Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.396 Finding Cailie

CH.396 Finding Cailie

“... Her soul really is lost, huh. I was expecting her to still be inside the machine, but that isn’t the case.” Lady Janina said.

“Didn’t I tell you so?”

“I think I interrupted you while you were saying it.”

“... so any idea where she is?”

“Not a clue. I can try to trace her down, but that will take some time. Tracking a soul isn’t easy.”

“How did she even leave?” I asked.

“Outside influence. Someone or something noticed her soul in the vulnerable position it was and just took it. Since none of you know how to use Soul Magic, there isn’t much you could really do.”

“More of a reason to learn it quickly, huh.”

“You are not wrong. Do you know of anyone that might have wanted her soul?”

“... I can think of one person. Or more like one clan.” I told her. “Cailie’s family wasn’t exactly the nicest to her before they banished her. Maybe they somehow took her soul back with their dungeon?”

“Ah. The mer-folk protected by Jala. I don’t really involve myself with them, outside of talking with Jala sometimes.”

“Who is this ‘Jala’?”

“প্রভু জল. He is the greater water dragon that rules the dragon island and is the guardian of a mer-folk clan.” Lady Janina clearly said a name, but I couldn’t understand it, so I looked at her questioningly. “Oh right. The System can’t translate our names. I forgot. Prabhu Jala is his name in your tongue.”

“... alright. So he stole Cailie’s soul for the clan?”

“Definitely not. Even for a dragon, snatching a soul from inside your machine while they are nowhere near the machine would be extremely difficult. And that isn’t counting for the defensive barriers around HomeBase. With them, it would be impossible for anyone but me. And admittedly, even I couldn’t do it without triggering your barriers, so you would know an attack came from outside.” Lady Janina said.

“... so a dungeon then?” I asked.

“Didn’t you listen to a word I said? I said if an attack like that came from outside HomeBase, your barrier would have noticed it. Dungeons, while wonderful in a lot of ways, aren’t some miracle that can do just anything.”

“Who took her then?”

“Someone from the inside.” Lady Janina answered.

“Someone from HomeBase? But why? None of us even know how to use Soul Magic. I mean, the only option even would be Maya, as I’ve seen everyone else's status, but there is no way she can use Soul Magic.”

“... That is true. That cat-folk is nowhere near powerful enough to use Soul Magic. But it doesn’t change the truth.” Lady Janina said. “Why don’t we take a thinking break. Offer me some tea while you tell me everything that happened while the two of you were using the device. I might notice something you didn’t.”

“... yeah. I think I could also use some sweets.”

I was about to leave to give my workers some orders, but Wilma called out to me.

“B-Brian! Something is going on with Cailie’s body.” 

I quickly rushed back and took a look at the evolution tank Cailie was in. Her vital signs were elevated, as was her body temperature. Almost like she is leveling up quickly.

“... She is leveling up?” I questioned. “But where would she get the experience for that?”

I noticed that Wilma’s eyes quickly flashed with a large amount of mana, before she answered.

“Her skills have increased in levels, especially Mana Control and Wind Magic. She also has new skills she didn't have last time I appraised her.” Wilma said.

“... what? How is that possible?” I wondered.

“I might have an idea now.” Lady Janina said.

“Tell me.” I demanded. I then quickly added a “Please.”

“Sorry, tea first. And I do still want to hear what happened to confirm my idea. And if it is correct, then she is in no harm, so you can calm down.” Lady Janina said.

So she is safe. Thank God. … oh right. Thank the Goddess. 

I still won’t be fully calm until I know where she is and how to get her back, but if Lady Janina says she is safe, then she is safe. That is just how it works.

“I see. It is quite obvious really.” Lady Janina said, after I finished telling her everything that happened in the Factory.

“So you know where she is? Can we go get her?” I asked. 

“We can. But as I said earlier, it is no rush. I’ve confirmed my earlier suspicions, so no need to rush.”

“Where is she?”

“Think. Use that brain of yours. You can make a giant rock float in the sky, but still somehow miss the obvious.”

“... that isn’t helping.”

“If I told you the answer, would you learn anything? Think about it. What happened just before you two left the Factory? Actually, better yet, why don’t you do that trick where you can show people your memories. Maybe another look will show you the answer.”

I did as told and looked back over what happened before I left the Factory.

I saw Cailie there, surrounded by a few of the water spirits. Then I asked the spirits to leave, and they did, and almost as soon as they had left, Cailie’s avatar disappeared. 

“... the spirits took her soul?” I asked to confirm.

“Yes. That should be the case.” Lady Janina said, before emptying her tea cup and setting it back on the table.

“... Can we get her back?”

“Simple. We just go to the spirit world and find her.”

“... why does that sound actually complicated?”

“It really isn’t. Just trust your soul into my hands and I’ll take you there.” Lady Janina said.

Well, it isn’t the worst idea ever. I mean, if she wanted to kill me… Okay, I won’t think about that. 

“Sure. Let’s go.”

“... is this really necessary?”

“What? Don’t you like sitting on my lap?” Lady Janina teased.

“... I mean I do, but … it feels wrong as well.” I answered. “Like I’m doing something I’m not supposed to do. I should only sit on Lua or Alice’s laps.”

“Really? Am I not good enough?”

“... we are not in a relationship, so this feels like cheating.”

“Want to start?”


“What? Did that really leave you speechless? Don’t worry. I wouldn’t take you as you are now. You aren’t strong enough to help me reproduce.”

“What does strength have to do with it?”

“Why do you think I don’t have children despite my age?” Lady Janina asked. “I live with dragons, but even their sperm cannot survive inside my body to the point where they can impregnate me.”

“... Thanks for telling, but I really didn’t need to know that.”

“Why not? In a few years, you might be as powerful as an adult dragon. A few more and maybe you will be powerful enough to give me a child. Just keep that in mind.”

“... so the scales you gave me..?”

“I suppose you could call it an investment. I want you to stay alive.” Lady Janina said.

“... thanks. But I think there are two … no, make it three people that really won’t like what you are saying right now.”

“Something to worry about later, as you would say, right?”

“... maybe.” 

“But for now, let’s get the third back, right?”

“Yes. … please.”

“Then just trust your soul into my hands. I promise, I will take great care of it.” As Lady Janina said that, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

I was about to protest, but I felt myself losing control of my body. I think that is because my soul is leaving my body. But before I disappeared, I heard one last thing.

“Wilma, right? Make sure no one touches our bodies while I’m gone. My body will automatically react to any threats and we wouldn’t want that.” I just barely heard Lady Janina say.

The next time I came to, I was in a strange place. More like a strange world. 

It was made of bright colors and was just super saturated as a whole. It didn’t look natural at all and was more like something an eight year old drew with crayons or something.

“... is this the spirit world?” I asked no one. Wait? No one? Where is Lady Janina?

“I’m right here.” I heard her answer echoing all around me. 

Wait what? Did you just read my thoughts?

“Sure did. And I can do it as long as I want and there is nothing you can do about it.” 

“... yeah. What to explain why? Or is this just ‘because we are in the spirit world?”

“No. I hold your soul, so I can easily read your mind. And your memories. I do have to say, your old world is quite interesting.”

“... could you not?”

“Fine. Fine. I know you don’t like my teasing.” Lady Janina said, and her body materialized next to me.

“... so this really is the spirit world. Why does it look like this?” I asked.

“Answer that yourself. You should know the reason.”

“... I don’t get it.”

“Focus on the mana around you. That will give you the answer.”

I did as instructed and soon realized what Lady Janina meant. This world … everything in it feels like it is made of pure mana. Same as in my Factory everything is made of my imagination, but here it is mana.

“... this world is made of mana?” I asked to confirm.

“Correct. And mana doesn’t really like subtle colors. Because of that, it looks like this.”

“I’ll accept that. … so, where is Cailie?”

“No clue.” Lady Janina said.

“... if that is a joke, this really isn’t the time for it.”

“It isn’t. She could be anywhere in here.”

“Shouldn’t she be where the water spirits live?”

“Ever heard of moving around?”

“It has only been like … two hours. Two and a half. No way she would have gotten that far in that time.”

“Time is relative.” Lady Janina said.

“... and that means?”

“You can use Time Magic and you don’t realize. What a bad student you are.”

“Time fluctuates because this world is made of mana?” I guessed.


“... so, how long has it been for Cailie?”

“Difficult to say. We’d have to ask the time spirits.”

“... why didn’t I know there are time spirits?”

“Because there is a lot you don’t know. Not my fault the System is a limiting factor for humans.”

“Also keeps us safe from miasma, so it isn’t all bad.” I responded. “... so how do we find Cailie? Do we just … search for her?”

“Why would we? Remember, a world of pure mana. Why not put it to use.”

“... so I can … find her with magic? But I don’t know magic like that.”

“Then you can learn. I’ll give you a hint. Space Magic will be your friend.”

“... Alright. So Space Magic. … I think I can make a search spell. … I just need to figure out …”

I ended up losing track of time. I don’t know how long it took for me to figure out a space search spell, but it must have been hours. When I finally was done, I looked to where Lady Janina was, and I noticed she was sitting on a rock she had turned into a lounge chair.

“Oh? So you are done?” She asked. “I have to say, I’m surprised you were able to use uncharted time magic.”

“... I did?” I asked.

“And you didn’t even notice? Impressive. Your instincts with mana control are quite good.”

“... maybe it was Laura. I haven’t heard from her since we came, but I know she is somewhere inside of me. She must have helped.”

“I might be blocking her.” Lady Janina admitted. “In order to keep your soul safe, I block all outside influence. That likely includes your System Support.”

“Oh. Okay. I just thought there was some limit with her because we are in the spirit world. Like maybe she can’t operate since this world has no creation energy or something like that.”

“That could be true.” Lady Janina said. “You are the first System Support holder I’ve taken to the spirit world. I simply assumed it would be my influence.”

“Well, we can theorycraft about that later. For now.

Space, locate the person I want to find and show me how to get to them, Space Search.”

After I finished my spell, a large purple arrow appeared in front of me. It pointed to … well I don’t really know where the north is in this world, so I can’t really say. It pointed towards something, hopefully Cailie.

“So we have a direction. Good.” Lady Janina said. She then turned into her true form. {Get on and make sure I can see that arrow.}

“Yes, Ma'am.” I hurried to her side and lifted myself to her back with Telekinesis.

We flew for what felt like no time at all, but the distance we covered was insane. The number of unique things I saw was so many. I think it is because this world is chaotic as anything. You can have a desert next to a swamp. A river running through a massive mountain. Or a massive sinkhole in the middle of an ocean. Almost like this entire world’s world generation had glitched.

And then, when we passed a big green mountain, the arrow we were following did a complete 180.

{Interesting.} Lady Janina said.

“...what is?”

{This is the domain of the superior wind spirit. I simply wonder why your girl would be here.}

“... she isn’t mine.”

{Not yet she isn’t. Because you don’t want to accept her before your other two do.}

“... I …”

{Worry about that later. Let’s go see what is happening.} Lady Janina said, before she flapped her wings and shot up towards the clouds above.

Soon we pierced the thick layer of clouds and came to see the world above. 

I quickly looked around and found a concentration of people there. Most of them were spirits, but among all of the bright colors, there was one regular person. … regular person. Why does Cailie have legs? Well, solve that later.

She was standing in front of what I think is the highest ranked spirit present. The spirit was humanoid with eight wings on his back. That is probably the superior wind spirit Lady Janina mentioned.

“BRIAN!” I heard Cailie calling out to me.

I jumped off of Lady Janina’s back and used Telekinesis to blast myself towards Cailie.

Coming to a stop just in front of her, I couldn’t help but to take her into a deep hug.


“Hi, Cailie.” I responded. “I came to get you.” I told her.

“... thanks. I always knew you would.”

After a long hug, I finally turned to the spirits around us and asked.

“So, does anyone want to explain what is going on here?”

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