Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.323 Summoner race

CH.323 Summoner race

I watched over at Eline as she made a contract. It basically involved her setting out terms on how often she could summon the mountain lion, and how much mana she would need to use to do so. 

The lion for his part basically agreed with all of Eline’s conditions, perhaps because of his literal death experience, or maybe because Eline just has a natural affinity towards cat-type monsters. Or maybe a combination of both. Though I did later learn that they were the same conditions as what Eline had with her lightning tiger, so maybe that death experience really did nothing.

{Raw… raw…} The lion communicated, but of course Eline didn’t understand it. But I kind of could, as I would send that audio clip to the Factory, where Laura could show it to a monster that understands both beast and humanoid languages and they could translate it for us. In this case, our translator was Lady Panther.


“He wants you to give him a name.” I told Eline.

“So… it accepted my terms?” Eline questioned. 

“Yes, it did. Naming the lion should seal the contract.”

“... …” Eline was quiet for a while, as if thinking of a name. She then turned to me and asked. “Brian… would you give him a name on my behalf? Like you named my brother’s tiger?”

“I guess I can.” I agreed and quickly thought of different names. It didn’t take me too long to come up with two options. This is a mountain lion, right? So maybe I should name him after the lion king of the Pride Rock. Pride Rock is basically a small mountain, right? So that would mean those two lions are mountain lions. 

“How about Mufasa?” I suggested. “It is the name of the Lion King of the Pride Rock, a legend where I come from.”

“Mufasa?” Eline spoke aloud the name as if testing it. “... I’ve never heard of that legend.”

“I can tell you more about it some other time.” I think I can even recreate the movie with the help of Tahlia, and then we can watch the movie. And I can just say that the animals in it are monsters or something. And we can understand them because it was translated from beast language to human language. … though explaining movies is way bigger of a problem in the first place.

“Then yes. Thank you, Brian.” Eline said, before turning back to the mountain lion. “Your name is Mufasa. I hope you like it.”

The lion perked its head up and looked at Eline. Then it bowed to her again, accepting the name and completing the contract. Eline entered the magic circle where the lion was, petting it for a bit, before the tiger began to vanish, as the magic circle below them also lost its shine. 

Eline stepped out of the circle and I took a very close look at it. This one was just drawn on the dirt, so I wanted to confirm it was still good to go for a second try. Sadly, it was clearly somewhat damaged from the lion's paws, as well as us splitting it open with Fissure, so there was no way I could reuse this magic circle for my own attempt. I’d have to draw a new one. 

Maybe a bit more permanent one by carving one into stone? I could even link the HomeBase mana lines into it, so that the circle will fill itself as long as someone puts a small amount of mana into the circle first. That way, the mana should still carry the individuality of the person’s mana, while also being something that people with low amount of mana can fill up.

… or I’ll just make a few of them at different sizes. That would probably be the best.

As I was pondering that, I heard Eline speaking. Or maybe I should call it chanting.

“Please respond to my call and come to my side. Mountain lion Mufasa.”

After Eline spoke aloud the short chant, a mass of mana began to form next to Eline. It then took on the shape and size of a large lion, before the shine of mana vanished, and the familiar lion stood next to Eline.

“He looks good. I hope he will be a great help to you.” I told Eline.

“Thanks. I really like Mufasa too.”

“You should take him for a ride. Show him off to the others.”

“... may I?”

“Of course. The yard isn’t private or limited. Just be careful not to crash into anyone, so maybe stay off the laid paths.”

“Thank you.” Eline said, before she turned back to the lion. She then hopped up, so she could mount the lion. After she took a good seat on the lion’s back, the two took off. First at a slow speed, before soon accelerating a reasonable running speed.

“... I guess I need to fix this lawn…” I muttered, as I turned back to the damaged grass that had been left from our successful experiment. “Aromage Cananga.” I called one of my Plant-type monsters out the … I was going to say help me, but let’s be honest, I’ll just dump all of this work onto her. She will have this grass fixed in a matter of seconds.


After the lawn was fixed, I went to where Eline was showing her lion off to the others. Some of them were proud of her, but I could definitely see some amount of jealousy from some of the new hires. Almost like they were disappointed that I didn’t show the same kindness towards them, as what I’d shown to Einar, Eline and Wilma. I will, eventually. I just want you all to get a bit more used to everything first.

Then I teleported myself to the depths of the dungeon. I wanted to try summoning something myself, but I feel like it might be better if I do it somewhere… not so out in the open. I’m not sure what I will get from the circle, so better safe than sorry.

Where I ended up was the ‘water forest’ floor of HomeBase. Also known as floor 35. The floor filled with aqua treants, rain birds and had a rainstorm bird as a floor boss.

This was as good of a place as any for my own first summoning. Well, local summoning. I looked for a good opening in the forest, until I realized, all these trees are treants. And I can command them. So instead of looking for a clearing, I ordered the treants to make me one.

Then I drew a large magic circle on the ground. Eline’s was 7 meters in diameter and she got a B-rank summon. I kind of want to aim for an S-rank. Sure it might be risky, but I should be able to do so. So let’s draw a 15 meter circle.

It took me a little while to draw the circle and all the details it needed, but in about 20 minutes, I was done.

“... okay. Here goes nothing.” I said as I began pouring massive amounts of mana into the magic circle. In total, this magic circle took just about 3500 mana to fill up, aka. about half of my mana pool.

After the circle was completely full of magic, I waited for something to appear. 

And I waited.

And waited.

And waited…

“... is it drawn wrong?” I questioned, as nothing was appearing. The magic circle was already beginning to lose its shine and I had used a Pitch-Black Power Stone to fill up on mana.


(No. It is well within the usable limits.) Laura said. (... it is more likely that you don’t have an affinity towards Summoning Magic, so the circle did nothing.)

(... but I literally have the Summoner as a potential race I could have evolved into. I even have the Summoner’s Unity skill.)

(But you aren’t a Summoner at this moment, are you?) Laura pointed out.

“... oh.” Yeah. I guess I’m currently a Spiritual Human, so I could follow the movements of mana better.

I quickly opened up the menu of my unique-racial skill.

Human ☐
Advanced Human ☐
Swordsman ☐
Sorcerer ☐
Summoner ☐
User or Rare Skills ☐
Dragon Hearted ☐
Spiritual Human ☑
[Change to selected Race]

I then swapped my selection to Summoner, only to receive a notice.

It is possible to pick a race with a class-race. Please pick either Human or Advanced Human with Summoner.

“... oops. I guess I should have used some of those races so I would have known of that.” I admitted. I only ever use Dragon Hearted or Spiritual Human, so I didn’t know that I could effectively pick two races at the same time, if I had a ‘class-race’. And out of my available races, four were ‘class-races’. Swordsman, Sorcerer, Summoner and User or Rare Skills.

Well, let’s just pick Advance Human to go along with Summoner and I’ll be set.

Human ☐
Advanced Human ☑
Swordsman ☐
Sorcerer ☐
Summoner ☑
User or Rare Skills ☐
Dragon Hearted ☐
Spiritual Human ☐
[Change to selected Race]

As I hit the button, I felt the small change in my body, like I always do when I change races. Though going from a Spiritual Human to a Summoner (Advanced Human) was a lot less than going from Spiritual Human to Dragon Hearted.

Now then. I’m a Summoner. Let’s try this again.

I once again filled the summoning circle with mana, and this time, I felt an immediate response. Because as more mana entered the magic circle, it began to feel as if the air around me was … shaking. It wasn’t the ground, but the air. It was turbulent, but not windy. Moving, but also still. It was…

“Cold!” I cried out a bit, as I realized that the temperature of the forest had fallen a ton.

I quickly took my hoodie as well as my armored jacket out of Storage, using the Storage’s clothing change feature to instantly put them on me. I also took a pair of long johns I made just in case I was in a cold environment and put them on under my regular jeans. With Storage, of course.

The extra clothing helped me deal with the rapidly deteriorating temperature, as I waited for what would appear. 

The mana emanating from the magic circle slowly took form. Its shape was that of a long necked being that stood on all fours, with a pair of wings spreading from its back. Then, once it had taken shape, the textures started appearing on the dragon. Scales of clear ice, looking almost like diamonds. Wings with a perfectly clear membrane, supported by white leading edges. And horns, just as shiny and diamond looking as the scales. From its mouth, cold air came out with every breath.

This has to be an ice dragon. By size, it was quite small when it came to dragons, only about 15 meters on my not so patented dragon measuring scale. Though my estimations might be a bit off, as this dragon is on all fours, instead of standing on its hind legs. If I use what I learned about dragon sizes generally showing their power, then this dragon should be an intermediate ice dragon. Well, it could be a frost dragon, but there isn’t a big difference. In power, it is likely around the power of a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, or maybe just a bit weaker. But then again, it is a bit different than most dragons that I’ve seen, so I guess let’s see.

The dragon looked around, catching its surroundings, before it locked its eyes on me and spoke up.

{Summoner. Do you understand me? If you don’t, send me back immediately.} The dragon demanded in draconic.

“... you know, it would be difficult for me to know to send you back if I couldn’t understand you.” I pointed out, while using Language Comprehension (draconic) to translate my speech. “But yes. I do understand draconic.”

{Good. You fulfill the first condition for forming a contract with me. That is what you want, isn’t it? Who wouldn’t want a contract with me, the great ice dragon হিমশৈল?}

Man. What is the point in understanding draconic, if I can’t understand the real names of these dragons? I know he/she just said it, but I can’t pronounce that stuff. Well, let’s see if I can hear a name I can actually pronounce. 

“Yes. It would be my honor to make a contract with you. Would you allow it?”

{Of course I won’t. I don’t want a contract with some human. One that makes a contract with me should at least be a draconic lizardfolk.}

“I see. A shame. Are you sure there is no other way to make a contract?” I asked. Sure I could swap to Dragon Hearted, but considering what happened with the summoning circle when I was a Spiritual Human, I think the circle would malfunction when I change my race.

{Well, as I am a kind and caring dragon, I suppose I can offer you a chance.} The ice dragon said, before adding the condition. {Fight me.}

“... fight you?”

{Yes. Is it that difficult to understand for someone as lowly as you?}

“No. I was just surprised. Sure. I can fight you. And if I win, will you allow a contract?”

{If you are capable of defeating me, I will allow it. Even if you are just a human.}

“Alright. Thank you. May I have a minute to prepare?” I asked.

{Do as you wish, but don’t take too much time, or I will go home.}

Okay. Preparation time. We have a dragon to take down.

My battle plan was both simple and complicated. Considering the … personality of this dragon, I don’t think he/she would be happy if I summoned a monster to fight in my stead. I need to prove my own worth. So I quickly swapped the cards I had set on me to something to counter a dragon and I summoned one monster. Well, a sword really. I think it will fall within a reasonable range for proving my worth.

“Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword.”


Okay. Sword secured. … but maybe I should…

“Millennium Shield.”


I also called out my magical shield. I think this will be fine. I feel like with these two, as well as the five cards I have set on myself, I can take on this dragon. After all, my goal isn’t to defeat or kill it. I just need to prove my worth. And not die while trying.

With my sword in hand and my shield levitating just to my left, I took a step towards the dragon.

“Oh great dragon. I’m ready for our fight.”

The dragon then turned its head, which had been staring at the artificial sky of the dungeon.

{Good. Perhaps you can enter….} The dragon began to speak, until it just … stopped.

{Wh-wha-what? What … what is that?} It asked in a slight panic. At least that is what I think that was.

“... what do you mean?” I asked.

{Th-that sword. It… it is made of a dragon. You… you have killed a dragon?}

“Oh? This?” I asked as I raised up the sword. As I did, the ice dragon visibly shrunk in front of me, as if it was trying to escape the sword. “Yeah. I guess it is made of a dragon.” I admitted. I mean, it is a fusion between a dragon and … another dragon. Well, a knight that was cursed and turned into a dragon to be specific, but who's counting. “... so, do you want to fight or not?”

{No. No. No. I’ll never fight a dragon slayer. Let’s just make a contract. I’ll agree to anything. Just don’t hurt me, Please!} The dragon spoke at a speed that would make an auction broker jealous, while it prostrated itself in front of me.

“... well, if you say so.”

It took a bit of time, but eventually we had a full summoning contract. And it was quite skewed in my favor. I could summon this dragon whenever I wanted, for how long I wanted, and have it do whatever I wanted. As long as I could give it  200 mana at the time of summoning and 1000 mana per hour it is summoned.

{Ju-just say my name, and the contact is sealed.} The ice dragon said. {My na-name is… Himeśaila.}

“Ice Dragon Himeśaila. It is a pleasure to make a contract with you.” I told her. I had learned that she was a female dragon while we were making the contract.

{Pl-please. Call me … whenever you … need me. But just… don’t show that… sword to me… ever again.} The dragon said, as its body began to disappear, as if it was a loosely held together statue of snow that was hit by a powerful gust of wind.

“I can’t promise you that.” I told the dragon as she was disappearing. “But I will try my best to not have it out when I call you.”

As the dragon’s face disappeared, I could almost see relief on her face. Is she really that scared of my sword? I wonder why that is? Maybe I’ll ask her next time. Because for now, I got my first summoning contract. And not just that. With the contract, came a new skill.


Advanced Summoning Magic, huh? Not too bad. I do find it interesting that it is a racial skill though. I would have assumed that it was just an evolution of Summoning Magic, and it might still be, but being race limited to those with the Summoner class race might mean it is something completely separate. Well, I don’t know and I don’t really care. I have it, I can use it. That is all that matters.

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