Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.363 Bad Reaction to Healing

CH.363 Bad Reaction to Healing

A few more days had passed since our visit to the Hero’s country, and thus the day we were going to deal with the next fissure came. Unlike last time, where I went to the location a day early and used Dimensional Fissure, the spell card, to open the fissure before having Exodia repair it, this time, we were going there on the day Sicily told us the fissure would appear. We would then keep watch and see how a fissure appears naturally.

The group that was going was just me, Alice and Lua. Agunan was a little disappointed that I didn’t allow him to come, as he wanted to exercise against something that wasn’t my monster, but I just promised him that I’d take him and Ria next time, and he let it be. And let’s be honest here, no one else is ready to take on the fissures yet. They don’t even have Card Summoner. After my meeting with the King, I swear I’ll take them to TinaWood and I’ll try to get them the skill. Well, they will have to actually fight for it.

But that is for later. For now, let’s head to where this fissure will appear and look over it. The location was near the Ruiso and Narra kingdoms border, but just on Ruiso kingdom’s side, so we didn’t have to worry about crossing the border. And as I’ve said previously, it was basically in the middle of nowhere, so we didn’t have to worry about the people.

As for the battle plan we had, well, let’s just say that it is interesting.

“... It’s just a forest.” Alice commented as we opened the canopies of the Victory Viper I rode and the Gradius the girls were in.

“That’s good.” I told her. “At least no humanoids live in this area, so we won’t have to warn them.”

“I’ll send out a few Option tokens to make sure.” Lua said, as she pushed a few buttons on Gradius to send out a few smaller surveillance drones from the ship.

“Make sure they check out for anything resembling a black or purple lightning bolt. That should be a precursor to a fissure, if the report from Alewatch is correct.” I reminded her.

“Yes, I will.” 

After a bit of scouting, Lua’s drones found the precursor to the fissure, so we could get onto the next step.

“Alice, help me clear the area.” I requested, as I started the forest clearing off with a card. “Burning Land.”


The spell would start us off right, burning away a decent chunk of the forest around the upcoming fissure. This way, it would be easier for us to see whatever happens to appear from the fissure. It would also give Lua more space, as the strategy she has needs a Field spell card. Alice’s job in all of this was to use Fire Magic, specifically Control Fire, to make sure the Burning Land didn’t burn too much. 

After we had a nice big clearing around the sign of the dimensional fissure, I brought out a big blanket and set it on the ground that was still warm from the fire.

“So, how about a picnic while we wait?” I suggested, as I brought out a basket of food. It was made by yours truly with some help from Tinkhec and Lorpar.


“... you know, if we weren’t waiting for a city destroying monster to appear, this would be really romantic.” Alice said, as we ate some of the foods I had prepared.

“The slight scent of charred wood and earth doesn’t help, but otherwise, I think I get where you are coming from.” Lua agreed.

“Your nose is too good.” I commented.

“One day, I’ll turn you into a dhampir just so you get an idea of just how good.” Lua teased.

“Can you actually do that?” Alice asked.

“Not yet, no. But I think with Dhampir Princess I could do it, if it was at a higher level. I can already turn D-rank and below monsters into thralls, and they do take on some dhampriric characteristics. So I don’t think it is too far for the skill to eventually allow me to turn humans into dhampirs.” Lua said. “I mean, look at Brian’s unique skills. If they were the norm for unique skills, mine would seem nearly useless compared to Pack Opener. Even One of Every Race is super strong and Storage and Factory are super useful.”

“For most, Factory would be quite useless. At low ranks, you can’t mentally control it like I can now, so they couldn’t just mass produce legendary metals and other stuff there. And without a System Support, the skill management I do in the Factory would be nearly impossible, as you couldn’t link the skills in that way.” I countered. “But I'm not arguing about Pack Opener, OER or Storage. I think most people would love to have those skills.”

“... Actually, now that we are talking about it, Lua, why do you never really make thralls?” Alice asked.

“I do sometimes, I just never bring them to HomeBase.” Lua said. “I leave them at the dhampir villages, and give command of them to the village leader. But they are still connected to me. That way, if something bad happens, the thrall will send me a distress signal and I’ll know to head over.”

“... I didn’t know that.” Alice admitted.

I actually did, even if I’ve never seen them. Lua did tell me of her little emergency measure, just so she could quickly get me to come along if something went wrong at any of the villages. I guess she is also coming up with her own emergency network.

“I think there is a lot we don’t know about each other.” Lua said.

“... I guess. Maybe we should have a girls night, just catching up.”

“... what do the two of you do when you take baths together? Don’t you talk then?” I asked, only to get a look that told me that was the wrong question to ask.

Come on. It is a legitimate question. I talk with Karl, Einar and Valoa whenever we happen to be in the spa at the same time. Agunan … well, it is a bit difficult to talk with him after he insisted I make a lava bath for him. Even with my stats, lava still hurts, so no lava bathing for me.

“... It’s coming. Lua, you should do your prep now.” I told her, as I felt a change in the amount of miasma coming from the developing dimensional fissure.

“A-Alright. … I can do this.” Lua hyped herself up a bit, being clearly nervous of taking on her first solo SS-rank. 

“Alice, be ready to bind up the SS if anything goes wrong. Otherwise, you are on watch duty. If anything unexpected happens, step in.” I reminded Alice quietly.

“Yes. I won’t killsteal from Lua.” She said.

Where did she learn that term? Fantasia? No. Probably Tahlia or Laura. Yeah. Definitely Tahlia. She has been developing video games in the Factory, so she probably has played some with Alice.

[Lucia POV]

As I was preparing, I kept setting cards into my duel disk. I could only have five set Spell or Trap cards at the time, so that would have to do, but I think those five will get me far with the strategy Brian and I came up with. Even an SS-rank monster should die very quickly, if this goes as planned.

Then I summoned the one monster I would use with the strategy to make it run smoother.

“Fire Princess.” 


Her effect would help me deal extra damage. In theory, it shouldn’t be necessary, but it might help if the SS-rank monster can resist some of the effects we planned on using.

“... maybe I should summon one more. No, two more.” I pondered. I know this strategy should work, but what if it doesn’t? Summoning two more monsters will be no issue. Actually, let’s make it three. “I summon Cure Mermaid, Spirit of the Breeze and White Magician Pikeru.”


I quickly explained the strategy to my new monsters, and we were ready to begin. 

Time to activate the first Spell card.

“Vengeful Bog Spirit.”


Brian and I were both unsure if this card would be necessary, but as it should keep the appearing monster from attacking for just a bit, it should buy me enough time to activate the next cards, so we decided that it would be worth it.

And just in time too, because soon after the card was activated, the fissure fully cracked open and a large monster appeared from it. It was a huge wolf monster, not inferior in size to the behemoth Alice defeated near Alewatch. Mia quickly identified it as a Fenrir, an SS-rank wolf monster.

With just a quick look towards Brian, who was already chanting the summoning chant for Exodia, I got to work.

“Paralyzing Potion.”


This was the first part of the plan. We don’t have to worry about the monster, if the monster is fully paralyzed. And if the potion doesn’t work, Alice will use Swords of Revealing Light, Shadow Spell and Spellbinding Circle to bind it up.

Luckily for us, it seems that the combination of the Bog Spirit and the Paralyzing Potion was enough, as the Fenrir was not moving at all.

“Alright. Next card. Life Equalizer.”


Brian told me that when at first he began looking at how this could be done quickly, he really struggled to come up with an answer. That was when he realized that monsters like this should have a ton of HP. And since I only have a bit over 3000 HP, as long as the monster has over 11,000 HP, this card should instantly bring it down to 3000, which is just a bit under my own max, so I won’t take that big of a hit. And since the card activated and took effect, his hypothesis seemed to have been correct.

Okay. The Fenrir should be at 3,000 HP. Let’s deal with that next.

“Bad Reaction to Simochi.” This was the secret trump card Brian wanted me to use. With it, I could use healing magic to do damage to an opponent. And unlike most magic, healing magic isn’t reduced by my opponent’s defense, so I’ll do what Brian called ‘true damage’ to the opponent. The card will also keep any regeneration of the Fenrir at bay, so it can’t even heal itself.


Next up. “The Paths of Destiny.”


As I activated the card, two large coins appeared. One above my head and the other above the Fenrir. They began to flip through the air, eventually landing either heads or tails. Mine landed on tails, while the Fenrir landed heads, the worst possible outcome.

The pain the card inflicted on me wasn’t pleasant and caused me to fall to my knees, but I had no choice but to take it. And as soon as it was over, Cure Mermaid, Spirit of the Breeze and White Magician Pikeru got to work healing me. And just like me, because of Bad Reaction to Simochi, the Fenrir also should have just taken 2,000 points of damage, instead of healing for that amount. And with three heals, Fire Princess’ effect should deal 1,500 damage to the wolf killing it.

That was the correct calculation at least, but it didn’t work, as after the fire subsided, the Fenrir was still very much alive. Though it only seemed to be hanging on by a thread.

“Miss. We’ll take it down.” Fire Princess said, preparing to attack.

“No!” I quickly said. “I’ll do it.” I then rose up from the ground, looking directly at the Fenrir, as I began to chant. “Light. Bright beam of healing energy. Fly from my hands and heal my target. Healing Light Beam.”

It was a spell to be used to heal your teammates from a distance, but because of Bad Reaction to Simochi, it will hurt the Fenrir instead. I looked as the beam of healing light collided with the beast, and after just a second of contact, it seemed to be enough as the light left the eyes of the beast, and it fell to the ground.

I was happy that the strategy mostly worked. Sure there might have been just a minor problem with Fire Princess’ effect not ending the wolf, but it was nothing major. Now, let’s just wait for Brian and Exodia to close the fissure.

[Brian POV]

I was happy to see that the strategy Lua and I came up with worked like a charm. Life Equalizer really put in a ton of work, and I should keep that in mind for the future. Being able to bring an SS-rank down to just 3,000 HP is a huge advantage, and with most people having around or under 3,000 HP, it really shouldn’t be a threat to the person activating the card.

Actually, when coming up with this strategy, I came up with another one that was even more effective, but came at a very great cost. It’s called Self-Destruct Button.


If activated, it would instantly kill both the SS-rank monster and the person who activated it, but then I could just use Monster Reborn to resurrect the person that used the card. It was crude, it wasn’t a good idea, but it would work. And from the limited testing I did in the Factory, no SS-rank monster can resist the Self-Destruct Button, except for those that have under 7,000 max HP, and from what Laura knows, there aren’t many of them. Some ghost-type monsters do though, so even Self-Destruct Button isn’t 100% reliable. 

Of course this Fenrir should have had max HP of around 15,000 or so there was no issue. Now let’s just wait for Exodia to close the fissure and we’ll be done here.

“Alice, Lua. Can you two deal with that worm?” I asked the two. Exodia was almost finished with the fissure, but an A-rank monster, an eartheater, aka. a giant worm, had popped out of the fissure just before Exodia finished repairing it.

“Lua. Try healing it so that it will flinch. I think I can bring it to the surface if it doesn't move.” Alice quickly came up with a plan and ordered Lua.

“I can’t. I can’t use healing Healing Light Beam if I don’t see the target.” Lua quickly answered.

“... Then … Brian!” Alice called to me. “Can you borrow a Smashing Ground?” 


“Sure.” I agreed, as I got the card out of the Collection. When did Alice learn my cards well enough that she could name a specific card on the fly? Or is it just that one specifically? Maybe she studied up on it for her up and coming earth attribute, like how Lua already has Spirit of the Breeze to prepare her for wind attribute. I do know Alice sometimes makes new spells based on my Spell cards, so it might be possible.

With the card in hand, I threw it towards Alice while guiding it with Telekinesis, until I felt Alice’s Telekinesis take over and guide the card to her hand. She then quickly said the card’s name to activate it.

A giant hand then appeared out of nowhere and struck the ground. It then raised back up, with a worm in its grasp. 

“Spellbinding Circle.” Alice then activated the next spell to make sure the worm couldn’t run away. It also did confirm that the worm survived the Smashing Ground, as you can’t equip Spellbinding Circle onto an already dead monster.


“Alright Lua. Go ahead and blast it with some healing magic.” Alice said.

“... for some reason that sounds wrong, but sure.” Lua agreed and finished off the worm, as Exodia closed the fissure.

And with that, we were done, and I got my System reward for dealing with this problem. I think Alice and Lua also got some rewards, but I didn’t ask, so I’m not sure. 

I then installed Forest onto the forest ground, just so it would help regrow the woods that we burned down to be our battle arena, and even added Rain of Mercy as a bonus to help the growth.


And for dealing with this fissure, I unlocked a new set, Cyberdark Impact. And about time. It has been forever since I got one.

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