Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.309 SC: Eline’s Morning

CH.309 SC: Eline’s Morning

[Eline POV]

In the morning, I wake up. I always used to be woken up by either my family, or later by… I don’t want to think about it. But ever since I got my own room, I have been able to wake up when I’ve rested enough. Or if I slept for too long, someone would come to wake me up.

I looked at the … clock thing Lord Brian gave me. It took me a bit of time to get used to it, but now I know how to use it to tell the time. And it told me I was a bit early. I don’t have to be up yet. Because of that, I closed my eyes again.


But I didn’t feel sleepy, so I decided to get up instead.

I quickly entered the bathroom. I had my own bathroom here. And it wasn’t like the bathroom we had back at home. That one was just a hole in the ground, with a simple wooden box around it for some privacy. And I always thought that was normal.

Here everything is abnormal. My toilet was like the ones nobles have. At first, I couldn’t believe I could use it, and even now it was still something I felt undeserving of. Because of that, after every use, I made sure it was perfectly clean. I couldn’t leave even a single stain on it. I know Lord Brian told me that the toilet can self-clean itself, but I wanted to clean it myself. I have to respect the toilet, so the toilet feels deserved. 

I then brushed my teeth. Lord Brian said I have to do it every morning and evening. Back home, I used to use this special plant to do it, but here I had something called a toothbrush and something called toothpaste. Unlike the plant we used to use, the toothbrush felt nice and soft. But it was still slightly firm, so I think it was good for brushing my teeth. The toothpaste also left my mouth smelling nice and fresh. I know Lord Brian called it minty flavored, but I don’t know what that is.

After brushing my teeth, my hair was next. I took the hairbrush Lord Brian gave me, and ran it through my hair. Ever since Lord Brian brought me to this place, and let me use that magic shampoo stuff, my hair has become almost like silk. It is so nice and smooth, and it looks so nice.

After I finished brushing my hair, I moved onto my tail. It didn’t feel that nice to brush, but I wanted it to look the best it could, so I still went for it. 

After brushing, the next thing is clothes. I walked over to the dresser that held my underwear and socks, and picked out some. They, just like everything else, felt like something I shouldn’t have. Unlike the clothes I used to wear, which were always a bit too large, these ones fit me perfectly, almost like they were made for me. But Lord Brian never had me measured, so I don’t know how he could get custom-made clothes for me. He even got something called a bra for me. Before, I used to wrap my chest area with a cloth. And because the cloth was low quality, it didn’t feel that good. But this bra felt great. At first, it was just a bit difficult to put on, but I quickly learned how the clasp works and now I am really good at it. 

Then I opened the closet I had. It didn’t have that much in it, so it was mostly empty. It had a total of five uniforms, which Lord Brian called maid’s uniform, as well as one set of what he called casual clothes and one set of exercise clothes. I was allowed to buy more, but HomeBase didn’t have stores, so I would have to ask Lady Lua, Lady Alice or Lord Brian to take me somewhere if I wanted to shop, and that was frightening. And I don’t need ‘casual clothes’, because my uniform was perfectly comfortable. As for why I had five of them, I had two what Lord Brian called summer uniforms. They were short-sleeved, and the dress was short, only coming to just above my knees. Two more were standard uniforms. They had long sleeves and it came down to my ankles. The last one was a winter uniform. It was a lot thicker cloth and it would be warm even in a cold climate. But HomeBase was always quite warm, so I never used that one.

Most of the days, I just wore the summer uniform, but on some days, it would rain here. Lord Brian said it was necessary so the plants would be well. And on the rainy days, I would wear the standard uniform. But today wasn’t one of those days, so I took my summer uniform out of the closet and slipped into it. Like all my new clothing, the fabric it was made of felt great against my skin. 

After I had my dress on, there was just one thing left. The headdress. Most maids I’ve seen wear something that covers most of their head, but ours was more like a headband. I asked Lord Brian why that is, but he didn’t really know the answer. Lady Alice on the other hand explained that maids cover their hair to protect it from dirt and ash, which would get into their hair while they clean. But they would then change their headdress into something more similar to what we wear when they see guests, serve food, or do other activities where they would interact with important people.

Well, HomeBase barely has any fireplaces, and since we clean daily, there is no build-up of dust or anything, so Lord Brian didn’t see it necessary for us to do so.

With my outfit fully on, I took a look at myself in the mirror. I remember the first time I wore this outfit. I looked so nice that I barely recognized myself. 

After confirming that I looked perfect, I left my room and headed towards the kitchen to see if they needed help there, or if I should get started on the cleaning.

“Oh? Good morning Eline. You are up a bit early.” A red-headed lady in a maid outfit greeted me as I walked into the kitchen. She seemed to be working on Lord Brian’s morning meal.

“Good morning, Miss Tinkhec.” She was one of my senior maids, Miss Tinkhec. Brian called her a ‘monster’, but she was anything but that. She was so kind and caring. She also was the one teaching all of us new maids how to cook, while Miss Sheou instructed us on general duties.


Miss Sheou and Miss Tinkhec were quite interesting. They both had custom maid outfits, just a bit different from the one I have. Apparently Lord Brian made ours based on theirs, but I wonder how they got theirs? 

They also had another interesting quirk. Sometimes they would have tails, wings and horns, while other times they didn’t. When I asked, I was told that the avatars they used couldn’t yet show those parts, so they had to be without them. 

I know the avatars are something Lord Brian works on a lot, but I don’t really understand them that well, so I don’t really know what Miss Tinkhec means when she says the avatars cannot support those parts. 

“Do you need any help?” I asked Miss Tinkhec.

“Oh, don’t worry. I got this covered.” She responded. “You should go help the new girls. They might need help putting their clothes on, or on where to go. As their senior, it is your job to help them, right?” 

“Ah. Right. I’m sorry, I forgot. I’ll go right now!” I said, as I turned and hurried back towards our rooms.

As I reached my own room again, I realized that I didn’t know how to help first. Four new people just came in, and any one of them might need me. 

I didn’t really want to go to Karl the dwarf, as I think he can be scary. And I didn’t know the horsefolk girls Cina and Molly that well yet, so I’m not sure I can go to them either.

But I think I can enter Maya’s room just fine, I think, so that is what I decided on.

Her room was also right next to mine, so I wouldn’t get lost.

I carefully knocked on her door, as I didn’t want to just barge in. I waited a bit, but I didn’t hear a response, so I knocked again.

… still no response.

“... I guess I can go in.” I decided. Maybe Maya is still sleeping? I remember sleeping in on my first day as well, to the point where Miss Ria came and woke me up.

I slowly opened the door and went in. Maya’s room looked almost just like mine, except that the sheets in her bed were of a different color. But all of the other furniture was the same. I know Lord Brian told me I could decorate however I wanted, but I don’t have any decorations to put up. I wonder if Miss Wilma would make me something if I asked her?

Maya was still in bed, and she seemed to be sleeping. Perhaps I should let her sleep? I don’t think she has been sleeping well in the basement she was held in. If I explain that to Miss Ria and Miss Sheou, I’m sure they will let Maya off the hook for sleeping in.

So I quietly left the room and closed the door. Since Maya won’t need my help, maybe I should go and see Cina and Molly. Maybe they’ll need help.

I had to walk a few corridors away, as unlike me, Einar and Maya, Cina and Molly’s rooms were in a bit different of an area. It was right next to the outer wall, to the point where their rooms even had direct access to the yard. I was a bit jealous that I didn’t have that, but I know Lord Brian offered some of those rooms for us, and I refused saying I wouldn’t need it. And it is true. I wouldn’t need it, so I didn’t want to take up any of the limited spots that had it. But it doesn’t change the fact that I think it is cool that their rooms have it.

I first knocked on Maya’s door, but I got no answer, so I tried Molly’s door, but again, no answer. So I decided to just go in, so I could check if the two of them are still sleeping.

I took a quick look around Molly’s room. Other than having windows showing the outside, and a door to the yard, it was basically the same as mine. 

Since Molly clearly wasn’t in her bed, I deduced that she must have woken up already. The bathrooms have separate doors, so she is probably in there, so I knocked on the bathroom door. But like before, I heard no answer. And I don’t feel like barging in, just in case she is washing herself or something. Let’s go check Cina’s room instead.

But just as I was about to leave Molly’s room, I noticed something outside. Two people seemed to be running in the yard, with their tails swaying behind them. 

So Molly and Cina were outside? And on a morning run, or something?

I exited Molly’s room and headed for the backyard. As soon as I did, the two horsefolk girls noticed me and turned to run towards me. They then stopped next to me.

“Good morning.” I quickly said.

“... good morning.” Cina answered.

“Good morning. Did you need us, Eline? Are we late for something?” Molly asked. 

“No. No.” I quickly said. “I just came to see if you needed help… in getting ready. But you seem fine.”

“Yes. We are feeling amazing.” Molly said. “Morning runs always help to get the blood pumping and we haven’t had any in a while.”

“... yes. … we were not allowed outside… while in captivity. … It was awful.” Cina added. 

“Did you come here by yourselves?” I quickly asked them. I would never have had the nerves to do something like that on my first day.

“No. Miss Rhianna was with us, but we couldn’t keep up with her speed at all.” Molly answered. I guess she is still calling Ria with her full name, instead of Ria.

“... she is… there.” Cina said, as she pointed at something.

I followed her finger and saw Miss Ria. She was running on a path laid in the garden at speeds that were equal to Sparky. I didn’t know anyone could run that fast. No wonder Molly and Cina couldn’t keep up with her.

Miss Ria also noticed us, so she turned and ran to us.

“Eline? Is something up?” She quickly asked.

“No. Everything is fine.” I quickly answered. “I just came to see if Molly or Cina needed help.”

“Oh. That is so nice of you.” Ria complimented me. “Do you want to join our morning exercise?”

“... thanks, but there is no way I could keep up.” I admitted. “And I already dressed up in my uniform and I don’t want to get it dirty.”

“Oh yeah. Shame. Well, if you do ever feel like it, you know where we are.” Ria said, before returning to her run. 

She rushed off at speeds where I was expecting a dust cloud to be lifted off the ground, but perhaps because of her running style or because the ground below was grass, nothing like that happened. 

“... this heat..?” I questioned, as I felt the air where Miss Ria had just taken off from. It was a bit warmer than elsewhere. Not much, but to the point where I did feel a difference.

Well, it doesn’t matter. I confirmed that Molly and Cina were doing fine, so I have nothing left to do here, so I returned inside.

“... Since Miss Tinkhec doesn’t need my help in the kitchen, I guess I can get started on the cleaning…” I muttered to myself, as I mentally prepared myself for the day ahead.

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