Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.346 Making some crop fields

CH.346 Making some crop fields

Cailie’s confession of love and her wanting to take a spot in my harem wasn’t a massive surprise, considering what she said in the restaurant, but I still wasn’t expecting her to just come out and say it. I guess it really shows her gaining confidence. I just wonder how Alice will react when she gets back. In case you were wondering, she was staying over at her parents house, as she decided to visit. She was already in Burch city trying to get some leads on the illegal slave mark mission she has, so a flight home in Gradius didn’t take her too long.

Lua’s reaction to Cailie’s confession was about what I expected. She was willing to accept Cailie. Maybe it is because of how she ‘stole’ me away from Laura, or maybe it is just Lua’s nature. I don’t know. But she did still ask for … a fun night after the little discussion with Cailie, and I was more than happy to go along with her idea.

Sure I know this will lead to Alice demanding her own night when she comes back, but that is just part of the process. 

But that is enough about my nightly … I don’t want to call them problems, because I love having that problem… Nightly pleasures? Yes. Enough with my nightly pleasures. I have work to do, so let’s quickly head to my office so I can hear the reports before breakfast. Then, I think I have something I can have Cailie start doing on HomeBase. Or more like inside HomeBase. She might have just the skills I need for something I haven’t done yet.

At my office, a few things were waiting for me. One was from Marquess Oroco, the ruler of the city where Alice and I took down the Ursa Major. He had sent me a letter regarding materials of the Ursa he’d like to purchase. I did agree to give him first dips after all. He was after the SS-rank monster core, as well as the hide of the bear, but nothing else. That is good, because I had something I wanted to try with the bear’s claws. Just a shame I couldn’t keep the monster core, I could have used it for stuff.

I also had two tabloids from the Hero’s country. They had been sent to me by Ula with the letter exchange box I gave her. One of them had a small story about our race through the city with the greater water spirit, and the other had an announcement by the Believe Singer Agency. It announced the departure of Cailie, and offered refunds to anyone that wanted them. So maybe that dog has some semblance of business sense.

I also got a letter from Cressida, asking to come meet her later today. I quickly made a mental note of that, aka. I asked Laura to remind me in case I forgot.

I wrote a response letter to Marquess Oroco and also a quick note to Ula thanking her for the tabloids, and with that, all of my office work was done.

So after a quick stop to see how Wilma is doing, and remember that she evolved just recently so I wanted to see how she was fairing with that, I teleported myself into the depths of the HomeBase dungeon. … Well, actually I was on floor 8, so I wasn’t that deep.

What I was working on was a project I should have done a while ago, but now with my Aromage monsters, I felt a bit better about committing to it. And Cailie moving in most certainly didn’t hurt either. I mean, she worked in an herb store, so she has some knowledge on taking care of plants. So maybe I can let her take over this place when it is in a better state.

What I was working on was of course the crop fields of HomeBase. At first, the idea was to just have basic grains and some fruits, but now I think I can do a bit more. Things like rice and potatoes are also important. We just need the common staple foods.

But what we can also plant are herbs. Sure I didn’t get any of the seeds from the store Cailie was working at, but I do know what plants they were, so I can search the HomeBase catalog for the seeds or seeder plants.

But first, I needed to make the fields. And for that, I was going to ‘sacrifice’ floor 8 of HomeBase. It wasn’t really a sacrifice, as the floor would stay, but I was going to purge it of all of the monsters that currently habit it. Some of them would be moved to other floors, while others would have to … disappear. 

After clearing the floor, I turned the floor into a non-monster zone with a customized version of Ground Collapse. I had to use a custom version, because normal Ground Collapse would also prevent my avatar dolls from coming here, as they are considered monsters. But with a customized version, I was able to make one that only prevented ‘regular monsters’ from coming here. Sure it might lead to a few monsters appearing here, but as long as we collect some data, we should be fine.


I then began doing something I wasn’t sure would work. I turned floor 8 from a normal underground cavern into a field dungeon floor. … that makes no sense. Basically, I turned floor 8, which used to be a large underground cavern, into a gigantic underground biome, like the floors beyond floor 35 are. With an artificial sky and everything. This way, we would have a huge area we could use to make multiple crop fields, and even do things like fruit orchards. 

After I confirmed that the floor had transformed as I wanted, it was time to make a basic scheme on how I wanted everything laid out. All the irrigation, walking paths and so on, as well as where things would be planted. I mean, different things need different environments. And lucky for me, my Aromage monsters were quite knowledgeable on that subject, so we quickly began working on the plan. 

With the help of my Aromage monsters, we made a scheme for how the irrigation channels and walking paths would work, and while I was laying them out, I let the Aromages take care of turning the ground into farmland. 

It took me a while, but eventually all the irrigation channels, walk ways, and even sprinklers were set up, and since the Aromages had completed their part, it was time to plant some stuff.

Because this floor was still in the test phase, I decided to not go too far with the plants, so I only planted wheat, potatoes and rice. As well as a few fruit trees. Then I, well the Aromages did it, spread some plant growth potion on them, so we could see faster results. The potion was something I found in the Chaos God Dungeon catalog, and I wanted to test it out, but I didn’t want to solely rely on it. But since the potion only accelerates growth instead of enabling it, using it was a good way to test if plants could grow here in the first place. With the potion, the stuff we planted should be harvestable in about a week, so I’ll be sure to keep an eye on this place.

For lunch, I joined my workers for the meal. It was actually quite common for me to eat with everyone, but sometimes I did have dinners with just Alice and Lua. 

Not all of my workers were open to the lunches with their Lord, but after a few ones, they began to open up to it. I think Olia, Unika’s mother, was the one that was the most against it, but even she came around eventually. 

It was always a nice time to catch up with everyone. Sure I hear the reports about their going ons from Endy, but I prefer hearing it from them directly. And for now, I don’t have too many people on HomeBase yet, so I can still do this. Sadly, if I keep growing this place as planned, there is a full chance I won’t be able to do this in the future, but for now it isn’t something I’m planning on stopping. Especially at the moment when both Alice and Lua are out on their missions. It is lonely eating by myself.

After dinner, it was time for my daily … well almost daily, practice. The daily part is sword, shield, Space and Time magics, and of course there are also the days I practice the special skills like the Draconic Skills, Soul Magic, and Spirit Magic. 

And with my practice had come a few new levels. Well, all of the levels were from Level Up!, but I do have to earn the permission to level up my skills from my teacher monsters. … if I don’t, bad things will happen.

But anyway, my new and higher status.


So yeah. Not much has changed, because I am a lot more conservative with my Level Ups, but getting another level in Space Magic is good. Of course there is Telekinesis, but that one falls under my own jurisdiction, and Shield Technique is just a nice boost. Different Dimension Factory leveled up to Level 6 when I got to level 140 by the way. It definitely does feel like that skill is somehow linked with my overall level, as it always levels up when I reach some even number. Not like it levels up every ten levels, but more like whenever it does get a level, I’m always at an even 10.

Next time I use a Level Up on myself, I think I’ll get a boost to my Mana Control. I haven’t really boosted it in a while, but it will likely be useful. I am getting more and more magic skills, so better Mana Control will help. It might even help with Time Magic, even though I don’t have the skill for Time Magic yet.

After the training, and then a bath to wash the sweat off, I headed down to the ground below. Aka. I headed to the capital. Cressida wanted to see me, so after Endy reported that she had returned to the Sawyer manor, I beamed myself down there so I could meet with her.

Cressida’s business with me was something quite simple. I was to meet the Second Queen, well there is only one Queen so I don’t really need to call her the second Queen. I was going to have a meeting with her in a few days, and Cressida wanted to tell me about it. 

It was going to take place in the Queen’s villa, aka. the building where we saw Princess Nevelle exit. I was also asked to prepare a present to the Queen, so that was going to be something I needed to work on. Maybe I really should make those resurrection items I’d planned. That would make for a good gift. I’ll make like 3 or 4 of them, so that we can prove that they work. … that sounds grim. Killing someone just so I can prove that my resurrection item works. … maybe I shouldn’t do that after all. But at the same time, if I use a card like Tribute to the Doomed, the death will be relatively painless compared to something like being stabbed with a sword.


… yeah. I’m starting to think maybe that is a bad idea. Perhaps some sort of Mist Body based accessory that makes the wearer unaffected by all physical attacks would be better.


Or even an accessory that deploys an automatic barrier when the holder is attacked. Making one like that would be super simple, as the HomeBase access devices already have that function, so all I’d have to do is design the new accessory and use HomeBase to make a few of them. That honestly might be for the best.

But I do still want to see if I can make an auto resurrection device, so I’ll work on that for a bit. Even if I won’t give one to the Queen, it is good to have access to one, if I ever need one.

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