Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.407 Blade of Space and Time

CH.407 Blade of Space and Time

“Alright. Last check. Is everyone ready to go?” I asked, before I start summoning monsters and spirits.

“I’m ready.” Karl answered.

“Ready to go.” Wilma confirmed.

“Standing by.” Lua said.

“Good to go.” Alice said.

“... I’m also ready.” Cailie added.

“Good. Alice, summon Ninatia. Lua, call for Eosther. Cailie, Anemoi.” I listed the spirits they would all summon. 

Our operation would be both the same but also very different from the time we made the star titanium ingot. This time, we’d have all, well not all but multiple superior spirits also helping us. 

While the others called for the spirits they would summon, I summoned the three only I could summon. 

“Athena, it is time. Summon Metal Spirit.” I started off with the one I can only summon by technicality. Athena used an ingot of vampiric steel I’d prepared for her as the focal point for her body and appeared before us. After her, I called out Iris and Lachros.

I then began summoning monsters. First was of course Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu. He is going to help Wilma and Karl with the forging.


Next are my stardust experts, Sorcerer of Dark Magic and Quintet Magician, though one of the two would be pulling double duty. 


See, while it has been a while, I recalled the fact that my monsters can in fact synchro with spirits. So I decided it would be best if we did so with some of the spirits. In this case, Quintet Magician will synchro with Anemoi. I even went ahead and DNA Transplanted Quintet into a Wind-attribute monster for this.


I wish I had a good Wind Spellcaster, but the best I have is still Kazejin and he just won’t cut it for this. So DNA Transplant Quintet is the best choice.


His and Anemoi's job is to make sure that my smiths have clean air to breath, while also keeping the air from oxidizing the blade while we, well they, forge it.

Next up is the combo of Ninatia and Legendary Flame Lord. They will be working with another duo to keep the metal hot so that it can be forged. And because Flamel isn’t the strongest, I made sure he had 3 installs of Salamandra to boost his power.


Next up was the duo I just referenced. Silent Magician LV8 and Eosther. The reason why they are here is because star titanium likes light. Not sure why, but it does, so the two will assist in the heating of the ingot using Light Magic.


Iris was with Cosmo Queen. They join Anemoi’s duo in the keep the metal oxygen free operation. 


Last spirit and monster duo was Lachros and Dark Sage. I don’t know exactly what kind of Time Magic the two were planning to use, but they will be doing that.


Athena wasn’t going to synchro with any of my monsters. I did make a Cybernetic Magician, whom I turned into an Earth Machine with DNA Surgery and Transplant, and even boosted with some Machine Conversion Factories, but Athena didn’t like it, so she was just going solo.


Of course Athena’s job was to make sure the metal stayed as perfect as it could. No impurities and no bad grain structure or anything like that.

And like last time, when we forged the ingot, I did have Guardian Angel Joan on stand-by for any healing needs.


“Alright Wilma. Take it away.” I allowed the one in charge to take the center stage.

Alice, Lua, Cailie and I stayed off to the side while Wilma worked. Technically I did have a job of making sure none of us would run out of mana which we had to keep feeding the superior spirits to keep them here, but other than that, we were basically just observing.

And oh boy was it something to behold. Between the magic of the six superior spirits and of course the rhythmic hammer strikes, the forging almost turned into a symphony of amazingness. You could really feel that something special was happening.

The entire forging part took just a bit over an hour, and I’m not sure if that is fast or not. I think it is, but at the same time, we burned well over 20,000 mana during that time, and I honestly don’t even know where half of that went. And that isn’t counting for the mana all of us just naturally recover, so the real number is more like 30,000. Plus the 6,000 spent on actually summoning the superior spirits.

As for the finished blade, note it isn’t a sword yet, just the blade is ready. It still needs a guard, handle and a pommel, but before those get made, it is time for a break.

And because it was, the blade was now in my Storage so I could take a look at it.

Blade of Space and Time
Legendary Blade
Description: A blade forged from star titanium with the help of multiple superior spirits. It carries in it the essence of Space and Time. Because of its quality, it is considered Legendary

So yeah. Wilma and Karl just made a legendary blade. I just hope Wilma can turn this legendary blade into a legendary sword.

I do question the name and description a bit. Why is it somehow a blade of Space and Time?  I mean, it probably has something to do with Lachros and Iris, but that does that actually mean? Is it maybe something similar to the Ursa Major daggers I made where it can cut basically anything?

I guess I’ll see after the sword is finished.

We ended up unsummoning most of the superior spirits, with only Athena staying behind. She said she wanted to do something while we were taking a break, so we left her in the workshop to do … whatever she wanted to do. She can’t do anything to the blade, it is in my Storage, and if she wants to play around with the materials we do have, I don’t mind.

As we were taking a break, Karl began to feel ill and Lua checked him out. She figured that there is a high likelihood that Karl was evolving, so we quickly took him to the medbay and set him up in an evolution tank. 

And because Karl had that reaction, I asked Wilma to check her status, in case something strange was going on.


“... when did Athena give you her blessing?” I wondered.

“I think it was at the end when you collected the blade.” Wilma answered. “She gave me a firm handshake and I think that was when it happened.”

“What about that other title?” Alice asked. 

“Pretty self explanatory in my opinion.” I stated.

“Wait! So that blade was?!” 

“Legendary, yes.” I confirmed. “Laura, show the analysis of it to the others.”

(Sure.) Laura agreed and the other SS holders soon had the analysis results in front of them.

“I’m more interested in Spiritual Metal Magic.” Wilma admitted. “It is a skill I’ve heard of, well at least as standard Metal Magic, as some evolved dwarves do have it. But usually only those that evolve into Blacksmiths get it and it is a racial skill for them.”

“You must have gotten it from the blessing and because you did, it isn’t racial but just extra.”

“I know. … it is just … I didn’t expect to ever get that skill after I evolved into a Craftswoman.”

“Well, you know how it goes. You can never expect the unexpected.”

“... I’m not sure that makes sense.” Wilma said.

“Maybe it doesn’t, maybe it does.”

As we were just discussing the new skills Wilma got, Sheou came to me with a message.


“Lady Athena asked if you have any gold she could use.” Sheou asked.

“Gold? … I don’t think I have any gold ingots, but I do have gold coins. They are like 90% gold, so they should work, right?”

“I believe so.”

“Did she say why she needs gold?”

“I didn’t push her on the subject. Would you like me to go and ask?”

“Nah. It doesn’t really matter.” I said, as I got a pouch out of Storage and then filled it with a little over 100 gold coins. 

With each coin weighing about 30 grams, 100 coins totals up to 3 kg of coins. And with the 90% purity, after Athena separates the gold from the silver and copper, which are used to make the coins more sturdy, she will have about 2,7 kg of gold to work with. 

“Just take this to her. She can use all of them if she wants.”

“... I’m not sure if I’m proud or sad that you are just willing to destroy currency like that.” Alice commented after Sheou left with the money.

“Not my fault that my cards can just produce it out of nowhere.” I defended myself.

“Just buy some gold next time you buy metals.” Wilma said.

“I’ll tell Lawrence we could use some.” I agreed. “But what does Athena need the gold for?” I wondered.

After our break, which extended to lunch, and checking up on Karl and confirming that he was in fact evolving, we returned to the workshop to see what Athena had been up to.

Except that …

“She isn’t here.” I stated. “Sheou, where did she go?”

“I apologize Master, but we weren’t keeping an eye on her.” Sheou said. “Should we search for her?”

“... nah. I can feel the direction she is in as she is pulling mana from me. I’ll find her myself.” I said. 

I then looked around the workshop and saw a small ingot of silver on a table. That must be from the gold coins I gave Athena. 

“Wilma, do you know if she used anything besides the gold?”

“... I think a bit of copper is missing.” Wilma said. “We also lack some of that super rare metal Lawrence picked up.”

“That palladium and platinum alloy? But isn’t that for jewelry use only?”

“Yes.” Wilma confirmed.

“How much did she take?”

“About half of what we had. Which isn’t a lot, so no more than 100 grams.”

“Okay. I’ll find her. Want to come with?”

“Not like we are finishing that sword today. I need to confirm the designs in the Factory first.” 

It didn’t take too long for us to find Athena, mainly because of a report Magie rushed to me.

“... an abnormal mana pull in the mana spring?”

“Yes. It is pulling mana at over 20 times the speed at which it does when both Alice and Lucia are using it.” Magie answered. “Do you want us to block the mana flow?”

“Let’s check it out first.”

“But what about Athena?” Wilma asked.

“... come on Wilma. We have a supreme spirit missing and now we have a mana leak. Don’t you think they are connected?”

“Oh? Yes. They probably are.” She agreed.

When we got to the spring, we saw a fully clothed Athena standing next to it, seemingly using magic to do … something.

“Took you long enough. I was going to ask for permission, but since you gave me the gold and allowed the use of the workshop, I assumed it would be fine.” Athena said.

“... what are you actually doing?” I asked.

“Just making a bit of something.” She answered. “I saw the design my new blessed made. It won’t hold up to the blade we made today. So you need something special for it.”

“... alright. And what does gold, copper, palladium, platinum and a shitton of mana have to do with it?”

“Why don’t you answer that.” Athena said. “Actually, Wilhelmina should answer.”

“... I wouldn’t know.” Wilma said.

“Don’t you or do you refuse to accept it?” Athena asked, and as she did, I came up with one answer.

And if my answer is correct, I kind of love this spirit.

“... I think I know, but I’ll let Wilma think for a bit longer.” I said.

“I do like how smart you are.” Athena said. “It is no wonder so many of us like you.”

“But are you sure it is okay for you to share the recipe with us?”

“You shared your star titanium recipe, so I can share one of mine.”

“... I don’t get it.” Wilma said. “What recipe?”

“How long ‘til your cooking is ready?” I asked Athena.

“About five or so minutes, I think. The pool is supplying the mana nicely.”

“Good.” I turned to Wilma and told her. “I’ll tell her when it is finished. Timing and all of that.

After waiting for what turned out to be seven minutes, Athena said that she was ready.

“There is your perfect timing. Why don’t you tell her what you think I did?”

“Sure. So, if my theory is correct, what Athena just so gracefully cooked us up.” As I said that, an ingot of shiny gold rose from the mana pool. “Is some orichalcum.”

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