Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.293 Our new Home

CH.293 Our new Home

“... it really worked, huh?” Alice was the first to arrive by my side as I stepped out of the building. She had flown around the citadel and had likely seen that we were off the ground.

“Well of course it did. I had the best of the best working on it, so there is no way it wouldn’t work.” Like honestly. I had sages, master magicians and a literal celestial mage working on this. There is no way this wouldn’t work, right? Well, it could not work if I made a mistake, but they wouldn’t have made any.”

“Except in that first test where the island shot up into the sky…” Alice called out our first factory test, which admittedly didn’t exactly go as planned.

“... well, failed tests are necessary for success.”

“How much mana does this place make in the first place?”

“... umm… We have 100 of each flower, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, early night and late night. So 600 flowers. Each has between 10 and 30 stones close enough, where they gain a Spell Counter when the flowers bloom so… around 12,000,000 mana per day.”

“... you went way too far. Didn’t this levitation spell only take like… 600,000 per day, or something?”

“Yeah. 617,000 when just floating still.” I answered. “But when changing altitude or moving, it takes more, around 680,000 depending on the speed. And that also doesn’t count for the defensive barrier, or the environmental control and air control. In total, in this configuration, the island takes around 1,1 million mana per day. If we move it all the time, then up to 1,5 million mana per day.” 

Oh, I guess I should specify. The environmental control spell was something responsible for keeping the … well, the environment in a place where the mana flowers will work optimally. Too bad it can’t add fertilizer to the ground, so that will have to be done manually. Well, it does also acts as a giant AC for the entire island, so it will never get too hot in here. 

The air control was for, well making sure we had air to breath. This was in preparation for me maybe raising the island higher into the sky where the air will be thinner. And also if something went wrong, we would still have air to breath, as long as that spell is active.

“... so you only went for ten times that much. Just as I said, way too far.”

“It should be fine. The true core will just return the excess to the CGdimension, I think.” I had decided that we would not be calling the Chaos God Core by its true name basically ever, for safety reasons. It was now called the True Core, while the world treant core was named the ‘Citadel Core’, or ‘False Core’. But False Core leads to the possibility of someone realizing there is a ‘True Core’, so Citadel Core is better. The same went for saying Chaos God Dimension, not that we really should have a need to say that. Just better to keep the god cores and god dimensions out of casual conversations. 

“And think about this. With all this extra mana, I can use that magic pulling device to power our carriage. I already linked it to the Citadel Core, so that will be good.” I told Alice. “And having extra mana will be great for expansion. Honestly speaking, I think we will need even more than that 12 mil of mana eventually.”

“... maybe.” Alice admitted. “... So, when will you make me a staff that can pull mana from the Citadel Core?”

“I can look into it next.” 

Honestly speaking, Alice having something like that would be great. It would allow her to use her unique-racial skill with near reckless abandon, as the main bad things about that skill are the mana costs. 

Though an accessory, like a necklace or earrings, might be better. That way, her hands will be free for weapons she can make with her unique skill. As well as her swordstaff.

Alice and I walked to where the others were, and I opened my Dungeon Founder to show them the island levitating. It might be a bit premature to show it to some of them, but who cares?

Because this entire island is the Chaos God Dungeon, using the ‘security cameras’ I could easily show even the outsides of the island. The island itself wasn’t nearly as large as you might think. The Chaos God Dungeon hidden in the basement can alter its size, so I made its physical ‘outside’ size quite small, so it all fits into a smaller mass of rock. Well, small is relative. The island has a diameter of about 5,000 meters3.1 miles, giving it a surface area just shy of 20 km².7.72mi² The depth of it wasn’t that deep, as I didn’t want to leave too deep of a crater in the ground, only around 500 meters in the center.

Anyway. Time for the tour. Well, more like let’s set up some rooms, so this place will actually feel like home, instead of an abandoned magical facility.

“And this room is for Einar. The one next door is for Eline.” I told the two catfolk, as we kept going.

“We get our own rooms?” Eline seemed quite excited about the prospect of getting her own room. “Can I decorate it how I want?”

“Of course. It is your room.” I answered.

“... we’ve never… slept alone before.” Einar muttered. “... I don’t know if I’ll be able to.”

“If you get too lonely, you can always tame some small beast to keep you company.” I reminded him.

This citadel had well over 100 bedrooms, including my massive Master bedroom, with just slightly smaller ones for Alice and Lua on either side of mine. Over 20 big guest rooms, which I styled after the Master bedroom in the Sawyer manor, making them basically into Master bedrooms, but they really aren’t. Then there were another 20 smaller guest rooms, which were a bit nicer than the room I stayed at in the Sawyer manor. 

And of course over 50 servants' rooms. They were still quite nice, as they were basically the size of studio apartments, with a separate bathroom. I also plan to add some basic cooking facilities into each eventually, just so you could actually live in one permanently. I guess the only not so nice part about them was that they didn’t won’t have baths, only showers. But I guess that is something you’d expect with just a studio. And according to Alice, no servants’ rooms would ever have private bathing/washing areas, so this was already quite a lot.

There were also communal bathing areas that I had planned, but they aren’t done yet. Part of why I decided to make them was because I wanted to make a sauna. Laura really liked the sauna, and always made sure to drag me into one whenever we had the chance. I’m not the biggest fan, but I do appreciate it in a way. Because of that, a large sauna was in the works, which would eventually be open to everyone on this island. … my Master bedroom came with a private one though, just so I can take Alice and Lua into the sauna with me, as the shared ones will be gender specific. Or at least that was the plan. 

… maybe I should also add a swimming pool somewhere, or even a full water park. I should be able to do something like that quite easily, I think.

Did I get sidetracked? Again? Well, what else is new.

Now to Wilma. For her, I had prepared a full workshop, which was somewhat styled after her own. But better. Well, at least in my opinion. 

I made quite a bit of equipment with the Chaos God Dungeon, most of it stuff I remember seeing in Youtube videos about knifemakers. Drill presses, belt grinders, lathes, a milling machine. A forge made by my monsters with the stones we had left over from the travel forge they also made. I know all of it is a bit different from what Wilma is used to, but I’m sure she will get used to it eventually. And as she gets used to the stuff she has, I’ll be sure to listen to what else she will need, as I really am not an expert on this.

The only thing we really didn’t have was materials, as I do want to avoid making too much stuff with True Core, when it can also just be purchased. I’ll get my order in just a few days, and after that, we will be set. And I might just put in another one, maybe. Or I’ll find another mine and put an order there, just so I don’t disrupt the movement of materials in one area too much. It is much easier for me to move, than it is for anyone else basically, so it doesn’t really matter where I shop.

Okay. Now that Wilma’s situation is dealt with, let’s go over Agunan and Ria.

Agunan has quite a large bedroom close to mine. And his room is a bit special, as it has an attached room which is a large training area. It isn’t actually for training, but for Agunan so he can turn into his dragon form if he wants to. Well, it can also be used for training.

Ria’s room was also close by. Hers was nothing too special, just a really nice room with no special features at this moment. I did offer her some, but she didn’t know what she would need, so for now, it didn’t have anything.

Lastly, Alice and Lua’s rooms. As I said earlier, they are right next to mine. They can also access my room from theirs, so they can use all of the cool stuff I packed into my room just fine, so theirs could be seen as ‘basic’. Well, Alice’s room did have a magic ‘shooting range’ and Lua’s had a small treatment room, but that’s about it.

Oh and speaking of that stuff. I do have plans for a full magic practice room with moving targets, targets that have to be hit with certain kinds of spells and stuff like that. But as I said, it is still just a plan.

We do have a full medical facility already though. Well, almost. We do lack people. I could install more monsters into the TrueCore and use them, but I’d rather look into those Avatar Dolls from Lua’s dream. I did try to search the Chaos God Dungeon catalog for those, but I didn’t find any. But Agunan did have a potential lead on them potentially being something to do with dragon avatars, so I’ll just have to go visit the dragons to hopefully find out more about them.

“Brian. Is it time for that now?” Lua teased me as she entered my room from her own. She was dressed in a thin night garment that let me see everything. “You do remember what you promised, don’t you? We will do it when we have a place we call home, and this is HomeBase, right?”

“Yes. You did promise that. So… is it time?” Alice joined in, dressed similarly as Lua. She was just a bit more reserved than the dhampir, and was holding her hands to her chest. Sometimes when acting on impulse, Alice could be quite aggressive, but she also had a shyer to her, and I do like that.

“... yeah. I think it is.” I told them. “Come here. Let us enjoy our first night in our new Home.”

I really don’t feel like going into details about what we did that night, but you can always imagine. Thank god developing condoms wasn’t difficult, because Alice can’t just magic away her … well, she probably could actually, if she used her unique-racial skill. Well, protection is still good. Remember, always use protection. 

Well, whatever. We had a really good evening. I have to say, I’m thankful that I have more strength and defense than these two, as those two stats do seem to have something to do with stamina. If I didn’t, I probably couldn’t have kept up with them. Two on one just isn’t fair.

… yeah. I’ll stop here, before this goes way beyond what has been this far. Good night for now.

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