Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.353 Night Cat and Spirit Sorceress

CH.353 Night Cat and Spirit Sorceress

During the next night, Einar’s evolution finished and the automated features of the evolution tank drained the healing potion from the tank, opened the lid and removed all of the monitoring equipment off of Einar. But the cat-boy was still sleeping peacefully, so the avatar doll keeping watch in the medbay didn’t wake him up. I of course learned all of that the next morning when I went to check up on things in the medbay.

Mariina was still evolving, so hers was seemingly going to take longer than Einar’s. That is somewhat expected, as Mariina is a lot higher level than Einar, and this is Mariina’s second evolution.

As the morning came, Einar woke up. He was a little surprised to find himself laying on the evolution tank, but Maya explained to him what happened, so it was no issue.

And after Einar had time to catch his bearings, wash himself, get dressed and have a bit of something to eat, I invited him to my office so I could see his new evolved status.


So he is a Night Cat-folk now. I guess that explains why his fur and hair is as black as night. His Night Vision also turned into Night Stalking. I’m kind of glad I insisted on leveling that skill up.

Sword Technique and Flickering Step are skills Einar has picked up from our practice sessions by the way. He decided to go from a dagger to a sword because a dagger really just doesn’t do enough damage. … and in case you were wondering, I’m not at all salty that Einar was able to get Flickering Step faster than I did. Nope. Not at all.

I’m just happy to see Einar getting stronger. Honestly, he is kind of impressive right now, especially when you factor in Lumi, his blizzard tiger. The two of them could probably do quite well in a fight. But maybe another taming trip with Einar would be good. Get him one or two more tamed beasts.

And like Wilma after her evolution, I made sure to tell Einar to take today off and just relax. No reason for him to push himself right after an evolution.

The rest of that day was nothing special to me. I did make sure to watch over the data from the evolution tank, so that I could see if there had been any problems, and so that I’d know if I’ll need to improve the tanks. But with Einar, there were no problems, so currently I don’t know what to improve. I’ll check the one Mariina is in after she has finished her evolution.

Other than that, a lot of my day was spent practicing my skills, since Lady Janina was here today. And I felt like I was getting better with my Draconic skills. I was able to turn some of my skin to dragon scales. Well, I had been able to do it previously, but I was now faster, and I think the scales are a bit harder. Draconic Magic … Well, I’m still working on that. Whenever I use it, I usually end up harming myself more than my target.

With Space Magic, I was starting to get used to my new attacking spell, Space Cutter. It was literally a flying slash of Space Magic that would cut the target. Unless the target is sturdy enough to take the slash. I was actually surprisingly good with the spell, probably because I’d slash my hand down whenever I finished casting it, and that would be where the slash would be sent flying. And I think ‘surprisingly good’ is questionable, as my accuracy really wasn’t there yet. But I could reliably cast the spell and it would have a good effect on the target if it landed.

With Time Magic, I was still working on just slightly accelerating my own time. Basically making myself faster in every way. It would be useful as anything in a fight. Even if I only move 1.1 times faster than I usually could, that is a huge difference. Because it isn’t like only my body would move that much faster, but everything about me. That includes things like my thinking, my nervous system and so on. I just really need the Time Magic skill so that I can level it up. That would help a lot.

The day came to an end and there was no sign of Mariina waking up from her evolution sleep, but I’m sure she’ll get there tomorrow.

The next morning, around 9.30 am, Mariina’s evolution sleep ended, so I sent someone to inform Safia and headed over to the medbay myself. I wanted the data from the evolution tank after all. Not that I didn’t want to hear from Mariina herself, but that could wait a bit. Besides, unlike with Einar who is both working for me and is a male, it does feel a bit awkward seeing Mariina naked, so I’ll catch up with her after she is clothed.

I analyzed the data from her evolution tank, and unlike with Einar, hers had small difficulties. First, the healing liquid in her tank seemed to be too diluted, even though it was the exact same as what was in Einar’s tank. My theory is that this is a combination of a few things. One, Mariina is just larger than Einar. And not just in the chest area. Mariina is taller and … has more meat on her bones. That doesn’t sound any better than saying she weighs more. Mariina is also a lot higher level than Einar. Einar is LV.40 and Mariina should be LV.80, so that might add to the issue. Mariina is also experiencing her second evolution, while Einar had his first. All three of those might be a factor in this, so maybe she should have had a more potent healing liquid in her tank. Well, at least I’ll know for next time. Higher level people need higher concentration healing liquid.

The other thing that happened while I waited for Mariina to get dressed was Alice arriving on HomeBase. She has been gone for a while, because she has been traveling the States gathering info, and she didn’t want to leave each day, so she has been staying in local inns. But after hearing about Mariina’s evolution, she decided that she’d come to see Mariina after she wakes up.

I was of course happy to have Alice back home, and she came with some info. Nothing concrete yet, but it didn’t look good for the States. They are clearly not a good country and I don’t really like what is going on with them. I might even bring some of this up when I speak with the King, and I think I’ll forward some of it to the genderbent Hero’s party with the guild communicator they gave me. And depending on what people think, we might have to do some sort of great memory purge for the higher ups of the States.

But that is something for another day. Today, we have a quest, and that quest just evolved, so let’ hear what happened with Mariina.

After Mariina enjoyed some time at the spa, and then getting dressed up, she came to see me and Alice in my office. 

“... so. Do you mind sharing? Are you a Spiritual Human now?” I asked her.

“Not quite.” Mariina said with a big grin on her face. “I am a Spirit Sorceress now.”

“... okay. Didn’t even know that was a thing.” I admitted. “It is some sort of a combination of Sorceress and Spiritual Human, if I were to guess.”

(Yes. That is correct.) Laura confirmed for me.

“I think so too. It feels … so nice.” Mariina agreed. “My little spirit is also so happy with this.” Mariina added, as she moved her staff a bit. Oh yeah. I almost forgot that there is a spirit living inside the magic stone attached to her staff.

“I’m glad to hear that.” I told her. “Would have been a shame if you evolved into some race you didn’t like.”

“Even if that was the case, I wouldn’t be mad. You helped me evolve so … Wait? Is it alright to talk about this with Safia here?” Mariina asked.

“Don’t worry. I set a Mind Crush on Safia as well. You can’t talk about HomeBase secrets outside of HomeBase, but here it is fine.”

“I see… Thank you.” Mariina said. “... but what now? Will you still … level me up?”

“Sure. I can get you to LV.99. From there, you’d have to get the Limit Break skill, and I can’t really help you with that.”

“... Limit Break… do you have it?” Mariina asked.

“Yeah. Got it when I killed an SS-rank hydra.”

“I got it when I defeated the SS-rank Ursa Major.” Alice added.

“... just casually saying that I’d have to defeat an SS-rank monster.”

“You don’t have to. You can just stay at LV.99.” I pointed out. “And just because both of us got it that way, doesn’t mean that it is the only way. I think there are other ways. You just have to do something impressive. Something that is beyond your limits. At least that is what I think.”

“... Then… Please teach me Spirit Magic!” Mariina demanded.

“Sure.” I agreed. “But do remember that I’m also still just a beginner with it.”

“Then let’s go.” Mariina said, ready to head out and train right now.

“... at least take a day off first. Tomorrow will do fine.” I told her.

“No. Today.” She demanded.

I quickly looked at Alice and she looked just as baffled as I was. I’d expect this kind of action from Paulina, but not from Mariina. Well, I’m not against it, so why not?

So with Mariina’s insistence, I gathered a total of four people in the yard so that we could train. Now I know you are asking who four? Well, Alice, Mariina and myself are the given, but I also brought Agunan along. Like me, he also got the Nature Spirit’s Blessing in the Green Dungeon, but unlike me, he hasn’t really done anything with it. And this is a perfect opportunity for him to start learning.

“... Master. I am a force of destruction. Do I need to learn this?” Agunan asked.

“Don’t be like that. Don’t you know, after being purged by flames, the new forest that grows over the old is even stronger than the old?” I asked the dragon. “You can be a force of rebirth, not just destruction.”

“Rebirth you say? Well, if you put it that way, I suppose that might suit someone like me.”

“... you really can go from whining to cocky in a second…” Alice quietly muttered.

“Are all dragons like that?” Mariina asked.

“Just the greater ones.” Someone cut in. I turned around to see who it was, and it turned out that Lady Janina had once again taken control of her dragon avatar that was situated here on HomeBase.

“Oh? I wasn’t expecting you today, Lady Janina.” I commented.

“I was bored, so I came over. It is no trouble, right?” Lady Janina asked.

“Of course not. Feel free to drop by whenever you want.”

“So what are all of you doing? I heard something about rebirth? Are you trying to master resurrection magic now?”

“You know I can already both revive and reincarnate people. I’ve told you about this.” I commented. “We were actually planning on playing with Spirit Magic. Well, Alice was going to experiment with her Erasure Magic, but the three of us will play with Spirits. You can join either Alice or us, whatever you prefer.”

“I’ve played with spirits plenty and Erasure Magic is interesting, so I’ll play with Alice. As long as she doesn’t mind.” Lady Janina said.

“No. Please do help me understand this skill better.” Alice requested.

“Do not assume that I am great with it. I only use it to destroy things that annoy me.” Lady Janina said.

By the end of our practice session, Agunan was able to call a nature spirit and synchro with it, Mariina was able to ask for help from nature or water spirits that I summoned, but it was still on the iffy side, and she was also able to learn how to synchro with her own earth spirit. 

Sadly, neither Mariina or I could use Spirit Magic without already having a spirit here, so we aren’t really good at it yet. Of course that is expected of Mariina, as she just evolved into a race that can get Spirit Magic, but I really should be doing better.

After we called it a session, Mariina headed to the spa with Alice, Lady Janina and Safia, while Agunana and I did the same. Sure this wasn’t really sweaty training, but calming down after practice is the best, so why not.

It also got me thinking. Mariina’s race. Spirit Sorceress. It is a combination of Spiritual Human and Sorceress. I have both Sorcerer and Spiritual Human as options in my One of Every Race, so why can’t I turn myself into a Spirit Sorcerer? 

And I came up with one solution. I’ve never actually turned myself into a Sorcerer, and I most certainly haven’t mastered, or even learned, the Sorcerer racial skill. So I probably should look into some of the races I have available and I should at least attempt to get LV.1 of their racial skills.That might unlock some better combination races for me. I could maybe get something like Dragon Hearted Swordsman. That would be cool. 

But I don’t have any combination races for Summoner, even though I have the Advanced Summoning Magic skill. So maybe just LV.1 of the skill isn’t enough? Or maybe the Summoner race just doesn’t have advanced combinations?

But I’ll still try to be better when I practice. From now on, whenever I’ll practice Swordsmanship, I’ll be a Swordsman by race. Same goes for Space and Time Magics. When I practice them, I’ll be a Sorcerer. And when I train Telekinesis, I can swap over to User or Rare Skills. 

Actually, I wonder if my Unique Skills count as rare skills? And what about Dungeon Founder? Maybe my go to race should be User or Rare Skills, not Dragon Hearted? I think I’ll swap my default race to be an User or Rare Skills (Advanced Human) and see where that gets me. 

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