Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.326 Meeting the Second Prince

CH.326 Meeting the Second Prince

Going from the wannabe interrogation, I spent one peaceful day just… doing what I felt like doing. Well, I did have a few jobs up on HomeBase that involved me taking off in Victory Viper XX03 so I could visit a few cities and towns some distance away. I’m sure you can figure out what said business was.


And I guess this is about as good of time as any to talk about the Victory Viper. Its size is nearly identical to Gradius, so just under twenty meters in length. For speed, like Gradius, Victory Viper could travel at speeds of up to mach 25 in atmosphere, without causing sonic booms. They can actually go faster, but past that, it will cause sonic booms, so I basically never exceed mach 20 with either of the ships, just to have a safety margin. Maybe if I had a major emergency to get to, but haven’t had one of those yet. Well, Alice fighting the behemoth was one, but with a trip that short, going from mach 20 to mach 30 or even above would only have cut the travel time down a few seconds.

Anyway, back to Victory Viper. Like with Gradius, I had installed a few cards into it. Because it is a Machine-type monster, I went with the standard Machine Conversion Factory and defensive 7 Completed installs.


I also added Power Capsule, as it is a Spell card dedicated to the Victory Viper XX03. It would allow me to activate any of Victory Viper XX03’s effects whenever I wanted, with a five minute cooldown. So I could boost my ships firepower, interrupt incoming spells or destroy stationary spell circles, or summon Option Tokens, which were just small drone things. 


In short, Victory Viper XX03 isn’t that much more special than Gradius, as the only thing it has over Gradius is the effect to destroy spells/traps. But I guess the one advantage it has over Gradius is that Victory Viper needs only 3 installs to get all those cool features, while Gradius needs 4. So it is a bit better, but I will still be using both of them, depending on which one I’ll feel like using.

The next day, I dressed up in my suit and got to the ground to meet up with Cressida. I was going to be riding to the Royal castle with her. I somewhat wanted to bring Lua and Alice with me, but Cressida said I shouldn’t just yet, as my meeting with the Prince was unofficial at best, so bringing a large group would look bad.

Now as for where we were headed, you might assume I’d meet with the Prince at the Royal castle, and you are somewhat correct, but also not. We were within the walls of the castle walls, but not inside the central building. And as far as I know, that very central building is the castle itself, so I both was and wasn’t inside the castle. I guess I should call this area the outer castle and the building itself the inner castle. Maybe. 

But yeah. Within the castle walls, there were multitudes of buildings that weren’t the inner castle, and we were headed to one of them. The one that held the office of the second Prince.

On our way here, we went through two inspections. First was at the castle walls, where Cressida showed her access pass, as well as an invite letter she herself wrote on behalf of the second Prince. That felt just a bit shady, but what are you gonna do? It had the Prince’s seal, so it was an official letter.

The second was before I was able to enter the building where the second Prince’s office was located. It was an actual inspection, where the guard checked me for hidden weapons and stuff like that. Cressida didn’t go through one of those though, so she seems to be trusted. But still. What is the point of inspecting me for hidden weapons? I have Storage, Collection and now also Himeśaila. How would they keep me from using any of those? Not that I want to kill the Prince, but I think I got my point across. I have ways of sneaking weapons in, that wouldn’t be picked up by a body search. And even if I didn’t, and even if they could somehow block my skills, as long as they can’t reduce my stats, I’m at quite the superhuman level.

Well all of this leads to one thing. Security in this world must be a bitch. For me, it is easy. I just set Negate Attack on myself. But for others, maybe some items like that ring of poison detection I gave to Baron Peks. If that is the case, maybe I should look into ways of making items that auto resurrect you when you die. I think I could make one with Rope of Life, and if I could, I’m sure it would sell. And if I only sell it to people that have connections, with the excuse that they are ‘difficult to make’, I could get connected to people in even higher positions. … not that I’m lacking in that aspect.


“Your Highness, it is a pleasure to meet you again.”

“Don’t be like that Brian. I thought we were friends.” Prince Elias responded.

“... and I thought this counted as ‘official business’, so I was trying to act accordingly, but I can be more normal, Elias.”

“Much better. Now we can talk as equals. None of that ‘Your Highness’. Besides, if we went with that, I almost feel like I should be the one talking up to you.”

“... that would be strange. I can’t have a Prince holding me in high regard.”

“I feel it is more strange that most of the country still doesn’t know about you. But don’t worry. We will get you there.”

“... please don’t. I really don’t need it.”

“Still working towards it.”

“I blame the Goddess for that. If someone else could do what I do, I would leave it to them. But that isn’t exactly an option.”

“I wasn’t referring to what happened in Oroco city. Even in the few days you’ve been in the capital, you’ve already gotten yourself on the tabloid.”

“Again, not my fault. Blame that James guy. Why is he even allowed to walk the streets?”

“We don’t really have a choice. There are plenty of people that would love nothing more than tossing him in prison, but he is one of the two S-rank adventurers of the capital. We need him to get some of the difficult to get resources from the nearby dungeon, as well as for defending the capital from monsters that try to attack.”

“... I see. Perhaps I should do something about that…”

“Could you?”

“... probably. I have access to people who can teach some super advanced techniques. So with time, I could definitely get someone to be on the level of an S-rank adventurer. At least I think I could. And even if I couldn’t, if I can get someone that has the Card Summoner skill, I can give them a card, or cards, that will equal the fighting power of an S-rank adventurer. Sure it won’t be quite the same, but the effect will stay.”

“Planning on starting a school then?”

“Maybe. But my idea was more like… what did the guild call them again? A clan, I think it was. Making an adventuring clan that can serve as basically my own private security force. Using my monsters to teach them skills, and maybe even having them acquire the Card Summoner skill, so they will be even stronger. … as long as that is acceptable.”

“It would be difficult. Honorary nobles aren’t allowed to have private military forces. Of course there is a simple way around that. We can just make you a permanent noble. Sure it would come with challenges of its own, but I don’t think most would argue about your accomplishments.”

“Well some still do. Like that knight captain. Baron Woody Arrow. He was… unhappy with what I did on the streets two days ago.”

“There might be a reason for that. Cressida, did you tell Brian about the rumors?”

Rumors? There are rumors about me? Who on earth would spread rumors about me?

“No, your Highness. I never had a good opportunity for that.” Cressida answered the Prince’s question.

“I see. Then I shall fill you in.”

In short, a little after the Prince left the capital for the travels to Sawyer city, a rumor began to spread of a new dungeon founder. Aka. me. It said that the founder was a crazy person, who would do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. The main thing that the founder would be known for is summoning dragons in towns and cities, disturbing people’s lives and causing panic. And because he was ‘the new dungeon founder’, he was never held accountable for his actions.

And for some reason, what I did with drunken master James really didn’t help in that regard, as I did literally what the rumors said I would do. I summoned a dragon in the middle of the city. Sure I did it basically in self defense, but even still, some people already saw me as ‘the bad guy’, so this definitely didn’t help.

“... maybe I should just leave then. If the capital doesn’t want me, I don’t need it.”

“No. No. No. Don’t even joke about that.” Cressida stopped me. “You will make it even worse.”

“... do you think I really care? I mean, I do, but realistically, I can just say no. I don’t need to protect the capital. You have the great master James for that, right?”

“Oh, don’t even. You of all people should know he isn’t all that he is put up to be.” Elias said.

“... he actually is decently strong.” I admitted. “He moves at speeds that rival some of my stronger Warrior monsters. He took a Mirror Force to the face, and didn’t die. He took a frost breath from an ice dragon, while chained up by Shadow Spell, and didn’t die. That is quite something.”

“If you say so. But still, that drunk almost causes more problems than he solves. I really wish he could just keep himself from drinking, and maybe he would be someone people would look up to. Not someone everyone fears.”

“Yeah. Fully agreed on that.”

We did eventually get to actual business, like talking about a potential meeting with His Majesty the King, but that was one of those ‘eventually’ things. Apparently, I’d at least need to meet the second Queen first, as she was some sort of a ‘litmus test’. By the way, the second Queen wasn’t the mother of Elias, nor his older brother the Crown Prince, but instead a wife the King took after the first Queen died when Elias was still young.

For the meeting with the Queen, Prince Elias promised he would take care of it with haste. I was extremely happy that he was so willing to help me, as it really is something that I don’t want to take care of. Having connections is the best. Maybe I should invite him to HomeBase grand reveal as well? Just as a way to show him my gratitude.

I left the castle before Cressida, as she still had the rest of the workday ahead of her. Lucky for me, I have a carriage. Unlucky for me, I don’t have a horse or a coachman for it. Well, I kind of do, but a Zebra and a spellcaster do not make a coachman and a horse. And I’m not at all sure if summoning something here is a good idea.


But I didn’t have to worry about that in the end, as the Sawyer family’s carriage was still here, and Cressida ordered the driver to take me home. I didn’t realize that it was always her plan to have this carriage take me back, but I do really appreciate it, so full points to her. Maybe I should make her something nice as a thanks. I need to prepare a gift to for Prince Elias as well. Maybe I can make something interesting with the materials from the Ursa Major. That could be cool. Some real space bear stuff.

Yeah. I think I’ll spend my afternoon designing some stuff with the Ursa materials.

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