Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.380 HomeBase Grand Reveal, part 6

CH.380 HomeBase Grand Reveal, part 6

Factory and Dinner

Getting the people into the Factory was no problem. We didn’t have anyone lost, so no emergencies declared. I did have to answer some questions on why Lady Janina and Agunan could get here on their own, but that was easily explained away by saying they know how to use Soul Magic, and that the devices we used are based on that.

“How do you design all of these things? Not just this … Factory VR, but also things like that Fenrir fang lance and the resurrection bracelets.” Elias asked.

“Good question. Let’s head to the workshop and I’ll show you.” I answered. 

We headed for Wilma’s workshop as I didn’t want to show them the control platform, and honestly speaking, Wilma’s design table is more understandable to people than the CAD software I use on the control platform. At least I think so. For me, computers and CAD are normal, but for people living here, the 3D design table seems to be better.

Getting to Wilma’s Factory workshop, I was suddenly glad I didn’t invite Baron Peks to the grand reveal, as he would likely recognize the building. And that might lead to him asking why I have Wilma’s workshop inside my Factory.

But he isn’t here, so no problems. Getting inside, I activated the design table and showed everyone how it worked, including some of the projects Wilma and I had been working on. I mainly focused on the design of the Fenrir fang lance, as Elias already mentioned it, and I didn’t want to show some of the other stuff. And thanks to Tahlia, I did have every version of the lance saved so it was easy to bring out their designs on the table or even make a Factory copy of the item. 

I think that part really showed people why I liked designing things here. Being able to instantly produce them so that I could hold them in my hand and test them. 

“Could you actually make a table like this outside of this Factory?” Viscount Hill asked.

“Yeah. I’ve been working on one since I made this here.” I answered. “It really is just illusion magic and honestly that part isn’t difficult to make. The difficult part is adding the calculating power this version has, which will point out structural weak points and so forth. As well as adding the disk space to store all the designs made.”

“... Can I have that in a language I understand?” Hill asked.

“It really isn’t complicated. Basically, while here, I can use my Storage skill to store all the information about the designs made with the table, while my System Support can check for structural weak points in the design, and count the required materials and so on.” I answered, but the part about Laura being involved is just a convenient lie. It actually is Different Dimension Factory aka. Fantasia that does the calculations for the structural weak points. And in case you wonder why she, Tahlia and Laura haven’t come to say hi yet, the answer is that I told them not to. It really isn’t a problem for Laura or Tahlia, but Fantasia did want to introduce herself. But explaining her away would be a pain, so I decided I wouldn’t introduce her.

“... I didn’t realize it could do all of that.” Hill said.

“Probably my fault, as I didn’t really explain it. But yeah, if I do manage to make a version of it, I’ll contact you.”

With the workshop showcase done, we headed for some of the other areas of the Factory. Of course one important part I wanted to show off was the Tower room. It is the largest in the Factory, houses most of my dragons, the Royal Magical Libraries, my Factory home (which I built because Fantasia asked) and so on. And I know Agunan is already there with Lady Janina, so let’s go check what the two have been up to. 

We got there while the fight between Agunan and Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon was ongoing, so I was kind of glad that I could catch at least the ending.

The two dragons were going at it not over the Mountain of Light but just over one of the regular Mountains in the room, so the arena was perfectly fair for both dragons.


Both of them were seemingly going at it with full power and it did look like Agunan did have the advantage. Before his latest evolution, he was sturdier than Blue-Eyes Ultimate, but lost a bit when it came to firepower. But now Agunan’s flames seemed equal in power to Ultimate’s light attacks, so that combined with his higher durability means that Agunan should win. 

… man. Why do I want to step in to help my Ultimate Dragon? I really do. Just give it a few instructions and maybe order a Neutron Blast or two. I really wanted to, but I won’t. I’ll do it later.

“... shouldn’t we stop them?” Nevelle asked. “They are going to kill each other.”

“Probably.” I answered. “Actually, if this keeps up, Agunan will win.” I told her.

“... isn’t that bad? Your dragon will die.”

“No he won’t. Even outside of the Factory, if one of my monsters ‘dies’, they will return after resting for a day. They can’t exactly die.” I told her. “And inside the Factory, you can’t die. It is just your Factory avatar that will be destroyed. Because of that, this place is great for testing your limits. You honestly have no idea how many times Agunan has challenged one of my Ultimate Dragons, but each time, he loses. But still, he doesn’t give up and tries again, coming up with better strategies, while he also grows stronger. My dragons are different. While they can come up with new strategies as well, they will never go stronger unless I power them up.”

“... you can power them up? But aren’t they already massively powerful?”

“Sure are, and I sure can. But even their powers have limits, as you see.” I pointed towards the fight where the clash between Agunan’s fire breath and Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon’s Neutron Blast ended with Ultimate being hit by the flames. “As you see, beings with great power like Agunan can still overpower my monsters. And we definitely should not mention how powerful Lady Janina is.”

“Can any of your monsters take on her?” 

“Just Exodia really. A few others can pull a mutual destruction with her, but very few.” I told her. “And that was before her latest evolution and I’m not sure how much stronger she is now.”

“... we really are weak, aren’t we?” Nevelle asked, as Agunan rushed forward, his body covered in flames. 

Agunan’s body then shifted, turning into a burning spear that hit Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon in the chest and pierced the white dragon. After coming out the other side, the burning spear stopped and turned back into the fire dragon.

“Yes. Yes we are.” I confirmed, as I looked how the injured Blue-Eyes burst into specks of light. “That is why we must use strategy and teamwork to make up for our weakness.”

“Well done, Agunan.” I congratulated the dragon after he turned back into his humanoid form.

“Thank you, Master. I have finally conquered the Ultimate Dragon. Now I can rechallenge the Divine-Beasts.” Agunan said.

“... of course you would. Well, good luck.”

“... Can that dragon really beat one of these ‘Divine-Beasts’?” Wendy asked.

“Yes. He has already beaten one of them, though admittedly The Wicked Eraser isn’t that strong except in very specific circumstances. And even if Agunan can defeat The Wicked Eraser, The Wicked Eraser always does this suicide attack right as it dies, so technically it ends in mutual destruction, not victory.” I told her. “So unless Agunan can survive that final explosion, he will never really win.”


“... are all of the Divine-Beasts that terrifying?”

“Pretty much. I can recap them, if you want.”

“Would it be a recap or introductions? But please do.”

“Doesn’t matter. Well, I already told a bit about The Wicked Eraser, but he gains strength based on how many opponents he is facing, so if he goes against an army, he is basically the strongest Divine-Beast I have. But when going against one person, he isn’t all that strong, other than the final suicide attack.

The Wicked Avatar is always a bit stronger than the strongest opponent it is facing, so it can be quite difficult to take on. It also blocks all magic for some time after being summoned, so you have to go at it with physical attacks, or buy time until that effect ends.

The Wicked Dreadroot is probably the scariest of The Wickeds. It is quite strong, and it halves the Strength, Defense and Magic of anyone that dares to face it. But it doesn’t have any other effects, so I guess that is nice.”


“They sound terrifying.” Wendy said. “... wait? Are there more of them? Wasn’t that blue giant also a Divine-Beast?”

“Obelisk the Tormentor, yes it is. My Divine-Beasts come in sets, like the Wickeds I introduced earlier. There are also the Sacred Beasts, I’ll go over them in a bit, and then there are the Egyptian Gods. Obelisk the Tormentor is one of the Egyptian Gods, but the other two, well actually three, I can’t summon yet.

But Obelisk itself is pretty powerful. He is about as strong as The Wicked Dreadroot, is immune to any targeted attacks and…”


“Wait? What? Immune to targeted attacks? Then … isn’t it unbeatable? If it cannot be targeted with attacks, you can’t attack it?”

“Kind of, but not exactly. There are ways to get around that, but I’m not sure I want to share all of my weaknesses.”

“Wouldn’t it be useful if we ran into a monster with that kind of effect?” Wendy asked.

“... Fine. You can just target anything else around the monster. Like the ground it is standing on, the air it is breathing and so on. As long as you don’t directly target the monster, it can’t negate the attack.”

“I see. Thank you for the info.”

“No problem. Oh, and if you still want to know more about Divine-Beasts, there are the Sacred Beasts. They are arguably the weakest of my Beasts, but are still quite formidable.”

I kept telling Wendy about my monsters until the Factory tour was done. I then sent the first group back to HomeBase so that another set of guests could come in and have a look. 

After the second Factory tour, I made sure everyone got out safely before I returned to the real world, because it was time for dinner.

Dinner, as I mentioned earlier, was buffet style, so pick what you want from a wide range of foods. I even had a ton of sweets available, as we obviously didn’t eat everything when we had tea.

Dinner did have some specialities, like boiled Mad Lobster, fried Des Frog legs and Fire Kraken takoyaki for seafood. 


For meat, we had hamburger steaks made from Big-Tusked Mammoth meat, some nice cold cuts from the Big Koala whose blood was sacrificed for lunch, as well as a whole roasted Crimson Sunbird.


For sides my guests could pick from any number of fruits and vegetables, fried or mashed potatoes, a few different kinds of bread and so on. 

And for the first time today, I was also serving alcohol. I didn’t want to serve any earlier, as I didn’t want any drunk dragon riding, but since there won’t really be anything like that after dinner, it is fine to have a drink now.

The drinks weren’t really anything special, just something I picked up from a few stores in both the capital and when I was shopping in the Hero’s country with Alice and Lua. It was alright in my books, but I do wish I’d had looked into brewing some of my own stuff. Storage should make it easy, as I can fast forward the time of stuff inside Storage. But I’ll try that later.

After dinner, some of my guests started to leave. I know not everyone can stay the night, so it is what it is. 

The first to be dropped off was the Royal family. They were no problem, as I could just beam them down to the Capital, since I had HomeBase moved back so that we were once again floating above the Capital. The Prime Minister and his family also left to sleep at their home.

Some of the people from the Hero’s country, the Sages and Ula, also had to return home, so I had Lua take them back. But Wendy, Sepher and Albus all stayed. Of course Albus will be staying for longer, since he is our new priest.

Other than them, only Viscount Kramer returned home in the evening. Something about his hippogriff being needy if he wasn’t there. I can somewhat relate as Glad isn’t so glad if I don’t see him in the mornings. Alice was naturally the one that took Kramer back.

But even with the few people gone, I still had a large number of guests staying the night. That was of course no problem, as I’d prepared for everyone to stay. I also made sure everyone knew that the spa facilities were open for their enjoyment and that if they wanted more casual clothing, they could ask any of my maids to deliver them some. Everyone was also supplied with some nice silk nightwear, because my guests deserve the best.

And at the end of the day, I was happy. HomeBase had been revealed to the world, and it didn’t go too bad. Sure I made some people realize that I’m borderline insane for levitating an island, but so what?

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