Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.338 XYZ summon

CH.338 XYZ summon

My work on HomeBase security held me busy for the next few days. During that time, a few things of note happened.

One, Unika and her family officially moved to HomeBase, so that was nice. They were still getting used to living here, so I hadn’t pushed Valoa to have any magic lessons yet, but those will start soon. And Unika hadn’t yet taken her place as an instructor for Einar on Tamer’s Paradise.

Two, Lua made contact with the dhampirs of the safe village close to the capital. We hadn’t yet done the curing, but we have plans for it, so I will have to stop my security work for that. Well, more like pause, but the days I spent working on security, I finished the new and improved access devices.

So let’s go over what they now do. Previously, I gave out either rings or bracelets with a magic stone that when activated would call down a teleportation beam from HomeBase. Wearing one would also allow you to see HomeBase and the teleportation beams.

The improved versions had a few other features. … still no owner lock. I really need Owner’s Seal.


But they did come with an emergency protection protocol. It would auto-activate, thank you for all of my Trap cards for getting me the tech to do that, and after activating, it would send a signal to HomeBase about the holder being in trouble. It would also put up a magic barrier around them, which could keep them safe from most things. It would only last about 30 minutes, plus a bit longer if the wearer imputed their own mana into it, but 30 minutes will hopefully be long enough for anything that we need. And just in case it isn’t, the emergency protocol also deactivates the device's access to HomeBase, until it is reactivated on HomeBase. This was just an additional ‘just in case’, so that they couldn’t be used, if someone somehow managed to steal one.

The new access devices came in a few different looks. No rings this time, as I couldn’t fit all of this stuff into a ring, but we did have both bracelets and wrist watches. I really liked the wrist watch idea, as the capital does have some wrist watches and they are somewhat popular with servants of nobles. And yes, the watch does show the time, so it is an actual functional wrist watch. The bracelets just look good, but that is all that really matters, right?

Anyway, outside of that, despite Endy and the rest keeping an eye on the surface, we hadn’t spotted anyone looking towards HomeBase for alarmingly long times, so still no clue who saw us. We also haven’t spotted Nel, despite it having been a week since she entered that house. There should be no way she is in there for that long, without having to go out to purchase food and stuff. Maybe I really should send a spy to check that out. I could use one of my monsters, and even if they get caught, I could just unsummon them and get the info from them in the Factory. And if they die, I can Monster Reborn them back and get the info that way.


But that is neither here nor there, as I have something more important to do. Lua needs me. Well, to be honest, she could cure the village herself, but I’m the one with the System mission about it, so I should be the one to do it. Even if I think I already have every Vampire card ever printed. But I can always get additional copies.

Lucky for me, Lua had already taken care of most of this stuff. She really is amazing. I was able to just fly off of HomeBase and head for the dhampir village, which was about as far from the capital as Green town was. So about 3-ish hours in a regular carriage, one hour in my super carriage and just a minute in Gradius.


I never even landed in the village, instead just jumping out of Gradius, unsummoning the ship, and then fell to the village entrance, using Telekinesis to slow down my fall.

And I actually have a special plan for this village. Well, kind of. I don’t know if you remember, but I never summoned a certain group of monsters that I got when I cured the last village, so this time I will. It is time for the first XYZ summons. Let’s see how these bad boys work.

I let Lua introduce me to the villagers, before I got to work. This village was the largest yet, with a total of 57 dhampirs living here. There were also a few stable dhampirs living in the capital, but I’ll let Lua cure them. Sure I will lose out on the rewards, but I already have almost every Vampire card, and I should get the last few from this village.

“Alright. So two Level 5 Zombie monsters to start. Giant Axe Mummy. Patrician of Darkness. Appear.” I first summoned my two materials and then I used them for the XYZ summon. “I overlay my two Level 5 Zombies to XYZ summon. Appear, Rank 5, Crimson Knight Vampire Bram.”


… what do you mean that my summoning chant is cringe? It isn’t, you are wrong. Summon a freaking XYZ monster yourself. Oh wait, you can’t.

And I think the villagers agree with me that XYZ summoning is cool. At least based on their stupefied facial expressions. But don’t worry, this isn’t the end. I have two, actually make that three, more to summon. Next up, 2+ Level 6 Monsters.

“I summon Malevolent Mech - Goku En, Pumpking the King of Ghosts and Ryu Kokki. With these three monsters, I build the Overlay Network. Xyz Summon. Appear, Rank 6, Dhampir Vampire Sheridan.”


With my stylish Dhampir-man summoned, next up is the outlier. The one reward I got for this dhampir/vampire mission that isn’t even technically a Vampire card. It is also the only Wyrm-monster I have. Thank god it is a generic Rank 6, so I don’t have to do some DNA Surgery tricks to summon it. But I suppose I can use Dragons as the materials for it.

“I summon Sky Dragon and Tyhone #2. With my two Level 6 monsters, I XYZ summon. Appear, Rank 6, Number 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon.”


In hindsight, maybe I shouldn’t have summoned this dragon, Wyrm, but what are you going to do? I was in the XYZs summoning mood. But he is scaring the villagers a bit, so let’s order him to land before I summon the last monster.

Good. Just stay there like the good boy that you are and don’t scare anyone any more. Now, two level 8 monsters.

"I overlay Level 8 Vampire Voivode and Despair from the Dark. With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network. Xyz Summon. Rise from beyond the grave, The Zombie Vampire!"


Now, let’s put the Vampires to work. If these three aren’t enough, I’ll summon more, but I think the three of them can take care of it.

Just The Zombie Vampire was more than capable of curing the entire village, so I had no need to summon out any more monsters. In truth, The Zombie Vampire might be more powerful than Cain, aka. Genesis Vampire Lord. But don’t tell him that I think that. It might start a Vampire civil war or something in the Factory, if Cain learns of that.


For rewards of the curing, I got a bunch of repeat cards, but I did manage to get three cards that I didn’t yet have. … though one of them is barely a Vampire. I got Shadow Vampire, Vampire Dragon and Vampiric Koala. I would complain that Vampiric Koala isn’t a Vampire card, but neither is Dragulas so I’ll let it slide. And I have most of the Vampire cards already, so getting something that almost fits is fine. And I didn’t have Vampiric Koala yet.


In fact, by the end of this village’s curing, Laura notified me that the Dhampir curing System Mission I had had been updated, because of the lack of new rewards.

Mission: Cure the Dhampirs
Goal: Cure dhampirs of their blood curses
Reward: Grants a special reward every 50 cured dhampirs
Note: Rewards may include: Unlocking new Sets, Unlocking new Reprint Sets, Unlocking new Decks and Unlocking new Promo Trades.
Note: Dhampirs cured by Vampire monsters made with Pack Opener or by Holder Lucia also count towards the reward.
Current Status: 0/50

So yeah. I was no longer getting single cards, but instead I would get a bigger reward whenever I reached 50. Also, I’m decently sure I no longer have to be the one to cure them. As long as the one that cures them is Lua, or someone using a Vampire monster from me, it should count. I think. I’ll test it out in the next village. Have Ria summon one of the Vampires she has and have it cure a dhampir. But yeah, in theory, it should work.

I also learned a bit about my XYZ monsters. First, of course after I XYZ summon them, they will have XYZ materials equal to the number of monsters used for their summon. That much is given. Two, if I unsummon one and summon it back, without XYZ summoning it, it will have no materials. Three, I can add XYZ materials to already summoned XYZ monsters, as long as the material I’m trying to add fulfills the summoning condition. 

Let’s use Crimson Knight Vampire Bram. If I want to add more materials to it, while it is summoned, I can add any Level 5 Zombie monsters to be its material at any time I want. … but I cannot exceed the original summoning limit amount. So for Crimson Knight Vampire Bram, I cannot add XYZ material under it if it already has 2 materials.

But for cards like The Zombie Vampire or Dhampir Vampire Sheridan whose summoning condition is 2+ monsters, I can add as many materials as I want. As long as they are the correct level.

Of course like after every curing, the village had a celebration. And I was happy to take part in it. And maybe offer some free Dragon, and Wyrm, riding for the younger dhampirs. … okay, for anyone that wanted to try it. Dragulas was the people’s favorite, but Fiend Skull Dragon was the surprising number 2 favorite. I honestly just summoned him because I haven’t summoned him since the mass fusion summoning fest. I didn’t expect him to actually be popular.


I of course made sure to tell some of the adults about ways of cooking foods using blood, but Lua was already more knowledgeable about it than me, so I’ll just leave it to her. Maybe she should write a cookbook about it? With a bit of help from Tinkhec, she could easily do it.


And I can print them using HomeBase, so we don’t even need a publisher or anything like that. Then we can just give a few copies to each village and maybe some copies to the stable dhampirs as well. That way, all the dhampirs will be able to enjoy great blood-filled foods.

Well, add that to the To-Do list. It is something interesting. 

In the evening, I summoned Victory Viper, so Lua and I could head Home. I do enjoy these dhampir villages, but I really do need to open HomeBase, so I can bring all of these people there, so that Lua won’t have to commute to the villages for the lessons. Sure these large villages are a different thing, but considering that Lua can teach 50 or so dhampirs at the same time, as long as she has help from some Vampire monsters, she could teach two smaller villages at the same time, if we could bring them to one place.

Maybe it really is time to hold the opening celebration for HomeBase?

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