Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.301 Dragon Avatar

CH.301 Dragon Avatar

{I must thank you for entertaining me, young Dragon Hearted. Your monsters really are quite a bit of fun to play with.} Lady Ami Janina thanked me, after I finally called it quits on the fights she had with my three Sacred Beasts.

In total, I resurrected Hamon and Raviel four times, and Uria five times. But despite the repeated battles and Uria’s ever increasing stats as more traps went into my GY, Lady Ami Janina never lost a fight to the three. Not even the last one where Uria’s stats should have been 8000/8000, and my Sacred Beasts were trying to make use of that, by Hamon and Raviel trying to make an opening for Uria to let out a full power Hyper Blaze.


“I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the fight.” I told her, because I know by the end, my Sacred Beasts were no longer enjoying it. I honestly almost switched to using the Wicked Gods instead, but with the Wall of Revealing Light breaking, I used that as a reason to call off our fight.

{Yes. Yes. I haven’t had a fight like that since the Hero visited.}

… did she just say something crazy? The Hero visited here? And he fought her? And she had as much fun as she did with my Sacred Beasts? Was the Hero as strong as three Sacred Beasts fighting together?

… also, that means this dragon has to be old. As far as I know, the current calendar system used by this country counts from the defeat of the Demon King by the Hero. And with the current year being 1365, I believe, that means Lady Ani Janina is at least that old. Likely older, as she probably wasn’t a newborn when she fought the Hero. I guess dragons do live for that long.

In case you were wondering, Agunan isn’t that old. While I don’t know his exact age, I did learn that he was born after the Hero had already passed away. So Agunan is probably around 1000 years old or so.

“I’m glad you’d compare my Beasts to a legend like the Hero.”

{Do not think what I said is just lip service.} Janina stated. {They are powerful beasts, and being able to summon and control them makes you impressive.}

“... they still were no match to you, my Lady.”

{I am not someone to be used as a comparison. I have gathered power over many millennia, so coming even close to that isn’t something that someone with limited lifespan can realistically gain. People who do that are born only a few times a millennia.}

“... I see. Thank you.”

{I believe it is time for a post-battle meal. Young Dragon Hearted, would you like to join us?} Lady Ami Janina changed the subject and asked.

“Yes. It would be an honor, my Lady.”

{Please. No need to be that stiff. Someone as strong as you can just call me Janina.}

“Thank you, Lady Janina. Then feel free to call me Brian.”

Lady Janina was able to quite quickly get a quick feast out for us. She used something akin to my Storage to take out a bunch of foodstuffs, and then used something close to Telekinesis to move everything and set out a ‘table’. I say ‘table’, as it was just a slab of earth she raised out of the ground, so it could support the giant squid she set out on the table. Krakens. I feel like I might have talked about them before, when I cooked Fire Kraken for Agunan, but let’s recap anyway. Krakens come as lesser, normal and greater krakens, being B, A and S rank respectively. And their size ranges around 10 meters long for the lesser kraken to over 50 meters long for the greater kraken. The one we were eating was around 18-ish meters long, so it was somewhere between lesser and normal. It probably would be treated as a normal kraken, just a bit smaller than usual normal krakens.

The interesting part was that it was perfectly cooked. Lady Janina explained this by telling me of her research into magic and spells. One of her spells being a way to perfectly cook food. She developed it, because after she ventured into the humanoid grounds when she was younger, she simply didn’t feel like eating raw, unseasoned meals any more. So she made a spell that could cook food for her, and another one that could keep food good for a long period of time. She also uses some of the ‘waste’ materials, like dragon scales, fangs and horns, to barter with humanoids from the Crystal Empire, so she can obtain spices and other ingredients.

I was actually perfectly ready to cook something up with Mystik Wok, but I’ll gladly take something she offers instead. But still, the kraken was… it is good, but not amazing. Maybe I was expecting more, so I decided to run up a quick experiment.

“Lady Janina, do you mind if I offer up a dish as well?”

{You wish to? I do not mind, but are you sure you can? You don’t seem to have much with you.}

“I do have a skill called Storage. It is similar to the way you brought out this kraken. But that isn’t what I’m planning on using.” I told her, as I got the cards out. “Mystik Wok, cook up a Fire Kraken.”


With my magic wok doing the work, we soon had a second kraken joining the one Lady Janina set out.

{I didn’t know humanoids had made spells like the one I have.}

“It isn’t all humanoids, just me.” I corrected. “And this isn’t a spell. It is a part of my unique skill.” I don’t always speak about my skills with new people, but come on. This is a freaking multi thousand year old dragon, who knew/fought the Hero. Of course she will keep my secrets. At least most likely she will.

{Then allow me to compare which is better.} Lady Janina said, before taking a bite out of the Fire Kraken. After munching on it for a bit, she spoke up again. {Quite good, but mine is better I believe.}

After tasting both of them again myself, I do actually agree with her. The Fire Kraken was fine, but hers was better. Just the quality of the meat was better, possibly because her Kraken was higher ranked than the one I cooked. Not that I’m salty or something. Not winning in cooking isn’t something I’m going to be salty about.

{Dragon Avatars? Is that really all you want?} Lady Janina asked, after I told her about what I wanted to obtain.

“Yes. Ever since Agunan told me about them, I have had a use for them in mind. Well, assuming that they work like I think they do.”

{I’ve taught humanoids how to use them before, but that was only as a part of teaching them how to separate their soul from their body. I don’t see why a humanoid would need them for anything else.}

“Well, if you bring one out, I can show you.” At least I hope I can. If this doesn’t work, I’ll look like a fool. 

… Okay, I already am a fool, but still.

{Then we should head to the storage cave. Can you fly?} Lady Janina asked.

“... not really. I can levitate myself with telekinesis, but I can’t actually fly.” I admitted. “I can summon a monster and ride on it though.” 

{Do not bother. You can simply ride on my back.} Lady Janina said.

… I get to ride this super dragon? I’m not giddy at all. Nope. If someone tells you I am, they are lying.

We moved to one of the other mountains, with me riding Lady Janina. Not like that, you pervert. 

We then entered a cave of some kind. The entrance was large enough for even a dragon to enter, so it wasn’t that bad. It led us to a giant cave, possibly rivaling some of the huge HomeBase floors in size. I wonder if this place also has some spatial enchantment applied to it, like the dungeon has?

Inside said cave were piles and piles of everything. In a word, this was a horde. A dragon’s horde. The first thing that you might focus on are the giant piles of money, which are larger than my Factory pile, stored inside the Goblin bank there. You know, the one that is equal to the amount of money I have in my Storage. And with just one of those being equal or likely greater than my pile, with the other six or seven piles, this cave must have an absolute ton of money. There were even some coins that I didn’t have, like some mithril coins. At least I think they are mithril, based on the color.

But what I was interested in were the mannequin looking things. Those were the dragon avatars. And yeah. They did basically look like blank mannequins, except that they had ball-joints and stuff like that. Well, I guess poseable mannequins are a thing, so these avatars were something like that.

{Do you wish to see how they work?} Lady Janina asked.

“Yes, if that is possible.” I answered. While I can probably just install a card into one, and that will hopefully make me a permanent monster, I do want to see how these things actually work.

Lady Janina acknowledged my request and brought one of the avatars close to her face. The avatar then began to glow. Under the glow, I could just barely see the avatar changing form. 

The white skin was turning darker, hair was growing from the avatar's head, breasts formed in … well, the breast area, and lastly, clothes formed to cover all of that up.

By the end of it all, I was looking at quite the gorgeous female. She had a dark-ish brown skin, looking quite similar to Lady Janina’s bronze scales, but not quite like that. Her hair was golden blond and her eyes were silvery in color. She was dressed in a basic looking dress, except for the part where that dress looked like it was made from gold thread. 

“Ah, ah.” The avatar let out some sounds. She then moved her arms and legs, testing out the movements. “Feel regular. Transfer completed.” 

“... Lady Janina?” I asked.

“Yes. It is I. Do you understand now? What these dragon avatars are used for?”

“I think I get it. Even unlike a humanoid form of a dragon, that form looks almost completely human. No wings, scales or anything.”

“You catch on quick. While humanoid transformation is useful, this is a lot better when interacting with humanoids. These avatars also limit our power, as they cannot hold the entire strength of a dragon, so the young ones don’t accidentally kill humanoids when they go out.” Lady Janina explained. “Now, what did you plan on doing with them? I can teach you how to move your soul into one, but I don’t see the point. You already look like a human, despite your race.”

“No. I am interested in the soul transfer stuff, but what I really need them for is my cards. Do you mind if I take one? It might break though.”

“Go ahead. We have a lot, and I can make more.”

“... you made them?”

“Just something to pass the time. And I’m not the one who came up with them. I was just instructed on how to make more.”

“Oh. I see. Well, let me just test this out.” I grabbed a hold of one of the dragon avatars with telekinesis and brought it over to where I stood. Then I opened my collection and looked for a card to install.

What to use? What to use?

I could use one of the two Dragonmaids I have, but if this doesn't work, I don’t want to lose them. And I can’t get more of them, so let’s go with something else.

Maybe I should just throw Dark Magician into one? I have a multitude of copies of him. But then again, maybe the limit on these dragon avatars won’t allow something as strong as Dark Magician to be installed. So maybe something a bit weaker.


Let’s just go with this. She is a spellcaster and an Exemplar, so she should be able to tell me if something is wrong with the dragon avatars. And hopefully she isn’t too strong, where the dragon avatar cannot take her. Well, considering what Lady Janina said, it might limit her power a bit.

I held the Magical Exemplar to the dragon avatar and said: “Install.”


Like with Lady Janina, the dragon avatar began to glow a bit. Under the glow, I could see the avatar changing to take on the form of Magical Exemplar, including her clothes. After the glow vanished, a perfectly normal looking Magical Exemplar was standing in front of me.

“... how does it feel?” I asked her.

After moving her body a bit, and even testing out a small spell, my monster answered.

“It feels fine, though I cannot operate at full power. I feel like I’m around 90% of my max.” Magical Exemplar answered.

“That’s not bad. … 90% of 1700 would be … 1530 right? So with a bit lost to estimation, maybe the limit of them is 1500 even?” I theorized.

“Difficult to say. We would need more data points to make an accurate estimation.”

“Then let’s make another one.” I said, and used telekinesis to bring out a second dragon avatar to me. Then I pulled open my collection, so I could check for the next monster I was going to install.

“Wait! Wait! Wait! Just a moment, please.” I was interrupted. “You. What did you just do? Explain.” Lady Janina demanded.

“... Eh? What do you mean what did I do? I used your dragon avatar to host a monster I can summon. Magical Exemplar to be specific.”

“Monster? You call her a ‘monster’?” Lady Janina asked. “How can you even summon humanoids? That should be impossible, as far as I know.”

“... well yeah. Did I never mention that? And I call them ‘monsters’ as that is how my unique skill classifies them. All of the ‘monster cards’ I use are just that, monster cards. They hold a ‘monster’. Sure some of them are humanoids, but they are still classified as monsters, so I do tend to call them monsters. … even if it sometimes is a bit awkward. I guess I should call her a Spellcaster instead, as that is what Magical Exemplar really is.”

“... alright. I think I understand.” Lady Janina said.

“Good. Then do you mind if I use a second one?”

“You may, but I understand something else. You are interesting.”

“... okay?”

“I’m coming with you.”

“... okay?”

“I want to see what you really can do.”

“... I mean, I don’t mind. It would be great to have someone as knowledgeable as you available. But is it really fine? Aren’t you like… the one in charge here? Can you just … leave?”

“Oh, do not worry about that. I won’t be leaving this place.”

“... I don’t think I understand. You are coming with us, but also not?”

“Are you perhaps blind? Look at me. And then at the other me.”

When she said that, I think I realized what she meant. Lady Ami Janina has two bodies. Well, one of them isn’t her body, the other is. She has her full dragon body, and this dragon avatar body. She can send the avatar with us, while still keeping her main body here. At least, that is what I think she meant. But…

“Can you swap your body over a long distance?”

“Who do you think I am, young Brian?”

“The divine dragon Ami Janina?” I honestly have no idea if she is some divine dragon, but considering her power, calling her divine isn’t exactly wrong. She did make my Divine-Beasts look like outclassed babies. 

“Why, thank you. You really do know how to compliment a lady. I am one that has mastered the control of both mana and miasma. One who knows how to separate souls and transfer dimensions. Do you think moving my soul is that big of an issue?”

“... probably not.”

“Exactly. So unless you have something against it, I wish to send this avatar with you. I will enter it every now and then so you can entertain me.”

“... I’m guessing that saying no would be a bad idea.”

“No. If you don’t want me to do so, I won’t. I do not want to force you.”

“Well, I won’t say no. Lady Ami Janina, it would be my honor to have you along.”

And that isn’t just lip service. She is the strongest … anything I’ve seen in this world, other than maybe the Goddess. I actually kind of want to know, who is stronger? Lady Janina or the Goddess? I want to say the Goddess, but she has said multiple times that her power is limited without a physical form. Whereas Lady Janina does have a physical form, but she cannot use the ‘creation energy’. You know, that ‘other’ subpart that makes up the Chaos God Energy.

Well, anyway. I’ve secured my dragon avatars. Now I just have to figure out if dragon avatar is the same as the avatar doll, or if the dolls were some upgraded form of these avatars. Also, divine dragon secured as … an adviser? Or just a person who pops up when she wants to? Either way, having access to her knowledge and skills cannot be a bad thing. At least I think so.

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