Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.355 Telling Alice and Lua about Wilma

CH.355 Telling Alice and Lua about Wilma

“Do you know why she got it?” Alice asked.

I was in my room with Alice and Lua, discussing the new System Support Holder.

“It was for coming up with a new way to synthesize a legendary grade metal.” I answered.

“... but aren’t you and your monsters the ones that came up with it?” Lua asked.

“Yeah, but that was only in the Factory. And while I did summon some monsters to help Wilma in the process, she was the one leading the forging, and apparently that counts.”

“Sounds almost like cheating.” Alice commented.

“Well, you got yours for taking down a behemoth. Which you probably couldn’t have done were it not for the prophecy power-up and maybe even the fusion, so who really is cheating?”

“... did what I do count as cheating?” Lua asked.

“... not sure. I mean, you did heal me when I was about to die. And you did it with your own skills, so… I don’t think so?”

“But I got that little System screen that instructed me to use the Summon Water Spirit skill. What was that about?”

“No clue. Maybe the Goddess, or some System Agent, didn’t want me to die and showed you a way out? Yeah. It had to have been Aulis, right? He is basically our System Stalker, I think.”

“Because of me, right?” Alice asked.

“Maybe. He did have his focus on the Alewatch area because of the prophecy.” I reminded her. “Or maybe there was a different, less known prophecy about someone healing someone else who was critically injured? But because of the lack of notoriety, all it did was show Lua a way to heal me?”

“I can see that. It did feel like someone helped me for no reason.” Lua agreed. “... but what do we do about Wilma? … did Laura make a link with her SS yet?”

“No. Not yet.” I answered. “I did consider it, but decided we should talk about this first. If I do allow the link, she could access the Factory, and that should be useful for her. She could prototype weapons and stuff there. So in a way, I want to allow the link. But also, if we do the link, she will soon learn that the two of you also have the SS, so if you don’t want that, we have to either not link with her, or come up with a way to keep it a secret.”

“... Is it a problem if she finds out?” Alice asked.

“No. Not really. I mean, if she were to tell anyone about it, the fact that she has the SS would come out. It is just … if you want to keep it a secret from her. I know the two of you aren’t quite as open about it as I am.”

“It is just easier to hide it and let you take care of public problems.” Lua said.

“I don’t mind dealing with them, so I could reveal it.” Alice said.

“Either way is fine with me. I mean, I think if we keep taking down SS-rank monsters, people will start to assume that Alice has the SS.” I commented. “Of course, Lua, you haven’t done any big publicity stunts that would be known to the masses. Your fame is only known in the dhampir villages.”

“... maybe the right situation just hasn’t shown itself.” She said.

“Perhaps. Or maybe you are just a hidden monarch.”

“... I guess I should speak about that as well.” Lua quickly said, as I brought up her race.

“..? About what?”

“... I got my racial skill, Monarch of Magic.” Lua revealed.

“Really?” Alice asked. “What does it do? Tell me!”


“I … I can command magic.” Lua explained her new skill.

“... that doesn’t explain anything.” Alice complained.

“... can you cast a spell? Something not dangerous, like a simple flame? Or maybe Shade?” Lua requested.

“Sure. Shade.” Alice agreed and quick casted one of her favorite spells. Though I think it is one of her favorites because it was the first spell she successfully cast.

With her spell cast, my room was engulfed by darkness. I really should install The Eye of Truth into myself for some sort of a vision enhancing skill.


“... Shade. Disappear.” Lua ordered. I could feel some amount of mana in her voice, so it reminded me a bit of how Cailie’s voice carries mana when she uses her Charming Voice skill.

After Lua ordered the Shade to disappear, it began to do just that. It didn’t vanish completely, but it did get quite a bit weaker.

“Wow! That is so cool!” Alice exclaimed. “You just dispelled my spell.”

“I just weakened it a bit. I can’t fully dispel powerful spells yet. And while I know you didn’t cast it seriously, that was still LV.10 Dark Magic.”

“... LV.11 actually.” Alice corrected.

“You already went past 10 with it?” I asked. I mean, I know she can, because she has Limit Break, but I also know she has a bunch of other skills she could level up instead.

“I had to try, you know.” Alice said. “And it is my best skill, not counting my Unique-Racial or Card Summoner.”

“I’m just surprised that you picked that over something like Mana Control.” I commented.

“That one is LV.11 as well now, but I’ll admit that I did level up Dark Magic first.” Alice said.

“... I really need Limit Break as well.” Lua complained softly. “Most of my skills are LV.10 or almost level 10, so I’ll run out of things to level up soon.”

“I’ll take you with me to the next fissure. I think that might do it.” I told her. “And I have a perfect card you can use in mind. If using that won’t get you the Limit Break, the System is boring.”

“... what is it then?” Alice asked.

“Let’s just say that Lua will heal her opponent to death.” I joked, even though it wasn’t a joke.

“... That sounds … cruel.” Lua said.

“I think it still fits you. With the title you have, Lifesaver, your healing efficiency is doubled. So when we turn all of that healing into damage, that will do a ton.” I told her.

“... I suppose that is true.”

“And if, actually when, you learn Holy Magic, you’ll be able to heal even faster. So the damage will be even better.” 

“... I’ll do my best.”


The next day, I invited Wilma to my office to talk about… well, you know what we are going to talk about. I also had both Alice and Lua with me. Time to show Wilma the ropes of the System Link, and I suppose reveal the little secret. And then show her the Factory.

“... Sir, what did you call me here for?” Wilma asked. “Is it about … that?”

“Yes. And you can talk about it. I already told both Alice and Lua about it.” I responded. “... I guess sorry that I did, but I don’t keep secrets from them. At least this sort of secret.”

“... No. I understand. Then… what is this about?”

“I’ll ask a question first. Have you gotten acquainted with your System Support already?”

“... A bit, yes.”

“That’s good. Then did he tell you about the possibility of a System Support Link?” I asked.

“... no. … wait. He is explaining it now.” Wilma answered. 

So her System Support is a male. Let’s just hope it isn’t me like it was originally with Alice. That was awkward. Though I highly doubt it would be me. Wilma doesn’t have the same relationship with me as Alice does.

“... I think I understand.” Wilma said. “You wish for our System Supports to make this link, right?”

“Yeah. It will come with some useful tools, but the best one is that with the System Link, you will be able to access my Different Dimension Factory.”

“... Different Dimension Factory. It is where your monsters live, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, basically. But it can also be used for a lot of interesting things. But you’ll see when we get there.”

“... so, what do I need to do to make this System Link?” Wilma asked.

“Nothing really. Just allow your SS to make the link. Laura will take care of the rest.”

“... Laura? Who is she?”

“Oh. The name of my System Support. You should name yours at some point as well.” 

“Yes. I will do that.” 

We waited a bit while Laura worked her magic. Well, not magic if we are to be truthful. The System is more of a God level system, so … I don’t really know what to call it. God magic? Let’s just call it System bullshit. That is the best way to describe it.

After a moment, the link was done and I heard the voice of Wilma’s System Support in my head.

(It is a pleasure to speak to you all. I am Lady Wilhelmina’s System Support.) An older male voice said in my head. He sounded very calm and reassuring and reminded me a bit of Aulis’ voice. No, it isn’t the same, but a bit similar. There was just the ‘grandfather quality’ seeping from his voice.

“... I have to say, I didn’t expect that sort of voice from him.” I admitted. “Laura, Mia, Kekri, why don’t you three introduce yourselves to Wilma.”

After I said that, I could almost see question marks floating around Wilma’s head, until the three System Supports began introducing themselves.

(Hello, Miss Wilhelmina. My name is Laura, and I am Brian’s System Support.) Laura went first.

(I’m Maria, but feel free to call me Mia. I am Lady Lucia’s System Support.)

(And I’m Kekri. Lady Alice’s System Support.)

As the three introduced themselves, Wilma’s eyes went wide with surprise. She then looked at us and muttered:

“... all three of you?”

“Yes. All of us have the System Support.” I confirmed.

“... that… I didn’t think that could be possible.”

After letting Wilma adjust to the shocking truth, it was time for us to head to the Factory. She won’t get access to the Control Platform or anything yet, but at least I’ll show her around.

I had Alice and Lua head to the Factory first, while I instructed Wilma in the ‘real world’ on how to go there. And after she got it, I jumped there after her.

All four of us met next to the round table that was right at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the control platform, and from there, we could go on a tour. But first.

“I think Laura, Mia and Kekri should show themselves to Wilma.” I quickly said, and as soon as I did, the three of them appeared.

This was another small shock to Wilma, but she got over it quickly.

“... can mine do that?” Wilma asked.

“No. Not yet. Well, he kind of could, but not while you are here.” I answered.

“... why?” 

“Because he is still at basic level System Support. He has to be upgraded to standard level before he can appear here at the same time as you.”

“How do I do that?”

“Time. You just have to be patient.”

Then it was time for the tour. I didn’t show Wilma everything, as the Factory has just gotten too big for me to show it in a reasonable amount of time. Even with the time dilation between the real world and the factory being 3.2x nowadays, it would still take forever to show the entire Factory for Wilma. … And to be honest, I didn’t want to show some of the places, like the Goblin Bank, to her.

The main places I made sure she knew were the Vampire Smithy, the regular Smithy, the places where my Spellcasters like to hang out, as well as any other places that I felt would help Wilma with her main job of making weapons. The Spellcaster areas were so that they could help her with enchanting, by the way, but I think I’ll make a dedicated workshop area for Wilma, where she’ll be able to call monsters to help her with her experiments. I’ll also make her a Dungeon Founder item developer terminal that isn’t directly linked with my skill like the one that is on the Control Platform is. I’ll just limit it so that it will only store what Wilma designs inside Tahlia’s memory banks, not my skill. Just in case. It will also prevent Wilma from accessing any of my designs until I trust her enough. Not that I don’t at the moment, but … I just think it needs more time until I’m willing to trust her with my skills to the same extent as I trust Alice and Lua.

I of course also introduced Wilma to both Tahlia and Fantasia. And I think now is as good of a time as any to mention that since my DDF has leveled up, Fantasia has grown a bit older. When she first appeared, she was five, maybe six years old. Now she was more like 10. She has grown up about a year each time DDF has gotten a level, so I suppose her starting at 5 and now being 10 when I have LV.6 DDF does check out.

I think the most impressive part for Wilma was the unlimited access to legendary metals she would have in the Factory. I mean, everything in the Factory isn’t real. Well, in a way it is, but since nothing has physical mass, I can make anything and an unlimited amount of that anything in here. It just can’t be brought to the real world. But still, having access to unlimited resources does allow for easy prototyping, which is what I often use the Factory for.

For Wilma, she couldn’t just think about something and make it appear like I could, but that is why she has her own little laptop computer that she can use to play around with my item developer and then make the item she has designed appear so that she can hold it in her hand. I’ll make her one of those Iron Man hologram tables when I have the time as well. It should help.

By the time I’d shown Wilma the important things and shown her how to use the item developer, it had gotten late enough that it was time for us to return to the real world and head for lunch. 

Food is important, right? Can’t stay in a mental landscape for long without it. Laura taught me that.

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