Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.331 Sprite Purifying Mirror

CH.331 Sprite Purifying Mirror

“Please! Help my friend!” The red-head begged us.

“Calm.” Lua quickly told her, as she went to the girl’s side. “You are fine. What happened? Where is your friend?”

“We-We-We were returning to the surface. Then we were attacked by something we couldn’t harm.” The girl explained.

“The sprites.” I quickly realized. Maybe they can’t use magic so they can’t harm the sprites. Then again, her blades should be able to kill sprites if she puts any mana into them, so this could still be a trap. I went ahead and used our System link to tell Alice and Lua as much.

“We can save your friend.” I told the red-head. “Can you show us the way?”

“Wi-Will you really?”

“Yes. Let’s go.” I told her, while still keeping my guard up. This absolutely feels like a trap. But just in case it isn’t, better check it out.

We entered the area where the sprites should be, but just one area of this dungeon was quite large, so just because we were in the correct area, didn’t mean we could instantly spot what was happening.

The red-head then led us through the almost jungle-like vegetation of the dungeon towards where she had left her friend. On the way, Alice asked her more about the situation and she told us a bit about it.

Her name is Nel and she is a B-rank adventurer. She was on a quest in the dungeon, looking into something for some noble. She didn’t really go into detail, but we also didn’t ask. She probably couldn’t even talk about it, considering that she was working for a noble. 

They apparently couldn’t do what was asked of them and had to retreat, but on the way back to the surface, they ran into the sprites, which they didn’t know about, and because neither of them was that skilled in magic, they tried to retreat. But the sprites kept chasing them, so her friend decided to stay behind to try to buy this red-head time to either find help, or escape by herself. 

I have to say, if that is true, full respect to her friend. Not so much for this spoiled princess who cannot even use her magic blades.

“Agunan, Ria. You two take care of other monsters. Lua, Alice and I will deal with the sprites.” I quickly told my squad the battle plan. (Lua. You keep a close eye on that red-head. This might still be a trap.) I gave Lua a separate instruction, just in case this is what I think it might be.

As we kept going, Agunan and Ria did a good job at clearing the way for us. And I was ready to test out my new mirror.

After a bit more running, we began to hear some screams that came from a human, as well as some animalistic screeches. Why would there be animal screeches in a nature/plant based dungeon?

As we finally got through the brush and into a small clearing, I saw where both the screams and screeches were coming from. A group of three foxes was fighting against a dozen or so sprites. And when I say foxes, I mean two of them were literal foxes and one was a fox-folk girl. The fox-folk had purple-ish hair that faded into a more blue color. Her tail was the same, except that it had a perfectly white tip. Agewise, she seemed around the same as the red-head we ran into earlier, so in her early twenties. Her weapon of choice was a bow, though her quiver seemed empty, so she was stuck using it as a melee weapon. And hers wasn’t one that should be used as a melee weapon.

As for the two foxies, they seemed to be tamed monsters. They were iron foxes, a C-rank monster. They had quite tough hide and they were reasonably fast, but were considered weak compared to other C-rank fox monsters, which had a much higher attack stat. They also couldn’t use any magic, which some of the other C-rank foxes could do, so they were about as useless against sprites as … a handgun against a tank? That comparison didn’t make any sense. I should have said a handgun against a ghost or something like that.

Well, to each their own. They must have just not been prepared to handle these sprites, as they are something that doesn’t usually appear in this dungeon, so they must have not been prepared for sprites. And against everything that does appear, a pair of iron foxes isn’t that bad. They can tank hits from plant monsters quite well, so they are a good bait to take the monsters attention.

Anyway, back to what we are supposed to do.

“Agunan, I’ll use you as bait.”

“As you wish, Master.” Agunan agreed, so I activated a card.

“Raregold Armor.”


As I activated the card and equipped it to Agunan, he got a golden glow around him. This golden glow would now hopefully attract the attention of the sprites. As well as any other monster in the area. And it seemed to work just fine, as the sprites turned from the foxes towards Agunan.

“Lua, Alice. Go heal the fox-girl. I’ll deal with the sprites.” I changed our battle plan quickly. “Ria, keep an eye out for other monsters.”

I confirmed that everyone was doing as ordered, before I activated my newest custom card.

“Sprite Purifying Mirror!”


After I activated the card, a large floating mirror appeared next to me. I could control where it floated either by moving it by hand, or with telekinesis, but it never did touch the ground. I somewhat wanted to look at it myself, but this wasn’t the time for it. Instead, let’s use it as I think I should use it.

I moved the mirror to float above where Agunan stood, just tanking attacks from the sprites. Then I turned it to face the sprites, before lowering it so that the sprites, who were focused on Agunan, had no choice but to look at the mirror.

As the little sprites looked at their mirror image, they froze in the air. No longer did they try to control the vines to attack, nor did they shoot razor sharp leaves at us. They just … stood there, not doing much. Well, to be accurate, the sprites float in the air. They don’t actually stand.

And because the sprites stopped doing anything, the forest around us became almost quiet. It still wasn’t completely quiet, but it wasn’t loud by any means. It was about as quiet as you’d expect a quiet forest to be.

I focused on watching the spirits, excuse me sprites. And as I was still a Spiritual Human, I could see a literal change in them. Their color mainly. It went from a dark green, which they had been, to a lot lighter green, as a black mist left their body. The black mist was likely miasma.

Eventually, one by one, the now purified spirits began to disappear.

“That worked a bit too well, wouldn’t you say?” Alice commented.

“Well, they were all just lesser spirits.” I defended myself. “If the mirror didn’t work on them, that would have been bad.”

With my spirit eyes, I knew quite well what had happened to the sprites. They had been purified by my mirror, before quickly returning to the spirit world after they were fully purified.

This in itself was nothing bad. It was actually the perfect result. Except for the part where those results had been seen by two random adventurers. I don’t think I need to tell you this, but purifying sprites isn’t exactly normal.

And as if things couldn’t get any worse, soon after the purified spirits disappeared, something else appeared to take their place. It was a lady who used a local plant as a focus point. At first, it looked like the plant was growing in size, and I was actually worried that it had absorbed the miasma that I just let out of the sprites, but when the clearly humanoid form began to take shape on top of the flower, I realized something else was going on. 

And of course having spiritual eyes didn’t make it more difficult to spot that what was happening was something caused by spirits.

When she had finished growing, a being that had some resemblance to an alraune stood before us. Half-plant, half-human. Well spirit really, but spirits do look relatively humanoid.

“Hero. It is a pleasure to meet you.” The nature spirit spoke to me. “I thank you for, taking care of my kin.”

“Glad to be of service.”

“In return, I’d like to grant you my blessing. Will you accept it? Both you and the great fire dragon?” The spirit asked.

I quickly looked at Agunan, questioning what he wanted. The dragon soon responded to me.

“I do not believe that a nature spirit would help me that much, but if my Master wants me to, I shall accept the blessing.”

“It might come in handy.” I told Agunan, before I turned back to the spirit. “Yes. We shall accept your blessing, great spirit.”

This spirit was indeed greater, just like that water spirit that once blessed me. I still somewhat want to meet a superior spirit, as they are the highest ranked spirits, but maybe at some point. For now, let’s just take the new spirit's blessing and be done with it.

After the spirit gave us her blessing, she disappeared just as suddenly as she had shown up. And with that, I took a peek at my status.


Of course I got the new Nature Spirits Blessing (Greater) title, and by extension the Summon Nature Spirit (extra) skill. But I also had one other thing that just appeared out of nowhere. The racial Spirit Magic.

Agunan also got quite a bit more powerful. I think his mana increased by around 400 or so, and his HP also shot up a bit.

“... Sir? May I ask about..?”

“Don’t. You’ll get out of this with a lot less of a headache.” I warned Nel.

“But… but…”

“Again, be warned. Continuing the questioning will just get you a headache.”

“I already have one, so I’ll take the risk. That was a spirit, wasn’t it?” Nel asked.

“Sure was.” I confirmed.

“... and it came here… because you did something to the sprites?”


“But you didn’t kill the sprites. You… purified them?”


“... is that even possible?”

“For most, no. But I can do it.”

“Because you are the Hero?”

“I don’t consider myself a hero, even if the spirits call me that.”

“... I see.”

“So, what about you two? Will you be heading to the surface now?” I asked Nel.

“... I don’t know. Unika is injured, so it might be difficult.”

That was actually something somewhat bad. Despite Lua healing the fox-folk girl, Unika, she was still not in a situation where she could fight. Her injuries had included some broken bones, and while Lua was able to heal the hairline fracture in her tibia, she still had three broken ribs that Lua wasn’t willing to heal. Lua claimed that with her skills, the likelihood of her healing the ribs wrong was quite high, so it would be better to get the girl to someone better at dealing with broken bones. And while I had a few monsters that could heal Unika’s broken ribs, it might be better to just get her outside the dungeon.

And, you know, I still don’t fully trust this girl. She just feels off to me. But maybe I can bait her to get more information. Let’s offer her something and see what happens.

“... I see. I would offer you to come with us, but that isn’t really much better. We still have to go all the way to area 5-4-7 for rue moss, and while I know we can keep you safe, it will be quite the journey.”

“Y-you are going there?” Nel asked, with just a hint of panic in her voice.

“That is our quest, so yes. Why? Is there something there we should know?”

“It… it is right next to area 6. What if… what if one of the S-rank monsters attacks you?”

“Do you think we can’t take care of that?”

“I … I’m not sure. But they are S-rank monsters. What if you get injured?”

“Then we will heal. Don’t worry about us. We will be fine. Worry about how you two are going to get outside. As I said, I don’t mind you coming along with us, but you will have to keep up. I guess we could also escort you two outside for a small fee, if you prefer that.”

“... I… I understand. May I have a moment. To speak with Unika?”

“Sure. We will take a bit of distance, but still keep guard.”

“Brian, what do you think?” Alice asked.

“That Nel girl. She is a noble. Most likely.” I admitted.

“What gives that away?”

“Both her speech and her equipment. Actually, her rank is also questionable. But first, the way she speaks is… artificial. She seems like someone who has been taught to speak formally, but is trying to speak casually. And her equipment is extremely high quality for a B-rank adventurer, so she likely gets money from things other than adventuring. And her skills. If she really was a legit B-rank, she should know how to use her blades to kill sprites.”

“... then, should we ask for her guild card?”

“She might have a B-rank card. But she is still likely artificially carried to that rank by adventurers she paid to be in a party with her.”

“That isn’t too uncommon.” Lua added. “Some nobles do just pay adventurers to complete quests for them, while they get all of the guild rewards, and thus the eventual rank ups. As an adventurer, It is a great way to make some extra cash if you aren’t aiming for a rank up, as nobles generally pay around double the regular quest reward. At least from what I’ve heard.”

“But wouldn’t she have to have at least some skills to take part in the fighting tests?” Alice asked.

“Most adventurers never have fighting tests.” Lua stated. “They just level up slowly while they complete many quests of their rank. Then at some point the guild will allow them to try a quest of a higher rank, and if they complete it, they get the rank up.”

“Ah. I get it. So she has done that and bought high quality equipment, but she can’t really use it.”

“Most likely. Sure there is also a chance that she has just never run into sprites, or other monsters that are unaffected by physical attacks, but that sounds doubtful.” 

“And even if that was the case, had she taken part in any guild lessons, she would have learned about them.” Lua pointed out. “And magic weapons are one of the counters the guild always speaks about.”

“... I still think we should help.” Alice said. “It won’t take that long for us to take them to the entrance.”

“I do agree. We should help.” I agreed with Alice. “They aren’t bad people.”

“I guess your assumption was wrong.” Ria said jokingly. 

“Yes, it was. But better safe than sorry.” I admitted.

As we kept joking and speaking about nothing in particular, Nel came back to get us. Apparently they had made a decision.

“... would it be possible… for us to come with you?” Nel asked.

“Why? That is the most dangerous thing you can do.” I pointed out.

“I … we know. But… our quest. It is in area 5-3-7. If possible, could you take us there? And then back to the surface? I’ll pay any price you ask.” Nel told us.

I looked at my team with a ‘I said so’ look. So Nel really is an artificial B-ranker. This time, she just got unlucky.

“I guess that much of a detour won’t be too bad.” I said. “But all the monsters we kill are for us only. You better have your dungeon points you need for your drop.”

“... so you will? Thank you so much.” Nel immediately thanked us.

“Yeah. Yeah. It isn’t that big of a deal. Come on. Let’s make something that can carry Unika. I don’t think she should walk yet.” 

“I … I can walk.” Unika spoke up, and tried to get on her feet.

“No. No you won’t. Not before a doctor checks out your leg and heals your ribs. You will just make things worse.” Lua quickly made sure Unika didn’t hurt herself. “Brian. The medical bed if you would.”

“Fine. Fine. I’ll bring it out.”

What I brought out was a medical bed of Lua’s own design. Well, almost. After I got Ambulanceroid and Ambulance Rescueroid, Lua got interested in the movable beds they had. She made a copy of one of them and shoved it into the Dungeon Founder’s item developer before improving it a bit. She removed the wheels and replaced it with a magic circle that could float the bed. She also added a barrier spell and a healing spell to it. All powered by a magic stone linked to the Citadel core.

In short, a floating emergency bed that had healing and barrier functionalities. I wasn’t sure if I’d want to bring out something like that in front of random adventurers, but if Lua wants to, I won’t say no. The bed was actually quite OP, as it could keep someone who was on the brink of death from dying, as long as they were on it, and the barrier could stop Alice’s Dark Blaster spell. Her Darkness Blaster would pierce straight through though.

We moved Unika to the bed, and got her injured iron foxes there as well, before we decided it was time to move. We still have a quest to complete.

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