Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.370 Acquire mithril, form a Mithril Golem

CH.370 Acquire mithril, form a Mithril Golem

As I predicted yesterday, Unika did start her evolution, so I was quite glad I ordered her to spend the night in the medbay. And of course now she is in an evolution tank.

After I told her family about it during breakfast, the two quickly headed for the medbay to watch over her. I’ll visit later to confirm that they don’t spend the entire day there. Well, Olia may, but Valoa should still have his magic lessons. And depending on how much Valoa worries about his sister, the lesson will double as a lesson on casting spells while distracted.

Well, evolutions aside, I do have things to do today. I need to catch up with Wilma on the designs of the gifts for the two Princes, as well as the PM and the Royal Knight Captain.

“Mithril is fine. I can have the dungeon make us a mithril golem and then I’ll defeat it.” I confirmed with Wilma as she was asking what materials I had. It would take quite a bit of miasma to produce a mithril golem, but it took very little creation energy, so it is fine. And even the bit I used was unnecessary, but considering that just a bit of creation energy cut the required miasma in half, it is definitely worth using that small amount.

What Wilma needed mithril for was the Fenrir fang lance she was making for the Royal Knight Captain. It needed a metal handle, as well as the fitting that attaches the handle to the fang, and high quality materials are required. Wilma first tested out vampiric steel, but she found that the weight balance was better with mithril.

“... a mithril golem. … May I come hunt it with you?” Wilma asked.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “They are S-rank monsters.”

“... I … I understand. Maybe that isn’t a great idea.”

“I do have a way in which you can fight, but it won’t exactly be you fighting, if you want to try it out.” I told her.

“Really?!” Wilma asked. “... is it safe?” She then added.

“Relatively safe, yes.” I confirmed. “About as safe as facing an S-rank monster will ever be. And you won’t be doing it alone, so it should be completely safe.”

“Then let’s do it.”

“... This is difficult to control…”

“What do you expect? You are basically driving a megazord.” I told her.

My idea for this was simple. Most of my machine monsters have a small cockpit or some other place you can drive/operate them from. And if Wilma is inside of one, she will be safe from most harm, as the monster will keep her safe. Sure she might get tossed around a bit, but she should be able to handle that.

And the monster she was operating was VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon, one of the strongest Machine-type monsters I had. And the second strongest you could actually get inside of.


The only things equal to it, or stronger, were the Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill, which is equal in terms of attack, but has less defense and a worse effect, as well as the Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon, which is a lot more difficult to operate due to the added complexity. 


Sadly you can’t get inside Cyber End Dragon or Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem, so Wilma can’t use either of them.


We spent some time so that Wilma could get used to the controls of the OjaMegazord, oh wait, that name belongs to Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon. Maybe I should call VWXYZ the alphabet Megazord? … that makes me think of the alphabet boys and I’d honestly rather not. Let’s just call it the VWXYZ or V-to-Z Megazord.

After Wilma spent just under an hour getting used to the V-to-Z Megazord, I moved us to floor 45, the home of the golems. I’ve actually been waiting for the floor to naturally respawn a mithril golem, as some of the other floors have respawned the boss monsters we defeated while we were exploring the place, but we didn’t get a mithril golem here. Instead we got a blood iron golem, which is nice and all, but not anywhere near as good as mithril. I mean, a blood iron golem isn’t even S-rank, but A-rank. 

“Wilma. Make sure you keep an eye on our surroundings. I’ll make the golem.” I called to Wilma inside the Megazord.

The golems shouldn’t attack us, since I’m here, but there is always a chance for them to act rebellious. They do it quite often with Agunan, but with me, it is rare.

Navigating my Dungeon Founder skill to the menu from where I could spawn monsters, I eventually found the mithril golem and then spawned one in to act as the boss of floor 45. This also meant that I had to lower the position of the blood iron golem which was this floor’s boss from the main boss to a mini boss. 

And that apparently didn’t sit right with the blood iron golem, as it walked to me looking about as pissed off as a golem with no facial features can look.

“Wilma, blast the blood iron golem, please.” I requested. 

This was actually a good combat test for Wilma. The blood iron golem is definitely weaker than the V-to-Z Megazord, so it should be easy. So if Wilma can’t do this easily, I’ll send her away and solo the mithril golem myself.

I kept an eye on Wilma, as I also looked at how the dungeon produced the new floor boss. The process of the golem being born was nothing special, it just kind of appeared out of nowhere, so I focused back onto Wilma. 

The cannons on V-to-Z Megazord were leaving big marks on the blood iron golem, but couldn’t take it down in one shot, but with the Megazord being about twice the size of the golem, the Megazord also physically overpowered the golem, so Wilma could keep it away from her while the cannons recharged.

A total of four shots, or would it be eight considering that each time Wilma shoots, both of the barrels on V-to-Z Megazord fire? Anyway, after four blasts, the blood iron golem went down and we could move to our grand prize.

But since the mithril golem wasn’t aggressive, I decided I should catch up with Wilma before we took it on, so I floated to the shoulder of V-to-Z, and ordered the monster to open the cockpit. 

“How was it?” I asked Wilma.

“Not too bad, but I think something to keep me in place would be good, like the seatbelts some of your machines have.” Wilma said.

“It’d have to be some sort of harness that attaches you to the Megazord. Can’t really have seatbelts without a seat.” I told her. “I can design one later, if you want.”

“Please do. If I have to use these more, it will really help.” 

I then quickly told Wilma my battle plan. It was nothing complicated, but it really doesn’t have to be. We should be able to deal with this quickly. I just have to make sure Wilma doesn’t activate the Dragon Catapult Cannon’s effect. I’ve banished one too many mithril golems already.

“Time, quicken my movement, Time Accel. Time, slow down my opponent, Time Decel.” I started off with two Time Magic spells. Ever since I got the skill for it, I’ve really been getting better with both Time Accel and Time Decel. I could now reliably multiply my own speed by about 1.3 times, while I could slow my opponent to about 0.85 of their regular speed. And that speed difference really felt, as with it, I could take on some of my monsters when they were actually serious. Not Black Luster Soldier or anything like that, but I could take on someone like Celtic Guardian. Without Time Magic or any other skills other than my Sword and Shield Techniques, I generally lost to Warrior monsters in the 1500 attack range, but with Accel and Decel, I was able to make up the difference in technique.


“Wilma, go for it!” I called to Wilma. We had to time our attacks so that I wouldn’t get caught up in them, as a blast from Dragon Catapult Cannon would inflict massive damage on me, and even a glancing blow would be bad.

While I let Wilma take the first shot, I summoned out Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword. I could have used my mithril sword, but mithril on mithril isn’t my idea of fun, so I’ll use the better sword instead.


Gripping the sword, I felt my Strength increase from both Summoner’s Unity as well as the sword’s effect. I then prepared for my attack, and as soon as the blast from Wilma’s Megazord had subsided, I rushed forward, boosting my speed a bit more with Telekinesis.

The mithril golem, which used to be my follower, now realized that I was anything but a good master, and was ready to fight for its life. 

But it was simply too slow. With my speed boosted by magic and my stats boosted by both my sword and my skill, I was easily able to get to the golem before it got its guard up and I slashed at the golem's unprotected torso, leaving a decent groove in its side.

I then saw the golem’s arm coming towards me, and while I could try to block it, I didn’t see any point in it. That golem is likely much stronger than I am, so no reason to get into a strength fight with it. I’ll use speed instead, so I quickly jumped away from the golem, and used Telekinesis to help me keep my balance.

Wilma then approached and used the V-to-Z Megazord to throw a punch at the mithril golem. The golem turned from me towards Wilma, and used its arm to block the punch. Wilma was able to push it back just a bit, but it does seem like the Dragon Catapult Cannon and the mithril golem are about equal in strength. 

The golem then, without any warning, let out a burst of mana that honestly frightened me a bit. And less than a second after that, massive rock spires began emerging from the ground at high speeds, ready to pierce anything that walked the same ground as the mithril golem. 

I really didn’t consider it, but of course an S-rank golem could use magic. It isn’t all physical might. The spires pierced the metal feet of V-to-Z Dragon Catapult Cannon, leaving the machine stuck in that spot.

Wilma quickly realized the problem, and cut off the legs of the Megazord, using its wings to fly in the skies. Sadly, this floor is an underground cavern, so flying here isn’t the easiest, so Wilma really had to concentrate so that she wouldn’t crash into anything. And also, abandoning 2 out of the 5 pieces that make up her Megazord will cut down its power to only ⅗ of its full power.

Using that reduced power, Wilma once again blasted the mithril golem with the cannons of her Megazord. But the reduced power really showed, as compared to the first blast, which did noticeable damage, this one did very little. 

Well, as long as Wilma is able to get some attention from the golem, this should still work out. 

I rushed back towards the golem, but I was moving a lot slower because I had to avoid all the stone spires it just made. And I wasn’t agile enough to where I could jump from spire to spire or anything like that, so I just kind of clumsily flew over all of them using Telekinesis.

I reached the golem with a lot less speed than last time, but I was still able to slash at it with my sword. But I also knew that pulling back now would be a lot more difficult and judging by the mana the golem is gathering, it is about to use another spell, so I should defend myself.

“Space, consolidate into a wall and protect me, Space Wall.” I chanted as fast as I could and just in time, I felt the spell take effect, as the golems spell did the same. 

A massive boulder of rock formed in front of the golem, before launching towards me. My Space Wall slowed it down just a bit, but it wasn’t strong enough to stop the boulder, so I prepared my sword, and when the boulder was right at the correct spot, I swung it straight down and cut through the boulder. It’s something I couldn’t do with my regular sword, but thankfully I had the Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword.

I then used the opening the golem left after its spell to rush forward again. This time, with the golem open for my attack, I attacked the point where its legs attach to its body, and cut straight through, severing one of the golem's legs. It left Wilma’s Megazord without legs, so I’ll leave it without legs. I then quickly snatched the cut off leg into my Storage, just so the golem couldn’t try to reattach the leg.

Instead, the golem did something I didn’t expect. With another spell, it manipulated the rocky ground below our feet and used that to form itself a new leg. So it wasn’t ready to give up yet.

While it was forming its new leg, Wilma who had learned how to float with her crippled Megazord, aimed its cannons at the golem and blasted it again. Another good hit, and this time it did some major damage. Mainly to the newly formed stone leg. The golem toppled again, and began reforming its stone leg. 

But I don’t feel like giving it that time. I once again rushed in, this time aiming for one of the golems shoulder joints, and cut off one of its arms. Like with the leg, I then quickly stowed it away in Storage.

Now the mithril golem was missing both its arm and leg, so it would have to remake both if it really wanted to fight. 

That is what I was expecting, but apparently it got a different idea. Perhaps sensing its impending doom, or just being too annoyed to be born just to be immediately defeated, the golem began amassing a large quantity of mana, to the point where it began to glow.

(RUN!) Both Laura and Claus yelled in our heads, and we did as ordered. And just a few seconds later, a massive explosion shook all of HomeBase.

“... It really fricking exploded.” Wilma complained, in a very not Wilma-like way. 

“Yeah. … and now our mithril is all over the floor.” I commented. We were actually able to get some of it, but a lot of it flew everywhere.

I had Laura follow where all of the mithril shrapnel ended up, and she said that it was thrown all over the floor, a good amount of it embedding itself into the golems around floor 45. All of them had also turned against me because of the mithril chucks in their body, so now I had a full floor of aggressive golems to deal with.

As for us, well, we were relatively unharmed. V-to-Z Dragon Catapult Cannon was able to keep Wilma safe, while I hid behind the stone spires the golem had made, and only got a small cut from a piece of flying mithril. The much bigger problem was the massive amount of aggressive iron and stone golems now on this floor.

“What will we do with them?” Wilma asked.

“... let’s let them be for now.” I told her. “I’ll seal this floor, and we’ll use it as practice after Unika has finished her evolution, and when we have Alice and Lua back on HomeBase.” I told her. “And I did manage to secure an arm and a leg worth of mithril, and that is more than enough for the lance, so we can leave this problem for later.”

“... Alright.” Wilma agreed.

I teleported us back topside, and then went around explaining what caused the minor earthquake. I got some worried looks from my workers, but since I drank a Red Medicine, I was no longer injured.


… But at the end of the day, this was a good reminder. I might see S-rank monsters as not much of a threat, because of my skewed world view, but they really do pack a punch. I should not underestimate them.

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