Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.306 Test Guest is a Criminal

CH.306 Test Guest is a Criminal

The next day, I came to pick up Tray, as well as few of his … servants, from the front of the Blanken Company mansion where I met him yesterday. I was somewhat hoping it would only be him, but I’ll have to accept that important people will bring servants with them everywhere.

“Lord Wood. I don’t mean to question you, but are you certain we will arrive as quickly as you said? I do not believe your house is in this city. There is no way we can make it to another city in just an hour.” Tray asked.

“Oh, it won’t take an hour. Also, you won’t be needing that carriage.” I told him. Tray had prepared his own carriage, but as you very well should know, you can’t reach HomeBase on a carriage. 

“Then how shall we travel if not in a carriage?” Tray asked.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I already got it covered.” Too bad I’m not using Covered Core for this, or that would have been extra funny. “Tetran, give us a beam.” I said to my Founder’s terminal, as if I was using it to communicate with someone.

Soon enough, two beams of light shot down from the sky above. They were the teleportation beams of B.E.S. Tetran. I was using Tetran specifically, because out of all of my B.E.S. monsters, it had the largest inside space.


“Sir Tray. If you would. Your servants should enter the other one.” I instructed him, as I entered one of the teleportation beams.

At first, Tray looked doubtful as anything, but I let one of his servants ride the teleportation beam both up and down for reassurance. The servant then said something to Tray, and he then agreed to enter with me, while the other servants entered the other beam.

“Tetran, teleport us up.” I again verbally commanded my ship. All of the verbal commands were just a show for Troy, so I could hopefully fool him into thinking all of this is more natural than it really is.

“Wh-what is this place?” Tray asked, after he took a look at his surroundings.

“B.E.S. Tetran.” I answered. “It is one of my airships. Welcome aboard.”

“Airship? I didn’t know you had one… Did you say one of them? Does that mean you possess multiple airships, Lord Wood?”

“Yeah. Tetran, Big Core, Covered Core and Crystal Core.” I just answered. This was another bait. I want him to think I have way too much stuff and get him to think he can maybe get something amazing from me with just money, or maybe some not so legal product.

“How did we get on board?” Tray asked.

“It is just simple teleportation magic.” I just stated, as if it was the most casual thing ever.

“Te-teleportation magic? Isn’t that just a legend?”

“Well, as you just experienced, it isn’t. Teleportation is real.” I told him. “This way, please.” I asked him to follow me. 

We quickly ran into the somewhat confused group of Tray’s servants, who were being taken care of by Ria. Well, more like she was guiding them to their seats.

After we passed them, I took Tray directly to the bridge of Tetran. Alice was there waiting for us, as I’d left her in charge of looking after the ship, while I was on the ground.

“Welcome aboard, Sir Tray. I hope the teleportation didn’t leave you overly disorientated.” Alice said.

“... Lady Alice? No. It was… quite nice.” Tray answered her, after seemingly being confused for just a second.

“Oh. I’m glad. It can be just a bit disorientating when you experience it for the first time.” As Alice said that, she rose from the captain’s seat so I could take it.

“Thanks for taking care of the ship for me.” I thanked Alice, as I gave her a little peck on the cheek. 

As I took my seat, Alice showed Tray to a navigator’s seat, so he would have a good place to sit, while also being able to look around. All of this was again just a ploy to make Tray drop his guard. It will be a lot easier to mind control him if he does. And we don’t even need to, if he slips up and admits to his crimes. And between the security cameras around HomeBase, as well as Tahlia always recording everything I see, if he says something stupid, we can and will use what he says against him.

“Okay. We are here.” I announced, as we pulled up above HomeBase.

“... Lord Wood. I don’t mean to question you, but I don’t see anything.” Tray said, as he was intensely looking at the monitors displaying the outside of B.E.S. Tetran.

Of course you can’t see anything. HomeBase is invisible to all but the most trusted.

“That is fine. You will see it soon enough. Let’s go.” I said, as I got up from my seat. “Follow me please.”

Tray took a final look on the monitors, but he still got up from his seat and followed me. But I could clearly see him put up his guard. He was in my area now. Here, all the power he has is the power he brought. 

As we walked, we passed by the area where Ria was with Tray’s servants. I told Ria to take them to the ground as well, and she did.

I personally took Tray to a teleporter and beamed us to the ground. Alice also exited B.E.S. Tetran, so as soon as we were all on the ground, I unsummoned the space ship.

I let Tray and his servants look around the area in amazement, before I officially said:

“Welcome to HomeBase.” 

Sure this guy might be an absolute jerk, but he is also my testrun at having guests over at HomeBase, so I’m going to show him some hospitality. Until I cut it all off and throw him off this floating rock or something.

“What kind of a place is this?” Tray asked. “I’ve never heard of something like this.”

“Of course you wouldn’t have. It isn’t something just anyone can come to. As I said earlier, outside of Alice, you are the first human to ever visit this place.” And Alice isn’t technically even a human any more.

As we walked closer to the Citadel’s front entrance, two maids exited the building and began walking towards us. One was a tall lady with black hair, while the other was slightly shorter with bright red hair. They were of course House Dragonmaid and Kitchen Dragonmaid.


They were both using the ‘standard’ or Gen 1 avatar dolls, so they were lacking their wings, tails and horns, but that in itself is actually a good thing, considering our guests. I had made improved avatar dolls that could make their horns and tails disappear, but the wings were still under production.

““Welcome back, Master.”” The two maids welcomed me in unison.

“I’m back, Sheou, Tinkhec.” I thanked the two of them. I decided to call them by their dragon names, instead of coming up with names of my own or something. “These are our guests, Sir Tray Blanken. As well as his servants. Please treat them well.”

“As you command, Master.” Sheou answered. “Sir, if you would follow me, I can show you to your room.”

“Let’s not hurry there just yet.” Tray said. “I would like to look at places a bit longer.”

“If that is your wish, Sir. Do you wish me to show you around?” Sheou asked.

“Yes. Thank you.” Tray kept up the formalities.

As we were touring the outside, we saw the next part of the trap that I set up.

It came in the form of Einar and Eline, having a practice match with their tigers. Yes. Eline’s lightning tiger had recovered and she was able to summon it again. And after learning that I named Einar’s tiger, she really wanted me to name hers. Sadly she had already named the tiger, so it couldn’t be renamed. 

… Also, I didn’t remember any Finnish related to lightning or thunder, well I think thunder was ukkonen or something like that. But Ukko is a male name, so I don’t think it fits Eline’s tiger. … well admittedly I don’t know which gender her lightning tiger is.

But still, the lightning tiger already had the name Sparky.

Now as for the trap part, I drew fake illegal slave marks on both of them, based on the image Tahlia saved of the ones they had on them, before I erased them with Harpie’s Feather Duster. The fake ones they now had on were nothing but some red skin-safe paint, no magic or anything involved. But at a quick glance, it would look perfect.

The point of this trap was to make Tray think I was willing to have illegal slaves like Einar and Eline. Sure it came with the downside that he might recognize the two, but I can just tell him I bought them off of some merchant, instead of telling how they really came to be my ‘slaves’. And even if he did realize something was up, he can’t run away any more. He is already trapped, with no way out.

But Tray didn’t even ask about them, just commenting that I must have some good slaves.

On our tour, one thing became abundantly clear to Tray. This place lacked personnel. And like the Einar and Eline trap, this was on purpose. Sure I could have used the avatar dolls I have made to make more of my monster run around the place, but I wanted the almost abandoned feel. But what I really wanted was for him to offer me more illegal slaves. 

After the tour, I left Tray to one of the high-class guest rooms. I also made sure at least one of my Dragonmaids were outside of his door at all times, so he could call for anything he may want, whenever he wants. While at the same time, I could keep a perfect eye on him with the cameras that were in that room. 

You might say I’m breaking some sort of privacy law by spying on people in their own rooms, but I’d say that I don’t care. I don’t have a camera in the bathroom, so go there if you want privacy. And I wouldn’t have the cameras on if he wasn’t a criminal.

During the time Tray spent in his room, he did ask for a few things. Mainly refreshments and some snacks, so nothing my maids couldn’t take care of very quickly. 

Come lunch time, I invited Tray to have lunch with me. Alice was also eating with us. Ria, Tinkhec and Sheou were waiting on us.

Our meal consisted of smoked Terrorking Salmon, roasted potatoes, boiled carrots, an assorted pile of fruits, as well as some garlic bread. 

Tray wasn’t the biggest fan of the garlic bread because of its strong scent, but he devoured the smoked Terrorking Salmon like he hadn’t eaten in a week.

While we were eating, I gently asked him if he had noticed anything this place was lacking. Like if he hadn’t gotten something, or maybe if there was something wrong with the furniture in his room, or if anything else had brought him discomfort.

Tray first sang praises about the uniqueness of this place, the style of the servants' uniforms, the delicious food, as well as the top class furniture. 

But then, he began talking about the shortcomings of this place, like how this place felt quite empty. I fully agreed with him on that, slightly complaining that it was difficult to find people who would want to work somewhere like this. It was quite different from working in a town or a city after all. I even admitted that outside of slaves that I can force to come here, I thought it might be impossible to find workers willing to come here.

This got Tray to talk about the wide range of slaves the Blanken Company carries. I didn’t quite get him to admit the illegal ones, but I did get an invite to their slave holding facility. That is already something, but I wanted more.

“I do agree that slaves might be the best. But I do not like the idea of temporary contracts.” I just said bluntly. That was of course a lie. “This place. It isn’t something the wider public should know about. At least for now. So I would want more people who are slaves for life, like the two catfolk you saw outside. Do you have any like that?”

“Life slaves, you say. Yes. We might have a few, but they can be a bit pricey.” Tray answered, before quickly adding. “Not that I doubt your money situation. I just mean that…”

“Don’t worry. I can pay beforehand. In full.” I said, showing that I understood his point. 

“Of course. That is to be expected.” Tray said. “Now, I do have a question. What is your stance on imported slaves?”

“Imported? As in ones brought from other countries?” I asked to confirm, even if I think he might have referred to something else. “That should be just fine, as long as their paperwork is in order. In fact, my two catfolk come from up north. Not sure what country, but that is what I heard.”

“Ah. That is good to hear. Then I might have just the perfect people in mind. Especially if you wish to acquire more… demi-human slaves.”

Demi-humans? You dare to call them that? I should throw you off of HomeBase for that.

… Later. I still need him for stuff.

“I do not mind them being either way. As long as they are capable.” I stated.

“Yes. Then perhaps tomorrow, you would take us back to the city and I can show you our most wonderful imported slaves.” Tray said. I could practically hear him rubbing his hands together, but he didn’t actually do so.

“I do hope you can really deliver on what you promised. I do have high expectations after all of that.”

That was actually the truth. If he is speaking like that, just what will he have? Well, one way to find out. Wait and see.

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