Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.348 Meeting the Queen

CH.348 Meeting the Queen

With a few more days passed, the time had come for me to meet with the Queen. For that, I dressed in my suit, made sure I had my gift ready, I also had one for Princess Nevelle, just in case she would be present as well, and then I moved myself down to the Sawyer manor. 

When Cressida first told me about the meeting with the Queen, she offered for me to use a Sawyer family carriage, but I refused as I do have one of my own. Sure mine was a bit out there, but it would work. But I did need a driver, so I brought Magie to be my driver.


Unlike most of my avatar doll using monsters, Magie had been installed into a dragon avatar, so she was permanently stuck there. It came with advantages and disadvantages, like Magie actually having to sleep. The others really didn’t, because they could rest while the avatar dolls were recharging. Magie didn’t have to eat, but she still ate. Actually, the same goes for Endy, even if the two are really nothing alike. Endy is a monster made by the Citadel core, similar to any other monster that resides in the dungeon area of HomeBase. That means that Endy can survive on mana and miasma alone. But he does still eat, probably to seem more human.


But yeah. I brought Magie to be my driver and for that, I made her some different clothes, so she would look more like a coach-lady. And with both of us ready to go, I teleported us down to the Sawyer manor’s yard. There I took my carriage out of Storage, Magie took the driver’s seat, I entered the back and then we were off.

The carriage ride took a bit of time, but it wasn’t that bad. I can always just pull up either Pack Opener or Dungeon Founder’s item developer if I want to waste some time. This time, I opened the item developer and worked on a custom rebreather that would be easier to talk with, though I didn’t finish it in the time I had. I should probably be doing this in the Factory anyway, because there I can make the item for free, so I can test out how it feels to hold in my mouth. Maybe I should instead just make a full face-mask, instead of a small thing you hold in your mouth? Like those masks they had in that Avatar movie. Then add a microphone to it, so that you can speak to people without the mask muffling your speech. That might be for the best.

At the gate to the Queen’s mansion, we were stopped and checked by the guards, but it was just them confirming that I had an invite to enter, so it didn’t take long. Admittedly, I still feel like the security in this country is way too loose. For someone with a rare skill, it would be extremely easy to just get into a place where they shouldn’t be and just assassinate someone.

After we got inside the manor grounds and pulled up to the front entrance, Magie stopped the carriage and came to open the door for me. After I was out, she closed it and I ordered Magie to stay with the carriage. Usually I’d just take it into Storage, but since Magie is here, I can just leave it with her.

From there, I was guided inside by a butler and after he took me to a parlor room, I was asked to wait there. The room was actually surprisingly minimalistic for a Queen’s manor. I was actually expecting a lot more. I mean, everything here seemed high quality, but it looked quite basic. I suppose this Queen likes things on the simple, and in a way, that makes what is here unique. Most nobles go for extravagance, so minimalistic is really different.

Before the Queen joined me, or was I going to be taken to the Queen, I was brought some tea and snacks. I quickly took just a bit of the tea and one of the cookies into Storage to analyze them, but they were all good, so I was happy to eat them. What do you mean I’m suspicious? It is just so I’ll know what kind of cookies they were and so that I could tell the type of tea. I wasn’t testing them for poison or anything like that. My mind isn’t on assassinations just because I think this country makes them way too easy.

After a bit of time, the butler returned and asked me to come with him. He took me to a different room, where three people were waiting for me.

One of them was someone I knew, but I wasn’t acquainted with. It was the red-headed Princess, Nevelle. She was dressed in a somewhat casual looking gown and was sitting next to whom I assume is the Queen. … but something about Nevelle seemed off. Compared to how I’ve seen her with HomeBase cameras, her hair seemed off. I feel like it was a bit longer than that. It was still long, reaching almost to her mid-back. But when I saw her from HomeBase, it reached her lower back, so it was shorter now.

The third person in the room, I’ll get to the Queen in a second, was a female guard. She wore light armor, and had a sword on her hip, so she seemed ready to defend the Queen.

As for the Queen herself. Well again I assume, but she matches the description I got from Cressida, so it should be her. She had quite long turquoise hair, light gray eyes and a scar running down her face, right next to her right eye. I’m actually quite surprised that a Queen would have a scar like that, but what do I know? She was wearing a silvery white dress, which looked simple, but I quickly realized it was nothing but simple. Because it was an armored dress. Armored dresses are something I actually played with in the Dungeon Founder item developer, because I wanted to make Ria a real combat maid’s armored maid uniform, but that was easier said than done. Even with the developer, I struggled to make one that I liked, but the Queen was wearing one. I wonder who made it?

The Queen also had … interesting hair accessories. They looked almost like small skulls. Something that would look perfectly normal on a necromancer, but on a Queen, not so much.

After taking that all in for just a few seconds, I quickly took a knee and greeted the Queen.

“Your Majesty, it is a pleasure. Your Highness as well. I am pleased that you two have given me this opportunity. Honorary Baron Brian Wood, at your service.” I greeted the two. I had been taught how to greet Royalty during the etiquette lessons at the Sawyer manor, but I still feel like I did something wrong. Hopefully I didn’t make a major screw up.

“Raise your head.” The Queen ordered, and I followed the order. “... so this is the Brian I’ve heard so much about. For someone with as many accomplishments as you have, you really don’t look battle hardened.” 

“I apologize for not living up to your expectations.” I quickly said.

“That wasn’t to degrade you. It is respectable that you have accomplished what you have, while keeping your body clean.” The Queen said. “Not like all of us can do so.” She added, while softly touching the scar on her face with her left hand.

Actually, thinking about the scar. An evolution removes any scar from your body, at least from what I can tell. It removed the blemishes Lua had on her body. Sure she didn’t have any major scars, but I feel like scars should heal after an evolution. So has the Queen never evolved? Or is that scar something she got after evolving? Well, not my problem to solve, and the only way I know to fix it is by leveling her up and forcing an evolution.

As our discussion started, the Queen asked me to sit down. She then introduced herself, and her name is Nelliel. Quite similar to Nevelle and Nel, so I’m suspicious. Again. 

After that, we talked a bit about this and that, mainly focusing on the TinaWood dungeon. That led to a good situation where I was able to present my gift to the Queen.

“My Queen, I would like to give you some items originating from the TinaWood dungeon, as well as my personal collection. Would you accept them?”

“So you bought something. Of course. Please feel free to bring them out.”

What I had prepared for her was something I was all too familiar with. A magic fanny pack filled with a few items. I mean, they just are a good way to carry things. And I had one for Princess Nevelle as well.

Inside of them were rolls of fabrics from TinaWood. Denim, cotton and tricot. But just that wasn’t going to be all, as after the bodyguard had emptied both of the fanny packs, I took out the next thing. I had to be a bit more careful with this, as what I was giving them now was an actual weapon. So I called the bodyguard over, and gave the two daggers to her first, and had her hand them to the Queen and the Princess.

The Queen was the first to reveal the shining blue blade inside, and I then got to explain what it actually was. 

“They are daggers made of the claws of the Ursa Major Alice and I defeated near Oroco city. They are capable of cutting through almost anything, including things like magic barriers. I hope you like them.” I informed them on the capability of the daggers.

The Ursa claws were really quite something. Because of their high affinity towards Space Magic, with the help of Cosmo Queen, I was able to make the daggers that could literally cut through space. Of course that is kind of meaningless, as the space will just quickly repair itself, but anything that would happen to have been in that space won’t be so lucky. And yes, that included most magics. I say most, because things like Cosmo Queen’s Dimensional Magic could actually hold up against the dagger, but you really needed something extremely powerful to stop that blade. That made the sheaths a pain to make, until we figured out that some of the Ursa Major’s entrails could actually hold up against it, so we used those as the inner lining of the sheath. I wanted to use something from the Ursa Major for the outside of the sheath as well, but it didn’t end up working out, so instead they had some hydra leather from the six-headed hydra I beat when conquering HomeBase. I lost a lot of that hydra’s corpse, but the heads were relatively intact, so I could collect hydra leather from them.

“These are … quite the pair of blades.” The Queen eventually said. “Are you certain you wish to give us something like this?”

“Yes. And yes, I know they are something, but at the same time, I made them, and I can still make more, so it is no problem.” I told them. I mean, I could even make a few swords with the same capabilities as these daggers have, before I run out of Ursa claws.

“You… you made these?” The Queen asked.

“Yes. Not all alone, mind you, but I did help and I was the one that commissioned the other people who worked on them.” I lied. In truth, it was all me and my monsters, which means all me by most people’s standards. But saying it that way sounds more believable. At least I think so.

“... I see. Thank you.” 

“I actually have one more thing.” I said, as I brought out three braided bracelets. 

In truth, these three were an instant resurrection item made by installing Rope of Life into the bracelets. The bracelets themselves were made from behemoth hair that I took off of Alice’s behemoth. Don’t worry, I asked for permission. That hair was then made into a thin braided rope, before it was turned into braided bracelets. Then just install Rope of Life into that, and you have yourself an item that will automatically resurrect its wearer if they reach 0 HP, as well as healing them for 800 HP. But they would break after activating once.


I explained as much to the Queen and Princess, and both of them opened their eyes wide. Of course that much would make sense.

“... thank you. … but why did you give us three of them?” The Queen asked.

“So you may test one out.” I stated. “I understand that me telling you what they can do isn’t really something that will get any credit, so by having three of them, you will be able to both keep one, and test out the third.”

“... Did you ever test one?” The Queen asked.

“On a monster, yes. I couldn’t bring myself to actually killing a humanoid, so admittedly I haven’t tested it out with one. But unlike me, I believe Your Majesty has access to criminals on death row. You could use one of them as a test subject.” 

“I will consider that. May I ask how you came to own something like this, if you don’t mind me asking? Don’t tell me that..?” 

“Yes. I made them.” I confirmed.

“... I see. … And can you make more?” The Queen asked.

“Some amount, yes. They are made of behemoth hair, and I have a limited amount of it, but I should be able to make around 50 of them before I run out.” I answered honestly.

“And would you perhaps be willing to sell some of them?” The Queen asked.

“... I’m sorry, but for now I think I will only gift them to people. I hope you understand.”

“That is perfectly understandable.” The Queen said, but I feel like Princess Nevelle was questioning me silently.

After a bit more discussing about things I made, with me also getting some info on the Queen’s armored dress, so I was quite happy, the Queen asked me about something I questioned how she knew.

“And would you tell me a bit about this HomeBase?” She asked.

Yeah. How in the heck do you know about HomeBase? I never mentioned it to Prince Elias, so she … actually, Cressida knows that HomeBase is a thing, sure she doesn’t know what it is, but she knows HomeBase is a thing. So maybe Cressida told Prince Elias and he told the Queen, but that is quite a roundabout method. Especially compared with the real possibility of Nel and Princess Nevelle being somehow the same person, being sisters, or some other reason the two look the same. And with Nel having visited HomeBase, if there was a connection, that would explain how the Queen knows. So let’s play dumb for now and see if I can learn more about Nel.

“I apologize, but what are you talking about?” I asked.

“Was that not what it was called?” The Queen wondered. “Then what do you call your magical citadel?”

“... I apologize, but I have no idea what you are talking about.” I kept up the lie. But that basically confirms it. Because while Cressida does know of HomeBase, she doesn’t know that HomeBase is a magical citadel. So she cannot be the leak.

“I heard that you live in a place like that? Was that not true?” The Queen asked.

“I think you need to check your sources, Your Majesty. I have been staying over at Sawyer's capital manor ever since I got to the capital.” I answered, as officially I have been staying there.

“... I understand. I shall do so.” The Queen said. “Then perhaps something else. Do you know of the floating island that appeared over the capital around the same time as you did?” She then asked.

Okay. Now how in the hell does she know about that part? Don’t tell me she is the one that saw HomeBase? … actually, Nel was after shining carrots in the Green Dungeon. And shining carrots are used for different kinds of vision enhancing potions, like night vision potions or potions of far sight. And this manor does fit within the circle from which the appraisal attack came from.

“I … I do not recall seeing any floating islands. Is that really something that can just not be seen? Isn’t an island usually really large? So if one was just floating in the sky, wouldn’t people see it?” 

“Yes. Yes they should be able to see it. Perhaps I’ve just been seeing things.” The Queen said.

After a bit more talking, the Queen dismissed me and I left the place. I sadly didn’t really get a full confirmation on who Nel actually is, but I know for a fact that she is somehow connected with the Queen and Princess Nevelle. Their similarities aren’t just a coincidence. And I feel like with just a bit more info I’ll be able to find out if they are two different people, rather than just the same person with different length hair. But the Princess’ hair not being consistent with the times we’ve observed her from HomeBase definitely makes it more likely that she is Nel. She might just have some sort of unique or extra skill she uses to alter her hair length. Which means I’d lose my bet with Endy and the rest of my monsters, but that is acceptable if I learn the truth about Nel.

After I got back to the Sawyer manor, I had a quick talk with Mariina about what happened today before I beamed myself and Magie back to HomeBase. 

There, after getting to my office, I got some interesting info from Endy.

“We spotted Miss Nel while you were inside the Queen’s manor.” Endy said. “She was within the manor’s courtyard, seemingly spying on Magie and your carriage.”

“... okay. Can you give me the exact time?” I asked.

Once Endy gave me the time, I realized it was while I was in the same room with the Queen and the Princess, so that basically confirmed that Nel and Nevelle aren’t the same person. I mean, even I can’t be in two different places at the same time, so it should be impossible.

And of course Nel being within the manor grounds confirms even more that she is somehow linked with the Queen and Princess Nevelle. Perhaps she is Nevelle’s twin? That is the best theory I have at this moment. I would say half-sister, but Nevelle seemed to have gotten her hair color from her father, not that I’ve seen the King. But considering that both she and Prince Elias have a similar hair color, I have to assume it comes from their father.

“Thanks, Endy. Well done in spotting her. But I guess this really means that I won our bet, because Nevelle was in the same room as I was during that time.” I told my monster.

“... then I suppose I owe you ‘something cool’.” Endy admitted.

“Nah. Don’t worry about it. It was a joke bet in the first place.” I said. “Make sure we still keep an eye on both Nel and Nevelle. I still feel like there is something off about her.”

“As you wish, Master.” Endy accepted the continued assignment. 

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