Her eyes never left Qin An's face.

When she saw the sword flying over, Guo Xiaomei didn't dare to be careless at all. Her eyes moved from Qin An's body to the flying sword, looking for the best time!

All of this happened in an instant.

Guo Xiaomei reached the highest point and her body was about to descend. At this moment, the big sword had already flown under Guo Xiaomei's body!

Guo Xiaomei weighed close to a hundred kilograms. When Qin An threw her up, he only used nine percent of his strength.

The weight of the Xuantian Heavy Sword was 83 jin. When Qin An threw the sword, he used all the strength in his body, allowing the sword to have a greater initial acceleration.

This ensured that the Xuantian Heavy Sword could catch up to Guo Xiaomei who had been thrown out first, and when it approached Guo Xiaomei, it still had a strong momentum to continue upwards.

Seeing the right moment, Guo Xiaomei stepped on the back of the Xuantian Heavy Sword. Because the sword itself had not yet exhausted its upward strength, Guo Xiaomei could borrow the strength to jump up again. With the help of this step, her body was raised another four meters!

At this moment, Gao Jun was riding on the Soaring Dragon Bat and happened to be beside Guo Xiaomei!


Facing Guo Xiaomei who had suddenly arrived beside him, Gao Jun was shocked! She hurriedly adjusted the direction of the gun in her hand, but at this moment, Guo Xiaomei grabbed the giant flesh wing of the Soaring Dragon Bat with one hand! Then, he picked up the shotgun in his hand faster than Gao Jun and shot at Gao Jun, who was less than three meters away from her!

After the gunshot was fired, Gao Jun was shot in the chest. Blood quickly gushed out of the wound, causing him to cry out in pain.

After the shrapnel entered his body, the TC virus quickly gathered and began to devour the shrapnel that entered his body.

During this process, the TC virus entered a state of exhaustion, causing Gao Jun's body strength and reaction speed to decrease due to the TC virus entering a state of exhaustion!

Guo Xiaomei quickly threw away the shotgun in her hand and took out a hand from her backpack with one hand. Lei used four fingers to press down on the fuse. He used his mouth to pull off the safety pin and threw it directly onto Gao Jun. Next, one of the hands that was holding the Soaring Dragon Bat quickly loosened, letting his body fall.

Gao Jun's reaction was slow because of the gunshot wound on his body. He did not notice that Guo Xiaomei had already thrown a hand at him!

Qin An, who was on the ground, saw Guo Xiaomei fall from a height of ten meters. He quickly stepped forward and put her into his arms!

At this moment, an explosion sounded from the Soaring Dragon Bat. Fatty Gao Jun's body was so blown up that he was unable to sit down steadily and fell from the giant flying mutated beast.

After Guo Xiaomei was taken into Qin An's embrace, she took out the machete from her backpack without hesitation and left Qin An's embrace. She moved as fast as she could to where Gao Jun was about to land.

Gao Jun's enormous body fell from the sky. The momentum was extremely strong. He had been blasted to the point that his entire body was injured. Therefore, he was unable to control his body at all. Even if he wanted to find a good direction to fall, he would not be able to do so. Therefore, at this moment, his head was heading downwards.

Guo Xiaomei grasped the best opportunity. When Gao Jun's body landed in front of her, she bent down and quickly brandished the machete in her hand, directly cutting off Gao Jun's head that was still hanging in the air! The speed of this saber strike was too fast! Too accurate! Too handsome!

Qin An watched from behind, and his mouth didn't feel good! After killing three people in a row, can't you let a person's head come out?

After teasing him slightly, Qin An quickly picked up the Xuantian Heavy Sword that had fallen to the side, then looked up at the flying dragon bat and said, "What about the flying mutated beast?"

After killing Gao Jun, Guo Xiaomei's aura finally straightened out a bit. Gao Jun had tortured her miserably in the sky just now, and this could be considered revenge for her.

She walked to the side and picked up the shotgun. After checking it, she found that it was still usable if it wasn't broken. She quickly filled it with bullets and said to Qin An, "Don't worry about it. The Soaring Dragon Bat is a level 1 mutated beast, but it looks a little scary. Its danger level is actually only level 1!" "The damage is not big, and if the host is dead, it will naturally run away. This creature's courage is actually very small!"

After hearing Guo Xiaomei's words, Qin An was stunned for a moment. Then, he saw the Sky Soaring Dragon Bat spared its life in the sky. It really flew away!

Shaking his head, Qin An said, "With so many mutated beasts, wouldn't the fate of humans be even more miserable?"

Guo Xiaomei said, "The wild mutated beasts are basically hiding in the mountains. Moreover, many mutated beasts do not take the initiative to hurt people. They are even gentler than before the apocalypse. You will know when you see more mutated beasts! In short, wild mutated beasts are actually not scary. The truly scary ones are zombie beasts!"

Zombie Beast! ?

Qin An frowned and decided not to continue the topic. It was better to leave some space for his imagination!

Holding the Xuantian Heavy Sword, Qin An said, "Alright! I'll talk to you about these things in the future!"

With that, he walked towards the third stone room, followed by Guo Xiaomei.

Gao Jun's huge body, with its head cut off, had a pile of disgusting fat on its head. It was now a walking corpse without any soul consciousness, and it staggered towards Qin An.

When Qin An saw this, he was very unhappy. He brandished his sword and cut the walking corpse into several pieces. If he could not collect the human head, he could only split the corpse apart!

After that, the two of them did not stop and entered the third stone room, killing everyone inside! At this moment, it took almost ten minutes for the danger to be completely resolved!

After walking out of the stone house, Lan Yu Jin Gang and the others also came over. Qin An let Lan Yu look at his watch. It was just 5:20! He quickly led everyone around the stone house and looked at the north gate of the outer city, which was less than 300 meters away from them. At this moment, there was a person standing there!

It was a somewhat vulgar looking man. He groped back and forth between the iron door and the door frame, pulled out a lead, and then ignited it with a fire before quickly running away. Not long after, an explosion sounded and the north gate was completely destroyed!

When Qin An saw this scene, his heart was filled with surprise. It was obvious that this explosive had been cleverly placed here at some unknown time! Looks like Weng Die was well prepared. Even if her group hadn't come to Shanlan City, she should have started her plan within the next few days, right?

There was no time to think too much. Since the door had been blown open, it was most important to leave the city quickly.

Qin An first stepped forward, and then everyone followed, preparing to leave this dangerous mountain city immediately.


Within Misty Mountain City, there was a three-storey building on the ridge between the east and west.

The explosion at the north gate alarmed the people on the roof.

Inner City Protector General Song Danchen was a big fellow from Hedong Province. He spoke with a local accent. He angrily threw the poker card in his hand onto the table and said, "I already said that those outsiders who entered the city had their weapons laid down. You guys just won't listen!" He even said that if he let them hold their weapons, they would feel safe! Convenient for our management, what is there to say? Listen, listen, listen! Shots fired this time and cannons fired this time. What is this for? "

The scorpion frowned slightly and looked at the smoke rising from the north gate. "This matter seems to be a bit big! Who exactly is causing trouble in the city?"

Mountain God Granny Sun Juan took out a makeup box from her pocket. After opening it, she looked at herself with the mirror inside and said, "Who cares what they do! In any case, they can't escape. In the end, they have to return obediently and let them make trouble!"

The scorpion shook its head and said, "No! This is not an ordinary person causing trouble. Judging from the situation, their firepower is very strong! Didn't you hear the sound of firing a cannon just now?"

Song Danchen stood up and said, "Why isn't there even a messenger reporting the situation at the North Gate? There's no reaction from the other gates. No! I can't stand it anymore, I want to go take a look! Damn it, I caught someone causing trouble, I'll eat it alive tonight!"

After he finished speaking, he walked downstairs. He could tell that this fellow had a bad temper.

On the other side, another inner city general, Wang Feng, was around twenty years old. He was quite handsome. After looking at the scorpion, he stood up and said, "I'll go take a look with Brother Song. Anyway, it's boring to stay here!"

Without waiting for the scorpion to speak, he followed Song Danchen downstairs.

The scorpion lay back on the sun chair, then looked at Sun Juan and said, "I feel that outsiders should really take away all the weapons they carry when they enter the city in the future!"

Sun Juan said, "Although we did not give such an order, as far as I know, those people who are attached to us will eventually collect the weapons of outsiders!" Therefore, this group of troublemakers should have just entered the city. Perhaps it was because our subordinates seized their weapons that they finally clashed with each other, right? You really don't need to worry about this kind of thing. You can't fight with someone else's pigs because of your own pigs, right? We can help our own pigs beat up other people's pigs, right? In the end, they were all just food. They were all used to kill and eat meat, so why bother with so much? "

Scorpion listened to her mother Sun Juan's words and smiled. She no longer spoke. Instead, she continued to lie there. Then, she looked at the man beneath her feet. He was still trying his best to lick his feet.

The scorpion's expression was very calm. She said softly, "I lived well before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, I became a mutant, so I didn't have any psychological shadows. However, looking at a handsome man like you licking me now, I still feel very satisfied with my feet! I wonder if this is a bit abnormal."

The handsome man smiled flatteringly and said, "No freak, I like to lick it. It smells good!"

The Scorpion laughed foolishly and sighed, "You men! Whether it's before or after the apocalypse, you always lie to women! Unfortunately, we women, whether it's before or after the apocalypse, will be deceived by you! Hearing you say that, my heart is so comfortable! Haha!"

The handsome man laughed and licked even harder.


Qin An and the others had already left the city. After leaving the city, Qin An's heart finally calmed down.

At this moment, three more people ran out of the city.

Qin An turned around and saw that there were two people he knew. They were Sister-in-law Li and Sister-in-law Wang. The other man was the person who had just ignited the fuse to blow up the city gate. He was Sister-in-law Wang's nominal man, Xie Wei.

The three of them ran to Qin An's side, panting heavily. Sister-in-law Wang walked forward first and said somewhat embarrassedly, "Qin An, our girl said that she wanted us to follow you!"

Qin An was slightly stunned. What was this Weng Die thinking?

Just as he was about to ask, a woman quickly ran over from the west side of Shanlan City's city wall. When she was still fifty meters away from them, she stopped and coldly swept her gaze over everyone!

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