Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.378 HomeBase Grand Reveal, part 4

CH.378 HomeBase Grand Reveal, part 4

Lady Janina’s Gift and Dragon Evolution

As we continued the dragon flights, I eventually had to order everyone to land. It was simple really. The dragons were summoned by me, so they would follow my orders. And unlike my Machine-type monsters that always follow the orders of the one using the controls, the dragons didn’t have that weakness, so even if one of the riders was against the idea, the dragons would still land. 

I had the riders dismount and gave those that didn’t yet get a chance their turn. Not all of my guests were willing to ride a dragon, but most did try. 

After the second round ended, I had all of the dragons land and the people dismount, then I unsummoned all of my dragons. And just after, Lady Janina also landed and I got off.

{I was planning on doing this later, but I suppose now is as good of a time as any.} I heard Lady Janina’s voice behind me. She was still in her dragon form and speaking in draconic.

I turn to ask her what she means, but I notice that she is visibly shining. And not shining just a bit, but very brightly. And not just one part of her body, but her entire body. From the front of her snout to the tip of her tail, from wingtip to wingtip, she was letting out a golden light.

The light kept building, until we couldn’t see Lady Janina’s form at all, almost like she had become the very Sun itself. You just couldn’t look directly at her. That was until the light exploded out from her. Not in a violent way, more like a gentle breeze of warmth. 

I looked back towards the divine dragon and quickly noticed the difference. She was shining. No, I don’t mean like previously when she was using that magic, but that her scales, that used to be just a bit dull and matted, are now perfectly shiny. And that might be because they are brand new. … well, I think so at least, considering all the dulled out scales that are now falling to the ground all around her dragon form. … I think she is also longer, but that might be just me. 

(No. She grew over 120 cm in length. Somewhat difficult to notice if you don’t pay attention, but she did grow longer.) Laura told me.

With the last of Lady Janina’s old scales hitting the ground, she spoke up.

{Ah. Much better. I should have done that sooner but I was waiting for this day.}

“... waiting? Why would you wait for the reveal day to … molt?” 

{That wasn’t a molting, Brian. It was an evolution.} Lady Janina told me.

“... you evolved? In just a few seconds?”

{I am a dragon, remember that. I am not limited by your System.} She said, as her body was once again engulfed in light, but different kind this time. The light then shrunk down before taking on a humanoid form, and when it disappeared, the human form of Lady Janina was standing there.

Even in her humanoid form, you could still see the difference. Her hair was especially shiny now, and it honestly looked like polished gold thread. Her bronze brown skin was also glistening, almost like she had been shined with vax or something.

“... you are beautiful.” I instinctively said.

“Why thank you, my little student.” Lady Janina said, her teasing tone seeping out of her voice.

“...” I just stayed quiet, as I really didn’t know what to say. I then looked past the woman who had temporarily made me think that Laura’s beauty could be exceeded. I then noticed all the old scales left on the ground. “What will you do with those?” I asked Lady Janina.

“Yes. I was about to mention them.” She said, looking back at her old scales. All of the scales then lifted off the ground before slowly floating towards us. “I’m giving them to you.”

“... okay?” I said in confusion.

“You can sound a little excited, you know.” Lady Janina said and I swear there was a hint of a pout on her face. “They are beautiful scales from the world’s strongest dragon. Do you know how much they are worth?” As she said that, one of the scales reached us. Lady Janina took it into her hand, before handing it to me.

I held the scale and it felt so light, yet extremely sturdy. I could likely punch it with all my power and it wouldn’t break. I then let just a bit of mana run into the scale and it lit up in a golden glow.

“You know, I’ve given my scales to people before. But that has always just been a single scale.” Lady Janina said. “They have always been made into beautiful objects, be it jewelry or decoration. But I don’t want you to do that with them.” She then took a breath before she continued. “I want you to take these scales and make yourself a suit of armor. Make it something that shows that you are my student. The student of the strongest dragon should wear the best armor after all. I trust that you can do it.”

“... I shall.” Is all that I could say in response. I then looked at all the scales floating behind Lady Janina and took them all into Storage.

“May I have one of those scales?”

“No. Give me one instead.” 

“I would also like one.”

The two Princes, one Princess and even Wendy were all trying to convince me to give them one of Lady Janina’s scales, but with just a single glance from the dragon I knew I shouldn’t give even one of them to anyone. I’ll have to ask for permission to make something simple for Alice and Lua though. I do want them to have something made of her scale. But if she doesn’t agree, that will be that.

“I’m sorry, but no.” I told everyone. “Lady Janina entrusted her scales to me, and I am not planning on gifting them to others. Please understand.”

“Oh they understand. I feel like it is you that doesn’t understand.” Agunan said. “Even amongst the dragons, Lady Ami Janina’s scales are rare. Only those of us considered ‘greater’ may have one, and those possessing multiple are fewer than ten.”

“Then do you own one?” I asked.

“...” Agunan didn’t respond, simply looked away. So I guess that is a no.

“I was meant to give him one, was he successful in his mission to find information about the Golden Giant.” Lady Janina told me. “But since he never returned…”

“... I see.” I responded, but then I thought for a moment. Technically Agunan did accomplish that mission. He got the info on Exodia and even got me to visit the dragon coast. So he did do it, so he should have one of her scales. Let’s see what she thinks.

“But Lady Janina, didn’t Agunan accomplish that mission? He did find me and found out that I summoned and can summon Exodia. He even brought me before you. So shouldn’t that count?”

“... I suppose it does. I simply never looked at it that way. For me, he lost a fight during his mission, so he failed his mission. He even dedicated himself to a human. That is a sign of weakness for a dragon.”

“Lost to someone you also kind of lost to?” I asked.

“That depends on how you see things. While yes, your Exodia is capable of killing me, you are still not all that strong.”

“Maybe. But that isn’t what I’m after, so let’s recap. You gave Agunan a mission to find out about me. He did so, but he did lose to my monsters, beings that are equal or even greater than you, and out of pride dedicated himself to me, while also making sure the information about me reached you.” I recapped. “So doesn’t that mean that he accomplished his mission perfectly?”

“... If you look at it that way.” Lady Janina agreed. “But why are you asking that?”

“So that I won’t feel bad when I do this.” I said, as I got a single scale out of Storage and handed it to Agunan.

After being in my Storage, and me using Storage’s Material Quality Increase, it looked even nicer than it was before I put it in. The slight dullness it had was completely gone, and the scale rivaled the brand new ones that appeared after Lady Janina’s evolution.

Agunan took the scale with his hands looking like they were about to shake. He first looked at it a little, before he took a few steps so that he stood in front of Lady Janina. He then held the scale in front of her.

“My Lady. Please.” Agunan said. “I accepted the scale as Brian is my Master, my Dedicatee. If I receive it from him, it feels like a reward from him. Would you please take it, and if you believe that I am worthy, give it to me yourself.”

Lady Janina took the scale from Agunan and inspected the scale, almost as if to make sure it really was her scale. Or maybe she was looking at what Storage had done to her scale.

“... Brian. May we borrow the courtyard?” Lady Janina asked.

“Sure, but why?”

“Just watch.” She responded. She then raised her voice and addressed everyone. “You all should watch as well. This isn’t something you will see everyday, and not in your towns or cities.”

Agunan and Lady Janina then took some distance from us. Then Lady Janina began to glow while Agunan’s entire body was engulfed in flames. The flames and the light quickly grew in size, until they died down revealing the true forms of both of the dragons.

Lady Janina then extended her neck so that she looked very oppressive above the much smaller Agunan, while Agunan prostrated himself on the ground.

{অগুনান. For accomplishing your mission, I acknowledge you as a great dragon.} Lady Janina began. {As thus, receive mine scale as a sign of thy power.}

{As you will, Great আমি জানিনা.}

Lady Janina then took the scale she had, brought it to her dragon lips and seemingly kissed the scale. The scale then floated down to Aguan, before stopping a few feet from him.

{অগুনান. Raise up.} Lady Janina commanded and Agunan did as ordered.

With Agunan’s belly now bare, the scale made its way towards his chest, probably his heart, and eventually embedded itself into Agunan. I was expecting it to pierce his skin or something, but instead it seemed to magically enter Agunan’s body.

With the scale now fully in his body, Agunan’s body was once again engulfed in flames. But this time, they were even more energetic. They burned hotter and shined brighter. I was honestly a little worried we would get burned, but we didn’t feel hot. I think Lady Janina was using magic to prevent us from getting burnt.

The dragon kept burning for a lot longer than it took Lady Janina, probably because Lady Janina evolved with her own power, while Agunan’s evolution was triggered and powered by Lady Janina. But after a few minutes, the flames died down and Agunan was revealed.

He was about 30 meters in total now, using my not so patented dragon measuring way of measuring them while they stand on their hind legs and measuring up to their shoulders. As a reminder, before the evolution, Agunan was 26.8 meters when measured that way. His scales looked all shiny and new, just like Lady Janina’s did, and also like with Lady Janina, the ground around him was covered in his old red scales that were slowly turning a more dull color as the mana left them. His wings also now had some small fiery bits to them, almost like they were permanently on fire, and his claws had gotten both longer and sharper.

The dragon then engulfed himself in fire again, the fire quickly shrinking in size, before the human form of Agunan once again stood before us.

Looking at the evolved dragon that had dedicated his life to me, I couldn’t help but to start clapping. And since I did so, the other guests also joined in and my simple clap turned into a full applause. I do feel a bit bad since we didn’t applaud Lady Janina, but then again, we really didn’t have an idea that she evolved, so it isn’t my fault.

I then took a quick look at my status, just so I could see how much Agunan’s HP and Mana increased.


Okay. Check done. Both his HP and mana increased by more than 4000, but he is still somehow a Greater True Dragon. I was half expecting him to go to something like ‘superior true dragon’, but what do I know?

But still. He is a lot stronger now. I wonder if he’ll be able to take on Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon now? And what about it when they fight in the area of the Mountain of Light?


Well, maybe we should go and see. Lady Janina said we could test the Factory link equipment. And I think Agunan vs. Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon will be a nice show. Though it might cause some PTSD style flashbacks to those that saw their previous fight.

But before I worry about that, time for some tea.

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