Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.360 Little Space and Time

CH.360 Little Space and Time

[Alice POV]

“Brian.” I called Brian when I noticed he had come to watch us. “When did you get here? Did you see it all?”

“Sorry, but no. I got here right at the end and only saw the last showcase.” Brian answered apologetically. 

“... shame.” I muttered. I know he had a reason to do things this way, but I would have liked it if he had seen it directly.

“And congratulations Alice. Five erasure arrows is a new record, right?” Brian asked.

“... I … Yes. It is.” I confirmed. 

“And Lua. Well done flying while in a spirit synchro.” Brian spoke to Lua. “I don’t think you’ve ever done that before.”

“... That’s … that’s true.” Lua admitted.

I didn’t know that. I thought it was something she had done before. Then again, I don’t take part in their Spirit Magic sessions, as I train other skills during that time.

“Ehem!” Someone spoke up to get our attention. “That can wait.” Sage Ian said to us.

Lua and I both quickly turned to face him and Sage Ted. “You two. You are quite impressive. Both using two attributes, extra skills, racial skills, and even rare forms of magic like spirit summoning and erasure. That combined with the ability to do all of that while flying was a great show of your skills.” Ian complimented our skills. “But now, I do have a few questions, if you don’t mind.”

I just nodded at him as a response, so Sage Ian asked his first question.

“First. Miss Lucia. Your wings. How do you make them appear and disappear?” He asked.

“... A racial skill. Vampiric Body Modification.” Lua answered.

“I see. Thank you.” Ian said. “Miss Alice. Your flight is done with the Mana Flight skill, correct?”

“Yes.” I confirmed.

“And what about those arrows you used? Magic Erasing Arrows, I believe you called them.”

“They are a mix of Erasure Magic and my Unique skill.” I answered honestly.

“You have a Unique skill that is related to magic?” Ian asked.

“Yes.” I confirmed, though it really is an oversimplification.

“What about the magic you used to change clothes? Is it simply done with the Storage magic you showed, or ..?”

“Also my Unique skill.” I said. “Also, I don’t have Storage magic. I can only access Brian’s Storage.”

“... I see.” Ian said, before he began writing things down. 

After writing for a bit, he then turned back to us and asked.

“Did either of you have skills or spells you didn’t yet show, but would like to still showcase?”

I think I showed most of what I can do, so I was fine with this. I could go a bit further, but that would mostly be showing off my Unique skill. I already showed my magical skills. I guess there is Mana Blade, but I’m not good enough with that yet.

“... I can use healing magic with water, light and blood magic.” Lua spoke up. “I also have the Mana Healing skill.”

Oh? I suppose Lua never got a chance to show off her healing skills. Neither of us was injured in any way, and showing healing without injuries is difficult.

“That is an impressive set of healing capabilities.” Ted commended. “Would you be willing to showcase that?”

“... If you wish, but on who?” Lua asked.

We then watched as the bear-man’s claw grew in size, before he used it to slice open his left forearm without even flinching. He then looked directly at Lua.

“Miss, if you would.” He requested, as he put his bleeding hand on the table.

I just looked as Lua rushed forward and began healing the wound. She used a mix of both water and light magic, while supporting it with her Mana Healing skill.

“... Sir, may I bite you to confirm that it healed properly, as well as replenish your blood?” Lua asked after the wound was fully healed.

“For Blood Magic right? Sure, go ahead.” Ted allowed it, so Lua went for a bite on his arm.

I thought it might be bad with all that fur in the way, but it didn’t seem to bother Lua. And after just a bit, she released her fangs on the man and backed off.

“... It healed fine and I replenished the blood you lost, but I don’t think you should do that. Even if it was to test me.” Lua said.

The bear-man then moved his arm to test the healing and was seemingly happy with it. 

“Not bad. Not bad at all, Miss Lucia. You are on the level of a skilled priest when it comes to healing, and that isn’t accounting for the blood magic.” Ted said.

“T-thank you.”

“You can go back to speak with them now.” Ted said, before he raised his voice a bit. “Shisu, could you get over here. We want your opinion as well.” He called the third sage that was present.

“Alright.” Ian spoke up after a while. “The three of us all agree that both of you have more than sufficient skills to be great witches. Congratulations.”

“We can also offer both of you a position in the tower as Sage’s apprentices, but I feel like you will refuse that part.” Shisu added.

“Yes, we are fine without.” I quickly responded.

“Thank you for the offer, but no.” Lua agreed with me.

“The church would most likely also take you in, if you wished to work as a healer, Miss Lucia.” Ted added.

“No. I like where I am.” Lua responded.

“That is understandable. Now, is there anything else the two of you would like to show off?” Sage Ian asked.

“... no, I think that was … wait? Lua, you other racial skill. You never used it, right?” I asked her, referring to her fairly new Monarch of Magic skill. 

“I’m … I’m not that comfortable with it yet, so I won’t be showing it.” Lua said.

“Oh? Shame.” I then got a good idea. Brian is already here, so he should quickly show off. “Brian! Show them your magic!”

“Yes. We would also like to see it.” Ian added.

“Go ahead and show us something more.” Ted also agreed.

“... why?” He just asked.

“Why not? It’s a great chance.” I told him. Come on Brian. I know you want to. Just show off a bit.

“You know I suck compared to you two.” Brian said.

“Still better at Telekinesis than I am. And your magics are super rare, so I know they’ll be impressed.”

As the sages heard what I said, they got some interested looks in their eyes. Good. Just what I wanted. Brian will surely show off if we pressure him just a bit.

“Brian. Brian. Brian…” I began repeating, to pressure him.

“... fine. I can do it.” He accepted.

[Brian POV]

Really Alice? Why? You know I don’t care about this, so why do you have to be that way? … I blame her Mana half for this. It has to be her fault, right?

Well, let’s just get on with it. I really shouldn’t waste the time of three sages.

“May I start right now?” I quickly asked to confirm.

“Yes, whenever you are ready.” Ian told me.

Alrighty then. If I’m going to do this fast, there is only one spell that will get me there. Let’s hope it works perfectly this time, and I don’t accidentally slow myself down.

“Time, quicken my movement, Time Accel.” I chanted the Time Magic spell. 

I didn’t yet have the skill for Time Magic, but I could use two Time Magic spells to … some success, Time Accel and Time Decel. Accel of course fastens the time of a target, while Decel slows it down. Both spells are to be used on people, either yourself or someone else. And they slow down or quicken everything about the target, including things like thought process and so on. 

Sadly, if done wrong, Accel could cause my time to be slower than normally. I think it is something akin to accelerating myself with a multiplier of under 1, effectively making myself slower. My reliability rate of getting an actual acceleration was somewhere around 70%, so I was just a bit worried, but feeling my body, I knew I managed to pull off a successful acceleration.

Oh, I guess one more thing since someone will wonder about it. Yes, I could just undo the Time Accel if I got a multiplier of under 1, but that would just be shameful, so I was quite thankful that I managed to keep myself above 1 this time.

Now, onto the next step. I think I’ll start off with Spirit Magic, so let’s quickly swap over to Spiritual Human. Then I took a flower and some water out of Storage to act as focal points for some spirits, before using the two summon spirit skills.

“Summon Water Spirit, Summon Nature Spirit.”

It always felt a bit wrong doing Spirit Magic this way, but what can I do? I can’t create pseudo spirits yet, so I have to have real spirits here to help me with this.

With the spirits, I performed some super basic spells, like creating more water and growing a plant. I then let the spirits go so I could move to the next part.

A quick race swap later, I was now a Sorcerer for the next spells. Some Space Magic spells. First the one that will act as a target.

“Space, consolidate into a wall and protect me, Space Wall.” I chanted to make a wall of consolidated space appear. You can’t actually see it with just your eyes, but they are sages so I’m sure they can sense the spell in some way. And they will see it when it shatters.

“Space, cut apart my enemy, Space Cutter.” I then used the only offensive Space Magic spell I currently could use. It sent a blade of concentrated space forward, and it would slice whatever it came in contact with. Well, as long as it wasn’t overly durable. But the spell was powerful enough to one shot D-rank monsters, and if it hits well, it can even one shot C-rank monsters. Most of the time it doesn't though. But it was still powerful enough that when it hit my Space Wall, which did stop the Cutter, that it disrupted the wall enough where the wall shattered to pieces after the hit.

Alright. That can be all of the Space Magic. Let’s move onto the next one. First another race swap into Summoner.

“Ice Dragon Himeśaila. Appear by my side.” I called out for my contracted monster.

With her arrival came a ton of cold air. I mean, she is an ice dragon. And with her here, it was time for the last showcase, so one more race swap. This time, into Dragon Hearted.

I then began spreading scales all over my body with Draconic Body. It isn’t exactly magic, but it will help with what comes next. I then gathered some magic in my mouth, before letting it out in the form of a flame with Draconic Magic. In truth, my flame was nothing but an imitation. Sure it looked cool, but comparing it to real dragon fire is like comparing a spray can and a lighter to a flamethrower.

With everything I wanted to show shown, I let Time Accel go. I then turned my dragon scales back to regular skin before I swapped my race from Dragon Hearted to Summoner, unsummoned Himeśaila, and then swapped races again to go to User or Rare Skills which was my current default race.

“... Time Magic, Space Magic and Spirit Magic. As well as Summoning Magic, and what was that dragon form?” Ian recapped.

“Draconic Body and Draconic Magic.” I answered honestly. “Can only be acquired by someone who has had a dragon dedicate their lives to.”

“The fire dragon from the Sawyer city incident, right?” Ian asked. 


“What about Spirit Magic?” Shisu asked. “It is rare to see humans who can use it.”

“Just something I picked up after the second spirit's blessing.”

“Yes. You even had two spirits’ blessings. Just one is already rare, but two. Just how did you manage that?” Shisu asked.

“... ask the spirits? Maybe I’m just lucky.”

“I just might.” Shisu agreed.

“But still. Both Space and Time. When was the last time someone like that was around.” Ted wondered.

“363 years and some months.” Ian answered.

“There really hasn’t been one since the Great Sage Second, huh.” Ted pondered.

“Not anyone who could use both.” Ian confirmed.

We chatted for a bit longer, and I was offered a wizard title, though they said I wasn’t good enough with control yet to be a great wizard, but I just refused saying I don’t need that title. I mean, it doesn’t appear on your status, so it doesn’t affect your stats or abilities, so it is low-key useless. Sure there is the respect aspect, and I guess I could get some authority in the Sage’s tower, but witches and wizards are still quite common, so me having that title is basically nothing compared to both Alice and Lua getting the great witch title.

I also got acquainted with two more sages, and if Mariina does get her sage title, that will be a total of four sages that I know, so if I ask for the tower’s help, I should get it.

After we capped off our meeting with the sages, an apprentice witch showed us around the tower per the orders of Ted. She was actually a witch by title, but considered ‘apprentice’ because she was studying under a great wizard who was trying to get to sage rank.

The tower had some interesting sights, but the ones I found the most interesting were the sage history wall, which listed all of the previous sages and great sages, as well as the massive library that the tower held. The library was also split into sections, where people with different tower ranks could access different parts, so someone like me with no title could only access some, witches and wizards could access more, then great witches and wizards could access even more, sages even more and there might even be an area only great sages can access. Though what is the point of such an area when there currently aren’t any great sages?

After our guided tour, we left the tower grounds. From here, we were going to explore the city a bit more, and then find a hotel for the night. Then tomorrow … Well, I don’t know what we will do, but I think we’ll do something.

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