Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.434 Superior Synchro vs. Corrupted Synchro

CH.434 Superior Synchro vs. Corrupted Synchro

[Cailie POV]

“Summon Wind Spirit!” I yelled out, as I focused my mana so that I could call forth my second mother, Anemoi.

It felt as if all the air inside the barrier gathered to take the form of the superior spirit of wind, Anemoi. 

“Oh my little girl! It has been too long.” Anemoi said, as she took me into a deep embrace.

“Mom! Not the time!” I said, and pointed at my sister who was synchronized with a sprite.

“Oh that. That is no problem.” Mom said, as she blasted the water creature with a powerful wind spell, completely destroying the spell and sending my sister plummeting into the water for the second time. “Just let mom take care of everything. I’ll have both of them dealt with in no time.”

“No!” I yelped. “This … this is my fight. I have to beat her. But since she allowed spirits, I can use one too, right? So let’s play by her rules.”

“... are you sure? Your body may not be ready to synchronize with a superior spirit. I can go back and send a greater here instead.”

“No. … I know you won’t hurt me, so let’s.” 

“Alright. But if anything starts to hurt, I’m stopping the synchro.” Mom said, as she entered my body.

I felt a great rush of power as we synchronized, but it didn’t hurt. 

“Alright.” I said, my voice sounding slightly echoey. “Let’s undo their synchro first, and then see if we can deal with that sprite without hurting my sister.”

(We need to damage them for that. Or drain out all of your sister’s mana. When she can no longer supply mana to the sprite, the synchro should break.) Mom said in my head.

(Alright. I suppose that is a reasonable plan.) I responded. (... but she isn’t coming out of the water, so what do we do?)

(Simple. If your enemy doesn’t come to you, force them to.)

I instinctively knew what to do and I casted a spell together with mom.

“Wind Typhoon!” 

A powerful whirlwind of air began to form in the room, and the massive power it had sucked in a lot of the water on the ground.

With the water getting gathered, my sister was revealed. And she looked terrifying. 

She was using a mix of her Water Avatar and Water Kraken spells, making a monstrous looking avatar, with many, many water tentacles coming out of it.

Luckily for us, the Kraken Avatar was somewhat held back by the Wind Typhoon, so we could spend a bit strategizing.

(... Thanks for being here, mom. I’m not sure I wouldn’t be terrified if you weren't’.)

(There is nothing wrong with being scared. It is all about what you do when you are.)

(... Do we just smash it?)

(We could, or we can do what they are doing.)

(... okay. Let’s.)

With a plan agreed on, I began focusing on the spell we would use. The same one my sister was using, except with the Wind attribute.

“Wind Avatar!” 

With our spell, we also made an avatar, but ours was made of wind with us as the center.

(We should have a weapon as well.) Mom said.

(Okay.) I agreed, so we casted the next spell.

“Wind Lance!” 

With a large lance made of wind now in the hand of our Wind Avatar, we were ready for the fight.

With the Wind Typhoon running out, all of the water it had gathered began to fall to the ground, and my sister’s Kraken Avatar used the water to form two Water Whips, one in each hand.

I’m not scared. I’m not scared. I’m only fighting someone with way more experience with their weapon, while I’ve barely ever even held a lance. No pressure.

(You know, we can turn this back into a magic fight, if you don’t like this avatar fight.) Mom said.

(No! I’ll prove myself!)

(To whom?)


I guided our avatar to move towards my sister, while using some Wind Cutter spells to cut her incoming Water Whips. It was a bit difficult to manage three spells at the same time, but with mom’s help, I managed.

I then slashed at my sister with the lance, trying to imitate how I’ve seen Brian use a sword. Sadly it didn’t do much to the Kraken Avatar.

(Lances aren’t for slashing. They are thrusting weapons.) Mom told me. (Stab her with it instead.)


I quickly brought the Wind Lance back, before thrusting it at the Kraken Avatar. The avatar used its tentacles to try and stop the lance, but with the lance being made of wind, that proved useless. The wind overpowered the water tentacles, took some of the water into it, and pierced into the avatar. Sadly while I focused on that, my sister also focused on her attack, so two new Water Whips came from behind, and pierced our Wind Avatar.

With the damage of the attacks, both of our avatars disappeared, and my sister plummeted down into the water for the third time. I just used Aerial Swimming to stay in the air.

(We used a bit too much mana in that exchange.) Mom told me. (We need to be more efficient.)

(Don’t worry. I have Brian’s gifts.) I said, as I took a hold of the bracelet on my right arm. It held a magic stone that was linked to HomeBase, so I could draw mana from HomeBase.

I activated it and felt a lot of mana entering my body and when my mana pool was almost full, I turned it off, so I wouldn’t overload myself.

(... wow. Brian really goes all out with these items.) Mom said in awe.

(Yes. He goes a bit too far sometimes.) 

(But now we can go all out.)


“Wind Core!”

Our next spell made a circling mass of wind that would gather anything loose and suck it in. It was similar to the Wind Typhoon in that way, but much more powerful. 

Our goal with this was simple. Gather all of the water inside the barrier, so that my sister would have to make new water with magic, which is a lot more mana intensive than just manipulating already existing water. And since mana isn’t a problem for us, we can outlast her and force her to undo the synchro.

We watched as my sister was left at the bottom of the cavern. With no more natural water, and her inability to fly, we were at an even larger advantage than before.

Let’s see what she will try to do.

“Water ….” 

We just barely heard my sister chanting a spell, which is strange, as she usually Quick Casts her spells.

(Something big is coming!) I quickly deduced.

(Alright. A barrier it is then.) Mom agreed. 

“Wind Barrier!” With the spell, we made a round barrier around us. It should stop whatever my sister is planning.

“Water Explosion!” My sister finished her spell and a large amount of highly pressurized water shot out everywhere.

Luckily, our barrier was able to stop most of it. Unluckily, our Wind Core wasn’t and it burst open, dropping all the water that had been held in it to the ground.

Did she plan that? Doesn’t matter. We can just.

“Wind Core!” We used our previous strategy again, but this time, my sister was ready for it.

“Raging Sea!” She Quick Casted a spell that wasn’t regular water magic. It likely relied on the sprites power.

The water she freed began to violently move around the room, and it was powerful enough where it mostly ignored our Wind Core.

My sister then began launching spears of water at us, but they were honestly not much. We either dodged them or had our Wind Barrier stop them. They didn’t have the power necessary to pierce our defenses.

“Wind Bomb!” We Quick Casted a spell of our own, letting the compressed ball of wind sink into the raging sea before it exploded, sending a powerful shockwave through the water.

Sure the Raging Sea would reduce it a bit, but it should still daze my sister at least a bit.

I then activated my bracelet for the second time, again topping off our mana.

And that is how our fight continued. I kept dodging my sister's attacks, while countering with spells that wouldn’t damage her too badly, but would take a lot of mana to negate. And we kept it up until the Raging Sea subsided, and the corrupted spirit was forced to separate from my sister.

(Alright. Let’s finish this.) Mom said, ready to strike down the sprite.

(... do we have to kill it? Brian has that mirror that can purify it.) I told her.

(... oh right. Yes. Let’s do that instead. But we have to bind the sprite.)

“Wind Hold!” 

With Wind Hold, we took a hold of the sprite.

Sadly the barrier for the sacred duel was still up, so we couldn’t get Brian in here to help, until we got it down.

So I used Aerial Swimming to get to my sister, and slapped her in the cheek a few times to get her to come to, as she passed out after the synchro was busted.

“... Arrgh! Water Whip!” As my sister came to, her first reaction was to cast another spell, but she was out of mana, so nothing happened.

“Surrender.” I told her. “You have no mana left. Your synchro was undone. You can’t win.”

“I will not lose!” She yelled.

“You already did. I don’t want to hurt you. … but if you don’t surrender, I will.” I said, as I felt mom casting a spell. 

I raised my fist and a dagger of wind formed into it. I then brought it down to my sister’s chest, ready to plunge it into her. 

… it didn’t feel nice, but it is the only way to lower the barrier, if my sister doesn’t surrender.

“I Am Stronger Than You!” She yelled out, making me realize that there really was no other choice.

So I plunged the Wind Dagger into my sister’s chest, ripping apart her flesh. I then brought it out, and watched as the sacred duel barrier lowered. 

I had won, but it really felt like a hollow victory. 

[Brian POV]

I was proud of Cailie. I really was. She won. 

Sure some might say she cheated, but this entire fight was one big cheat. 

Had Amilie not summoned a sprite, Cailie wouldn’t have summoned Anemoi. And even before the spirits got involved, Cailie simply was stronger. She also had the huge advantage of being able to use Spirit Magic, while Amilie seemingly could only use Water Magic.

But that is besides the point for now. We have a sprite to purify. I got one of my custom cards out of the Collection and quickly activated it. 

“Sprite Purifying Mirror!”


I then made sure the bound sprite looked at it long enough that it got fully purified. 

The now purified water spirit then disappeared, likely returning to the spirit world. Only to be replaced by a different, much more powerful water spirit.

“Thalassa. Nice to see you again.” I greeted the superior spirit of water.

“Brian. You know why I’m here, right?”

“It will make Rain sad, but I won’t say no.”

“Don’t worry. Her family will still be the one you call when you call for the others. I made sure of that. Unless you specifically request a different kind of water spirit.”

“Alright. Then thanks.”

With a quick kiss on my cheek, my Water Spirits Blessing (Greater) turned into Thalassa’s Blessing.

Thalassa then approached Cailie, who had undone her synchro with Anemoi. 

“And you. You aren’t getting away this time.” Thalassa said, as she rushed Cailie, took her into her embrace and gave the mermaid a wet kiss. Not that kind of wet kiss. It just is wet because Thalassa’s body is literally made of water.

“Thanks for purifying my child. And sorry for the trouble he caused. I’m taking his blessing back from that one.” Thalassa pointed at Amilie when she said that. “And I’ll make sure he is better in the future.” Thalassa said, referring to the greater water spirit. 

She then left for the spirit world and her body broke apart, the water it had been made of splashing onto the ground.

“I’ll be going as well.” Anemoi said. “I’m sure you can handle it from here, and if you can’t, just call me again.” She then turned to me and said. “And Brian. Cailie will need rest after this, so make sure she gets it. A superior synchro, especially as we kept it up for that long, takes a toll on her body.”

“Yeah. I promise I’ll get her to rest.” I promised Anemoi, as her body disappeared into the wind.

I then levitated myself to Cailie.

“Congratulations. You did it.” I told her.

“... thanks. … I just wish it would have ended differently.” Cailie said. “... also … how do I show this to Brian? … what do you mean I can’t?”


“... just a bit. I’m trying to figure this out.”

(She got herself a System Support.) Laura said. (I’m offering them a link. I think she is trying to show you a mission.)

“...” I thought about congratulating Cailie again, but I decided against it. I just took her into a hug and waited for Laura to work her magic.

After a bit, the link was done and Laura could show me Cailie’s first System mission.

Mission: Reunite the Clan
Information: The Nixie mer-folk clan has been split because of the actions of its previous ruler. Do your best to bring it back together.
Goal: Reunite the banished half of the clan with the rest of the clan.
Reward: Unique Skill [redacted] will be unlocked.

I asked Cailie about the skill, but it was redacted from her as well. I guess the System wants to give us another surprise again. Kind of like with my racial-unique skill.

Well, I feel like we were going to try to do that anyway, so I don’t see why we wouldn’t.


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