Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.357 Magic attributes and Dragonmaids

CH.357 Magic attributes and Dragonmaids

As I predicted, after getting her next Level Up!, Eline began evolving. Good thing we were ready for it, so she can evolve in peace. I increased the concentration of the healing liquid in her tank, compared to what Einar and Mariina had, in hopes of getting data to compare how her evolution went in comparison. I know Einar’s was near perfect, if not perfect, but more data is still better.

Other than that, my meeting with the King had been set, so I had that to look forward to. Though it is still a few weeks away, so I’ll have to wait. 

I had also been in closer contact with the genderbent Hero’s party, mainly about the mana flowers and the dimensional barrier observers. Was that even their original name? I think I called them the miasma detectors or something as a lie. I don’t remember. Yes, they are different from the WDBDD or the weakening dimensional barrier detection device, as the DBO only gets readings on the dimensional barrier that will act as a baseline when I finally make the WDBDD. 

We now had a basic plan on how we would spread these devices. I mean, we had one previously, but now we also had the time frame, and it was going to start at the Hero’s country, so I’ll have to head over there soon. This time, with Alice and Lua joining me. I was thinking of also bringing Cailie, but I’m not sure if her fans have gotten over her departure yet, and she isn’t an official part of the harem yet, so she will have to earn Lua and Alice’s permission to join us for the trip. And I don’t know if she even wants to come in the first place.

But when Mariina heard that I was heading there, she asked me for a ride, because she said she had overstayed her time in the Capital doing nothing, so at least she will be joining us. She is using me as a taxi again… Well, I don’t really mind. She has also helped us and will hopefully continue to do so.

But before I worry about any of that, let’s get Cailie and Unika here so I can give them their new skills.

“Come in.” I said towards the door when Cailie and Unika approached. I then used a bit of Telekinesis to open the door for them.

“... how did you know we were here? I didn’t have time to knock?” Unika asked.

“I just know.” I answered. Of course I knew because I could check the HomeBase security cameras with Dungeon Founder. “Again, come in. We have something to discuss.”

The two did as I said and Unika closed the door behind them.

“... so, what is it?” Unika asked.

“Nothing much. I just wanted to know how your training has been going. Unika, you with Foxfire and Cailie, how is your Wind Magic?” I asked.

“I … I think I might learn at some point, but it is difficult.” Unika admitted.

“I can use the basic spell Breeze, but I don’t have the skill yet.” Cailie answered. 

That’s not bad. Using the most basic spell is a good start, but let’s boost them up a bit. Wait. First I should ask one more thing.

“Unika, did you have Quintet or Flamel check your affinity towards the fire attribute?” I asked.


“Yes, but Flamel said my affinity is too low to use Fire Magic. … and Sir Quintet said that I do not have sufficient affinity towards any attribute.” She answered.

“... Yeah. Of course it would be like that.” I just said. I knew the same from the report I got, I just wanted to see if Unika would admit to it. “Then that makes this easy. I want to give you two something.” I said, as I got two cards out of the Collection and slid them towards the girls.

The cards were of course Rising Air Current and Molten Destruction.


“... your cards?” Unika questioned. “... what are we supposed to do with them? I know we can activate them, but we can’t actually use them, right?”

“You aren’t wrong, but you aren’t quite there. You two don’t know everything I can do with these cards.” I responded. “I won’t have you activating these cards. I’ll be installing them into you.”

“Install?” Cailie asked.

“Just something that will make the card a part of you.” I answered. “And it will change your body in different ways, depending on the card. In this case, these two cards will boost your affinity towards an attribute of magic. For Cailie, Rising Air Current will boost your affinity towards Wind Magic. With it, it will be easier for you to use Wind Magic, you will use less mana while using it, and your spells power will be boosted. For you Unika, since you don’t have a sufficient affinity in the first place, Molten Destruction will give you more than enough affinity so that you will be able to use fire magic.”

The two girls looked a little dumbfounded, but Cailie quickly accepted it as the truth, while Unika questioned it a bit more.

“Is that even possible? I’ve never heard of anyone being able to influence people’s attributes.”

“You can just look at Alice as the proof. She was once like you. Someone with not enough affinity in any attribute to use elemental magic. But now, she can use both Fire and Dark. That is because of cards like these two being installed into her. Actually, she got her Fire Magic from Molten Destruction.”

“... Miss Alice … was like me?” Unika asked.

“Nope. She was a lot worse off than you were. Because of her father, she was forced to study magic for many hours on a nearly daily basis, while not being able to actually use any magic because of her attributes.” I told her. “But that story isn’t mine to tell, so feel free to ask more info from Alice herself.”

“... alright. I shall.” Cailie agreed.

“So then, shall we get into the installs?” I asked.

I gave the girls a quick warning talk about how the install will likely feel before I began the process. I think Unika was the more scared of the two, but that might be just me. 

After both the installs were completed, a System screen for a mission I haven’t seen in a long time popped up.

Mission: Granter of Magic
Fire Magic granted to Unika
‘Fencing Fire Ferret’ in a toploader
‘Flamvell Firedog’ in a sleeve
‘Firewing Pegasus’ in a sleeve

Yes. The Granter of Magic mission. It just is something difficult to do, as I need to know someone with no affinity for it to activate. But like with Alice, I got some kind of nice stuff. Sure two of them are only in sleeves, but unlike back with Alice, nowadays I have toploaders to spare, so it is all the same to me. 

Interesting part is that all three of them are Beast-type. I was more so expecting Beast-Warriors, but what do I know? 

In terms of how the two took the installs, well, Cailie took it surprisingly well. Outside of Wilma, I think she had the easiest time with her first install. Unika on the other hand … I honestly expected her to pass out from it, but she was able to stay conscious.

“Please remember, I only boosted or gave you the affinity for magic. You’ll still have to train hard to get the actual skill, so don’t let me down.” I told the two, before I had few of my monsters take them back to their rooms so they could rest.

After the two were gone, I took a deep breath and brought my world treant staff out of Storage. I then let some mana flow through the staff to build it up. I did it almost every day, usually two or three times a day. I could do it even more if I wanted to, because while the staff needs some time between each mana flowing session, I can just run mana through it, put it in Storage, fast forward the stave’s time with Storage then bring it out and do it all again. But as I said, most of the time I don’t do it, because it feels like a waste, but today I decided to go for it. My real goal was actually emptying my mana pool so I could let it regenerate normally, so I could maybe get the Fast Mana Recovery skill.

… Actually, now that I think of it, did I ever explain why magicians use staves? I’m not sure I did.

Obviously they aren’t necessary. I’ve never really used one, but I can still use magic. But what do they do, well, they are kind of like swords and other weapons. They focus your power and give better results.

For example, let’s go with my own world treant staff.

World Treant Staff 
Magic Boost - Power of spells cast using this staff is boosted by 46%
Accuracy Boost - Accuracy of spells cast using this staff is boosted by 38%
Treant Staff - Increases the potency of its abilities as more mana is run through the staff
Durability 5000/5000
Description: A staff made of world treant wood. It has been built up by Brian Wood and has adjusted itself for his use. 

Yeah. That is what it looks like now, but when I began, those percentages were only around 5%. And this thing is far from done. If the estimates of my monsters are to be believed, when this staff is ready, those percentages will be somewhere around 500%.

Staves can also have other effects, of course, especially if you embed magic stones into them. And if you reinforced them to be used as striking weapons in combat, they would also get some physical properties, but mine doesn’t have those, as I’ll just use a sword when in close combat.

After my office work, I had a practice session. Just sword/CQB today, because I had just emptied my mana into the staff, and while I could use my dungeon terminal to draw mana from HomeBase, for reasons of getting skills I didn’t want to do that.

The sword practice didn’t feel that special, but by the end of the session, I got the permission to level up my Sword Technique to LV.5, so I made sure to do so.


And the next morning, Eline woke up from her evolution sleep. She, like her brother, had evolved into a night cat-folk and her racial skill had changed from Night Vision to Night Stalking. I also got the data from her evolution tank, but it does seem like the healing liquids concentration was a bit high for her. It didn’t cause any adverse effects, other than even more hair growth than a usual evolution, but was it much higher, it likely would have.

Also, here are Eline’s evolved stats.


She also had two new skills, just like her brother, but unlike her brother, hers weren’t CQB skills, but magic skills. Eline got her Wind Magic skill, and she also obtained Fast Mana Recovery. Again, like with Einar, I’m not jealous that Eline got Fast Mana Recovery before I got mine. It just is a lot easier for her, as her mana pool isn’t 8000.

But the Wind Magic is the impressive part. While we did figure out that Eline had an affinity for Wind some time ago, she only really began to practice Wind Magic when Cailie moved in. Sure Cailie is also really close to her LV.1 Wind Magic, but Eline got there first. Then again, Eline does have the higher Mana Control level, and she also already had Summoning Magic.

But now I’m even more convinced that I want to give the two Night Cat-folk Dark World Lightning as an install. I just think Lightning and Wind Magic go perfectly hand in hand.


But that will be in a day or two. Today is Eline’s rest day. She also needs a haircut, unless she wants her hair to reach her knees.

As the day kept going, I was doing the usual things until two cat-folk came to my office door. After letting them in, I looked at the two night cat-folk. Eline had gotten cleaned up, and Sheou had cut and styled her hair, so it was looking nice.


“... Master.” Eline began.


““Thank you for helping us evolve!”” The two said in unison, as they bowed their heads.

… didn’t expect that, but I do appreciate it.

“Of course. I told you, I’d take care of you as long as you work for me, didn’t I?” 

“Yes.” Eline agreed.

“Thank you, Master.” Einar added.

With their thanks given, the two left the room. But they didn’t leave me empty handed, because as the two left the room, a System screen popped up in my field of vision.

Mission: Good Master
Worker Einar sees you as a good employer.
Reward: Dragonmaid Ernus
Mission: Good Master
Worker Eline sees you as a good employer.
Reward: Parlor Dragonmaid

Thank you, you two. Thanks to you, I got two new Dragonmaids. Now I’ll have to ask Tinkhec to get me their alternate forms, and then I’ll have to add them to the rotation of Dragonmaids using avatar dolls.

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