Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.333 Nel and Unika visit HomeBase

CH.333 Nel and Unika visit HomeBase

Getting out of the dungeon was not a big problem. I mean, sure we had to explain how we came across Unika, but explaining that we found an injured adventurer in an area where abnormal monsters were showing up isn’t that strange. At least I think so.

Also, we didn’t have to explain the bed too much, as Lua pulled out some handles it had hidden inside of it, and we had Ria and Agunan ‘carry’ the bed. It looked like an overbuilt stretcher now, not like the magic bed that it is.

We of course also told the guard at the dungeon entrance that we had taken care of at least some sprites in area 2-4-4. I know I most likely took care of all of them, as that nature spirit didn’t ask me to do more, but I still didn’t guarantee that I had managed to take them all down.

We also dropped by the local guild branch. It was manned even though it was basically the middle of the night, so full credit to the people running the show. I made a similar report as I did with the dungeon guard, before I asked for a skilled healer where we could take Unika to.

“I apologize, but I don’t think there is anyone living in the town who could do better.” The guild receptionist told us after Lua explained Unika’s injuries. “I recommend taking her back to the city.”

“... I see. We will do that.” Lua responded.

After we left the guild, Lua turned to me with a request.

“Brian, could you take care of it? I really don’t want to…”

“Yeah. At this point it doesn’t really matter. She has already seen so much that I’ll either have to bribe her or Mind Crush her.” I responded. “But let’s head home first. I don’t want to summon anything here.”


“Can it reach here?” Alice asked.

“Note quite. That is, had it stayed where it was.” I told her. “I had HomeBase move to this city when we decided we were coming up. I’m not sleeping in some random inn when my Home can move. And wasn’t it your idea to head home?”

“... I thought we’d have to take a ship to get back Home.” Alice admitted.

“Well, we don’t. Let’s just find a nice secluded spot and do the deed.”

“... excuse me, but what is this about?” Unika asked.

“I’ll explain later. For now, just know it is nothing shady. At least compared to what you are doing with Nel.”

Because of the time of day, or should I say night, it wasn’t too difficult to find a quiet spot. I then called down a beam from HomeBase, before getting all of us up there.

“Welcome Home, Master.” Nudy was waiting for us just outside the teleportation room. “Do you need anything?”


“I’m home. Prepare two guest rooms, we have people over. Also, Unika has some tamed monsters, so make sure they get fed. Do we have a Beast-Warrior on shift today?”

“Garoozis is active today, Master.” Nudy answered.


“... a lizard, huh. Not a perfect match, but I guess he will do. We will need food for two foxes, so make sure that is taken care of.” I instructed Nudy, before turning to Unika. “You don’t have any more tamed beasts in that paradise, right?”

“... eh… no. No, I don’t.” Unika confirmed. “I have one more. … but it is with my brother in the city.”

“Alright. I won’t keep you here for too long, so you’ll be able to return tomorrow.” I promised her. “Or maybe the day after that, depending on what our doctor says.”

“... where even is here?” Unika asked.

“Sometimes it is better that you don’t know.” I told her.

We quickly got outside so I’d have space to summon the monster I wanted to summon. I had to go a little overboard, since we were dealing with bones, and I don’t have a good earth attribute Spellcaster available. So I’d have to go with something else. Had I done this in the dungeon, I’d likely have used Guardian Angel Joan, but since we are on HomeBase now, I can go a bit further.


“Shinato, King of a Higher Plane.”


Calling out a literal archangel for simple healing might seem like overkill, but you know I like overkill. Better to make sure Unika will be perfect. She is almost innocent in this. She was just paid off by Nel and got into an unlucky situation. At least I think that is what happened.

“Shinato, did Laura fill you in?”

“Yes, Lady Laura made sure to inform me of what is required.”

“Good. Then when you are ready.”

I let the archangel do his work and in a matter of seconds, Unika was perfectly healed. After that, Lua checked her out and agreed that her bones had healed perfectly.

“You may get up now. But please be careful.” Lua told Unika.

Unika first got up to a sitting position, and soon enough she was on her feet. 

“Unika, I think you need to let Nel out of the paradise.” I reminded her, though I also just wanted our other guest here, so I could explain things to both of them at the same time.

“Y-Yes. I shall.” Unika muttered out, perhaps a bit scared because the archangel was still floating next to me.

Unika kneeled down on the ground and put both of her hands forward. Then, without a word, her hands began shining a bit, and with a flash of light, two foxes and one red-headed girl appeared.

“Oh? I’m out? Are we in the … Unika! Where are we? This isn’t the capital!” Nel complained.

“... I’m sorry. I couldn’t… do it.”

“Then where are we?”

“... I’m not sure. He took me here and ordered me to bring you out.” Unika pointed at me.

Nel then turned around and saw me with my archangel just behind me. Her face lost color almost completely, as her eyes scanned Shinato from bottom to top.

“Wh-Wha-What is that? Where am I?” Nel asked in a panic.

“That,” I pointed at Shinato. “Is my archangel, Shinato. I called him here to heal the damage your stupidity caused to Unika.” I purposefully taunted Nel a bit, just to maybe get her to realize that going into a dungeon and trying to go that deep with just two people really won’t cut it. “And this place is my home, HomeBase. I do hope you enjoy your stay.” I said in a slightly sadistic tone, though I will treat Nel just like I would anyone else. Aka. very well. “But for now, please follow Sheou inside. She will show you two to your rooms, and will soon be bringing you food. If you need anything, just ask her. Also, Unika, food will be supplied to your foxes. And you can either have them in your room, or you may leave them in the care of Garoozis. He may look intimidating, but he is quite the caring person, and does a good job of taking care of the tamed beast who lives here.”


Speaking of Garoozis, and Beast-Warriors as a whole, I haven’t yet perfected their avatar dolls. So while the current Beast-Warrior dolls can have tails, they don’t quite do the faces of Beast-Warriors perfect. So instead of Garoozis looking like a lizard-man, he looks more like… well, he looks like himself, except that his face is humanoid, not lizard-like. In short, he is basically a gijinka version of Garoozis.

I left Nel and Unika in Sheou’s care and headed for my room. It was already well past midnight so I want to get to bed soon. By the way, Sheou wasn’t active earlier today, but because of the surprise visitors, I made sure she was in an avatar doll as well. Sure this isn’t an all hands on deck situation, but I do want my house maid available.

[Unika POV]

“... just what is this place?” I heard Nel wondering aloud. 

“As my Master told you earlier, this place is his home. The HomeBase.” The black haired maid answered Nel’s question. She was… strange. Her maid outfit looked like nothing I’ve seen in the capital, and she had a pair of horns poking out of her head. She also has this… aura around her. I think she might be a demon.

There was also that strange lizard person. He seemed… nice, so I was willing to leave Fer and Rum in his care, but they would be returned to me later, after they are fed.

The scales covering his body make him look a bit intimidating, so I was a bit worried, but that was also a reason I left my foxes with him. If he hurts them, I’ll know that I’m in danger. But still, would someone who owns a house like this really have a lizardman working for them? Don’t rich humans hate demi-humans? 

There was also the crimson haired lady. I think they called her Lua. She… I think she is a dhampir. I think she bit me… when I was sleeping. And took a bit of my blood. So maybe that Brian person isn’t a human… even if he looks like a human. Perhaps he is a dhampir like she is?

But what about that blond lady? She also looks like a human, but is she also something else? And that red-scaled lizard man. He had wings. And a tail. Is there a lizard-folk race that has wings?

… or is he? No. There is no way, right? He couldn’t be a … a dragon? But he called that man, Brian, his Master. Could he have tamed a dragon? Is that possible?

… but he summoned an angel. An archangel. I’ve only heard them in the old legends, and even then, could anyone other than the first Saint call forth an angel? So maybe that man is a descendant of the first Saint? But if he was, why would he be going into dungeons? And why would someone like that be in a party with a dhampir? Why would he have a demon maid? This doesn’t make any sense.

“Miss…. Miss.” I realized someone was calling for me, so I gathered my thoughts and looked where I was called from. It was the black haired demon maid.


“This is your room. Please enter and make yourself comfortable. If you need anything, I will be just outside.” As the maid said that, she opened the door for me.

As I walked in, I was expecting a tiny room with just a bed and maybe a small writing desk, like the rooms I have stayed at in inns during travel. But what I saw instead was a massive room, with a bed so large that an entire family could sleep on it, multiple couches and even standing closets, that I have only seen in high-class furniture stores. There also seemed to be a door leading to a different room, so I quickly headed for it and opened the door.

It opened to a full bathroom. With a bathtub and everything. Is this really real? Am I going to stay in this room? How much will I have to pay for all of this?

… should I wash myself? I have been in the dungeon for a while, and I won’t be able to wash myself this well when I get home. … is it alright? Maybe I should go ask?

I made my way back to the door where I had entered from and carefully opened it. And just like she said, the black haired maid was standing in the corridor.

“... excuse me?” I spoke up.

“Yes? Did you need anything?” She asked. Her voice was quite gentle, so it calmed me down a bit. The aura I felt from her earlier also seemed to have disappeared, so that also helped.

“I was … I was wondering about the bath…”

“Oh? Yes. Of course you wouldn’t know how to use it. I apologize for my oversight. I’ll show you how to do so.” The maid quickly said. “I can also wash you, if you would like. We can also prepare some alternative clothes for you, so we can wash what you are wearing during the night. You are lucky that Nudy is available. She will make your clothes sparkle.”

Before I even had time to really think about it and respond, the maid had stripped me of my clothes and practically carried me to the bathtub. And just a few seconds later, she was already washing me.

“Oh. I must apologize again, Miss. I should have asked if I may touch you first. I hope this isn’t something you despise.”

“N-no. Continue…. please.” I really liked her touch. It was so nice and gentle. 

At first she worked on my hair, and then moved down to my body. But as she got to my tail, the maid stopped and asked.

“May I touch your tail?” 

“... yes. It is fine.” I told her.

I know some fox-folk hold their tail in high regard, but for me, it is just an appendage I use to help myself balance. I don’t have the money to keep it all nice and beautiful, so it has been left to be. Perhaps if it was nicer, I’d care about who I let touch it.

The maid was very gentle, even more than she was with my hair, as she washed my tail. I really enjoyed how it felt, but at the same time, it felt terrible knowing that I’d never experience this again.

“Miss. Is something wrong? Did the shampoo get into your eyes?” The maid asked.

“... what? No… I don’t think so?” I answered. But shampoo? Isn’t that the high quality soap only nobles use? Is she using that to wash me?

“I see. It is just that… I noticed that there are tears in your eyes, so I assumed.”

“Tears?” Are there? I felt with my hand, and it did seem to be true. Am I … crying? Why?

“If anything does feel strange, please do tell me immediately. While I have washed cat-folk before, this is my first time washing a fox-folk, so I don’t know if there is something I should avoid.”

“No. Please. … just keep going… as you have. It feels… really good.”

After I got out of the bath, I spotted Fer and Rum eating something from a large bowl. It looked like meat, so I suppose this treatment is extended to them as well. They also looked like they had been washed, so perhaps the green lizard man washed them.

My clothes that the maid took off of me were also gone. Instead, a silken nightgown was laid on the bed and the maid helped me into it, as she explained that my clothes had been sent to be washed, and would be brought to me the following morning.

The silken gown felt great, but I do wonder, how is it perfectly my size? It is even cut in a way that allows my tail to move freely. Did they prepare it for me? But there is no way they could make one this fast, right? This has to belong to one of those cat-folk the maid mentioned, right?

After dressing me in the nightgown, the maid asked if I’d like any snack before sleeping, but I didn’t feel like eating. Honestly, I almost already fell asleep in the bathtub, so I didn't think I’d stay awake until the food arrived, and I told her as much.

So I laid down and the maid placed the blanket over me, making sure I was tucked in well. I haven’t been tucked in since I was a baby, so it felt a bit strange, but also very nice at the same time. I wish I could live like this forever. 

With that thought on the forefront of my mind, I quickly drifted off to sleep.

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