Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.392 HomeBase Store

CH.392 HomeBase Store

Because the few days I spent planting flowers with Paulina, I felt it was about appropriate timing to go visit Lawrence. I know his son came back because Endy has been stalking … keeping an eye on the store, so maybe I can bring Lawrence to HomeBase now. 

I have a few things I need to do, that may or may not involve delivering Ursa Major materials to a client and maybe giving some gifts to two Princes. And having my personal merchant with me when I do that would be great, as it will build up his connections and the high ranked people will then know that he works for me.

“Ah. Sir Wood. Welcome.” Lawrence welcomed me into his store.

“Hello Lawrence. And you know just Brian is fine.”

“For now I’ll keep calling you Sir Wood.”

“... whatever.” I gave in. “So how did your talk with your son go?” I asked.

“How did you..?”

“I just do. I’ll tell you how if you agree to work for me.”

“Don’t. Truthfully, I don’t care.”

“I like your attitude. Know what you need to know, don’t ask for anything more. So, what is your decision?”

“Of course I’ll accept. Only a fool wouldn’t.” Lawrence said.

“Well, some are a bit more hesitant. So how soon can you move? It is no rush, by the way, but I would like you to come with me on a business trip in two days, even if you won’t move by then.”

“Trip to where?”

“Oroco city and the Capital. I have deliveries I need to make to both and I want to introduce you as my personal merchant.” I told him. I then added a bit more seeing his questioning look. “We’ll travel using my airship and it can make the trip there and back in one day, so don’t worry about that part.”

“Not wasting any time, huh?”

“Depends on what I do. And honestly speaking, I’ve been delaying delivering the Ursa materials to Marquess Oroco while he has been gathering the money for it, so that isn’t exactly true.”

“... We are visiting the Marquess? And selling SS-rank materials?”

“Yeah. Get used to it, as you’ll be doing more of that.”

“As you wish, Sir.”

“... so, about my earlier question? When can I expect you to move?”

“I have everything packed and ready to go. I simply have to sign the store over to my son and the Bakula company. So tomorrow, if that is fine with you.” Lawrence said.

“Sure. I’ll come with a few people tomorrow to help you move.”

The next day, I took Molly, Cina and Olia with me to Lawrence’s store. The move really wouldn’t be difficult, as I can just take everything Lawrence owns into Storage and then bring it out on HomeBase. The reason I asked these three to come with me is because all three of them have the Cleaning skill, so we can leave the place spotless. No landlords demanding to keep a part of the security deposit.

Though I suppose this is a sale, or maybe more like leaving the place for the next of kin, so I don’t think that would apply. But it's still better to leave the place all clean.

After we finished cleaning everything, we made a quick stop by the Bakula company’s store where Lawrence dropped off his key to the store, before I beamed us all up to HomeBase.

“Alright. Olia, you can return to your regular duties. Molly, Cina, you two follow me to the store.” I said as we got out of the teleportation room.

“Yes Sir.” Olia responded before walking off. 

I then began to lead the way outside of the Citadel building so that we could get to the space I set aside for the store. The entrance to it was quite close to where the church was, because I felt it would be appropriate to have them close to each other. 

“... Where are we?” Lawrence asked when we got outside. “We are definitely not in Alewatch, but we aren’t in any nearby towns or cities either.”

“This is HomeBase. An invisible floating island. In short, we are in the air above the Alewatch plains.” I answered. “I know that might be a little difficult to believe, but it is the truth. Molly and Cina can show you the viewing room when they give you a tour, but first let me show you where your store will be located.”

On the way, I talked a bit more about what I expected of Lawrence, while also recapping all the benefits he would get. Mainly funding and access to an airship. For now his airship access would come in the form of either Ria or Eline summoning and piloting the B.E.S. monsters, but if he does well, I’ll give him a Card Summoner skill orb and have him get the skill. But those orbs are still earned. I won’t just give one to everyone just because I can.

“Honestly speaking, I was expecting more.” Lawrence said as she looked at the empty store.

“Well, you can build it up how you like. It is a new store, after all.” 

“... True.”

“So, do you know what you’ll need?”

“At least shelves and display cases.”

“You can have the workshop make those for you.”


“You’ll see when Molly and Cina give you a tour. They’ll also show you your room.” I said. 

I then began bringing Lawrence’s wares out of Storage, so that I could get back to my own business. Molly and Cina will help him take his clothes and stuff to his room, while the stuff he wants to leave at the store can stay here.

The next day Lawrence and I headed out in B.E.S. Covered Core, heading for Oroco city.

On the way, I instructed Lawrence on how to operate the ship and the new mapping devices I made.

I know you think this might be a bit much for someone new, but that is just what you have to deal with if you work for me. If you can’t keep up, you can always quit and get your mind wiped.

… okay, I probably wouldn’t mind wipe Lawrence even if he quit.

Arriving near Oroco city, I had the two of us get down from the ship. Straight in the yard of the Oroco manor. Don’t worry, I informed them beforehand. 

I quickly introduced Lawrence to the Marquess before we got to why I actually flew over here. I got the monster core out of Storage first, followed by the giant hide of the Ursa Major. 

Marquess Oroco paid 2400 gold for all of that, after which I gave him a small little gift as a bonus.

It was the last of the Ursa Major claw knives I originally made for the Queen and Princess Nevelle. I just thought giving one of them to Oroco was cool, so I did so.

After our visit to Oroco city, we headed for the Capital. Sadly there I couldn’t just beam myself down where we were heading because security reasons, so we had to appear in the Sawyer manor yard instead. Maybe I should purchase a manor of my own in the Capital so that I don’t have to always borrow this place. It isn’t like I don’t have the funds for one.

From there we headed for the Royal castle in my carriage, while I explained how the carriage worked to Lawrence. I might make him one similar to this, so he should get familiar with the controls.

Lawrence was more than a little surprised by the ease with which we got through the security checkpoint to the castle. He then finally asked who we would be seeing. When I informed him we’d have a meeting with the two Princes, I thought he was going to pass out.

The second Prince was first. He was the one I was more acquainted with, and with Cressida working for him, she is able to get me these meetings.

“Hi Brian. It has been some time.” Elias greeted me as I walked into his office.

“Only two weeks.” I corrected him. “That isn’t that long.”

“Feels like a long time. Things were more exciting when you were in the Capital.”

“... are you saying I’m a trouble magnet?”

“No. But you did leave one here unsolved. But don’t worry, I took the honor of solving it for you.”

“... did I? I don’t recall any problems.”

“You don’t remember the rumors about you?” Elias asked. “Saying you are a chaotic person summoning dragons and causing panic?” 

“Well, they aren’t exactly wrong, so …”

“Why is that like you? You just don’t care, do you?”

“Not really. I know what I can do and what I must do. Some rumors won’t stop me.”

“Well anyway, I took care of them for you. I even found out where they originated from.” Elias said, before asking. “Do you want to know?”

“... sure, why not.”

“It was a man named Kevin. Apparently he is somehow connected to James, the S-rank adventurer, and used that connection to spread rumors among the lower nobility.”

“Kevin… Oh yeah. That Kevin. He used to work for the Bakula company until he just flipped because I summoned my Blue-Eyes. He then got double mad, because his son got injured in an accident involving my cards.”

“... do I want to know what happened?”

“Not really. But still, for him to come all the way to the Capital for that and to try to ruin me with rumors. What a joke.”

“May have worked better if you didn’t save Ooco city from an SS-rank.” Elias said.

“Speaking of, that is why I’m here. I have a little something for you.” I said, as I brought a mantle out of Storage. “A Fenrir fur mantle made just for you.”

I then got a mannequin out of Storage and set the mantle on it so I could show the interesting part about it. 

“And while you wear it.” As I said that, I brought out my mithril sword. “No harm will come to you from any blade.” I then slashed at the mantle with my sword, my sword passing through it and the mannequin inside like they weren’t even there.

Sheathing my blade, I let Elias confirm that the mantle was indeed unharmed. I then let him test it out himself.

“This is … I didn’t think such an item would be possible.”

“Well you can thank my craftswoman for it.” I told him.

“When I next meet her, I shall.”

I spent a bit more time chatting with Elias, making sure I introduced Lawrence to him, before we left the building his office was in. 

Next up, the first Prince.

Prince Legio was a bit different of a meeting. Despite the fact that he was invited to HomeBase’s grand reveal, I wasn’t really on a first name basis with him like I am with Elias. The pleasantries are annoying, but it must be done. 

What I had for him was of course a sword cane, like Elias recommended. The blade was vampiric steel, because that is the best for the function I wanted to give the blade, while the tube and the handle were both world treant wood, again necessary for what I wanted to do. 

Now what is so special about the sword cane you might ask, well it is the real anti-mage sword cane. 

The sword itself has Magic Drain installed in it, so every time you slash at someone with it, it drains a bit of mana away from them, depending on how much damage the slash did. And yes, you don’t have to slash. Stabs and any other attacks also work. 


The tube on the other hand was just as impressive if not more so. It came installed with Magic Cylinder, allowing it to take in a ton of different kinds of spells, and then send them back out.


That is why I called it the anti-mage sword cane. From afar, the tube can take in most spells and send them back at … well, whatever you want to target the spell at, while the sword will drain mana from the mage if you manage to hit them with it.

It is a deadly combo for someone to go up against. 

Legio thanked me for the sword cane and even gave Lawrence a trusted merchant pass. With it, he would have an easier time getting to the Royal castle. It was apparently something quite rare and I honestly thought Lawrence was going to pass out when he got it.

From there, we left the castle grounds and made our way back to HomeBase. 

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